#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import math import string from numpy import * from sets import * # This is the average of all species in the alignment outside of exons # > mean(r) # A T C G # 0.2863776 0.2878264 0.2129560 0.2128400 # > sd(r) # A T C G # 0.01316192 0.01371148 0.01293836 0.01386655 ENCODE_NONCODING_BACKGROUND = { 'A':0.2863776,'T':0.2878264,'G':0.2128400,'C':0.2129560} class Align(object): def __init__ (self, seqrows, headers=None): self.rows = seqrows self.nrows = len(seqrows) ncol = None for rownum,row in enumerate(self.rows): try: if ncol == None: ncol = len(row) elif ncol != len(row): raise "Align: __init__:alignment block:row %d does not have %d columns, it has %d" % (rownum,ncol,len(row)) except: print row raise Exception('') self.ncols = ncol self.dims = (self.nrows,self.ncols) self.headers = headers def __str__ (self): return "\n".join(self.rows) class AlignScoreMatrix (object): def __init__(self,align): nan = float('nan') matrix = zeros((align.nrows,align.ncols),float32) # set to nans for ir in range( len(matrix) ): for ic in range(len( matrix[ir] )): matrix[ir][ic] = nan self.matrix = matrix def __len__(self): return shape(self.matrix)[1] def __str__(self): print self.matrix def score_align_motif (align,motif,gapmask=None,byPosition=True): #dbg #print >>sys.stderr, align.headers chr,chr_start,chr_stop = align.headers[0] # a blank score matrix nrows,ncols = align.dims ascoremax = AlignScoreMatrix( align ) scoremax = ascoremax.matrix minSeqLen = len( motif ) for ir in range(nrows): pass # row is missing data if isnan(align.rows[ir][0]): continue for start in range(ncols): if align.rows[ir][start] == '-': continue elif align.rows[ir][start] == 'n': continue elif align.rows[ir][start] == 'N': continue # get enough sequence for the weight matrix subseq = "" end = 0 ic = start while len(subseq) < minSeqLen: #for ic in range(start,ncols): if ic >= len(align.rows[ir]): break char = align.rows[ir][ic].upper() ic += 1 if char == '-' or char == 'N': continue else: subseq += char if len(subseq) == minSeqLen: end = ic+1 for_score = int( match_consensus(subseq,motif) ) revseq = reverse_complement( subseq ) rev_score = int( match_consensus(revseq,motif) ) score = max(for_score, rev_score) #dbg #if ir == 0: print >>sys.stderr, int(chr_start) + start - align.rows[ir].count('-',0,start), subseq, score # replace the alignment positions with the result if byPosition: scoremax[ir][start] = score else: # replace positions matching the width of the pwm for i in range(start,end): if isnan(scoremax[ir][i]): scoremax[ir][i] = score elif score > scoremax[ir][i]: scoremax[ir][i] = score #break # mask gap characters if gapmask == None: gapmask = score_align_gaps(align) putmask( scoremax, gapmask, float('nan') ) return scoremax #----------- # # WeightMatrix-- # A position weight matrix (PWM) representation of a motif. # #---------- # construction arguments: # id: id (name) of the motif # rows: the matrix; each row is a hash from symbol to weight, with # .. the weight in string form # alphabet: symbols allowed # background: hash from symbol to background probability of that symbol; if # .. not specified, ENCODE_NONCODING_BACKGROUND is used # internal fields: # rows: the matrix; each row is a hash from symbol to log-odds score # .. of that symbol for that row of the weight matrix # counts: the matrix; count[row][sym] is the weight, as an integer # probs: the matrix; probs[row][sym] is the weight, as an probability #---------- class PositionWeightMatrix (object): complementMap = string.maketrans("ACGTacgt","TGCAtgca") # IUPAC-IUB symbols = { 'A':Set(['A']), 'C':Set(['C']), 'G':Set(['G']), 'T':Set(['T']), 'R':Set(['A','G']), 'Y':Set(['C','T']), 'M':Set(['A','C']), 'K':Set(['G','T']), 'S':Set(['G','C']), 'W':Set(['A','T']), 'H':Set(['A','C','T']), 'B':Set(['G','T','C']), 'V':Set(['G','C','A']), 'D':Set(['G','T','A'])} def __init__ (self, id, rows, alphabet, background=None, score_correction=True): self.id = id self.alphabet = alphabet nsymbols = len(self.alphabet) for i in range(len(self.alphabet)): self.alphabet[ i ] = self.alphabet[ i ].upper() if background != None: self.background = background else: self.background = {} sorted_alphabet = [] sorted_alphabet[:] = self.alphabet[:] sorted_alphabet.sort() if ['A','C','G','T'] == sorted_alphabet: self.background = ENCODE_NONCODING_BACKGROUND else: for x in self.alphabet: self.background[ x ] = float(1)/len(self.alphabet) if (score_correction == True): self.score_correction = self.corrected_probability_score else: self.score_correction = self.simple_probability # partition counts from consensus symbol # in order to properly handle scaling in the presense of non-integers, # we prescan the matrix to figure out the largest scale factor, then go # back through and scale 'em all (some rows may be integer counts, # others may be probabilities) self.consensus = [] scale = 1 for i in range(len(rows)): #try: fields,consensus = rows[i][:nsymbols],rows[i][-1] for x,count in enumerate(fields): try: (w,s) = self.parse_weight(count) except ValueError: raise "pwm row %s has bad weight %s" % (" ".join(fields),t) # replace row counts with (values,scale) rows[i][x] = (w,s) scale = max(s,scale) #except: #print >>sys.stderr,rows #raise ValueError #raise ValueError, "pwm row %s has wrong field count" % " ".join(fields) self.consensus.append(consensus) hashRows = [] self.matrix_base_counts = {} # for pseudocounts self.counts = [] # for scaled counts self.probs = [] # for probabilities # scale counts to integers for i in range(len(rows)): hashRows.append(dict()) for x,sym in enumerate(alphabet): (w,s) = rows[i][x] hashRows[i][sym] = w * scale/s assert hashRows[i][sym] >= 0 if sym not in self.matrix_base_counts: self.matrix_base_counts[sym] = 0 self.matrix_base_counts[sym] += hashRows[i][sym] self.counts.append( hashRows[i].copy() ) self.probs.append( hashRows[i].copy() ) totalWeight = float(sum(self.probs[i].values())) for sym in self.probs[i]: self.probs[i][sym] /= totalWeight self.sites = sum ( hashRows[0].values() ) # scan pwm to pre-compute logs of probabilities and min and max log-odds # scores (over the whole PWM) for scaling; note that the same min and max # applies for scaling long-odds scores for quantum comparisions self.information_content = [] minSum = 0 maxSum = 0 for i in range( len( hashRows )): self.information_content.append( self.information_content_calculation( i, hashRows ) ) newHashRow = {} for base in self.alphabet: newHashRow[base] = self.pwm_score(base, i, hashRows) hashRows[i] = newHashRow minSum += min(hashRows[i].values()) maxSum += max(hashRows[i].values()) self.minSum = minSum self.maxSum = maxSum self.rows = hashRows # Reference 1: Wasserman and Sandelin: Nat Rev Genet. 2004 Apr;5(4):276-87. # Reference 2: Gertz et al.: Genome Res. 2005 Aug;15(8):1145-52. def information_content_calculation(self, i, counts): # Reference 1) return 2 + sum( [ self.information_base_content(base,i,counts) for base in self.alphabet ] ) # Reference 2) #return sum( [ self.information_base_content(base,i,counts) for base in self.alphabet ] ) def information_base_content(self, base, i, counts): # Reference 1) #return self.score_correction(counts,base,i) * math.log ( self.score_correction(counts,base,i), 2) # Reference 2) return self.score_correction(counts,base,i) * self.pwm_score(base, i, counts) def __call__ (self,seq): return self.score_seq(seq) def __add__ (self,other): assert self.alphabet == other.alphabet r,(p,q) = self.max_correlation(other) if p == q == 0: width = max( len(self),len(other) ) elif p > 0: width = max( len(other)+p, len(self) ) elif q > 0: width = max( len(self)+q, len(other) ) sumx = zeros( (width,len(self.alphabet)),dtype='int') selfx = self.to_count_matrix() otherx = other.to_count_matrix() if p == q == 0: sumx[:len(self)] += selfx sumx[:len(other)] += otherx elif p > 0: sumx[p:p+len(other)] += otherx sumx[:len(self)] += selfx else: sumx[:len(other)] += otherx sumx[q:q+len(self)] += selfx newRows = [] for i,x in enumerate(sumx): y = list(x) y.append( consensus_symbol(y) ) y = [ str(yi) for yi in y] newRows.append( y ) return PositionWeightMatrix(self.id+other.id,newRows,self.alphabet,self.background) def __old_add__ (self,other,maxp=None): assert self.alphabet == other.alphabet bigN = max(len(self),len(other)) smallN = min(len(self),len(other)) if not maxp: prsq = self.correlation(other) maxp = prsq.index( max(prsq) ) leftpad = ' ' * maxp rightsize = bigN - smallN rightpad = ' ' * rightsize leftStrings = [] rightStrings = [] if len(self) > len(other): larger = self smaller = other leftStrings = self.consensus rightStrings = list(leftpad) + other.consensus + list(rightpad) else: smaller = self larger = other leftStrings = list(leftpad) + self.consensus + list(rightpad) rightStrings = other.consensus sumx = zeros([bigN,len(self.alphabet)]) sumx += larger.to_count_matrix() sumx[maxp:maxp+smallN] += smaller.to_count_matrix() newRows = [] for i,x in enumerate(sumx): y = list(x) y.append( leftStrings[i] + rightStrings[i] ) y = [ str(yi) for yi in y] newRows.append( y ) #return PositionWeightMatrix(self.id+other.id,newRows[maxp:maxp+smallN],self.alphabet,self.background) return PositionWeightMatrix(self.id+other.id,newRows,self.alphabet,self.background) def to_matrix(self): m = zeros([len(self),len(self.alphabet)]) for i in range(len(self)): for j,a in enumerate(self.alphabet): m[i][j] = self[i][a] return m def to_count_matrix(self): m = zeros([len(self),len(self.alphabet)],dtype='int') for i in range(len(self)): for j,a in enumerate(self.alphabet): m[i][j] = self.counts[i][a] return m def max_correlation(self, otherwmx): rsq,ixtuple = self.slide_correlation(otherwmx) max_rsq = max(rsq) maxp,maxq = ixtuple[rsq.index(max_rsq)] return max_rsq,(maxp,maxq) def slide_correlation(self, other): assert self.alphabet == other.alphabet selfx = self.to_count_matrix() otherx = other.to_count_matrix() rsq = [] ixtuple = [] # self staggered over other, scan self backwards until flush for q in range(len(other)-1,-1,-1): r = 0 n = 0 for p in range(len(self)): if q+p < len(other): r += rsquared( list(selfx[p]), list(otherx[q+p]) ) n += 1 else: n += 1 rsq.append( r/n ) ixtuple.append( (0,q) ) # other staggered below self , scan other forward for p in range(1,len(self)): r = 0 n = 0 for q in range(len(other)): if p+q < len(self): r += rsquared( list(selfx[p+q]), list(otherx[q]) ) n += 1 else: n += 1 rsq.append( r/n ) ixtuple.append( (p,0) ) return rsq,ixtuple def correlation(self, otherwmx): assert self.alphabet == otherwmx.alphabet width = len(self.alphabet) if len(self) > len(otherwmx): larger = self.to_count_matrix() smaller = otherwmx.to_count_matrix() else: smaller = self.to_count_matrix() larger = otherwmx.to_count_matrix() bigN = len(larger) smallN = len(smaller) position_rsq = [] # slide small over large, for ave rsq for p in range(bigN): if p+smallN <= bigN: r = 0 for q in range(smallN): r += rsquared(list(smaller[q]),list(larger[p+q])) position_rsq.append( r / smallN ) return position_rsq def score_align (self,align,gapmask=None,byPosition=True): # a blank score matrix nrows,ncols = align.dims ascoremax = AlignScoreMatrix( align ) scoremax = ascoremax.matrix minSeqLen = len( self ) for ir in range(nrows): # row is missing data if isnan(align.rows[ir][0]): continue for start in range(ncols): if align.rows[ir][start] == '-': continue elif align.rows[ir][start] == 'n': continue elif align.rows[ir][start] == 'N': continue # get enough sequence for the weight matrix subseq = "" end = 0 for ic in range(start,ncols): char = align.rows[ir][ic] if char == '-' or char == 'N': continue else: subseq += char if len(subseq) == minSeqLen: end = ic+1 #forward scores = self.score_seq( subseq ) raw,forward_score = scores[0] #reverse scores = self.score_reverse_seq( subseq ) raw,reverse_score = scores[0] score = max(forward_score, reverse_score) # replace the alignment positions with the result if byPosition: scoremax[ir][start] = score else: # replace positions matching the width of the pwm for i in range(start,end): if isnan(scoremax[ir][i]): scoremax[ir][i] = score elif score > scoremax[ir][i]: scoremax[ir][i] = score # mask gap characters if gapmask == None: gapmask = score_align_gaps(align) putmask( scoremax, gapmask, float('nan') ) return scoremax # seq can be a string, a list of characters, or a quantum sequence (a list # of hashes from symbols to probability) def score_seq(self,seq): if (type(seq[0]) == dict): return self.score_quantum_seq(seq) scores = [] for start in range( len(seq)): if start + len(self) > len(seq): break subseq = seq[ start:start+len(self) ] raw = 0 try: for i,nt in enumerate(subseq): raw += self.rows[i][nt.upper()] scaled = self.scaled( raw ) except KeyError: raw,scaled = float('nan'),float('nan') scores.append( (raw, scaled) ) return scores def score_quantum_seq(self,seq): scores = [] for start in range(len(seq)): if (start + len(self) > len(seq)): break subseq = seq[start:start+len(self)] raw = 0 try: for i,nt in enumerate(subseq): numer = sum([subseq[i][nt] * self.probs[i][nt] for nt in subseq[i]]) denom = sum([subseq[i][nt] * self.background[nt] for nt in subseq[i]]) raw += math.log(numer/denom,2) scaled = self.scaled(raw) except KeyError: raw,scaled = float('nan'),float('nan') except OverflowError,e: raw,scaled = float('nan'),float('nan') except ValueError,e: raw,scaled = float('nan'),float('nan') scores.append((raw,scaled)) return scores def score_reverse_seq(self,seq): revSeq = reverse_complement( seq ) scores = self.score_seq( revSeq ) scores.reverse() return scores def scaled(self,val): return ( val - self.minSum ) / (self.maxSum - self.minSum) def pseudocount(self, base=None): f = lambda count: math.sqrt( count + 1 ) if base in self.alphabet: return f( self.matrix_base_counts[base] ) elif base == None: return f ( self.sites ) else: return float("nan") def simple_probability (self,freq, base, i): # p(base,i) = f(base,i) # ---------------------- # sum(f(base,{A,C,G,T})) return float( freq[i][base] ) / sum([freq[i][nt] for nt in self.alphabet]) def corrected_probability_score (self,freq, base, i): # p(base,i) = f(base,i) + s(base) # -------------------- # N + sum(s(A,C,T,G)) f = float( freq[i][base] ) s = self.pseudocount(base) N = self.sites #print >>sys.stderr, "f:%.3f + s:%.3f = %.3f" % (f,s,f + s) #print >>sys.stderr, "-------------------------" #print >>sys.stderr, "N:%d + %d = %d" % (N,self.pseudocount(), N + self.pseudocount()) #print >>sys.stderr, "\t\t %.3f\n" % ((f + s) / (N + self.pseudocount())) assert (f + s) > 0 return (f + s) / (N + self.pseudocount()) def pwm_score (self,base,i,freq,background=None): if background == None: background = self.background p = self.score_correction(freq,base,i) #print >>sys.stderr, p #print >>sys.stderr, "k %d %c" % (i,base),freq[i][base] b = background[ base ] try: return math.log( p/b, 2) except OverflowError,e: ## print >>sys.stderr,"base=%c, math.log(%.3f / %.3f)" % (base,p,b) ## print >>sys.stderr,self.id return float('nan') except ValueError,e: ## print >>sys.stderr,"base=%c, math.log(%.3f / %.3f)" % (base,p,b) ## print >>sys.stderr,self.id return float('nan') def parse_weight (self, weightString): fields = weightString.split(".") if (len(fields) > 2): raise ValueError w = int(fields[0]) s = 1 if (len(fields) == 2): for cnt in range(0,len(fields[1])): s *= 10 w = s*w + int(fields[1]) return (w,s) # w = the weight # s = the scale used (a power of 10) def __str__ (self): lines = [self.id] headers = ["%s" % nt for nt in self.alphabet] lines.append("P0\t" + "\t".join(headers)) for ix in range(0,len(self.rows)): weights = ["%d" % self.counts[ix][nt] for nt in self.alphabet] #lines.append(("%02d\t" % ix) + "\t".join(weights) + "\t" + self.consensus[ix]) lines.append(("%02d\t" % ix) + "\t".join(weights) + "\t" + str(sum(self.counts[ix].values())) + "\t" + self.consensus[ix]) return "\n".join(lines) def __getitem__ (self,key): return self.rows[key] def __setitem__ (self,key,value): self.rows[key] = value def __len__ (self): return len( self.rows ) def score_align_gaps (align): # a blank score matrix nrows,ncols = align.dims scoremax = AlignScoreMatrix( align ).matrix for ir in range(nrows): # row is missing data if isnan(align.rows[ir][0]): continue # scan for gaps for pos in range(ncols): if align.rows[ir][pos] == '-': scoremax[ir][pos] = 1 else: scoremax[ir][pos] = 0 return scoremax #----------- # # WeightMatrix Reader-- # Read position weight matrices (PWM) from a file. # #----------- class Reader (object): """Iterate over all interesting weight matrices in a file""" def __init__ (self,file,tfIds=None,name=None,format='basic',background=None,score_correction=True): self.tfIds = tfIds self.file = file self.name = name self.lineNumber = 0 self.format = format self.background = background self.score_correction = score_correction def close (self): self.file.close() def where (self): if (self.name == None): return "line %d" % self.lineNumber else: return "line %d in %s" % (self.lineNumber,self.name) def __iter__ (self): if self.format == 'basic': return self.read_as_basic() elif self.format == 'transfac': return self.read_as_transfac() else: raise "unknown weight matrix file format: '%s'" % self.format def read_as_basic(self): tfId = None pwmRows = None alphabet = ['A','C','G','T'] while (True): line = self.file.readline() if (not line): break line = line.strip() self.lineNumber += 1 if line.startswith(">"): if pwmRows != None: yield PositionWeightMatrix(tfId,pwmRows,alphabet,background=self.background) #try: #yield PositionWeightMatrix(tfId,pwmRows,alphabet) #except: #print >>sys.stderr, "Failed to read", tfId tfId = line.strip()[1:] pwmRows = [] elif line[0].isdigit(): tokens = line.strip().split() tokens.append( consensus_symbol(line) ) vals = [float(v) for v in tokens[:-1]] #print >>sys.stderr,[ "%.2f" % (float(v)/sum(vals)) for v in vals], tokens[-1] pwmRows.append( tokens ) if pwmRows != None: # we've finished collecting a desired matrix yield PositionWeightMatrix(tfId,pwmRows,alphabet,background=self.background,score_correction=self.score_correction) def read_as_transfac(self): self.tfToPwm = {} tfId = None pwmRows = None while (True): line = self.file.readline() if (not line): break line = line.strip() self.lineNumber += 1 # handle an ID line if line.startswith("ID"): if pwmRows != None: # we've finished collecting a desired matrix try: yield PositionWeightMatrix(tfId,pwmRows,alphabet,background=self.background,score_correction=self.score_correction) except: print >>sys.stderr, "Failed to read", tfId tfId = None pwmRows = None tokens = line.split (None, 2) if len(tokens) != 2: raise ValueError, "bad line, need two fields (%s)" % self.where() tfId = tokens[1] if self.tfIds != None and (not tfId in self.tfIds): continue # ignore it, this isn't a desired matrix if tfId in self.tfToPwm: raise ValueError, "transcription factor %s appears twice (%s)" \ % (tfId,self.where()) pwmRows = [] # start collecting a desired matrix continue # if we're not collecting, skip this line if pwmRows == None: continue if len(line) < 1: continue # name, if present, added to ID if line.startswith('NA'): words = line.strip().split() tfId = tfId + "\t" + " ".join(words[1:]) # handle a P0 line if line.startswith("P0"): alphabet = line.split()[1:] if len(alphabet) < 2: raise ValueError, "bad line, need more dna (%s)" % self.where() continue # handle a 01,02,etc. line if line[0].isdigit(): tokens = line.split () try: index = int(tokens[0]) if index != len(pwmRows)+1: raise ValueError except: raise ValueError,"bad line, bad index (%s)" % self.where() pwmRows.append(tokens[1:]) continue # skip low quality entries if line.startswith("CC TRANSFAC Sites of quality"): print >>sys.stderr, line.strip(), tfId pwmRows = None continue if pwmRows != None: # we've finished collecting a desired matrix yield PositionWeightMatrix(tfId,pwmRows,alphabet,background=self.background,score_correction=self.score_correction) # clean up self.tfToPwm = None def isnan(x): #return ieeespecial.isnan(x) if x==x: return False return True def reverse_complement (nukes): return nukes[::-1].translate(PositionWeightMatrix.complementMap) def rsquared( x, y ): try: return sum_of_squares(x,y)**2 / (sum_of_squares(x) * sum_of_squares(y)) except ZeroDivisionError: #return float('nan') return 0 def sum_of_squares( x,y=None ): if not y: y = x xmean = float(sum( x )) / len( x ) ymean = float(sum( y )) / len( y ) assert len(x) == len(y) return sum([ float(xi)*float(yi) for xi,yi in zip(x,y)]) - len(x)*xmean*ymean def match_consensus(sequence,pattern): return c_match_consensus( sequence, pattern, len(sequence)) #for s,p in zip(sequence,pattern): #if p == 'N': continue #if not s in PositionWeightMatrix.symbols[p]: return False #return True def consensus_symbol( pattern ): if type(pattern)==type(""): try: pattern = [int(x) for x in pattern.split()] except ValueError,e: print >>sys.stderr, pattern raise ValueError,e # IUPAC-IUB nomenclature for wobblers wobblers = { 'R':Set(['A','G']), 'Y':Set(['C','T']), 'M':Set(['A','C']), 'K':Set(['G','T']), 'S':Set(['G','C']), 'W':Set(['A','T']), 'H':Set(['A','C','T']), 'B':Set(['G','T','C']), 'V':Set(['G','C','A']), 'D':Set(['G','T','A'])} symbols = ['A','C','G','T'] if type(pattern)==type({}): pattern = [pattern[u] for u in symbols] total = sum(pattern) f = [ (space/1e5)+(float(x)/total) for space,x in enumerate(pattern) ] copy = [] copy[:] = f[:] copy.sort() # http://www.genomatix.de/online_help/help_matinspector/matrix_help.html -- # url says consensus must be greater than 50%, and at least twice the freq # of the second-most frequent. A double-degenerate symbol can be used # if the top two account for 75% or more of the nt, if each is less than 50% # Otherwise, N is used in the consensus. tops = copy[-2:] if tops[1] > 0.5 and tops[1] >= 2 * tops[0]: return symbols[f.index(tops[1])] elif tops[0] < 0.5 and sum(tops) >= 0.75: degen = Set([ symbols[f.index(v)] for v in tops ]) for degenSymbol,wobbles in wobblers.items(): #print >>sys.stderr,wobbles if degen == wobbles: return degenSymbol else: return 'N' print >>sys.stderr,pattern raise Exception('?') # import C extensions try: from _position_weight_matrix import c_match_consensus ## print >>sys.stderr, "C match_consensus used" except: ## print >>sys.stderr, "python match_consensus used" def match_consensus(sequence, pattern, size): for s,p in zip(sequence,pattern): if p == 'N': continue if not s in PositionWeightMatrix.symbols[p]: return False return True