""" Support for the `MAF`_ multiple sequence alignment format used by `multiz`_. .. _MAF: http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format5 .. _multiz: http://www.bx.psu.edu/miller_lab/ """ from bx.align import * from StringIO import StringIO import os import itertools from bx import interval_index_file from bx.misc.seekbzip2 import SeekableBzip2File MAF_INVERSE_STATUS = 'V' MAF_INSERT_STATUS = 'I' MAF_CONTIG_STATUS = 'C' MAF_CONTIG_NESTED_STATUS = 'c' MAF_NEW_STATUS = 'N' MAF_NEW_NESTED_STATUS = 'n' MAF_MAYBE_NEW_STATUS = 'S' MAF_MAYBE_NEW_NESTED_STATUS = 's' MAF_MISSING_STATUS = 'M' class MAFIndexedAccess( interval_index_file.AbstractIndexedAccess ): """ Indexed access to a MAF file. """ def read_at_current_offset( self, file, **kwargs ): """ Read the MAF block at the current position in `file` and return an instance of `Alignment`. """ return read_next_maf( file, **kwargs ) class MAFMultiIndexedAccess( interval_index_file.AbstractMultiIndexedAccess ): """ Indexed access to multiple MAF files. """ indexed_access_class = MAFIndexedAccess Indexed = MAFIndexedAccess """Deprecated: `MAFIndexedAccess` is also available under the name `Indexed`.""" MultiIndexed = MAFMultiIndexedAccess """Deprecated: `MAFMultiIndexedAccess` is also available under the name `MultiIndexed`.""" class Reader( object ): """ Iterate over all maf blocks in a file in order """ def __init__( self, file, **kwargs ): self.file = file self.maf_kwargs = kwargs # Read and verify maf header, store any attributes fields = self.file.readline().split() if fields[0] != '##maf': raise Exception("File does not have MAF header") self.attributes = parse_attributes( fields[1:] ) def next( self ): return read_next_maf( self.file, **self.maf_kwargs ) def __iter__( self ): return ReaderIter( self ) def close( self ): self.file.close() class ReaderIter( object ): """ Adapts a `Reader` to the iterator protocol. """ def __init__( self, reader ): self.reader = reader def __iter__( self ): return self def next( self ): v = self.reader.next() if not v: raise StopIteration return v class Writer( object ): def __init__( self, file, attributes={} ): self.file = file # Write header, Webb's maf code wants version first, we accomodate if not attributes.has_key('version'): attributes['version'] = 1 self.file.write( "##maf version=%s" % attributes['version'] ) for key in attributes: if key == 'version': continue self.file.writelines( " %s=%s" % ( key, attributes[key] ) ) self.file.write( "\n" ) def write( self, alignment ): self.file.write( "a score=" + str( alignment.score ) ) for key in alignment.attributes: self.file.write( " %s=%s" % ( key, alignment.attributes[key] ) ) self.file.write( "\n" ) # Components rows = [] for c in alignment.components: # "Empty component" generates an 'e' row if c.empty: rows.append( ( "e", c.src, str( c.start ), str( c.size ), c.strand, str( c.src_size ), c.synteny_empty ) ) continue # Regular component rows.append( ( "s", c.src, str( c.start ), str( c.size ), c.strand, str( c.src_size ), c.text ) ) # If component has quality, write a q row if c.quality is not None: rows.append( ( "q", c.src, "", "", "", "", c.quality ) ) # If component has synteny follow up with an 'i' row if c.synteny_left and c.synteny_right: rows.append( ( "i", c.src, "", "", "", "", " ".join( map( str, c.synteny_left + c.synteny_right ) ) ) ) self.file.write( format_tabular( rows, "llrrrrl" ) ) self.file.write( "\n" ) def close( self ): self.file.close() # ---- Helper methods ------------------------------------------------------- def from_string( string, **kwargs ): return read_next_maf( StringIO( string ), **kwargs ) def read_next_maf( file, species_to_lengths=None, parse_e_rows=False ): """ Read the next MAF block from `file` and return as an `Alignment` instance. If `parse_i_rows` is true, empty components will be created when e rows are encountered. """ alignment = Alignment(species_to_lengths=species_to_lengths) # Attributes line line = readline( file, skip_blank=True ) if not line: return None fields = line.split() if fields[0] != 'a': raise Exception("Expected 'a ...' line") alignment.attributes = parse_attributes( fields[1:] ) if 'score' in alignment.attributes: alignment.score = alignment.attributes['score'] del alignment.attributes['score'] else: alignment.score = 0 # Sequence lines last_component = None while 1: line = readline( file ) # EOF or Blank line terminates alignment components if not line or line.isspace(): break if line.isspace(): break # Parse row fields = line.split() if fields[0] == 's': # An 's' row contains sequence for a component component = Component() component.src = fields[1] component.start = int( fields[2] ) component.size = int( fields[3] ) component.strand = fields[4] component.src_size = int( fields[5] ) if len(fields) > 6: component.text = fields[6].strip() # Add to set alignment.add_component( component ) last_component = component elif fields[0] == 'e': # An 'e' row, when no bases align for a given species this tells # us something about the synteny if parse_e_rows: component = Component() component.empty = True component.src = fields[1] component.start = int( fields[2] ) component.size = int( fields[3] ) component.strand = fields[4] component.src_size = int( fields[5] ) component.text = None synteny = fields[6].strip() assert len( synteny ) == 1, \ "Synteny status in 'e' rows should be denoted with a single character code" component.synteny_empty = synteny alignment.add_component( component ) last_component = component elif fields[0] == 'i': # An 'i' row, indicates left and right synteny status for the # previous component, we hope ;) assert fields[1] == last_component.src, "'i' row does not follow matching 's' row" last_component.synteny_left = ( fields[2], int( fields[3] ) ) last_component.synteny_right = ( fields[4], int( fields[5] ) ) elif fields[0] == 'q': assert fields[1] == last_component.src, "'q' row does not follow matching 's' row" # TODO: Should convert this to an integer array? last_component.quality = fields[2] return alignment def readline( file, skip_blank=False ): """Read a line from provided file, skipping any blank or comment lines""" while 1: line = file.readline() #print "every line: %r" % line if not line: return None if line[0] != '#' and not ( skip_blank and line.isspace() ): return line def parse_attributes( fields ): """Parse list of key=value strings into a dict""" attributes = {} for field in fields: pair = field.split( '=' ) attributes[ pair[0] ] = pair[1] return attributes def format_tabular( rows, align=None ): if len( rows ) == 0: return "" lengths = [ len( col ) for col in rows[ 0 ] ] for row in rows[1:]: for i in range( 0, len( row ) ): lengths[ i ] = max( lengths[ i ], len( row[ i ] ) ) rval = "" for row in rows: for i in range( 0, len( row ) ): if align and align[ i ] == "l": rval += row[ i ].ljust( lengths[ i ] ) else: rval += row[ i ].rjust( lengths[ i ] ) rval += " " rval += "\n" return rval