''' Constants and classes for matlab 5 read and write See also mio5_utils.pyx where these same constants arise as c enums. If you make changes in this file, don't forget to change mio5_utils.pyx ''' import numpy as np from miobase import convert_dtypes miINT8 = 1 miUINT8 = 2 miINT16 = 3 miUINT16 = 4 miINT32 = 5 miUINT32 = 6 miSINGLE = 7 miDOUBLE = 9 miINT64 = 12 miUINT64 = 13 miMATRIX = 14 miCOMPRESSED = 15 miUTF8 = 16 miUTF16 = 17 miUTF32 = 18 mxCELL_CLASS = 1 mxSTRUCT_CLASS = 2 # The March 2008 edition of "Matlab 7 MAT-File Format" says that # mxOBJECT_CLASS = 3, whereas matrix.h says that mxLOGICAL = 3. # Matlab 2008a appears to save logicals as type 9, so we assume that # the document is correct. See type 18, below. mxOBJECT_CLASS = 3 mxCHAR_CLASS = 4 mxSPARSE_CLASS = 5 mxDOUBLE_CLASS = 6 mxSINGLE_CLASS = 7 mxINT8_CLASS = 8 mxUINT8_CLASS = 9 mxINT16_CLASS = 10 mxUINT16_CLASS = 11 mxINT32_CLASS = 12 mxUINT32_CLASS = 13 # The following are not in the March 2008 edition of "Matlab 7 # MAT-File Format," but were guessed from matrix.h. mxINT64_CLASS = 14 mxUINT64_CLASS = 15 mxFUNCTION_CLASS = 16 # Not doing anything with these at the moment. mxOPAQUE_CLASS = 17 # This appears to be a function workspace # https://www-old.cae.wisc.edu/pipermail/octave-maintainers/2007-May/002824.html mxOBJECT_CLASS_FROM_MATRIX_H = 18 mdtypes_template = { miINT8: 'i1', miUINT8: 'u1', miINT16: 'i2', miUINT16: 'u2', miINT32: 'i4', miUINT32: 'u4', miSINGLE: 'f4', miDOUBLE: 'f8', miINT64: 'i8', miUINT64: 'u8', miUTF8: 'u1', miUTF16: 'u2', miUTF32: 'u4', 'file_header': [('description', 'S116'), ('subsystem_offset', 'i8'), ('version', 'u2'), ('endian_test', 'S2')], 'tag_full': [('mdtype', 'u4'), ('byte_count', 'u4')], 'tag_smalldata':[('byte_count_mdtype', 'u4'), ('data', 'S4')], 'array_flags': [('data_type', 'u4'), ('byte_count', 'u4'), ('flags_class','u4'), ('nzmax', 'u4')], 'U1': 'U1', } mclass_dtypes_template = { mxINT8_CLASS: 'i1', mxUINT8_CLASS: 'u1', mxINT16_CLASS: 'i2', mxUINT16_CLASS: 'u2', mxINT32_CLASS: 'i4', mxUINT32_CLASS: 'u4', mxINT64_CLASS: 'i8', mxUINT64_CLASS: 'u8', mxSINGLE_CLASS: 'f4', mxDOUBLE_CLASS: 'f8', } NP_TO_MTYPES = { 'f8': miDOUBLE, 'c32': miDOUBLE, 'c24': miDOUBLE, 'c16': miDOUBLE, 'f4': miSINGLE, 'c8': miSINGLE, 'i8': miINT64, 'i4': miINT32, 'i2': miINT16, 'i1': miINT8, 'u8': miUINT64, 'u4': miUINT32, 'u2': miUINT16, 'u1': miUINT8, 'S1': miUINT8, 'U1': miUTF16, } NP_TO_MXTYPES = { 'f8': mxDOUBLE_CLASS, 'c32': mxDOUBLE_CLASS, 'c24': mxDOUBLE_CLASS, 'c16': mxDOUBLE_CLASS, 'f4': mxSINGLE_CLASS, 'c8': mxSINGLE_CLASS, 'i8': mxINT64_CLASS, 'i4': mxINT32_CLASS, 'i2': mxINT16_CLASS, 'i1': mxINT8_CLASS, 'u8': mxUINT64_CLASS, 'u4': mxUINT32_CLASS, 'u2': mxUINT16_CLASS, 'u1': mxUINT8_CLASS, 'S1': mxUINT8_CLASS, } ''' Before release v7.1 (release 14) matlab (TM) used the system default character encoding scheme padded out to 16-bits. Release 14 and later use Unicode. When saving character data, R14 checks if it can be encoded in 7-bit ascii, and saves in that format if so.''' codecs_template = { miUTF8: {'codec': 'utf_8', 'width': 1}, miUTF16: {'codec': 'utf_16', 'width': 2}, miUTF32: {'codec': 'utf_32','width': 4}, } def _convert_codecs(template, byte_order): ''' Convert codec template mapping to byte order Set codecs not on this system to None Parameters ---------- template : mapping key, value are respectively codec name, and root name for codec (without byte order suffix) byte_order : {'<', '>'} code for little or big endian Returns ------- codecs : dict key, value are name, codec (as in .encode(codec)) ''' codecs = {} postfix = byte_order == '<' and '_le' or '_be' for k, v in template.items(): codec = v['codec'] try: " ".encode(codec) except LookupError: codecs[k] = None continue if v['width'] > 1: codec += postfix codecs[k] = codec return codecs.copy() MDTYPES = {} for _bytecode in '<>': _def = {} _def['dtypes'] = convert_dtypes(mdtypes_template, _bytecode) _def['classes'] = convert_dtypes(mclass_dtypes_template, _bytecode) _def['codecs'] = _convert_codecs(codecs_template, _bytecode) MDTYPES[_bytecode] = _def class mat_struct(object): ''' Placeholder for holding read data from structs We deprecate this method of holding struct information, and will soon remove it, in favor of the recarray method (see loadmat docstring) ''' pass class MatlabObject(np.ndarray): ''' ndarray Subclass to contain matlab object ''' def __new__(cls, input_array, classname=None): # Input array is an already formed ndarray instance # We first cast to be our class type obj = np.asarray(input_array).view(cls) # add the new attribute to the created instance obj.classname = classname # Finally, we must return the newly created object: return obj def __array_finalize__(self,obj): # reset the attribute from passed original object self.classname = getattr(obj, 'classname', None) # We do not need to return anything class MatlabFunction(np.ndarray): ''' Subclass to signal this is a matlab function ''' def __new__(cls, input_array): obj = np.asarray(input_array).view(cls) return obj class MatlabOpaque(np.ndarray): ''' Subclass to signal this is a matlab opaque matrix ''' def __new__(cls, input_array): obj = np.asarray(input_array).view(cls) return obj OPAQUE_DTYPE = np.dtype( [('s0', 'O'), ('s1', 'O'), ('s2', 'O'), ('arr', 'O')])