#!/usr/bin/python2.7 """ Create a site profile vector showing the average signal accumulated from a bigwig file around the center of each interval from a BED file. Output is the average signal value at that relative position across the intervals. usage: %prog bigwig_file.bw padding < bed_file.bed """ import sys from numpy import * from bx.intervals.io import GenomicIntervalReader from bx.bbi.bigwig_file import BigWigFile bw = BigWigFile( open( sys.argv[1] ) ) padding = int( sys.argv[2] ) totals = zeros( padding*2, dtype=float64 ) valid = zeros( padding*2, dtype=int32 ) for interval in GenomicIntervalReader( sys.stdin ): center = floor( ( interval.start + interval.end ) / 2 ) values = bw.get_as_array( interval.chrom, center - padding, center + padding ) # Determine which positions had data and mask the rest for totalling invalid = isnan( values ) values[ invalid ] = 0 totals += values valid += ( ~ invalid ) savetxt( sys.stdout, totals/valid )