#!/usr/bin/python2.7 -O """Map features from the target species to the query species of a chain alignment file. This is intended for mapping relatively short features such as Chip-Seq peaks on TF binding events. Features that get mapped on different chromosomes or that span multiple chains are silently filtered out. TODO: (1)for narrowPeak input, map the predicted peak position. """ import sys, os, logging, pdb import numpy as np from operator import concat, attrgetter, itemgetter from itertools import groupby from bx.intervals.intersection import IntervalTree, Interval from bx.cookbook import argparse from bx.align import epo from bx.align.epo import bed_union as elem_u elem_t = np.dtype([('chrom', np.str_, 30), ('start', np.int64), ('end', np.int64), ('id', np.str_, 100)]) LOG_LEVELS = {"info" : logging.INFO, "debug" : logging.DEBUG, "silent" : logging.ERROR} logging.basicConfig() log = logging.getLogger() class GIntervalTree( IntervalTree ): """a set of IntervalTrees that is indexed by chromosomes""" def __init__(self, data=[]): self._trees = {} def add(self, chrom, element): """insert an element. use this method as the IntervalTree one. this will simply call the IntervalTree.add method on the right tree :param chrom: chromosome :param element: the argument of IntervalTree.insert_interval :return: None """ self._trees.setdefault(chrom, IntervalTree()).insert_interval( element ) def find(self, chrom, start, end): """find the intersecting elements :param chrom: chromosome :param start: start :param end: end :return: a list of intersecting elements""" tree = self._trees.get( chrom, None ) if tree: return tree.find( start, end ) #return always a list return [] def transform(elem, (chain, CT, CQ), max_gap): """transform the coordinates of this elem into the other species. elem intersects this chain's ginterval. :return: a list of the type [(to_chr, start, end, elem[id]) ... ]""" start, end = max(elem['start'], chain.tStart) - chain.tStart, min(elem['end'], chain.tEnd) - chain.tStart assert np.all( (CT[:,1] - CT[:,0]) == (CQ[:,1] - CQ[:,0]) ) to_chrom = chain.qName to_gab_start = chain.qStart start_idx = np.where( CT[:,1] > start )[0][0] end_idx = np.where( CT[:,0] < end )[0][-1] if start_idx > end_idx: #maps to a gap region on the other species return [] ## apply the gap threshold if max_gap >= 0 and start_idx < end_idx - 1: if np.max(CT[(start_idx+1):end_idx,0] - CT[start_idx:(end_idx-1),1]) > max_gap or np.max(CQ[(start_idx+1):end_idx,0] - CQ[start_idx:(end_idx-1),1]) > max_gap: return [] assert start < CT[start_idx, 1] assert CT[end_idx, 0] < end to_start = CQ[start_idx, 0] + max(0, start - CT[start_idx,0]) # correct if on middle of interval to_end = CQ[end_idx, 1] - max(0, CT[end_idx, 1] - end) # idem if start_idx == end_idx: #elem falls in a single run of matches slices = [(to_start, to_end)] else: slices = [(to_start, CQ[start_idx,1])] slices += map(lambda i: (CQ[i,0], CQ[i,1]), range(start_idx+1, end_idx)) slices.append( (CQ[end_idx,0], to_end) ) if chain.qStrand == '-': Sz = chain.qEnd - chain.qStart slices = map(lambda t: (Sz-t[1], Sz-t[0]), slices) return map(lambda t: (to_chrom, to_gab_start + t[0], to_gab_start + t[1], elem['id']), slices) def union_elements(elements): """elements = [(chr, s, e, id), ...], this is to join elements that have a deletion in the 'to' species """ if len(elements) < 2: return elements assert set( map(lambda e: e[3], elements) ) == set( [elements[0][3]] ), "more than one id" el_id = elements[0][3] unioned_elements = [] for ch, chgrp in groupby(elements, key=itemgetter(0)): for (s,e) in elem_u( np.array(map(itemgetter(1,2), chgrp), dtype=np.uint) ): if (s < e): unioned_elements.append( (ch, s, e, el_id) ) assert len(unioned_elements) <= len(elements) return unioned_elements def transform_by_chrom(all_epo, from_elem_list, tree, chrom, opt, out_fd): BED4_FRM = "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\n" BED12_FRM = "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t1000\t+\t%d\t%d\t0,0,0\t%d\t%s\t%s\n" assert len( set(from_elem_list['chrom']) ) <= 1 mapped_elem_count = 0 for from_elem in from_elem_list: matching_block_ids = map(attrgetter("value"), tree.find(chrom, from_elem['start'], from_elem['end'])) #mapped elements must end up in the same chain and chromosome if len(matching_block_ids) == 0 or len(matching_block_ids) > 1: log.debug("%s no match or in different chain/chromosomes" % (str(from_elem))) continue # do the actual mapping matching_block = all_epo[matching_block_ids[0]] to_elem_slices = transform(from_elem, matching_block, opt.gap) #to_elem_slices = reduce(concat, map(lambda b: transform(from_elem, b, opt.gap), matching_blocks), []) # apply threshold if (from_elem[2] - from_elem[1]) * opt.threshold > reduce(lambda b,a: a[2]-a[1] + b, to_elem_slices, 0): log.debug("%s did not pass threshold" % (str(from_elem))) continue # if to_species had insertions you can join elements to_elem_list = sorted(union_elements(to_elem_slices), key=lambda a: a[1]) if to_elem_list: mapped_elem_count += 1 log.debug("\tjoined to %d elements" % (len(to_elem_list))) if opt.format == "BED4": map(lambda tel: out_fd.write(BED4_FRM % tel), to_elem_list) else: start = to_elem_list[0][1] end = to_elem_list[-1][2] out_fd.write(BED12_FRM % (to_elem_list[0][0], start, end, from_elem['id'], start, end, len(to_elem_list), ",".join( map(lambda e: "%d" % (e[2]-e[1]), to_elem_list) ), ",".join( map(lambda e: "%d" % (e[1]-start), to_elem_list) ) ) ) log.info("%s %d of %d elements mapped" % (chrom, mapped_elem_count, from_elem_list.shape[0])) def transform_file(ELEMS, ofname, EPO, TREE, opt): "transform/map the elements of this file and dump the output on 'ofname'" BED4_FRM = "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\n" log.info("%s (%d) elements ..." % (opt.screen and "screening" or "transforming", ELEMS.shape[0])) with open(ofname, 'w') as out_fd: if opt.screen: for elem in ELEMS.flat: matching_blocks = map(attrgetter("value"), TREE.find(elem['chrom'], elem['start'], elem['end'])) assert set( matching_blocks ) <= set( EPO.keys() ) if matching_blocks: out_fd.write(BED4_FRM % elem) else: for chrom in set( ELEMS['chrom'] ): transform_by_chrom(EPO, ELEMS[ELEMS['chrom'] == chrom], TREE, chrom, opt, out_fd) log.info("DONE!") def loadChains(path): "name says it." EPO = epo.Chain._parse_file(path, True) ## convert coordinates w.r.t the forward strand (into slices) ## compute cummulative intervals for i in range( len(EPO) ): ch, S, T, Q = EPO[i] if ch.tStrand == '-': ch = ch._replace(tEnd = ch.tSize - ch.tStart, tStart = ch.tSize - ch.tEnd) if ch.qStrand == '-': ch = ch._replace(qEnd = ch.qSize - ch.qStart, qStart = ch.qSize - ch.qEnd) EPO[i] = (ch, epo.cummulative_intervals(S, T), epo.cummulative_intervals(S, Q) ) ##now each element of epo is (chain_header, target_intervals, query_intervals) assert all( map(lambda t: t[0].tStrand == '+', EPO) ), "all target strands should be +" return EPO def loadFeatures(path): "load BED4 features (all other columns are ignored)" log.info("loading from %s ..." % path) data = [] with open(path) as fd: for line in fd: cols = line.split() data.append( (cols[0], int(cols[1]), int(cols[2]), cols[3]) ) return np.array(data, dtype=elem_t) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, epilog="Olgert Denas (Taylor Lab)", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("input", nargs='+', help="Input to process. If more than a file is specified, all files will be mapped and placed on --output, which should be a directory.") parser.add_argument("alignment", help="Alignment file (.chain or .pkl)") parser.add_argument("-f", '--format', choices=("BED4", "BED12"), default="BED4", help="Output format.") parser.add_argument("-o", '--output', metavar="FILE", default='stdout', type=lambda s: ((s in ('stdout', '-') and "/dev/stdout") or s), help="Output file. Mandatory if more than on file in input.") parser.add_argument("-t", '--threshold', metavar="FLOAT", default=0., type=float, help="Mapping threshold i.e., |elem| * threshold <= |mapped_elem|") parser.add_argument("-s", '--screen', default=False, action='store_true', help="Only report elements in the alignment (without mapping). -t has not effect here (TODO)") parser.add_argument('-g', '--gap', type=int, default=-1, help="Ignore elements with an insertion/deletion of this or bigger size.") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', type=str, choices=LOG_LEVELS.keys(), default='info', help='Verbosity level') opt = parser.parse_args() log.setLevel(LOG_LEVELS[opt.verbose]) #check for output if input is a directory arguments if len(opt.input) > 1 and (not os.path.isdir(opt.output)): parser.error("For multiple inputs, output is mandatory and should be a dir.") #loading alignments from opt.alignment EPO = dict( map(lambda ch: (ch[0].id, ch), loadChains(opt.alignment)) ) ## create an interval tree based on chain headers (from_species side) ## for fast feature-to-chain_header searching log.info("indexing %d chains ..." % (len(EPO),)) TREE = GIntervalTree() for gabid in EPO: chain, t, q = EPO[gabid] TREE.add(chain.tName, Interval(chain.tStart, chain.tEnd, chain.id)) # transform elements if len(opt.input) > 1: for inpath in opt.input: if not os.path.isfile(inpath): log.warning("skipping %s (not a file) ..." % inpath) continue outpath = os.path.join(opt.output, os.path.basename(inpath)) if os.path.isfile(outpath): log.warning("overwriting %s ..." % outpath) transform_file(loadFeatures(inpath), outpath, EPO, TREE, opt) else: transform_file(loadFeatures( opt.input[0] ), opt.output, EPO, TREE, opt)