#!/usr/bin/python """ Read two lists of intervals (with chromosomes) and count the number of entries in the second set that intersect any entry in the first set. TODO: This could use bitsets rather than the intervals package, would it be faster? usage: %prog bed1 bed2 > out """ from __future__ import division import psyco_full from bx import intervals from bx import misc import string import sys def main(): intersecters = {} # Read ranges for chr, start, end in read_intervals( misc.open_compressed( sys.argv[1] ) ): if not intersecters.has_key( chr ): intersecters[ chr ] = intervals.Intersecter() intersecters[ chr ].add_interval( intervals.Interval( start, end ) ) # Count intersection total = 0 for chr, start, end in read_intervals( misc.open_compressed( sys.argv[2] ) ): if intersecters.has_key( chr ): intersection = intersecters[ chr ].find( start, end ) if intersection: #print chr, intersection total += 1 print total def read_intervals( input ): for line in input: fields = line.split() yield fields[0], int( fields[1] ), int( fields[2] ) main()