#!/usr/bin/python2.7 """ Application to convert MAF file to AXT file, projecting to any two species. Reads a MAF file from standard input and writes an AXT file to standard out; some statistics are written to standard error. The user must specify the two species of interest. usage: %prog primary_species secondary_species < maf_file > axt_file """ __author__ = "Bob Harris (rsharris@bx.psu.edu)" import sys import copy import bx.align.maf import bx.align.axt def usage(s=None): message = """ maf_to_axt primary_species secondary_species < maf_file > axt_file """ if (s == None): sys.exit (message) else: sys.exit ("%s\n%s" % (s,message)) def main(): # parse the command line primary = None secondary = None args = sys.argv[1:] while (len(args) > 0): arg = args.pop(0) val = None fields = arg.split("=",1) if (len(fields) == 2): arg = fields[0] val = fields[1] if (val == ""): usage("missing a value in %s=" % arg) if (primary == None) and (val == None): primary = arg elif (secondary == None) and (val == None): secondary = arg else: usage("unknown argument: %s" % arg) if (primary == None): usage("missing primary species") if (secondary == None): usage("missing secondary species") # read the alignments and other info out = bx.align.axt.Writer(sys.stdout) axtsRead = 0 mafsWritten = 0 for mafBlock in bx.align.maf.Reader(sys.stdin): axtsRead += 1 p = mafBlock.get_component_by_src_start(primary) if (p == None): continue s = mafBlock.get_component_by_src_start(secondary) if (s == None): continue axtBlock = bx.align.Alignment (mafBlock.score, mafBlock.attributes) axtBlock.add_component (clone_component(p)) axtBlock.add_component (clone_component(s)) remove_mutual_gaps (axtBlock) if (axtBlock.text_size == 0): continue out.write (axtBlock) mafsWritten += 1 sys.stderr.write ("%d blocks read, %d written\n" % (axtsRead,mafsWritten)) def clone_component(c): return bx.align.Component (c.src, c.start, c.size, c.strand, c.src_size, \ copy.copy(c.text)) def remove_mutual_gaps (block): if (len(block.components) == 0): return nonGaps = [] for c in block.components: for ix in range(0,block.text_size): if (ix not in nonGaps) and (c.text[ix] != "-"): nonGaps.append(ix) nonGaps.sort() for c in block.components: c.text = "".join([c.text[ix] for ix in nonGaps]) block.text_size = len(nonGaps) if __name__ == "__main__": main()