#!/usr/bin/python """ Read a maf file from stdin and write out a new maf with only blocks having all of the passed in species, after dropping any other species and removing columns containing only gaps. By default this will attempt to fuse together any blocks which are adjacent after the unwanted species have been dropped. usage: %prog species1 species2 ... < maf -n, --nofuse: Don't attempt to join blocks, just remove rows. """ import psyco_full import bx.align.maf import copy import sys from bx.align.tools.thread import * from bx.align.tools.fuse import * from itertools import * from bx.cookbook import doc_optparse def main(): options, args = doc_optparse.parse( __doc__ ) try: species = args # Allow a comma separated list, TODO: allow a newick format tree if len( species ) == 1 and ',' in species[0]: species = species[0].split( ',' ) fuse = not( bool( options.nofuse ) ) except: doc_optparse.exit() maf_reader = bx.align.maf.Reader( sys.stdin ) maf_writer = bx.align.maf.Writer( sys.stdout ) if fuse: maf_writer = FusingAlignmentWriter( maf_writer ) for m in maf_reader: new_components = get_components_for_species( m, species ) if new_components: remove_all_gap_columns( new_components ) m.components = new_components m.score = 0.0 maf_writer.write( m ) maf_reader.close() maf_writer.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()