A B C D F G H I L M N O P R S W Z misc
addAttrToGeom | constructs SpatialXxxDataFrame from geometry and attributes |
addAttrToGeom-method | constructs SpatialXxxDataFrame from geometry and attributes |
addAttrToGeom-methods | constructs SpatialXxxDataFrame from geometry and attributes |
aggregate.Spatial | consistent spatial overlay for points, grids and polygons |
areaSpatialGrid | define spatial grid |
as.array.SpatialGridDataFrame | Class "SpatialGridDataFrame" |
as.character.DMS | Convert character vector to DMS-class object |
as.data.frame.SpatialGrid | Class "SpatialGrid" |
as.data.frame.SpatialGridDataFrame | Class "SpatialGridDataFrame" |
as.data.frame.SpatialPixels | Class "SpatialPixels" |
as.data.frame.SpatialPixelsDataFrame | Class "SpatialPixelsDataFrame" |
as.data.frame.SpatialPoints | Class "SpatialPoints" |
as.data.frame.SpatialPointsDataFrame | Class "SpatialPointsDataFrame" |
as.data.frame.SpatialPolygons | Class "SpatialPolygons" |
as.data.frame.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame | Class "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" |
as.double.DMS | Class "DMS" for degree, minute, decimal second values |
as.image.SpatialGridDataFrame | image gridded spatial data, or convert to format for image |
as.numeric.DMS | Class "DMS" for degree, minute, decimal second values |
as.SpatialLines.SLDF | create objects of class SpatialLines or SpatialLinesDataFrame |
as.SpatialPoints.SpatialPointsDataFrame | Class "SpatialPointsDataFrame" |
as.SpatialPolygons.GridTopology | Make SpatialPolygons object from GridTopology object |
as.SpatialPolygons.PolygonsList | Making SpatialPolygons objects |
as.SpatialPolygons.SpatialPixels | Make SpatialPolygons object from GridTopology object |
as.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.SpatialPolygons | Class "SpatialPolygons" |
bbexpand | panel and panel utility functions for spplot |
bbox | retrieve bbox from spatial data |
bbox-method | retrieve bbox from spatial data |
bpy.colors | blue-pink-yellow color scheme, which also prints well on black/white printers |
bubble | Create a bubble plot of spatial data |
cbind.SpatialGridDataFrame | Class "SpatialGridDataFrame" |
char2dms | Convert character vector to DMS-class object |
coerce-method | Class "DMS" for degree, minute, decimal second values |
coerce-method | Class "GridTopology" |
coerce-method | Class "SpatialGrid" |
coerce-method | Class "SpatialGridDataFrame" |
coerce-method | a class for spatial lines |
coerce-method | a class for spatial lines with attributes |
coerce-method | Class "SpatialPixels" |
coerce-method | Class "SpatialPixelsDataFrame" |
coerce-method | Class "SpatialPoints" |
coerce-method | Class "SpatialPointsDataFrame" |
coerce-method | Class "SpatialPolygons" |
coerce-method | Class "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" |
coerce-method | Make SpatialPolygons object from GridTopology object |
coerce-method | Convert character vector to DMS-class object |
compassRose | Display a compass rose. |
contour.SpatialGridDataFrame | image gridded spatial data, or convert to format for image |
contour.SpatialPixelsDataFrame | image gridded spatial data, or convert to format for image |
coordinates | set spatial coordinates to create a Spatial object, or retrieve spatial coordinates from a Spatial object |
coordinates-method | Class "SpatialPointsDataFrame" |
coordinates-method | retrieve (or set) spatial coordinates |
coordinates-methods | retrieve (or set) spatial coordinates |
coordinates<- | set spatial coordinates to create a Spatial object, or retrieve spatial coordinates from a Spatial object |
coordinates<--method | Class "Spatial" |
coordinates<--method | retrieve (or set) spatial coordinates |
coordinatevalues | define spatial grid |
coordnames | retrieve or assign coordinate names for classes in sp |
coordnames-method | Class "SpatialGrid" |
coordnames-method | retrieve or assign coordinate names for classes in sp |
coordnames-methods | retrieve or assign coordinate names for classes in sp |
coordnames<- | retrieve or assign coordinate names for classes in sp |
coordnames<--method | retrieve or assign coordinate names for classes in sp |
CRS | Class "CRS" of coordinate reference system arguments |
CRS-class | Class "CRS" of coordinate reference system arguments |
CRSargs | Class "CRS" of coordinate reference system arguments |
dd2dms | Convert character vector to DMS-class object |
degAxis | axis with degrees |
degreeLabelsEW | Calculate aspect ratio for plotting geographic maps; create nice degree axis labels |
degreeLabelsNS | Calculate aspect ratio for plotting geographic maps; create nice degree axis labels |
dim.SpatialGridDataFrame | Class "SpatialGridDataFrame" |
dim.SpatialLinesDataFrame | a class for spatial lines with attributes |
dim.SpatialPixelsDataFrame | Class "SpatialPixelsDataFrame" |
dim.SpatialPointsDataFrame | Class "SpatialPointsDataFrame" |
dim.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame | Class "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" |
dimensions | retrieve spatial dimensions from spatial data |
dimensions-method | retrieve spatial dimensions from spatial data |
disaggregate | disaggregate SpatialLines, SpatialLinesDataFrame, SpatialPolygons, or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame objects |
disaggregate-method | disaggregate SpatialLines, SpatialLinesDataFrame, SpatialPolygons, or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame objects |
disaggregate-methods | disaggregate SpatialLines, SpatialLinesDataFrame, SpatialPolygons, or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame objects |
DMS-class | Class "DMS" for degree, minute, decimal second values |
flipHorizontal | rearrange data in SpatialPointsDataFrame or SpatialGridDataFrame for plotting with spplot (levelplot/xyplot wrapper) |
flipVertical | rearrange data in SpatialPointsDataFrame or SpatialGridDataFrame for plotting with spplot (levelplot/xyplot wrapper) |
fullgrid | specify spatial data as being gridded, or find out whether they are |
fullgrid-method | specify spatial data as being gridded, or find out whether they are |
fullgrid<- | specify spatial data as being gridded, or find out whether they are |
fullgrid<--method | specify spatial data as being gridded, or find out whether they are |
geometry | Methods for retrieving the geometry from a composite (geometry + attributes) object |
geometry-method | Methods for retrieving the geometry from a composite (geometry + attributes) object |
geometry-methods | Methods for retrieving the geometry from a composite (geometry + attributes) object |
getGridIndex | define spatial grid |
getGridTopology | define spatial grid |
getLinesIDSlot | Deprecated functions in sp |
getLinesLinesSlot | Deprecated functions in sp |
getParUsrBB | Class "Spatial" |
getPolygonAreaSlot | Deprecated functions in sp |
getPolygonCoordsSlot | Deprecated functions in sp |
getPolygonHoleSlot | Deprecated functions in sp |
getPolygonLabptSlot | Deprecated functions in sp |
getPolygonsIDSlot | Deprecated functions in sp |
getPolygonsLabptSlot | Deprecated functions in sp |
getPolygonsplotOrderSlot | Deprecated functions in sp |
getPolygonsPolygonsSlot | Deprecated functions in sp |
getSLLinesIDSlots | Deprecated functions in sp |
getSLlinesSlot | Deprecated functions in sp |
getSpatialLinesMidPoints | create objects of class SpatialLines or SpatialLinesDataFrame |
getSpatialPolygonsLabelPoints | create objects of class SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
getSpPnHoles | Deprecated functions in sp |
getSpPnParts | Deprecated functions in sp |
getSpPplotOrderSlot | Deprecated functions in sp |
getSpPPolygonsIDSlots | Deprecated functions in sp |
getSpPPolygonsLabptSlots | Deprecated functions in sp |
getSpPpolygonsSlot | Deprecated functions in sp |
get_ll_TOL | Sets or retrieves projection attributes on classes extending SpatialData |
get_ll_warn | Sets or retrieves projection attributes on classes extending SpatialData |
get_Polypath | Class "SpatialPolygons" |
get_PolypathRule | Class "SpatialPolygons" |
get_ReplCRS_warn | Sets or retrieves projection attributes on classes extending SpatialData |
gridat | Create N-S and E-W grid lines over a geographic region |
gridded | specify spatial data as being gridded, or find out whether they are |
gridded-method | specify spatial data as being gridded, or find out whether they are |
gridded-methods | specify spatial data as being gridded, or find out whether they are |
gridded<- | specify spatial data as being gridded, or find out whether they are |
gridded<--method | specify spatial data as being gridded, or find out whether they are |
gridIndex2nb | create neighbourhood (nb) object from grid geometry |
gridlines | Create N-S and E-W grid lines over a geographic region |
gridparameters | specify spatial data as being gridded, or find out whether they are |
GridTopology | define spatial grid |
GridTopology-class | Class "GridTopology" |
gt | Rlogo jpeg image |
HexPoints2SpatialPolygons | Make SpatialPolygons object from GridTopology object |
identicalCRS | Class "CRS" of coordinate reference system arguments |
IDvaluesGridTopology | Make SpatialPolygons object from GridTopology object |
IDvaluesSpatialPixels | Make SpatialPolygons object from GridTopology object |
im-class | Class "Spatial" |
image.SpatialGridDataFrame | image gridded spatial data, or convert to format for image |
image.SpatialPixels | image gridded spatial data, or convert to format for image |
image.SpatialPixelsDataFrame | image gridded spatial data, or convert to format for image |
image2Grid | image gridded spatial data, or convert to format for image |
imageScale | image gridded spatial data, or convert to format for image |
is.projected | Sets or retrieves projection attributes on classes extending SpatialData |
is.projected-method | Sets or retrieves projection attributes on classes extending SpatialData |
layout.north.arrow | Plot methods for spatial data with attributes |
layout.scale.bar | Plot methods for spatial data with attributes |
Line | create objects of class Line or Lines |
Line-class | Class "Line" |
LineLength | create objects of class SpatialLines or SpatialLinesDataFrame |
Lines | create objects of class Line or Lines |
Lines-class | Class "Lines" |
LinesLength | create objects of class SpatialLines or SpatialLinesDataFrame |
loadMeuse | deprecated function to load the Meuse data set |
longlat.scales | panel and panel utility functions for spplot |
makegrid | sample point locations in (or on) a spatial object |
mapasp | Calculate aspect ratio for plotting geographic maps; create nice degree axis labels |
mapLegendGrob | Plot methods for spatial data with attributes |
merge | Merge a Spatial* object having attributes with a data.frame |
merge-method | Merge a Spatial* object having attributes with a data.frame |
meuse | Meuse river data set |
meuse.grid | Prediction Grid for Meuse Data Set |
meuse.grid_ll | Prediction Grid for Meuse Data Set, geographical coordinates |
meuse.riv | River Meuse outline |
nowrapSpatialLines | Split SpatialLines components at offset |
over | consistent spatial overlay for points, grids and polygons |
over-method | consistent spatial overlay for points, grids and polygons |
over-methods | consistent spatial overlay for points, grids and polygons |
overDF_for_rgeos | consistent spatial overlay for points, grids and polygons |
overlay | Deprecated functions in sp |
overlay-method | Deprecated functions in sp |
overlay-methods | Deprecated functions in sp |
owin-class | Class "Spatial" |
panel.gridplot | panel and panel utility functions for spplot |
panel.pointsplot | panel and panel utility functions for spplot |
panel.polygonsplot | panel and panel utility functions for spplot |
panel.spplot | panel and panel utility functions for spplot |
plot-method | Class "Spatial" |
plot-method | Class "SpatialGrid" |
plot-method | a class for spatial lines |
plot-method | Class "SpatialPoints" |
plot-method | Class "SpatialPolygons" |
plot.SpatialGrid | define spatial grid |
plot.SpatialGridDataFrame | Class "SpatialGridDataFrame" |
plot.SpatialPixelsDataFrame | Class "SpatialPixelsDataFrame" |
point.in.polygon | do point(s) fall in a given polygon? |
points-method | Class "SpatialPointsDataFrame" |
points2grid | define spatial grid |
Polygon | create objects of class SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
Polygon-class | Class "Polygon" |
Polygons | create objects of class SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
polygons | sets spatial coordinates to create spatial data, or retrieves spatial coordinates |
Polygons-class | Class "Polygons" |
polygons-method | Retrieve polygons from SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object |
polygons-methods | Retrieve polygons from SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object |
polygons<- | sets spatial coordinates to create spatial data, or retrieves spatial coordinates |
polygons<--method | Retrieve polygons from SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object |
ppp-class | Class "Spatial" |
print.CRS | Class "CRS" of coordinate reference system arguments |
print.DMS | Class "DMS" for degree, minute, decimal second values |
print.SpatialPoints | Class "SpatialPoints" |
print.SpatialPointsDataFrame | Class "SpatialPointsDataFrame" |
print.summary.GridTopology | Class "GridTopology" |
print.summary.Spatial | Class "Spatial" |
print.summary.SpatialGrid | Class "SpatialGrid" |
print.summary.SpatialGridDataFrame | Class "SpatialGridDataFrame" |
print.summary.SpatialPixels | Class "SpatialPixels" |
print.summary.SpatialPixelsDataFrame | Class "SpatialPixelsDataFrame" |
proj4string | Sets or retrieves projection attributes on classes extending SpatialData |
proj4string-method | Sets or retrieves projection attributes on classes extending SpatialData |
proj4string<- | Sets or retrieves projection attributes on classes extending SpatialData |
proj4string<--method | Sets or retrieves projection attributes on classes extending SpatialData |
psp-class | Class "Spatial" |
rbind.SpatialLines | a class for spatial lines |
rbind.SpatialLinesDataFrame | a class for spatial lines with attributes |
rbind.SpatialPixels | Class "SpatialPixels" |
rbind.SpatialPixelsDataFrame | Class "SpatialPixelsDataFrame" |
rbind.SpatialPoints | Class "SpatialPoints" |
rbind.SpatialPointsDataFrame | Class "SpatialPointsDataFrame" |
rbind.SpatialPolygons | Class "SpatialPolygons" |
rbind.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame | Class "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" |
read.asciigrid | read/write to/from (ESRI) asciigrid format |
recenter | Methods for Function recenter in Package 'sp' |
recenter-method | Methods for Function recenter in Package 'sp' |
recenter-methods | Methods for Function recenter in Package 'sp' |
remove.duplicates | find point pairs with equal spatial coordinates |
Rlogo | Rlogo jpeg image |
row.names.SpatialLines | a class for spatial lines |
row.names.SpatialLinesDataFrame | a class for spatial lines with attributes |
row.names.SpatialPoints | Class "SpatialPoints" |
row.names.SpatialPointsDataFrame | Class "SpatialPointsDataFrame" |
row.names.SpatialPolygons | Class "SpatialPolygons" |
row.names.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame | Class "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" |
select.spatial | select points spatially |
setParUsrBB | Class "Spatial" |
set_ll_TOL | Sets or retrieves projection attributes on classes extending SpatialData |
set_ll_warn | Sets or retrieves projection attributes on classes extending SpatialData |
set_Polypath | Class "SpatialPolygons" |
set_PolypathRule | Class "SpatialPolygons" |
set_ReplCRS_warn | Sets or retrieves projection attributes on classes extending SpatialData |
show-method | Class "CRS" of coordinate reference system arguments |
show-method | Class "DMS" for degree, minute, decimal second values |
show-method | Class "GridTopology" |
show-method | Class "SpatialGrid" |
show-method | Class "SpatialGridDataFrame" |
show-method | Class "SpatialPixels" |
show-method | Class "SpatialPixelsDataFrame" |
show-method | Class "SpatialPoints" |
show-method | Class "SpatialPointsDataFrame" |
ShowSpatialPointsDataFrame | Class "SpatialPointsDataFrame" |
sp | A package providing classes and methods for spatial data: points, lines, polygons and grids |
sp.grid | panel and panel utility functions for spplot |
sp.lines | panel and panel utility functions for spplot |
sp.panel.layout | panel and panel utility functions for spplot |
sp.points | panel and panel utility functions for spplot |
sp.polygons | panel and panel utility functions for spplot |
sp.text | panel and panel utility functions for spplot |
sp.theme | Plot methods for spatial data with attributes |
Spatial | Class "Spatial" |
Spatial-class | Class "Spatial" |
SpatialGrid | define spatial grid |
SpatialGrid-class | Class "SpatialGrid" |
SpatialGridDataFrame | define spatial grid with attribute data |
SpatialGridDataFrame-class | Class "SpatialGridDataFrame" |
SpatialLines | create objects of class SpatialLines or SpatialLinesDataFrame |
SpatialLines-class | a class for spatial lines |
SpatialLinesDataFrame | create objects of class SpatialLines or SpatialLinesDataFrame |
SpatialLinesDataFrame-class | a class for spatial lines with attributes |
SpatialLinesLengths | create objects of class SpatialLines or SpatialLinesDataFrame |
SpatialPixels | define spatial grid |
SpatialPixels-class | Class "SpatialPixels" |
SpatialPixelsDataFrame | define spatial grid with attribute data |
SpatialPixelsDataFrame-class | Class "SpatialPixelsDataFrame" |
SpatialPoints | create objects of class SpatialPoints or SpatialPointsDataFrame |
SpatialPoints-class | Class "SpatialPoints" |
SpatialPointsDataFrame | create objects of class SpatialPoints or SpatialPointsDataFrame |
SpatialPointsDataFrame-class | Class "SpatialPointsDataFrame" |
SpatialPolygons | create objects of class SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
SpatialPolygons-class | Class "SpatialPolygons" |
SpatialPolygonsDataFrame | create objects of class SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
SpatialPolygonsDataFrame-class | Class "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" |
SpatialPolygonsRescale | panel and panel utility functions for spplot |
spChFIDs | change feature IDs in spatial objects |
spChFIDs-method | change feature IDs in spatial objects |
spChFIDs-methods | change feature IDs in spatial objects |
spChFIDs<- | change feature IDs in spatial objects |
spChFIDs<--method | change feature IDs in spatial objects |
spDists | Euclidean or Great Circle distance between points |
spDistsN1 | Euclidean or Great Circle distance between points |
spmap.to.lev | rearrange data in SpatialPointsDataFrame or SpatialGridDataFrame for plotting with spplot (levelplot/xyplot wrapper) |
spplot | Plot methods for spatial data with attributes |
spplot-method | Plot methods for spatial data with attributes |
spplot-methods | Plot methods for spatial data with attributes |
spplot.grid | Plot methods for spatial data with attributes |
spplot.key | panel and panel utility functions for spplot |
spplot.locator | Plot methods for spatial data with attributes |
spplot.points | Plot methods for spatial data with attributes |
spplot.polygons | Plot methods for spatial data with attributes |
spsample | sample point locations in (or on) a spatial object |
spsample-method | sample point locations in (or on) a spatial object |
spsample-methods | sample point locations in (or on) a spatial object |
spTransform | spTransform for map projection and datum transformation |
spTransform-method | spTransform for map projection and datum transformation |
spTransform-methods | spTransform for map projection and datum transformation |
stack.SpatialGridDataFrame | rearrange data in SpatialPointsDataFrame or SpatialGridDataFrame for plotting with spplot (levelplot/xyplot wrapper) |
stack.SpatialPointsDataFrame | rearrange data in SpatialPointsDataFrame or SpatialGridDataFrame for plotting with spplot (levelplot/xyplot wrapper) |
subset.Spatial | Class "Spatial" |
summary-method | Class "GridTopology" |
summary-method | Class "Spatial" |
summary-method | Class "SpatialGrid" |
summary-method | a class for spatial lines |
summary-method | Class "SpatialPixels" |
summary-method | Class "SpatialPoints" |
summary-method | Class "SpatialPolygons" |
summary.SpatialPoints | Class "SpatialPoints" |
surfaceArea | Compute surface area of a digital elevation model. |
surfaceArea-method | Compute surface area of a digital elevation model. |
surfaceArea.matrix | Compute surface area of a digital elevation model. |
write.asciigrid | read/write to/from (ESRI) asciigrid format |
zerodist | find point pairs with equal spatial coordinates |
zerodist2 | find point pairs with equal spatial coordinates |
$-method | Class "Spatial" |
$-method | Class "SpatialPoints" |
$<--method | Class "Spatial" |
$<--method | Class "SpatialPoints" |
%over% | consistent spatial overlay for points, grids and polygons |
[-method | Class "SpatialGrid" |
[-method | Class "SpatialGridDataFrame" |
[-method | a class for spatial lines |
[-method | a class for spatial lines with attributes |
[-method | Class "SpatialPixels" |
[-method | Class "SpatialPixelsDataFrame" |
[-method | Class "SpatialPoints" |
[-method | Class "SpatialPointsDataFrame" |
[-method | Class "SpatialPolygons" |
[-method | Class "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" |
[<--method | Class "Spatial" |
[[-method | Class "Spatial" |
[[<--method | Class "Spatial" |