#!/usr/bin/python """ Read a MAF from stdin and break into several mafs based on the source of each block. If the `component` option is provided then only that component will be used to determine the new file for each block, otherwise the src for *all* components will be used. TODO: Should be able to specify component by species/prefix? usage: %prog [options] < maf -o, --outprefix: prepend this to the name of each generate maf -c, --component: use only this component (by index!) to split """ import sys, string import bx.align.maf from optparse import OptionParser import psyco_full INF="inf" def __main__(): # Parse command line arguments parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( "-o", "--outprefix", action="store", default="" ) parser.add_option( "-c", "--component", action="store", default=None ) ( options, args ) = parser.parse_args() out_prefix = options.outprefix comp = options.component if comp is not None: comp = int( comp ) maf_reader = bx.align.maf.Reader( sys.stdin ) writers = {} for m in maf_reader: if comp is None: writer_key = string.join( [ c.src for c in m.components ], '_' ) else: writer_key = m.components[ comp ].src if not writers.has_key( writer_key ): writer = bx.align.maf.Writer( file( "%s%s.maf" % ( out_prefix, writer_key ), "w" ) ) writers[ writer_key ] = writer else: writer = writers[ writer_key ] writer.write( m ) for key in writers: writers[ key ].close() if __name__ == "__main__": __main__()