""" Test refcounting and behavior of SCXX. """ import time import sys from numpy.testing import TestCase, dec, assert_, assert_raises from scipy.weave import inline_tools # Test: # append DONE # insert DONE # in DONE # count DONE # setItem DONE # operator[] (get) # operator[] (set) DONE class _TestSequenceBase(TestCase): seq_type = None @dec.slow def test_conversion(self): a = self.seq_type([1]) before = sys.getrefcount(a) inline_tools.inline(" ",['a']) #print 'first:',before # first call is goofing up refcount. before = sys.getrefcount(a) inline_tools.inline(" ",['a']) after = sys.getrefcount(a) #print '2nd,3rd:', before, after assert_(after == before) @dec.slow def test_in(self): """ Test the "in" method for lists. We'll assume it works for sequences if it works here. """ a = self.seq_type([1,2,'alpha',3.1416]) item = 1 code = "return_val = a.in(item);" res = inline_tools.inline(code,['a','item']) assert_(res == 1) item = 0 res = inline_tools.inline(code,['a','item']) assert_(res == 0) # check overloaded in(int val) method code = "return_val = a.in(1);" res = inline_tools.inline(code,['a']) assert_(res == 1) code = "return_val = a.in(0);" res = inline_tools.inline(code,['a']) assert_(res == 0) # check overloaded in(double val) method code = "return_val = a.in(3.1416);" res = inline_tools.inline(code,['a']) assert_(res == 1) code = "return_val = a.in(3.1417);" res = inline_tools.inline(code,['a']) assert_(res == 0) # check overloaded in(char* val) method code = 'return_val = a.in("alpha");' res = inline_tools.inline(code,['a']) assert_(res == 1) code = 'return_val = a.in("beta");' res = inline_tools.inline(code,['a']) assert_(res == 0) # check overloaded in(std::string val) method code = """ std::string val = std::string("alpha"); return_val = a.in(val); """ res = inline_tools.inline(code,['a']) assert_(res == 1) code = """ std::string val = std::string("beta"); return_val = a.in(val); """ res = inline_tools.inline(code,['a']) assert_(res == 0) @dec.slow def test_count(self): """ Test the "count" method for lists. We'll assume it works for sequences if it works hre. """ a = self.seq_type([1,2,'alpha',3.1416]) item = 1 code = "return_val = a.count(item);" res = inline_tools.inline(code,['a','item']) assert_(res == 1) # check overloaded count(int val) method code = "return_val = a.count(1);" res = inline_tools.inline(code,['a']) assert_(res == 1) # check overloaded count(double val) method code = "return_val = a.count(3.1416);" res = inline_tools.inline(code,['a']) assert_(res == 1) # check overloaded count(char* val) method code = 'return_val = a.count("alpha");' res = inline_tools.inline(code,['a']) assert_(res == 1) # check overloaded count(std::string val) method code = """ std::string alpha = std::string("alpha"); return_val = a.count(alpha); """ res = inline_tools.inline(code,['a']) assert_(res == 1) @dec.slow def test_access_speed(self): N = 1000000 print '%s access -- val = a[i] for N =', (self.seq_type, N) a = self.seq_type([0]) * N val = 0 t1 = time.time() for i in xrange(N): val = a[i] t2 = time.time() print 'python1:', t2 - t1 t1 = time.time() for i in a: val = i t2 = time.time() print 'python2:', t2 - t1 code = """ const int N = a.length(); py::object val; for(int i=0; i < N; i++) val = a[i]; """ # compile not included in timing inline_tools.inline(code,['a']) t1 = time.time() inline_tools.inline(code,['a']) t2 = time.time() print 'weave:', t2 - t1 # Fails @dec.slow def test_access_set_speed(self): N = 1000000 print '%s access/set -- b[i] = a[i] for N =', (self.seq_type,N) a = self.seq_type([0]) * N # b is always a list so we can assign to it. b = [1] * N t1 = time.time() for i in xrange(N): b[i] = a[i] t2 = time.time() print 'python:', t2 - t1 a = self.seq_type([0]) * N b = [1] * N code = """ const int N = a.length(); for(int i=0; i < N; i++) b[i] = a[i]; """ # compile not included in timing inline_tools.inline(code,['a','b']) t1 = time.time() inline_tools.inline(code,['a','b']) t2 = time.time() print 'weave:', t2 - t1 assert_(list(b) == list(a)) class TestTuple(_TestSequenceBase): seq_type = tuple @dec.slow def test_set_item_operator_equal_fail(self): # Tuples should only allow setting of variables # immediately after creation. a = (1,2,3) assert_raises(TypeError, inline_tools.inline, "a[1] = 1234;",['a']) @dec.slow def test_set_item_operator_equal(self): code = """ py::tuple a(3); a[0] = 1; a[1] = 2; a[2] = 3; return_val = a; """ a = inline_tools.inline(code) assert_(a == (1,2,3)) # returned value should only have a single refcount assert_(sys.getrefcount(a) == 2) @dec.slow def test_set_item_index_error(self): code = """ py::tuple a(3); a[4] = 1; return_val = a; """ assert_raises(IndexError, inline_tools.inline, code) @dec.slow def test_get_item_operator_index_error(self): code = """ py::tuple a(3); py::object b = a[4]; // should fail. """ assert_raises(IndexError, inline_tools.inline, code) class TestList(_TestSequenceBase): seq_type = list @dec.slow def test_append_passed_item(self): a = [] item = 1 # temporary refcount fix until I understand why it incs by one. inline_tools.inline("a.append(item);",['a','item']) del a[0] before1 = sys.getrefcount(a) before2 = sys.getrefcount(item) inline_tools.inline("a.append(item);",['a','item']) assert_(a[0] is item) del a[0] after1 = sys.getrefcount(a) after2 = sys.getrefcount(item) assert_(after1 == before1) assert_(after2 == before2) @dec.slow def test_append(self): a = [] # temporary refcount fix until I understand why it incs by one. inline_tools.inline("a.append(1);",['a']) del a[0] before1 = sys.getrefcount(a) # check overloaded append(int val) method inline_tools.inline("a.append(1234);",['a']) assert_(sys.getrefcount(a[0]) == 2) assert_(a[0] == 1234) del a[0] # check overloaded append(double val) method inline_tools.inline("a.append(123.0);",['a']) assert_(sys.getrefcount(a[0]) == 2) assert_(a[0] == 123.0) del a[0] # check overloaded append(char* val) method inline_tools.inline('a.append("bubba");',['a']) assert_(sys.getrefcount(a[0]) == 2) assert_(a[0] == 'bubba') del a[0] # check overloaded append(std::string val) method inline_tools.inline('a.append(std::string("sissy"));',['a']) assert_(sys.getrefcount(a[0]) == 2) assert_(a[0] == 'sissy') del a[0] after1 = sys.getrefcount(a) assert_(after1 == before1) @dec.slow def test_insert(self): a = [1,2,3] a.insert(1,234) del a[1] # temporary refcount fix until I understand why it incs by one. inline_tools.inline("a.insert(1,1234);",['a']) del a[1] before1 = sys.getrefcount(a) # check overloaded insert(int ndx, int val) method inline_tools.inline("a.insert(1,1234);",['a']) assert_(sys.getrefcount(a[1]) == 2) assert_(a[1] == 1234) del a[1] # check overloaded insert(int ndx, double val) method inline_tools.inline("a.insert(1,123.0);",['a']) assert_(sys.getrefcount(a[1]) == 2) assert_(a[1] == 123.0) del a[1] # check overloaded insert(int ndx, char* val) method inline_tools.inline('a.insert(1,"bubba");',['a']) assert_(sys.getrefcount(a[1]) == 2) assert_(a[1] == 'bubba') del a[1] # check overloaded insert(int ndx, std::string val) method inline_tools.inline('a.insert(1,std::string("sissy"));',['a']) assert_(sys.getrefcount(a[1]) == 2) assert_(a[1] == 'sissy') del a[0] after1 = sys.getrefcount(a) assert_(after1 == before1) @dec.slow def test_set_item_operator_equal(self): a = self.seq_type([1,2,3]) # temporary refcount fix until I understand why it incs by one. inline_tools.inline("a[1] = 1234;",['a']) before1 = sys.getrefcount(a) # check overloaded insert(int ndx, int val) method inline_tools.inline("a[1] = 1234;",['a']) assert_(sys.getrefcount(a[1]) == 2) assert_(a[1] == 1234) # check overloaded insert(int ndx, double val) method inline_tools.inline("a[1] = 123.0;",['a']) assert_(sys.getrefcount(a[1]) == 2) assert_(a[1] == 123.0) # check overloaded insert(int ndx, char* val) method inline_tools.inline('a[1] = "bubba";',['a']) assert_(sys.getrefcount(a[1]) == 2) assert_(a[1] == 'bubba') # check overloaded insert(int ndx, std::string val) method code = """ std::string val = std::string("sissy"); a[1] = val; """ inline_tools.inline(code,['a']) assert_(sys.getrefcount(a[1]) == 2) assert_(a[1] == 'sissy') after1 = sys.getrefcount(a) assert_(after1 == before1) @dec.slow def test_set_item_operator_equal_created(self): code = """ py::list a(3); a[0] = 1; a[1] = 2; a[2] = 3; return_val = a; """ a = inline_tools.inline(code) assert_(a == [1,2,3]) # returned value should only have a single refcount assert_(sys.getrefcount(a) == 2) @dec.slow def test_set_item_index_error(self): code = """ py::list a(3); a[4] = 1; """ assert_raises(IndexError, inline_tools.inline, code) @dec.slow def test_get_item_index_error(self): code = """ py::list a(3); py::object o = a[4]; """ assert_raises(IndexError, inline_tools.inline, code) @dec.slow def test_string_add_speed(self): N = 1000000 print 'string add -- b[i] = a[i] + "blah" for N =', N a = ["blah"] * N desired = [1] * N t1 = time.time() for i in xrange(N): desired[i] = a[i] + 'blah' t2 = time.time() print 'python:', t2 - t1 a = ["blah"] * N b = [1] * N code = """ const int N = a.length(); std::string blah = std::string("blah"); for(int i=0; i < N; i++) b[i] = convert_to_string(a[i],"a") + blah; """ # compile not included in timing inline_tools.inline(code,['a','b']) t1 = time.time() inline_tools.inline(code,['a','b']) t2 = time.time() print 'weave:', t2 - t1 assert_(b == desired) @dec.slow def test_int_add_speed(self): N = 1000000 print 'int add -- b[i] = a[i] + 1 for N =', N a = [0] * N desired = [1] * N t1 = time.time() for i in xrange(N): desired[i] = a[i] + 1 t2 = time.time() print 'python:', t2 - t1 a = [0] * N b = [0] * N code = """ const int N = a.length(); for(int i=0; i < N; i++) b[i] = (int)a[i] + 1; """ # compile not included in timing inline_tools.inline(code,['a','b']) t1 = time.time() inline_tools.inline(code,['a','b']) t2 = time.time() print 'weave:', t2 - t1 assert_(b == desired) if __name__ == "__main__": import nose nose.run(argv=['', __file__])