This package is under GPL version 2 or newer. Maintainer: Albrecht Gebhardt Author: James J. Majure Iowa State University The Original was public available from 1995 to 2006 (according to the records at at: and seems to have vanished due to website restructuring. The subdirectory www-SGeoStat/ contains a mirror of that site, also available at*/ The original was written by S. Majure and intended for use wit S-Plus. The original version contains no Copyright statements and no details about redistributability, neither in the code nor on the web pages. Due to the fact of the (former) public availability, together with the obvious intention of the original author that users should download and use this software (Downloading and Installation instructions) it can be assumed that the code is under public domain and therefore can be relicensed under GPL. So starting with version 1.0-25 this package is under GPL version 2 or newer. Small parts have been added to the original code and are also licensed under GPL version 2 or newer, for details see README file. Albrecht Gebhardt