""" Classes that represent alignments between multiple sequences. """ import random import string import weakref from bx.misc.readlengths import read_lengths_file # DNA reverse complement table ## DNA_COMP = " - " \ ## " TVGH CD M KN YSA BWXR tvgh cd m kn ysa bwxr " \ ## " " \ ## " " DNA_COMP = string.maketrans( "ACGTacgt", "TGCAtgca" ) class Alignment( object ): def __init__( self, score=0, attributes={}, species_to_lengths=None ): # species_to_lengths is needed only for file formats that don't provide # chromosome lengths; it maps each species name to one of these: # - the name of a file that contains a list of chromosome length pairs # - a dict mapping chromosome names to their length # - a single length value (useful when we just have one sequence and no chromosomes) # internally a file name is replaced by a dict, but only on an "as # needed" basis self.score = score self.text_size = 0 self.attributes = attributes if species_to_lengths == None: self.species_to_lengths = {} else: self.species_to_lengths = species_to_lengths self.components = [] def add_component( self, component ): component._alignment = weakref.ref( self ) self.components.append( component ) if component.text is not None: if self.text_size == 0: self.text_size = len( component.text ) elif self.text_size != len( component.text ): raise Exception( "Components must have same text length" ) def get_score( self ): return self.__score def set_score( self,score ): if type( score ) == str: try: score = int(score) except: try: score = float(score) except: pass self.__score = score score = property( fget=get_score,fset=set_score ) def __str__( self ): s = "a score=" + str( self.score ) for key in self.attributes: s += " %s=%s" % ( key, self.attributes[key] ) s += "\n" # Components for c in self.components: s += str( c ) s += "\n" return s def src_size( self, src ): species,chrom = src_split( src ) if species in self.species_to_lengths: chrom_to_length = self.species_to_lengths[species] elif chrom in self.species_to_lengths: chrom_to_length = self.species_to_lengths else: raise "no src_size (no length file for %s)" % species if type( chrom_to_length ) == int: # (if it's a single length) return chrom_to_length if type( chrom_to_length ) == type( "" ): # (if it's a file name) chrom_to_length = read_lengths_file( chrom_to_length ) self.species_to_lengths[species] = chrom_to_length if chrom not in chrom_to_length: raise "no src_size (%s has no length for %s)" % ( species, chrom ) return chrom_to_length[chrom] def get_component_by_src( self, src ): for c in self.components: if c.src == src: return c return None def get_components_by_src( self, src ): for c in self.components: if c.src == src: yield c def get_component_by_src_start( self, src ): for c in self.components: if c.src.startswith( src ): return c return None def slice( self, start, end ): new = Alignment( score=self.score, attributes=self.attributes ) for component in self.components: # FIXME: Is this the right solution? if component.empty: continue new.components.append( component.slice( start, end ) ) new.text_size = end - start return new def reverse_complement( self ): new = Alignment( score=self.score, attributes=self.attributes ) for component in self.components: new.components.append( component.reverse_complement() ) new.text_size = self.text_size return new def slice_by_component( self, component_index, start, end ): """ Return a slice of the alignment, corresponding to an coordinate interval in a specific component. component_index is one of an integer offset into the components list a string indicating the src of the desired component a component start and end are relative to the + strand, regardless of the component's strand. """ if type( component_index ) == type( 0 ): ref = self.components[ component_index ] elif type( component_index ) == type( "" ): ref = self.get_component_by_src( component_index ) elif type( component_index ) == Component: ref = component_index else: raise ValueError( "can't figure out what to do" ) start_col = ref.coord_to_col( start ) end_col = ref.coord_to_col( end ) if (ref.strand == '-'): (start_col,end_col) = (end_col,start_col) return self.slice( start_col, end_col ) def column_iter( self ): for i in range( self.text_size ): yield [ c.text[i] for c in self.components ] def limit_to_species( self, species ): new = Alignment( score=self.score, attributes=self.attributes ) new.text_size = self.text_size for component in self.components: if component.src.split('.')[0] in species: new.add_component( component ) return new def remove_all_gap_columns( self ): """ Remove any columns containing only gaps from alignment components, text of components is modified IN PLACE. """ seqs = [] for c in self.components: try: seqs.append( list( c.text ) ) except TypeError: seqs.append( None ) i = 0 text_size = self.text_size while i < text_size: all_gap = True for seq in seqs: if seq is None: continue if seq[i] != '-': all_gap = False if all_gap: for seq in seqs: if seq is None: continue del seq[i] text_size -= 1 else: i += 1 for i in range( len( self.components ) ): if seqs[i] is None: continue self.components[i].text = ''.join( seqs[i] ) self.text_size = text_size def __eq__( self, other ): if other is None or type( other ) != type( self ): return False if self.score != other.score: return False if self.attributes != other.attributes: return False if len( self.components ) != len( other.components ): return False for c1, c2 in zip( self.components, other.components ): if c1 != c2: return False return True def __ne__( self, other ): return not( self.__eq__( other ) ) def __deepcopy__( self, memo ): from copy import deepcopy new = Alignment( score=self.score, attributes=deepcopy( self.attributes ), species_to_lengths=deepcopy( self.species_to_lengths ) ) for component in self.components: new.add_component( deepcopy( component ) ) return new class Component( object ): def __init__( self, src='', start=0, size=0, strand=None, src_size=None, text='' ): self._alignment = None self.src = src self.start = start # Nota Bene: start,size,strand are as they self.size = size # .. appear in a MAF file-- origin-zero, end self.strand = strand # .. excluded, and minus strand counts from self._src_size = src_size # .. end of sequence self.text = text self.quality = None # Optional fields to keep track of synteny status (only makes sense # when the alignment is part of an ordered set) self.synteny_left = None self.synteny_right = None self.synteny_empty = None # If true, this component actually represents a non-aligning region, # and has no text. self.empty = False # Index maps a coordinate (distance along + strand from + start) to alignment column self.index = None def __str__( self ): if self.empty: rval = "e %s %d %d %s %d %s" % ( self.src, self.start, self.size, self.strand, self.src_size, self.synteny_empty ) else: rval = "s %s %d %d %s %d %s" % ( self.src, self.start, self.size, self.strand, self.src_size, self.text ) if self.synteny_left and self.synteny_right: rval += "\ni %s %s %d %s %d" % ( self.src, self.synteny_left[0], self.synteny_left[1], self.synteny_right[0], self.synteny_right[1] ) return rval def get_end( self ): return self.start + self.size end = property( fget=get_end ) def get_src_size( self ): if self._src_size == None: if self._alignment == None: raise Exception("component has no src_size") self._src_size = self._alignment().src_size( self.src ) return self._src_size def set_src_size( self,src_size ): self._src_size = src_size src_size = property( fget=get_src_size, fset=set_src_size ) def get_forward_strand_start( self ): if self.strand == '-': return self.src_size - self.end else: return self.start forward_strand_start = property( fget=get_forward_strand_start ) def get_forward_strand_end( self ): if self.strand == '-': return self.src_size - self.start else: return self.end forward_strand_end = property( fget=get_forward_strand_end) def reverse_complement( self ): start = self.src_size - self.end if self.strand == "+": strand = "-" else: strand = "+" comp = [ch for ch in self.text.translate(DNA_COMP)] comp.reverse() text = "".join(comp) new = Component( self.src, start, self.size, strand, self._src_size, text ) new._alignment = self._alignment return new def slice( self, start, end ): new = Component( src=self.src, start=self.start, strand=self.strand, src_size=self._src_size ) new._alignment = self._alignment new.text = self.text[start:end] #for i in range( 0, start ): # if self.text[i] != '-': new.start += 1 #for c in new.text: # if c != '-': new.size += 1 new.start += start - self.text.count( '-', 0, start ) new.size = len( new.text ) - new.text.count( '-' ) # FIXME: This annotation probably means nothing after slicing if # one of the ends changes. In general the 'i' rows of a MAF only # make sense in context (relative to the previous and next alignments # in a stream, slicing breaks that). new.synteny_left = self.synteny_left new.synteny_right = self.synteny_right return new def slice_by_coord( self, start, end ): """ Return the slice of the component corresponding to a coordinate interval. start and end are relative to the + strand, regardless of the component's strand. """ start_col = self.coord_to_col( start ) end_col = self.coord_to_col( end ) if (self.strand == '-'): (start_col,end_col) = (end_col,start_col) return self.slice( start_col, end_col ) def coord_to_col( self, pos ): """ Return the alignment column index corresponding to coordinate pos. pos is relative to the + strand, regardless of the component's strand. """ start,end = self.get_forward_strand_start(),self.get_forward_strand_end() if pos < start or pos > end: raise "Range error: %d not in %d-%d" % ( pos, start, end ) if not self.index: self.index = list() if (self.strand == '-'): # nota bene: for - strand self.index[x] maps to one column # higher than is actually associated with the position; thus # when slice_by_component() and slice_by_coord() flip the ends, # the resulting slice is correct for x in range( len(self.text)-1,-1,-1 ): if not self.text[x] == '-': self.index.append( x + 1 ) self.index.append( 0 ) else: for x in range( len(self.text) ): if not self.text[x] == '-': self.index.append(x) self.index.append( len(self.text) ) x = None try: x = self.index[ pos - start ] except: raise Exception("Error in index.") return x def __eq__( self, other ): if other is None or type( other ) != type( self ): return False return ( self.src == other.src and self.start == other.start and self.size == other.size and self.strand == other.strand and self._src_size == other._src_size and self.text == other.text and self.synteny_left == other.synteny_left and self.synteny_right == other.synteny_right and self.synteny_empty == other.synteny_empty and self.empty == other.empty ) def __ne__( self, other ): return not( self.__eq__( other ) ) def __deepcopy__( self, memo ): new = Component( src=self.src, start=self.start, size=self.size, strand=self.strand, src_size=self._src_size, text=self.text ) new._alignment = self._alignment new.quality = self.quality new.synteny_left = self.synteny_left new.synteny_right = self.synteny_right new.synteny_empty = self.synteny_empty new.empty = self.empty new.index = self.index return new def get_reader( format, infile, species_to_lengths=None ): import bx.align.maf, bx.align.axt, bx.align.lav if format == "maf": return bx.align.maf.Reader( infile, species_to_lengths ) elif format == "axt": return bx.align.axt.Reader( infile, species_to_lengths ) elif format == "lav": return bx.align.lav.Reader( infile ) else: raise "Unknown alignment format %s" % format def get_writer( format, outfile, attributes={} ): import bx.align.maf, bx.align.axt, bx.align.lav if format == "maf": return bx.align.maf.Writer( outfile, attributes ) elif format == "axt": return bx.align.axt.Writer( outfile, attributes ) elif format == "lav": return bx.align.lav.Writer( outfile, attributes ) else: raise "Unknown alignment format %s" % format def get_indexed( format, filename, index_filename=None, keep_open=False, species_to_lengths=None ): import bx.align.maf, bx.align.axt, bx.align.lav if format == "maf": return bx.align.maf.Indexed( filename, index_filename, keep_open, species_to_lengths ) elif format == "axt": return bx.align.axt.Indexed( filename, index_filename, keep_open, species_to_lengths ) elif format == "lav": raise Exception("LAV support for Indexed has not been implemented") else: raise "Unknown alignment format %s" % format def shuffle_columns( a ): """Randomize the columns of an alignment""" mask = range( a.text_size ) random.shuffle( mask ) for c in a.components: c.text = ''.join( [ c.text[i] for i in mask ] ) def src_split( src ): # splits src into species,chrom dot = src.rfind( "." ) if dot == -1: return None,src else: return src[:dot],src[dot+1:] def src_merge( species,chrom,contig=None ): # creates src (inverse of src_split) if species == None: src = chrom else: src = species + "." + chrom if contig != None: src += "[%s]" % contig return src # ---- Read C extension if available --------------------------------------- try: from _core import coord_to_col except: def coord_to_col( start, text, pos ): col = 0 while start < pos: if text[col] != '-': start += 1 col += 1 return col