import numpy as np from scipy.sparse.sparsetools import cs_graph_components as _cs_graph_components from scipy.sparse.csr import csr_matrix from scipy.sparse.base import isspmatrix _msg0 = 'x must be a symmetric square matrix!' _msg1 = _msg0 + '(has shape %s)' def cs_graph_components(x): """ Determine connected components of a graph stored as a compressed sparse row or column matrix. For speed reasons, the symmetry of the matrix x is not checked. A nonzero at index `(i, j)` means that node `i` is connected to node `j` by an edge. The number of rows/columns of the matrix thus corresponds to the number of nodes in the graph. Parameters ----------- x: array_like or sparse matrix, 2 dimensions The adjacency matrix of the graph. Only the upper triangular part is used. Returns -------- n_comp: int The number of connected components. label: ndarray (ints, 1 dimension): The label array of each connected component (-2 is used to indicate empty rows in the matrix: 0 everywhere, including diagonal). This array has the length of the number of nodes, i.e. one label for each node of the graph. Nodes having the same label belong to the same connected component. Notes ------ The matrix is assumed to be symmetric and the upper triangular part of the matrix is used. The matrix is converted to a CSR matrix unless it is already a CSR. Examples -------- >>> from scipy.sparse.csgraph import connected_components >>> D = np.eye(4) >>> D[0,1] = D[1,0] = 1 >>> cs_graph_components(D) (3, array([0, 0, 1, 2])) >>> from scipy.sparse import dok_matrix >>> cs_graph_components(dok_matrix(D)) (3, array([0, 0, 1, 2])) """ try: shape = x.shape except AttributeError: raise ValueError(_msg0) if not ((len(x.shape) == 2) and (x.shape[0] == x.shape[1])): raise ValueError(_msg1 % x.shape) if isspmatrix(x): x = x.tocsr() else: x = csr_matrix(x) label = np.empty((shape[0],), dtype=x.indptr.dtype) n_comp = _cs_graph_components(shape[0], x.indptr, x.indices, label) return n_comp, label