Tools for reading and handling spatial objects

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Documentation for package ‘maptools’ version 0.8-30

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-- A --

ArcObj2SLDF Converter functions to build SpatialLinesDataFrame objects coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects
as.owin.SpatialGridDataFrame coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects
as.owin.SpatialPixelsDataFrame coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects
as.owin.SpatialPolygons coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects
as.ppp.SpatialGridDataFrame coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects
as.ppp.SpatialPoints coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects
as.ppp.SpatialPointsDataFrame coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects
as.psp.Line coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects
as.psp.Lines coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects
as.psp.SpatialLines coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects
as.psp.SpatialLinesDataFrame coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects
as.SpatialGridDataFrame.ppp coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects
as.SpatialLines.psp coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects
as.SpatialPoints.ppp coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects
as.SpatialPointsDataFrame.ppp coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects
as.SpatialPolygons.owin coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects
as.SpatialPolygons.tess coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects

-- C --

CCmaps Conditioned choropleth maps
checkPolygonsHoles Check holes in Polygons objects
coerce-method coercion between sp objects and spatstat objects
ContourLines2SLDF Converter functions to build SpatialLinesDataFrame objects
crepuscule Methods for sun ephemerides calculations
crepuscule-method Methods for sun ephemerides calculations
crepuscule-methods Methods for sun ephemerides calculations

-- D --

dotsInPolys Put dots in polygons

-- E --

elide Methods for Function elide in Package 'maptools'
elide-method Methods for Function elide in Package 'maptools'
elide-methods Methods for Function elide in Package 'maptools'

-- G --

gcDestination Find destination in geographical coordinates
getinfo.shape Get shapefile header information
getKMLcoordinates Get a list of coordinates out of a KML file
getRgshhsMap Read GSHHS data into sp object
GE_SpatialGrid Create SpatialGrid for PNG output to GE
gpcholes Hisaji Ono's lake/hole problem
gpclibPermit Check holes in Polygons objects
gpclibPermitStatus Check holes in Polygons objects
gzAzimuth Find azimuth for geographical coordinates

-- H --

h1pl Hisaji Ono's lake/hole problem
h2pl Hisaji Ono's lake/hole problem

-- I --

im-class Virtual class "ppp"

-- K --

kmlLine Create and write a KML file on the basis of a given Lines object
kmlLines Create and write a KML file on the basis of a given Lines object
kmlOverlay Create and write KML file for PNG image overlay
kmlPoints Create and write a KML file on the basis of a given Points object
kmlPolygon Create and write a KML file on the basis of a given Polygons object
kmlPolygons Create and write a KML file on the basis of a given Polygons object or list of Polygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame

-- L --

label Line label placement with spplot and lattice.
label-method Line label placement with spplot and lattice.
label-methods Line label placement with spplot and lattice.
leglabs Make legend labels
lineLabel Line label placement with spplot and lattice.

-- M --

map2SpatialLines Convert map objects to sp classes
map2SpatialPolygons Convert map objects to sp classes
MapGen2SL Converter functions to build SpatialLinesDataFrame objects

-- N --

nearestPointOnLine Get the nearest point on a line to a given point
nearestPointOnSegment Get the nearest point on a segment to a given point
nowrapRecenter Break polygons at meridian for recentering
nowrapSpatialPolygons Break polygons at meridian for recentering

-- O --

owin-class Virtual class "ppp"

-- P --

pal2SpatialPolygons Making SpatialPolygons objects from RArcInfo input
panel.pointLabel Label placement with spplot and lattice.
pointLabel Label placement for points to avoid overlaps
PolySet2SpatialLines Convert sp line and polygon objects to PBSmapping PolySet objects
PolySet2SpatialPolygons Convert sp line and polygon objects to PBSmapping PolySet objects
ppp-class Virtual class "ppp"
print.shapehead Get shapefile header information
pruneMap Convert map objects to sp classes
psp-class Virtual class "ppp"

-- R --

readAsciiGrid read/write to/from (ESRI) asciigrid format
readGPS GPSbabel read interface
readShapeLines Read arc shape files into SpatialLinesDataFrame objects
readShapePoints Read points shape files into SpatialPointsDataFrame objects
readShapePoly Read polygon shape files into SpatialPolygonsDataFrame objects
readShapeSpatial Read shape files into Spatial*DataFrame objects
readSplus Read exported WinBUGS maps
rgeosStatus Check holes in Polygons objects
Rgshhs Read GSHHS data into sp object

-- S --

snapPointsToLines Snap a set of points to a set of lines
Sobj_SpatialGrid Create SpatialGrid for PNG output to GE
solarnoon Methods for sun ephemerides calculations
solarnoon-method Methods for sun ephemerides calculations
solarnoon-methods Methods for sun ephemerides calculations
solarpos Methods for sun ephemerides calculations
solarpos-method Methods for sun ephemerides calculations
solarpos-methods Methods for sun ephemerides calculations
sp.lineLabel Line label placement with spplot and lattice.
sp.lineLabel-method Line label placement with spplot and lattice.
sp.lineLabel-methods Line label placement with spplot and lattice.
sp.pointLabel Label placement with spplot and lattice.
sp.pointLabel-method Label placement with spplot and lattice.
sp.pointLabel-methods Label placement with spplot and lattice.
sp2Mondrian write map data for Mondrian
sp2tmap Convert SpatialPolygons object for Stata tmap command
sp2WB Export SpatialPolygons object as S-Plus map for WinBUGS
SpatialLines2PolySet Convert sp line and polygon objects to PBSmapping PolySet objects
SpatialLinesMidPoints Line midpoints
SpatialPolygons2PolySet Convert sp line and polygon objects to PBSmapping PolySet objects
spCbind cbind for spatial objects
spCbind-method cbind for spatial objects
spCbind-methods cbind for spatial objects
SplashDams Data for Splash Dams in western Oregon
spRbind rbind for spatial objects
spRbind-method rbind for spatial objects
spRbind-methods rbind for spatial objects
state.vbm US State Visibility Based Map
sunriset Methods for sun ephemerides calculations
sunriset-method Methods for sun ephemerides calculations
sunriset-methods Methods for sun ephemerides calculations
symbolsInPolys Place grids of points over polygons

-- T --

thinnedSpatialPoly Douglas-Peuker line generalization for Spatial Polygons
trackAzimuth Find azimuth for geographical coordinates

-- U --

unionSpatialPolygons Aggregate Polygons in a SpatialPolygons object

-- W --

writeAsciiGrid read/write to/from (ESRI) asciigrid format
writeLinesShape Read arc shape files into SpatialLinesDataFrame objects
writePointsShape Read points shape files into SpatialPointsDataFrame objects
writePolyShape Read polygon shape files into SpatialPolygonsDataFrame objects
writeSpatialShape Read shape files into Spatial*DataFrame objects
wrld_simpl Simplified world country polygons