#!/usr/bin/python2.7 """ Given two bed files print the number of bases covered 1) by both, 2) only by the first, and 3) only by the second. usage: %prog bed_file_1 bed_file_2 """ import sys from warnings import warn from bx.bitset import BinnedBitSet from bx.bitset_builders import * from bx.cookbook import doc_optparse def coverage( bitsets ): total = 0 for chrom in bitsets: total += bitsets[chrom].count_range( 0, bitsets[chrom].size ) return total options, args = doc_optparse.parse( __doc__ ) try: in_fname, in2_fname = args except: doc_optparse.exit() bits1 = binned_bitsets_from_file( open( in_fname ) ) bits2 = binned_bitsets_from_file( open( in2_fname ) ) bits1_covered = coverage( bits1 ) bits2_covered = coverage( bits2 ) bitsets = dict() for key in bits1: if key in bits2: bits1[key].iand( bits2[key] ) bitsets[key] = bits1[key] both_covered = coverage( bitsets ) print "in both: \t%d" % both_covered print "only in %s:\t%d" % ( in_fname, bits1_covered - both_covered ) print "only in %s:\t%d" % ( in2_fname, bits2_covered - both_covered )