""" The :mod:`sklearn.svm.sparse` module includes Support Vector Machine algorithms for sparse matrices. This module should have the same API as :mod:`sklearn.svm`, except that matrices are expected to be in some sparse format supported by scipy.sparse. .. note:: Some fields, like `dual_coef_` are not sparse matrices strictly speaking. However, they are converted to a sparse matrix for consistency and efficiency when multiplying to other sparse matrices. """ # see http://scikit-learn.sourceforge.net/modules/svm.html # Author: Fabian Pedregosa with help from # the scikit-learn community. # License: New BSD, (C) INRIA 2010 from .classes import SVC, NuSVC, SVR, NuSVR, OneClassSVM, LinearSVC from .. import libsvm_sparse as libsvm __all__ = ["SVC", "NuSVC", "SVR", "NuSVR", "OneClassSVM", "LinearSVC", "libsvm"]