# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ sphinx.ext.coverage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check Python modules and C API for coverage. Mostly written by Josip Dzolonga for the Google Highly Open Participation contest. :copyright: Copyright 2007-2011 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import re import glob import inspect import cPickle as pickle from os import path from sphinx.builders import Builder # utility def write_header(f, text, char='-'): f.write(text + '\n') f.write(char * len(text) + '\n') def compile_regex_list(name, exps, warnfunc): lst = [] for exp in exps: try: lst.append(re.compile(exp)) except Exception: warnfunc('invalid regex %r in %s' % (exp, name)) return lst class CoverageBuilder(Builder): name = 'coverage' def init(self): self.c_sourcefiles = [] for pattern in self.config.coverage_c_path: pattern = path.join(self.srcdir, pattern) self.c_sourcefiles.extend(glob.glob(pattern)) self.c_regexes = [] for (name, exp) in self.config.coverage_c_regexes.items(): try: self.c_regexes.append((name, re.compile(exp))) except Exception: self.warn('invalid regex %r in coverage_c_regexes' % exp) self.c_ignorexps = {} for (name, exps) in self.config.coverage_ignore_c_items.iteritems(): self.c_ignorexps[name] = compile_regex_list( 'coverage_ignore_c_items', exps, self.warn) self.mod_ignorexps = compile_regex_list( 'coverage_ignore_modules', self.config.coverage_ignore_modules, self.warn) self.cls_ignorexps = compile_regex_list( 'coverage_ignore_classes', self.config.coverage_ignore_classes, self.warn) self.fun_ignorexps = compile_regex_list( 'coverage_ignore_functions', self.config.coverage_ignore_functions, self.warn) def get_outdated_docs(self): return 'coverage overview' def write(self, *ignored): self.py_undoc = {} self.build_py_coverage() self.write_py_coverage() self.c_undoc = {} self.build_c_coverage() self.write_c_coverage() def build_c_coverage(self): # Fetch all the info from the header files c_objects = self.env.domaindata['c']['objects'] for filename in self.c_sourcefiles: undoc = [] f = open(filename, 'r') try: for line in f: for key, regex in self.c_regexes: match = regex.match(line) if match: name = match.groups()[0] if name not in c_objects: for exp in self.c_ignorexps.get(key, ()): if exp.match(name): break else: undoc.append((key, name)) continue finally: f.close() if undoc: self.c_undoc[filename] = undoc def write_c_coverage(self): output_file = path.join(self.outdir, 'c.txt') op = open(output_file, 'w') try: if self.config.coverage_write_headline: write_header(op, 'Undocumented C API elements', '=') op.write('\n') for filename, undoc in self.c_undoc.iteritems(): write_header(op, filename) for typ, name in undoc: op.write(' * %-50s [%9s]\n' % (name, typ)) op.write('\n') finally: op.close() def build_py_coverage(self): objects = self.env.domaindata['py']['objects'] modules = self.env.domaindata['py']['modules'] skip_undoc = self.config.coverage_skip_undoc_in_source for mod_name in modules: ignore = False for exp in self.mod_ignorexps: if exp.match(mod_name): ignore = True break if ignore: continue try: mod = __import__(mod_name, fromlist=['foo']) except ImportError, err: self.warn('module %s could not be imported: %s' % (mod_name, err)) self.py_undoc[mod_name] = {'error': err} continue funcs = [] classes = {} for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(mod): # diverse module attributes are ignored: if name[0] == '_': # begins in an underscore continue if not hasattr(obj, '__module__'): # cannot be attributed to a module continue if obj.__module__ != mod_name: # is not defined in this module continue full_name = '%s.%s' % (mod_name, name) if inspect.isfunction(obj): if full_name not in objects: for exp in self.fun_ignorexps: if exp.match(name): break else: if skip_undoc and not obj.__doc__: continue funcs.append(name) elif inspect.isclass(obj): for exp in self.cls_ignorexps: if exp.match(name): break else: if full_name not in objects: if skip_undoc and not obj.__doc__: continue # not documented at all classes[name] = [] continue attrs = [] for attr_name in dir(obj): if attr_name not in obj.__dict__: continue attr = getattr(obj, attr_name) if not (inspect.ismethod(attr) or inspect.isfunction(attr)): continue if attr_name[0] == '_': # starts with an underscore, ignore it continue if skip_undoc and not attr.__doc__: # skip methods without docstring if wished continue full_attr_name = '%s.%s' % (full_name, attr_name) if full_attr_name not in objects: attrs.append(attr_name) if attrs: # some attributes are undocumented classes[name] = attrs self.py_undoc[mod_name] = {'funcs': funcs, 'classes': classes} def write_py_coverage(self): output_file = path.join(self.outdir, 'python.txt') op = open(output_file, 'w') failed = [] try: if self.config.coverage_write_headline: write_header(op, 'Undocumented Python objects', '=') keys = self.py_undoc.keys() keys.sort() for name in keys: undoc = self.py_undoc[name] if 'error' in undoc: failed.append((name, undoc['error'])) else: if not undoc['classes'] and not undoc['funcs']: continue write_header(op, name) if undoc['funcs']: op.write('Functions:\n') op.writelines(' * %s\n' % x for x in undoc['funcs']) op.write('\n') if undoc['classes']: op.write('Classes:\n') for name, methods in sorted( undoc['classes'].iteritems()): if not methods: op.write(' * %s\n' % name) else: op.write(' * %s -- missing methods:\n\n' % name) op.writelines(' - %s\n' % x for x in methods) op.write('\n') if failed: write_header(op, 'Modules that failed to import') op.writelines(' * %s -- %s\n' % x for x in failed) finally: op.close() def finish(self): # dump the coverage data to a pickle file too picklepath = path.join(self.outdir, 'undoc.pickle') dumpfile = open(picklepath, 'wb') try: pickle.dump((self.py_undoc, self.c_undoc), dumpfile) finally: dumpfile.close() def setup(app): app.add_builder(CoverageBuilder) app.add_config_value('coverage_ignore_modules', [], False) app.add_config_value('coverage_ignore_functions', [], False) app.add_config_value('coverage_ignore_classes', [], False) app.add_config_value('coverage_c_path', [], False) app.add_config_value('coverage_c_regexes', {}, False) app.add_config_value('coverage_ignore_c_items', {}, False) app.add_config_value('coverage_write_headline', True, False) app.add_config_value('coverage_skip_undoc_in_source', False, False)