Testthat code. Tools to make testing fun :)

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Documentation for package ‘testthat’ version 0.8.1

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auto_test Watches code and tests for changes, rerunning tests as appropriate.
auto_test_package Watches a package for changes, rerunning tests as appropriate.
colourise Colourise text for display in the terminal.
context Describe the context of a set of tests.
equals Expectation: is the object equal (with numerical tolerance) to a value?
evaluate_promise Evaluate a promise, capturing all types of output.
expect-compare Expectation: is returned value less or greater than specified value?
expect_equal Expectation: is the object equal (with numerical tolerance) to a value?
expect_equivalent Expectation: is the object equivalent to a value? This expectation tests for equivalency: are two objects equal once their attributes have been removed.
expect_error Expectation: does expression throw an error?
expect_false Expectation: is the object false?
expect_identical Expectation: is the object identical to another?
expect_is Expectation: does the object inherit from a class?
expect_less_than Expectation: is returned value less or greater than specified value?
expect_match Expectation: does string match regular expression?
expect_message Expectation: does expression show a message?
expect_more_than Expectation: is returned value less or greater than specified value?
expect_named Expectation: does object have names?
expect_null Expectation: is the object NULL?
expect_output Expectation: does printed output match a regular expression?
expect_that Expect that a condition holds.
expect_true Expectation: is the object true?
expect_warning Expectation: does expression give a warning?
fail A default expectation that always fails.
gives_warning Expectation: does expression give a warning?
has_names Expectation: does object have names?
is_a Expectation: does the object inherit from a class?
is_equivalent_to Expectation: is the object equivalent to a value? This expectation tests for equivalency: are two objects equal once their attributes have been removed.
is_false Expectation: is the object false?
is_identical_to Expectation: is the object identical to another?
is_less_than Expectation: is returned value less or greater than specified value?
is_more_than Expectation: is returned value less or greater than specified value?
is_null Expectation: is the object NULL?
is_true Expectation: is the object true?
library_if_available Load package, if available.
ListReporter List reporter: gather all test results along with elapsed time and file information.
ListReporter-class List reporter: gather all test results along with elapsed time and file information.
make_expectation Make an equality test.
matches Expectation: does string match regular expression?
MinimalReporter Test reporter: minimal.
MinimalReporter-class Test reporter: minimal.
MultiReporter Multi reporter: combine several reporters in one.
MultiReporter-class Multi reporter: combine several reporters in one.
not Negate an expectation
prints_text Expectation: does printed output match a regular expression?
Reporter Stub object for managing a reporter of tests.
Reporter-class Stub object for managing a reporter of tests.
shows_message Expectation: does expression show a message?
SilentReporter Test reporter: gather all errors silently.
SilentReporter-class Test reporter: gather all errors silently.
StopReporter Test reporter: stop on error.
StopReporter-class Test reporter: stop on error.
SummaryReporter Test reporter: summary of errors.
SummaryReporter-class Test reporter: summary of errors.
takes_less_than Expectation: does expression take less than a fixed amount of time to run?
TapReporter Test reporter: TAP format.
TapReporter-class Test reporter: TAP format.
TeamcityReporter Test reporter: Teamcity format.
TeamcityReporter-class Test reporter: Teamcity format.
test_check Run all tests in an installed package
test_dir Run all of the tests in a directory.
test_file Run all tests in specified file.
test_package Run all tests in an installed package
test_that Create a test.
throws_error Expectation: does expression throw an error?
watch Watch a directory for changes (additions, deletions & modifications).