A B C D E G I L M N O P Q R S T V W misc
rgl-package | 3D visualization device system |
abclines3d | Lines intersecting the bounding box |
addNormals | Add normal vectors to objects so they render more smoothly. |
addNormals.mesh3d | Add normal vectors to objects so they render more smoothly. |
addNormals.shapelist3d | Add normal vectors to objects so they render more smoothly. |
asEuclidean | Work with homogeneous coordinates |
asHomogeneous | Work with homogeneous coordinates |
aspect3d | Set the aspect ratios of the current plot |
axes3d | Draw boxes, axes and other text outside the data |
axis3d | Draw boxes, axes and other text outside the data |
bbox3d | Set up Bounding Box decoration |
bg3d | Set up Background |
box3d | Draw boxes, axes and other text outside the data |
clear3d | scene management |
clipplanes3d | add planes |
cube3d | 3D Mesh objects |
cuboctahedron3d | 3D Mesh objects |
cylinder3d | Create cylindrical or "tube" plots. |
decorate3d | 3D Scatterplot |
deform.mesh3d | generic subdivision surface method |
divide.mesh3d | generic subdivision surface method |
dodecahedron3d | 3D Mesh objects |
dot3d | 3D Mesh objects |
dot3d.mesh3d | 3D Mesh objects |
dot3d.qmesh3d | 3D Mesh objects |
ellipse3d | Make an ellipsoid |
ellipse3d.default | Make an ellipsoid |
ellipse3d.glm | Make an ellipsoid |
ellipse3d.lm | Make an ellipsoid |
ellipse3d.nls | Make an ellipsoid |
extrude3d | Generate extrusion mesh |
getr3dDefaults | Set or Query RGL Parameters |
grid3d | Add a grid to a 3D plot |
icosahedron3d | 3D Mesh objects |
identify3d | Identify points in plot. |
identityMatrix | Work with homogeneous coordinates |
light3d | add light source |
lines3d | add primitive set shape |
material3d | Generic Appearance setup |
matrices | Work with homogeneous coordinates |
mesh3d | 3D Mesh objects |
movie3d | Play animation of rgl scene |
mtext3d | Draw boxes, axes and other text outside the data |
normalize.mesh3d | generic subdivision surface method |
octahedron3d | 3D Mesh objects |
oh3d | 3D Mesh objects |
open3d | Set or Query RGL Parameters |
par3d | Set or Query RGL Parameters |
par3dinterp | Interpolator for par3d parameters |
particles3d | add sprite set shape |
persp3d | Surface plots |
persp3d.default | Surface plots |
planes3d | add planes |
play3d | Play animation of rgl scene |
plot3d | 3D Scatterplot |
plot3d.default | 3D Scatterplot |
plot3d.mesh3d | 3D Scatterplot |
plot3d.rglobject | Saves the current scene to a variable, and displays such variables. |
plot3d.rglscene | Saves the current scene to a variable, and displays such variables. |
points3d | add primitive set shape |
polygon3d | Triangulate and draw a polygon in three dimensions. |
pop3d | scene management |
print.rglobject | Saves the current scene to a variable, and displays such variables. |
print.rglscene | Saves the current scene to a variable, and displays such variables. |
qmesh3d | 3D Mesh objects |
quads3d | add primitive set shape |
r3d | Generic 3D interface |
r3dDefaults | Set or Query RGL Parameters |
readSTL | Read and write STL (stereolithography) format files |
rgl | 3D visualization device system |
rgl.abclines | Lines intersecting the bounding box |
rgl.antialias | 3D visualization device system |
rgl.attrib | Get information about shapes |
rgl.attrib.count | Get information about shapes |
rgl.bbox | Set up Bounding Box decoration |
rgl.bg | Set up Background |
rgl.bringtotop | Assign focus to an RGL window |
rgl.clear | scene management |
rgl.clipplanes | add planes |
rgl.close | 3D visualization device system |
rgl.cur | 3D visualization device system |
rgl.dev.list | 3D visualization device system |
rgl.ids | scene management |
rgl.init | 3D visualization device system |
rgl.light | add light source |
rgl.lines | add primitive set shape |
rgl.linestrips | add primitive set shape |
rgl.material | Generic Appearance setup |
rgl.open | 3D visualization device system |
rgl.pixels | Extract pixel information from window |
rgl.planes | add planes |
rgl.points | add primitive set shape |
rgl.pop | scene management |
rgl.postscript | export screenshot |
rgl.primitive | add primitive set shape |
rgl.projection | Convert between rgl user and window coordinates |
rgl.quads | add primitive set shape |
rgl.quit | 3D visualization device system |
rgl.select | Switch to select mode, and return the mouse position selected. |
rgl.select3d | Select a rectangle in an RGL scene |
rgl.set | 3D visualization device system |
rgl.setMouseCallbacks | User callbacks on mouse events |
rgl.snapshot | export screenshot |
rgl.spheres | add sphere set shape |
rgl.sprites | add sprite set shape |
rgl.surface | add height-field surface shape |
rgl.Sweave | Integrating 'rgl' with 'Sweave' |
rgl.Sweave.off | Integrating 'rgl' with 'Sweave' |
rgl.texts | add text |
rgl.triangles | add primitive set shape |
rgl.useNULL | Report default use of null device. |
rgl.user2window | Convert between rgl user and window coordinates |
rgl.viewpoint | Set up viewpoint |
rgl.window2user | Convert between rgl user and window coordinates |
rglFonts | add text |
rglobject-class | Saves the current scene to a variable, and displays such variables. |
rglscene-class | Saves the current scene to a variable, and displays such variables. |
rotate3d | Work with homogeneous coordinates |
rotationMatrix | Work with homogeneous coordinates |
scale3d | Work with homogeneous coordinates |
scaleMatrix | Work with homogeneous coordinates |
scene3d | Saves the current scene to a variable, and displays such variables. |
segments3d | add primitive set shape |
select3d | Select a rectangle in an RGL scene |
selectpoints3d | Select points from a scene |
shade3d | 3D Mesh objects |
shade3d.mesh3d | 3D Mesh objects |
shade3d.qmesh3d | 3D Mesh objects |
shape3d | 3D Mesh objects |
shapelist3d | Create and plot a list of shapes |
snapshot3d | export screenshot |
spheres3d | add sphere set shape |
spin3d | Create a function to spin a scene at a fixed rate |
sprites3d | add sprite set shape |
subdivision3d | generic subdivision surface method |
subdivision3d.mesh3d | generic subdivision surface method |
surface3d | add height-field surface shape |
Sweave.snapshot | Integrating 'rgl' with 'Sweave' |
terrain3d | add height-field surface shape |
tetrahedron3d | 3D Mesh objects |
text3d | add text |
texts3d | add text |
title3d | Draw boxes, axes and other text outside the data |
tmesh3d | 3D Mesh objects |
transform3d | Work with homogeneous coordinates |
translate3d | Work with homogeneous coordinates |
translationMatrix | Work with homogeneous coordinates |
triangles3d | add primitive set shape |
triangulate | Triangulate a two-dimensional polygon. |
turn3d | Create a solid of rotation from a two-dimensional curve. |
view3d | Set up viewpoint |
wire3d | 3D Mesh objects |
wire3d.mesh3d | 3D Mesh objects |
wire3d.qmesh3d | 3D Mesh objects |
writeOBJ | Write Wavefront OBJ format files |
writePLY | Write Stanford PLY format files |
writeSTL | Read and write STL (stereolithography) format files |
writeWebGL | Write scene to HTML. |
.check3d | Check for an open rgl window. |