""" Readers extracting gene (exon and intron) information from bed / gtf / gff formats. - GeneReader: yields exons - CDSReader: yields cds_exons - FeatureReader: yields cds_exons, introns, exons For gff/gtf, the start_codon stop_codon line types are merged with CDSs. """ import sys from bx.bitset import * from bx.bitset_utils import * from bx.bitset_builders import * def GeneReader( fh, format='gff' ): """ yield chrom, strand, gene_exons, name """ known_formats = ( 'gff', 'gtf', 'bed') if format not in known_formats: print >>sys.stderr, '%s format not in %s' % (format, ",".join( known_formats )) raise Exception('?') if format == 'bed': for line in fh: f = line.strip().split() chrom = f[0] chrom_start = int(f[1]) name = f[4] strand = f[5] cdsStart = int(f[6]) cdsEnd = int(f[7]) blockCount = int(f[9]) blockSizes = [ int(i) for i in f[10].strip(',').split(',') ] blockStarts = [ chrom_start + int(i) for i in f[11].strip(',').split(',') ] # grab cdsStart - cdsEnd gene_exons = [] for base,offset in zip( blockStarts, blockSizes ): exon_start = base exon_end = base+offset gene_exons.append( (exon_start, exon_end) ) yield chrom, strand, gene_exons, name genelist = {} grouplist = [] if format == 'gff' or format == 'gtf': for line in fh: if line.startswith('#'): continue fields = line.strip().split('\t') if len( fields ) < 9: continue # fields chrom = fields[0] ex_st = int( fields[3] ) - 1 # make zero-centered ex_end = int( fields[4] ) #+ 1 # make exclusive strand = fields[6] if format == 'gtf': group = fields[8].split(';')[0] else: group = fields[8] if group not in grouplist: grouplist.append( group ) if group not in genelist: genelist[group] = (chrom, strand, []) exons_i = 2 genelist[group][exons_i].append( ( ex_st, ex_end ) ) sp = lambda a,b: cmp( a[0], b[0] ) #for gene in genelist.values(): for gene in grouplist: chrom, strand, gene_exons = genelist[ gene ] gene_exons = bitset_union( gene_exons ) yield chrom, strand, gene_exons, gene def CDSReader( fh, format='gff' ): """ yield chrom, strand, cds_exons, name """ known_formats = ( 'gff', 'gtf', 'bed') if format not in known_formats: print >>sys.stderr, '%s format not in %s' % (format, ",".join( known_formats )) raise Exception('?') if format == 'bed': for line in fh: f = line.strip().split() chrom = f[0] chrom_start = int(f[1]) name = f[4] strand = f[5] cdsStart = int(f[6]) cdsEnd = int(f[7]) blockCount = int(f[9]) blockSizes = [ int(i) for i in f[10].strip(',').split(',') ] blockStarts = [ chrom_start + int(i) for i in f[11].strip(',').split(',') ] # grab cdsStart - cdsEnd cds_exons = [] cds_seq = '' genome_seq_index = [] for base,offset in zip( blockStarts, blockSizes ): if (base + offset) < cdsStart: continue if base > cdsEnd: continue exon_start = max( base, cdsStart ) exon_end = min( base+offset, cdsEnd ) cds_exons.append( (exon_start, exon_end) ) yield chrom, strand, cds_exons, name genelist = {} grouplist = [] if format == 'gff' or format == 'gtf': for line in fh: if line.startswith('#'): continue fields = line.strip().split('\t') if len( fields ) < 9: continue if fields[2] not in ('CDS', 'stop_codon', 'start_codon'): continue # fields chrom = fields[0] ex_st = int( fields[3] ) - 1 # make zero-centered ex_end = int( fields[4] ) #+ 1 # make exclusive strand = fields[6] if format == 'gtf': group = fields[8].split(';')[0] else: group = fields[8] if group not in grouplist: grouplist.append( group ) if group not in genelist: genelist[group] = (chrom, strand, []) genelist[group][2].append( ( ex_st, ex_end ) ) sp = lambda a,b: cmp( a[0], b[0] ) #for gene in genelist.values(): for gene in grouplist: chrom, strand, cds_exons = genelist[ gene ] seqlen = sum([ a[1]-a[0] for a in cds_exons ]) overhang = seqlen % 3 if overhang > 0: #print >>sys.stderr, "adjusting ", gene if strand == '+': cds_exons[-1] = ( cds_exons[-1][0], cds_exons[-1][1] - overhang ) else: cds_exons[0] = ( cds_exons[0][0] + overhang, cds_exons[0][1] ) cds_exons = bitset_union( cds_exons ) yield chrom, strand, cds_exons, gene def FeatureReader( fh, format='gff', alt_introns_subtract="exons", gtf_parse=None): """ yield chrom, strand, cds_exons, introns, exons, name gtf_parse Example: # parse gene_id from transcript_id "AC073130.2-001"; gene_id "TES"; gene_name = lambda s: s.split(';')[1].split()[1].strip('"') for chrom, strand, cds_exons, introns, exons, name in FeatureReader( sys.stdin, format='gtf', gtf_parse=gene_name ) """ known_formats = ( 'gff', 'gtf', 'bed') if format not in known_formats: print >>sys.stderr, '%s format not in %s' % (format, ",".join( known_formats )) raise Exception('?') if format == 'bed': for line in fh: f = line.strip().split() chrom = f[0] chrom_start = int(f[1]) name = f[4] strand = f[5] cdsStart = int(f[6]) cdsEnd = int(f[7]) blockCount = int(f[9]) blockSizes = [ int(i) for i in f[10].strip(',').split(',') ] blockStarts = [ chrom_start + int(i) for i in f[11].strip(',').split(',') ] # grab cdsStart - cdsEnd cds_exons = [] exons = [] cds_seq = '' genome_seq_index = [] for base,offset in zip( blockStarts, blockSizes ): if (base + offset) < cdsStart: continue if base > cdsEnd: continue # exons exon_start = base exon_end = base+offset exons.append( (exon_start, exon_end) ) # cds exons exon_start = max( base, cdsStart ) exon_end = min( base+offset, cdsEnd ) cds_exons.append( (exon_start, exon_end) ) cds_exons = bitset_union( cds_exons ) exons = bitset_union( exons ) introns = bitset_complement( exons ) yield chrom, strand, cds_exons, introns, exons, name genelist = {} grouplist = [] if format == 'gff' or format == 'gtf': for line in fh: if line.startswith('#'): continue fields = line.strip().split('\t') if len( fields ) < 9: continue # fields chrom = fields[0] ex_st = int( fields[3] ) - 1 # make zero-centered ex_end = int( fields[4] ) #+ 1 # make exclusive strand = fields[6] if format == 'gtf': if not gtf_parse: group = fields[8].split(';')[0] else: group = gtf_parse( fields[8] ) else: group = fields[8] # Results are listed in the same order as encountered if group not in grouplist: grouplist.append( group ) if group not in genelist: # chrom, strand, cds_exons, introns, exons, cds_start, cds_end genelist[group] = [chrom, strand, [], [], [], None, None] if fields[2] == 'exon': genelist[group][4].append( ( ex_st, ex_end ) ) elif fields[2] in ('CDS', 'stop_codon', 'start_codon'): genelist[group][2].append( ( ex_st, ex_end ) ) if fields[2] == 'start_codon': if strand == '+': genelist[group][5] = ex_st else: genelist[group][5] = ex_end if fields[2] == 'stop_codon': if strand == '+': genelist[group][5] = ex_end else: genelist[group][5] = ex_st elif fields[2] == 'intron': genelist[group][3].append( ( ex_st, ex_end ) ) for gene in grouplist: chrom, strand, cds_exons, introns, exons, cds_start, cds_end = genelist[ gene ] cds_exons = bitset_union( cds_exons ) exons = bitset_union( exons ) # assure that cds exons were within the cds range if cds_start is not None and cds_end is not None: if strand == '+': cds_exons = bitset_intersect( cds_exons, [(cds_start,cds_end)] ) else: cds_exons = bitset_intersect( cds_exons, [(cds_end,cds_start)] ) # assure that introns are non-overlapping with themselves or exons if alt_introns_subtract: if alt_introns_subtract == 'exons': introns = bitset_subtract( introns, exons ) if alt_introns_subtract == 'cds_exons': introns = bitset_subtract( introns, cds_exons ) else: introns = bitset_union( introns ) # assure CDS is a multiple of 3, trim from last exon if necessary seqlen = sum([ a[1]-a[0] for a in cds_exons ]) overhang = seqlen % 3 if overhang > 0: if strand == '+': cds_exons[-1] = ( cds_exons[-1][0], cds_exons[-1][1] - overhang ) else: cds_exons[0] = ( cds_exons[0][0] + overhang, cds_exons[0][1] ) yield chrom, strand, cds_exons, introns, exons, gene