import itertools import unittest from import assert_true import numpy as np from numpy.testing import (assert_array_equal, assert_array_almost_equal, assert_raises) from scipy import stats from sklearn import mixture from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_spd_matrix rng = np.random.RandomState(0) def test_sample_gaussian(): """ Test sample generation from mixture.sample_gaussian where covariance is diagonal, spherical and full """ n_features, n_samples = 2, 300 axis = 1 mu = rng.randint(10) * rng.rand(n_features) cv = (rng.rand(n_features) + 1.0) ** 2 samples = mixture.sample_gaussian( mu, cv, covariance_type='diag', n_samples=n_samples) assert_true(np.allclose(samples.mean(axis), mu, atol=1.3)) assert_true(np.allclose(samples.var(axis), cv, atol=1.5)) # the same for spherical covariances cv = (rng.rand() + 1.0) ** 2 samples = mixture.sample_gaussian( mu, cv, covariance_type='spherical', n_samples=n_samples) assert_true(np.allclose(samples.mean(axis), mu, atol=1.5)) assert_true(np.allclose( samples.var(axis), np.repeat(cv, n_features), atol=1.5)) # and for full covariances A = rng.randn(n_features, n_features) cv =, A) + np.eye(n_features) samples = mixture.sample_gaussian( mu, cv, covariance_type='full', n_samples=n_samples) assert_true(np.allclose(samples.mean(axis), mu, atol=1.3)) assert_true(np.allclose(np.cov(samples), cv, atol=2.5)) def _naive_lmvnpdf_diag(X, mu, cv): # slow and naive implementation of lmvnpdf ref = np.empty((len(X), len(mu))) stds = np.sqrt(cv) for i, (m, std) in enumerate(itertools.izip(mu, stds)): ref[:, i] = np.log(stats.norm.pdf(X, m, std)).sum(axis=1) return ref def test_lmvnpdf_diag(): """ test a slow and naive implementation of lmvnpdf and compare it to the vectorized version (mixture.lmvnpdf) to test for correctness """ n_features, n_components, n_samples = 2, 3, 10 mu = rng.randint(10) * rng.rand(n_components, n_features) cv = (rng.rand(n_components, n_features) + 1.0) ** 2 X = rng.randint(10) * rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) ref = _naive_lmvnpdf_diag(X, mu, cv) lpr = mixture.log_multivariate_normal_density(X, mu, cv, 'diag') assert_array_almost_equal(lpr, ref) def test_lmvnpdf_spherical(): n_features, n_components, n_samples = 2, 3, 10 mu = rng.randint(10) * rng.rand(n_components, n_features) spherecv = rng.rand(n_components, 1) ** 2 + 1 X = rng.randint(10) * rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) cv = np.tile(spherecv, (n_features, 1)) reference = _naive_lmvnpdf_diag(X, mu, cv) lpr = mixture.log_multivariate_normal_density(X, mu, spherecv, 'spherical') assert_array_almost_equal(lpr, reference) def test_lmvnpdf_full(): n_features, n_components, n_samples = 2, 3, 10 mu = rng.randint(10) * rng.rand(n_components, n_features) cv = (rng.rand(n_components, n_features) + 1.0) ** 2 X = rng.randint(10) * rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) fullcv = np.array([np.diag(x) for x in cv]) reference = _naive_lmvnpdf_diag(X, mu, cv) lpr = mixture.log_multivariate_normal_density(X, mu, fullcv, 'full') assert_array_almost_equal(lpr, reference) def test_GMM_attributes(): n_components, n_features = 10, 4 covariance_type = 'diag' g = mixture.GMM(n_components, covariance_type, random_state=rng) weights = rng.rand(n_components) weights = weights / weights.sum() means = rng.randint(-20, 20, (n_components, n_features)) assert_true(g.n_components == n_components) assert_true(g.covariance_type == covariance_type) g.weights_ = weights assert_array_almost_equal(g.weights_, weights) g.means_ = means assert_array_almost_equal(g.means_, means) covars = (0.1 + 2 * rng.rand(n_components, n_features)) ** 2 g.covars_ = covars assert_array_almost_equal(g.covars_, covars) assert_raises(ValueError, g._set_covars, []) assert_raises(ValueError, g._set_covars, np.zeros((n_components - 2, n_features))) assert_raises(ValueError, mixture.GMM, n_components=20, covariance_type='badcovariance_type') class GMMTester(): do_test_eval = True def _setUp(self): self.n_components = 10 self.n_features = 4 self.weights = rng.rand(self.n_components) self.weights = self.weights / self.weights.sum() self.means = rng.randint(-20, 20, (self.n_components, self.n_features)) self.threshold = -0.5 self.I = np.eye(self.n_features) self.covars = { 'spherical': (0.1 + 2 * rng.rand(self.n_components, self.n_features)) ** 2, 'tied': (make_spd_matrix(self.n_features, random_state=0) + 5 * self.I), 'diag': (0.1 + 2 * rng.rand(self.n_components, self.n_features)) ** 2, 'full': np.array([make_spd_matrix(self.n_features, random_state=0) + 5 * self.I for x in range(self.n_components)])} def test_eval(self): if not self.do_test_eval: return # DPGMM does not support setting the means and # covariances before fitting There is no way of fixing this # due to the variational parameters being more expressive than # covariance matrices g = self.model(n_components=self.n_components, covariance_type=self.covariance_type, random_state=rng) # Make sure the means are far apart so responsibilities.argmax() # picks the actual component used to generate the observations. g.means_ = 20 * self.means g.covars_ = self.covars[self.covariance_type] g.weights_ = self.weights gaussidx = np.repeat(range(self.n_components), 5) n_samples = len(gaussidx) X = rng.randn(n_samples, self.n_features) + g.means_[gaussidx] ll, responsibilities = g.eval(X) self.assertEqual(len(ll), n_samples) self.assertEqual(responsibilities.shape, (n_samples, self.n_components)) assert_array_almost_equal(responsibilities.sum(axis=1), np.ones(n_samples)) assert_array_equal(responsibilities.argmax(axis=1), gaussidx) def test_sample(self, n=100): g = self.model(n_components=self.n_components, covariance_type=self.covariance_type, random_state=rng) # Make sure the means are far apart so responsibilities.argmax() # picks the actual component used to generate the observations. g.means_ = 20 * self.means g.covars_ = np.maximum(self.covars[self.covariance_type], 0.1) g.weights_ = self.weights samples = g.sample(n) self.assertEqual(samples.shape, (n, self.n_features)) def test_train(self, params='wmc'): g = mixture.GMM(n_components=self.n_components, covariance_type=self.covariance_type) g.weights_ = self.weights g.means_ = self.means g.covars_ = 20 * self.covars[self.covariance_type] # Create a training set by sampling from the predefined distribution. X = g.sample(n_samples=100) g = self.model(n_components=self.n_components, covariance_type=self.covariance_type, random_state=rng, min_covar=1e-1, n_iter=1, init_params=params) # Do one training iteration at a time so we can keep track of # the log likelihood to make sure that it increases after each # iteration. trainll = [] for iter in xrange(5): g.params = params g.init_params = '' trainll.append(self.score(g, X)) g.n_iter = 10 g.init_params = '' g.params = params # finish fitting # Note that the log likelihood will sometimes decrease by a # very small amount after it has more or less converged due to # the addition of min_covar to the covariance (to prevent # underflow). This is why the threshold is set to -0.5 # instead of 0. delta_min = np.diff(trainll).min() self.assertTrue( delta_min > self.threshold, "The min nll increase is %f which is lower than the admissible" " threshold of %f, for model %s. The likelihoods are %s." % (delta_min, self.threshold, self.covariance_type, trainll)) def test_train_degenerate(self, params='wmc'): """ Train on degenerate data with 0 in some dimensions """ # Create a training set by sampling from the predefined distribution. X = rng.randn(100, self.n_features) X.T[1:] = 0 g = self.model(n_components=2, covariance_type=self.covariance_type, random_state=rng, min_covar=1e-3, n_iter=5, init_params=params) trainll = g.score(X) self.assertTrue(np.sum(np.abs(trainll / 100 / X.shape[1])) < 5) def test_train_1d(self, params='wmc'): """ Train on 1-D data """ # Create a training set by sampling from the predefined distribution. X = rng.randn(100, 1) #X.T[1:] = 0 g = self.model(n_components=2, covariance_type=self.covariance_type, random_state=rng, min_covar=1e-7, n_iter=5, init_params=params) trainll = g.score(X) if isinstance(g, mixture.DPGMM): self.assertTrue(np.sum(np.abs(trainll / 100)) < 5) else: self.assertTrue(np.sum(np.abs(trainll / 100)) < 2) def score(self, g, X): return g.score(X).sum() class TestGMMWithSphericalCovars(unittest.TestCase, GMMTester): covariance_type = 'spherical' model = mixture.GMM setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestGMMWithDiagonalCovars(unittest.TestCase, GMMTester): covariance_type = 'diag' model = mixture.GMM setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestGMMWithTiedCovars(unittest.TestCase, GMMTester): covariance_type = 'tied' model = mixture.GMM setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestGMMWithFullCovars(unittest.TestCase, GMMTester): covariance_type = 'full' model = mixture.GMM setUp = GMMTester._setUp def test_multiple_init(): """Test that multiple inits does not much worse than a single one""" X = rng.randn(30, 5) X[:10] += 2 g = mixture.GMM(n_components=2, covariance_type='spherical', random_state=rng, min_covar=1e-7, n_iter=5) train1 = g.n_init = 5 train2 = assert_true(train2 >= train1 - 1.e-2) def test_n_parameters(): """Test that the right number of parameters is estimated""" n_samples, n_dim, n_components = 7, 5, 2 X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_dim) n_params = {'spherical': 13, 'diag': 21, 'tied': 26, 'full': 41} for cv_type in ['full', 'tied', 'diag', 'spherical']: g = mixture.GMM(n_components=n_components, covariance_type=cv_type, random_state=rng, min_covar=1e-7, n_iter=1) assert_true(g._n_parameters() == n_params[cv_type]) def test_aic(): """ Test the aic and bic criteria""" n_samples, n_dim, n_components = 50, 3, 2 X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_dim) SGH = 0.5 * (X.var() + np.log(2 * np.pi)) # standard gaussian entropy for cv_type in ['full', 'tied', 'diag', 'spherical']: g = mixture.GMM(n_components=n_components, covariance_type=cv_type, random_state=rng, min_covar=1e-7) aic = 2 * n_samples * SGH * n_dim + 2 * g._n_parameters() bic = (2 * n_samples * SGH * n_dim + np.log(n_samples) * g._n_parameters()) bound = n_dim * 3. / np.sqrt(n_samples) assert_true(np.abs(g.aic(X) - aic) / n_samples < bound) assert_true(np.abs(g.bic(X) - bic) / n_samples < bound) if __name__ == '__main__': import nose nose.runmodule()