#!/usr/bin/python2.7 """ Returns a bed-like translation of a CDS in which each record corresponds to a single site in the CDS and includes additional fields for site degenaracy, position ind CDS, and amino acid encoded. usage: %prog nibdir genefile [options] -o, --outfile=o: output file -f, --format=f: format bed (default), or gtf|gff -a, --allpositions: 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions are evaluated for degeneracy given the sequence at the other two positions. Many 1d sites in 1st codon positions become 2d sites when considered this way. -n, --include_name: include the 'name' or 'id' field from the source file on every line of output """ import re import sys import os import string from bx.seq import nib from bx.bitset import * from bx.bitset_builders import * from bx.bitset_utils import * from bx.gene_reader import * from bx.cookbook import doc_optparse GENETIC_CODE = """ TTT (Phe/F)Phenylalanine TTC (Phe/F)Phenylalanine TTA (Leu/L)Leucine TTG (Leu/L)Leucine, Start TCT (Ser/S)Serine TCC (Ser/S)Serine TCA (Ser/S)Serine TCG (Ser/S)Serine TAT (Tyr/Y)Tyrosine TAC (Tyr/Y)Tyrosine TAA Ochre (Stop) TAG Amber (Stop) TGT (Cys/C)Cysteine TGC (Cys/C)Cysteine TGA Opal (Stop) TGG (Trp/W)Tryptophan CTT (Leu/L)Leucine CTC (Leu/L)Leucine CTA (Leu/L)Leucine CTG (Leu/L)Leucine, Start CCT (Pro/P)Proline CCC (Pro/P)Proline CCA (Pro/P)Proline CCG (Pro/P)Proline CAT (His/H)Histidine CAC (His/H)Histidine CAA (Gln/Q)Glutamine CAG (Gln/Q)Glutamine CGT (Arg/R)Arginine CGC (Arg/R)Arginine CGA (Arg/R)Arginine CGG (Arg/R)Arginine ATT (Ile/I)Isoleucine, Start2 ATC (Ile/I)Isoleucine ATA (Ile/I)Isoleucine ATG (Met/M)Methionine, Start1 ACT (Thr/T)Threonine ACC (Thr/T)Threonine ACA (Thr/T)Threonine ACG (Thr/T)Threonine AAT (Asn/N)Asparagine AAC (Asn/N)Asparagine AAA (Lys/K)Lysine AAG (Lys/K)Lysine AGT (Ser/S)Serine AGC (Ser/S)Serine AGA (Arg/R)Arginine AGG (Arg/R)Arginine GTT (Val/V)Valine GTC (Val/V)Valine GTA (Val/V)Valine GTG (Val/V)Valine, Start2 GCT (Ala/A)Alanine GCC (Ala/A)Alanine GCA (Ala/A)Alanine GCG (Ala/A)Alanine GAT (Asp/D)Aspartic acid GAC (Asp/D)Aspartic acid GAA (Glu/E)Glutamic acid GAG (Glu/E)Glutamic acid GGT (Gly/G)Glycine GGC (Gly/G)Glycine GGA (Gly/G)Glycine GGG (Gly/G)Glycine """ def translate( codon, genetic_code): c1,c2,c3 = codon return genetic_code[c1][c2][c3] """ parse the doc string to hash the genetic code""" GEN_CODE = {} for line in GENETIC_CODE.split('\n'): if line.strip() == '': continue f = re.split('\s|\(|\)|\/',line) codon = f[0] c1,c2,c3 = codon aminoacid = f[3] if c1 not in GEN_CODE: GEN_CODE[c1] = {} if c2 not in GEN_CODE[c1]: GEN_CODE[c1][c2] = {} GEN_CODE[c1][c2][c3] = aminoacid def getnib( nibdir ): seqs = {} for nibf in os.listdir( nibdir ): if not nibf.endswith('.nib'): continue chr = nibf.replace('.nib','') file = os.path.join( nibdir, nibf ) seqs[chr] = nib.NibFile( open(file) ) return seqs REVMAP = string.maketrans("ACGTacgt","TGCAtgca") def revComp(seq): return seq[::-1].translate(REVMAP) def Comp(seq): return seq.translate(REVMAP) def codon_degeneracy( codon, position=3 ): aa = translate( codon, GEN_CODE ) if position==1: degeneracy1 = [GEN_CODE[ k ][ codon[1] ][ codon[2] ] for k in all].count(aa) elif position==2: degeneracy2 = [GEN_CODE[ codon[0] ][ k ][ codon[2] ] for k in all].count(aa) elif position==3: degeneracy = GEN_CODE[ codon[0] ][ codon[1] ].values().count(aa) return degeneracy def main(): options, args = doc_optparse.parse( __doc__ ) try: if options.outfile: out = open( options.outfile, "w") else: out = sys.stdout if options.format: format = options.format else: format = 'bed' allpositions = bool( options.allpositions ) include_name = bool( options.include_name ) nibdir = args[0] bedfile = args[1] except: doc_optparse.exit() nibs = getnib(nibdir) for chrom, strand, cds_exons, name in CDSReader( open(bedfile), format=format): cds_seq = '' # genome_seq_index maps the position in CDS to position on the genome genome_seq_index = [] for (c_start, c_end) in cds_exons: cds_seq += nibs[chrom].get( c_start, c_end-c_start ) for i in range(c_start,c_end): genome_seq_index.append(i) cds_seq = cds_seq.upper() if strand == '+': frsts = range( 0, len(cds_seq), 3) offsign = 1 else: cds_seq = Comp( cds_seq ) frsts = range( 2, len(cds_seq), 3) offsign = -1 offone = 1 * offsign offtwo = 2 * offsign all = ['A','C','G','T'] for first_pos in frsts: c1 = first_pos c2 = first_pos + offone c3 = first_pos + offtwo try: assert c3 < len(cds_seq) except AssertionError: print >>sys.stderr, "out of sequence at %d for %s, %d" % (c3, chrom, genome_seq_index[ first_pos ]) continue codon = cds_seq[c1], cds_seq[c2], cds_seq[c3] aa = translate( codon, GEN_CODE ) degeneracy3 = str(GEN_CODE[ codon[0] ][ codon[1] ].values().count(aa)) + "d" if not include_name: name_text = '' else: name_text = name.replace(' ','_') if allpositions: try: degeneracy1 = str([GEN_CODE[ k ][ codon[1] ][ codon[2] ] for k in all].count(aa)) + "d" degeneracy2 = str([GEN_CODE[ codon[0] ][ k ][ codon[2] ] for k in all].count(aa)) + "d" except TypeError, s: print >>sys.stderr, GEN_CODE.values() raise TypeError, s if strand == '+': print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[c1], genome_seq_index[c1] + 1, cds_seq[c1], degeneracy1, aa, name_text print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[c2], genome_seq_index[c2] + 1, cds_seq[c2], degeneracy2, aa, name_text print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[c3], genome_seq_index[c3] + 1, cds_seq[c3], degeneracy3, aa, name_text else: print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[c3], genome_seq_index[c3] + 1, cds_seq[c3], degeneracy3, aa, name_text print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[c2], genome_seq_index[c2] + 1, cds_seq[c2], degeneracy2, aa, name_text print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[c1], genome_seq_index[c1] + 1, cds_seq[c1], degeneracy1, aa, name_text else: if strand == '+': for b in c1,c2: print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[b], genome_seq_index[b] + 1, cds_seq[b], "1d", aa, name_text print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[c3], genome_seq_index[c3] + 1, cds_seq[c3], degeneracy3, aa, name_text else: print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[c3], genome_seq_index[c3] + 1, cds_seq[c3], degeneracy3, aa, name_text for b in c2,c1: print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[b], genome_seq_index[b] + 1, cds_seq[b], "1d", aa, name_text out.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main() #format = sys.argv[1] #file = sys.argv[2] #for chr, strand, cds_exons in CDSReader( open(file), format=format): # s_points = [ "%d,%d" % (a[0],a[1]) for a in cds_exons ] # print chr, strand, len(cds_exons), "\t".join(s_points)