Package: KernSmooth Priority: recommended Version: 2.23-12 Date: 2014-03-28 Title: Functions for kernel smoothing for Wand & Jones (1995) Authors@R: c(person("Matt", "Wand", role = "aut", email = ""), person("Brian", "Ripley", role = c("trl", "cre", "ctb"), email = "", comment = "R port and updates")) Depends: R (>= 2.5.0), stats Suggests: MASS Description: functions for kernel smoothing (and density estimation) corresponding to the book: Wand, M.P. and Jones, M.C. (1995) "Kernel Smoothing". License: Unlimited ByteCompile: yes Packaged: 2014-03-28 07:47:28 UTC; ripley Author: Matt Wand [aut], Brian Ripley [trl, cre, ctb] (R port and updates) Maintainer: Brian Ripley NeedsCompilation: yes Repository: CRAN Date/Publication: 2014-03-28 09:10:46 Built: R 3.1.1; x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu; 2014-09-02 13:43:42 UTC; unix