
Returns a bed-like translation of a CDS in which each record corresponds to
a single site in the CDS and includes additional fields for site degenaracy, 
position ind CDS, and amino acid encoded.

usage: %prog nibdir genefile [options]
    -o, --outfile=o:      output file
    -f, --format=f:       format bed (default), or gtf|gff
    -a, --allpositions: 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions are evaluated for degeneracy given the sequence at the other two positions.  Many 1d sites in 1st codon positions become 2d sites when considered this way.
    -n, --include_name: include the 'name' or 'id' field from the source file on every line of output

import re
import sys
import os
import string
from bx.seq import nib
from bx.bitset import *
from bx.bitset_builders import *
from bx.bitset_utils import *
from bx.gene_reader import *
from bx.cookbook import doc_optparse

TTT (Phe/F)Phenylalanine
TTC (Phe/F)Phenylalanine
TTA (Leu/L)Leucine
TTG (Leu/L)Leucine, Start
TCT (Ser/S)Serine
TCC (Ser/S)Serine
TCA (Ser/S)Serine
TCG (Ser/S)Serine
TAT (Tyr/Y)Tyrosine
TAC (Tyr/Y)Tyrosine
TAA Ochre (Stop)
TAG Amber (Stop)
TGT (Cys/C)Cysteine
TGC (Cys/C)Cysteine
TGA Opal (Stop)
TGG (Trp/W)Tryptophan
CTT (Leu/L)Leucine
CTC (Leu/L)Leucine
CTA (Leu/L)Leucine
CTG (Leu/L)Leucine, Start
CCT (Pro/P)Proline
CCC (Pro/P)Proline
CCA (Pro/P)Proline
CCG (Pro/P)Proline
CAT (His/H)Histidine
CAC (His/H)Histidine
CAA (Gln/Q)Glutamine
CAG (Gln/Q)Glutamine
CGT (Arg/R)Arginine
CGC (Arg/R)Arginine
CGA (Arg/R)Arginine
CGG (Arg/R)Arginine
ATT (Ile/I)Isoleucine, Start2
ATC (Ile/I)Isoleucine
ATA (Ile/I)Isoleucine
ATG (Met/M)Methionine, Start1
ACT (Thr/T)Threonine
ACC (Thr/T)Threonine
ACA (Thr/T)Threonine
ACG (Thr/T)Threonine
AAT (Asn/N)Asparagine
AAC (Asn/N)Asparagine
AAA (Lys/K)Lysine
AAG (Lys/K)Lysine
AGT (Ser/S)Serine
AGC (Ser/S)Serine
AGA (Arg/R)Arginine
AGG (Arg/R)Arginine
GTT (Val/V)Valine
GTC (Val/V)Valine
GTA (Val/V)Valine
GTG (Val/V)Valine, Start2
GCT (Ala/A)Alanine
GCC (Ala/A)Alanine
GCA (Ala/A)Alanine
GCG (Ala/A)Alanine
GAT (Asp/D)Aspartic acid
GAC (Asp/D)Aspartic acid
GAA (Glu/E)Glutamic acid
GAG (Glu/E)Glutamic acid
GGT (Gly/G)Glycine
GGC (Gly/G)Glycine
GGA (Gly/G)Glycine
GGG (Gly/G)Glycine

def translate( codon, genetic_code):
    c1,c2,c3 = codon
    return genetic_code[c1][c2][c3]

""" parse the doc string to hash the genetic code"""
for line in GENETIC_CODE.split('\n'):
    if line.strip() == '': continue
    f = re.split('\s|\(|\)|\/',line)
    codon = f[0]
    c1,c2,c3 = codon
    aminoacid = f[3]
    if c1 not in GEN_CODE: GEN_CODE[c1] = {}
    if c2 not in GEN_CODE[c1]: GEN_CODE[c1][c2] = {}

    GEN_CODE[c1][c2][c3] = aminoacid

def getnib( nibdir ):
    seqs = {}
    for nibf in os.listdir( nibdir ):
        if not nibf.endswith('.nib'): continue
        chr = nibf.replace('.nib','')
        file = os.path.join( nibdir, nibf )
        seqs[chr] = nib.NibFile( open(file) )

    return seqs

REVMAP = string.maketrans("ACGTacgt","TGCAtgca")
def revComp(seq):
    return seq[::-1].translate(REVMAP)

def Comp(seq):
    return seq.translate(REVMAP)

def codon_degeneracy( codon, position=3 ):
    aa = translate( codon, GEN_CODE )
    if position==1:
        degeneracy1 = [GEN_CODE[ k ][ codon[1] ][ codon[2] ] for k in all].count(aa) 
    elif position==2:
        degeneracy2 = [GEN_CODE[ codon[0] ][ k ][ codon[2] ] for k in all].count(aa)
    elif position==3:
        degeneracy = GEN_CODE[ codon[0] ][ codon[1] ].values().count(aa)
    return degeneracy

def main():

    options, args = doc_optparse.parse( __doc__ )
        if options.outfile: 
            out = open( options.outfile, "w")
            out = sys.stdout
        if options.format:
            format = options.format
            format = 'bed'

        allpositions = bool( options.allpositions )
        include_name = bool( options.include_name )
        nibdir = args[0]
        bedfile = args[1]

    nibs = getnib(nibdir)

    for chrom, strand, cds_exons, name in CDSReader( open(bedfile), format=format):

        cds_seq = ''

        # genome_seq_index maps the position in CDS to position on the genome
        genome_seq_index = []
        for (c_start, c_end) in cds_exons:
            cds_seq += nibs[chrom].get( c_start, c_end-c_start )
            for i in range(c_start,c_end):

        cds_seq = cds_seq.upper()

        if strand == '+': 
            frsts = range( 0, len(cds_seq), 3)
            offsign = 1
            cds_seq = Comp( cds_seq )
            frsts = range( 2, len(cds_seq), 3)
            offsign = -1

        offone = 1 * offsign
        offtwo = 2 * offsign

        all = ['A','C','G','T']

        for first_pos in frsts:
            c1 = first_pos
            c2 = first_pos + offone
            c3 = first_pos + offtwo
                assert c3 < len(cds_seq)
            except AssertionError:
                print >>sys.stderr, "out of sequence at %d for %s, %d" % (c3, chrom, genome_seq_index[ first_pos ])
            codon = cds_seq[c1], cds_seq[c2], cds_seq[c3]
            aa = translate( codon, GEN_CODE )
            degeneracy3 = str(GEN_CODE[ codon[0] ][ codon[1] ].values().count(aa)) + "d"

            if not include_name: name_text = ''
                name_text = name.replace(' ','_')

            if allpositions:
                    degeneracy1 = str([GEN_CODE[ k ][ codon[1] ][ codon[2] ] for k in all].count(aa)) + "d"
                    degeneracy2 = str([GEN_CODE[ codon[0] ][ k ][ codon[2] ] for k in all].count(aa)) + "d"
                except TypeError, s:
                    print >>sys.stderr, GEN_CODE.values()
                    raise TypeError, s

                if strand == '+':
                    print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[c1], genome_seq_index[c1] + 1, cds_seq[c1], degeneracy1, aa, name_text
                    print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[c2], genome_seq_index[c2] + 1, cds_seq[c2], degeneracy2, aa, name_text
                    print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[c3], genome_seq_index[c3] + 1, cds_seq[c3], degeneracy3, aa, name_text
                    print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[c3], genome_seq_index[c3] + 1, cds_seq[c3], degeneracy3, aa, name_text
                    print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[c2], genome_seq_index[c2] + 1, cds_seq[c2], degeneracy2, aa, name_text
                    print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[c1], genome_seq_index[c1] + 1, cds_seq[c1], degeneracy1, aa, name_text
                if strand == '+':
                    for b in c1,c2:
                        print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[b], genome_seq_index[b] + 1, cds_seq[b], "1d", aa, name_text
                    print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[c3], genome_seq_index[c3] + 1, cds_seq[c3], degeneracy3, aa, name_text
                    print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[c3], genome_seq_index[c3] + 1, cds_seq[c3], degeneracy3, aa, name_text
                    for b in c2,c1:
                        print >>out, chrom, genome_seq_index[b], genome_seq_index[b] + 1, cds_seq[b], "1d", aa, name_text

if __name__ == '__main__': 
    #format = sys.argv[1]
    #file = sys.argv[2]
    #for chr, strand, cds_exons in CDSReader( open(file), format=format):
    #    s_points = [ "%d,%d" % (a[0],a[1]) for a in cds_exons ]
    #    print chr, strand, len(cds_exons), "\t".join(s_points)