## -*- R -*- citHeader("To cite the R package 'cluster' in publications use:") if(!exists("meta") || is.null(meta)) meta <- packageDescription("cluster") year <- sub(".*(2[[:digit:]]{3})-.*", "\\1", meta$Date) vers <- paste("R package version", meta$Version) citEntry(entry = "Manual", title = "cluster: Cluster Analysis Basics and Extensions", author = c( person("Martin", "Maechler", email="maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch", role = c("aut", "cre"), comment = "enhancements, speed improvements, bug fixes, since 2000"), person("Peter", "Rousseeuw", email="rousse@uia.ua.ac.be", role="aut"), person("Anja", "Struyf", email="Anja.Struyf@uia.ua.ac.be", role="aut"), person("Mia", "Hubert", email="Mia.Hubert@uia.ua.ac.be", role="aut"), person("Kurt", "Hornik", role=c("trl","ctb"), comment = "R port; and much initial help file fixing, 1998--2000") ), year = year, note = paste(vers,"---", "For new features, see the 'Changelog' file (in the package source)"), ## FIXME: rather give the URL to the manual on CRAN ??? ## url = "http://stat.ethz.ch/CRAN/src/contrib/........", textVersion = paste( "Maechler, M., Rousseeuw, P., Struyf, A., Hubert, M., Hornik, K.(", year, "). cluster: Cluster Analysis Basics and Extensions. ", vers, ".", sep=""))