Beta Release 0.7.1 (26 September, 2008) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 0.7.0 does not work with reads >63bp at all. I overlooked two lines of codes which assume reads are 63bp or shorter. Now I have fixed the bug and tested it on simulated long reads. It seems to work fine. I am sorry for this obvious bug. No other things are changed since 0.7.0. (0.7.1: 26 September 2008, r672) Beta Release 0.7.0 (21 September, 2008) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since this release, MAQ can accept reads no longer than 127bp, instead of 63bp in the previous version. This is achieved at the cost of 18% slower speed and 16% more peak memory usage. The .map alignment format is also changed accordingly, which means the new format is NOT compatible with the old format. I will shortly put a converter on the MAQ website so that you can convert your alignment done by 0.6.x to the new format without redoing the alignment. In addition, you can choose to revert to the 63bp version by configure with "--enable-shortreads", but this is not recommende. Furthermore, the NovoCraft developers have implemented a converter that converts the NovoCraft alignment format to MAQ's .map format. I incorporated their codes into MAQ. NovoCraft can find short indels with single-ended reads and have most of major features of MAQ. It is also fast and well developed. NovoCraft is a good alternative to MAQ. In additional to the major changes, here are the other notable changes, only a few: * Improved progress report in maq map. Someone is using MAQ to align reads to millions of contigs. The resulting stderr output is even larger than the alignment itself. Now contig names will not be printed. * Fixed a segfault in Smith-Waterman alignment. I have not pinpointed the line that causes the segfault, but I guess this is caused by a rare out-of-boundary event. Anyway, the segfault seems to go away after enforcing the boundary check. Probably MAQ will never go to 0.8.0. Although it is cheap to make MAQ align reads up to 255bp, I am not going to do that. When reads go longer and longer, MAQ's power will be reduced due to its inability to find short indels on single ended reads. I am still experimenting novel algorithms for long reads, and BWA, which has been made public, is the unfinished product. Although BWA has not been fully developed into a comprehensive package like MAQ, it shows the potential to do ultra-fast gapped alignment on long reads. The current BWA does global alignment (w.r.t reads) for a few hundreds bp of reads by taking first few tens of bp as seed. You can find more information on the MAQ website. (0.7.0: 21 September 2008, r669) Beta Release 0.6.8 (27 July, 2008) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most of new features in this release are mainly designed for the 1000 genome project. For other users, the most obvious change is a bug fix in the assemble command. Fixing this bug reduces error dependency coefficient from 0.93 to 0.85. The SNP accuracy remains similar to the previous version. Other notable changes include: * Formally changed the license to GPL version 3. * Added mapvalidate command, which checks whether an alignment file is corrupted. The mapmerge command also does some sanity check when merging alignments. * Support generating GLF format (for the 1000 Genome Project). Codes for manipulating GLF files are available in SVN now. * The mapcheck command can optionally dump additional information for quality recalibration (for the 1000 Genome Project). * Fixed a potential bug in (thank Vaughn for reporting the bug). * Fixed a potential compiling error in assopt.c (thank Jason for the bug report). * Only dump unmapped reads with `maq map -u'. * Added more online documentation about how to call SNPs for SOLiD data and to call SNPs from pooled samples. (0.6.8: 27 July 2008, r651) Beta Release 0.6.7 (23 June, 2008) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As promised, MAQ now works with reads from Illumina's long insert-size libraries and with reads from samples by pooling multiple individuals/strains together. Also in this release, unmapped reads with their mates mapped are also stored in the .map alignment file. This strategy helps users who do local assembly to find structural variations. Other notable changes are: * In indelpe, fixed a bug about the position of an insertion. Previously, the output position is 1bp-away from the true position. * In indelpe, output addition information about indels, which also helps to tell whether the indel is homozygous or heterozygous. * In SNPfilter, integrated the consensus quality filter. Previously, this has to be done with an awk command. * In SNPfilter and easyrun, improved the consensus quality filter. This is particularly important for SNP calling on pooled samples. * Added command to detect correputed .map files. * In mapcheck, optionally output additional information for mapping based quality calibration. (0.6.7: 23 June 2008, r631) Beta Release 0.6.6 (27 April, 2008) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two new features are added to this release. First, cns2fq now gives regions where maq believes SNPs can be called confidentially. Second, maq can optionally dump all perfect or 1-mismatch hits to a separate file. Maq cannot make use of information of multiple hits, but I can see outputing these hits may help people who do expressional profiling. No bugs are fixed in this release and therefore people do not need to update unless using the new features. In the next release, maq will support read alignment for Illumina's long insert-size library which has different read orientation for a read pair. I will also try to implement a SNP caller for pooled sample. (0.6.6: 27 April 2008, r602) Beta Release 0.6.5 (28 March, 2008) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is mainly a bug fix release. * Fixed bug: read names longer than 35 characters will not be stored in the alignment file. Command rmdup for PE data will also be affected when reads have no names. Short read names will not cause any problems. This bug is specific to 0.6.4. * Fixed bug: reference shorter than 3bp will cause malformed consensus file. This bug is specific to 0.6.4. * Fixed bug: potential memory violation in indelsoa. This rare bug affects all 0.6.x series. * Fixed bug: potential memory violation in simulate when the reference is short. This bug is rare if reference sequences are all long. All 0.6.x will be affected. In addition to the bug fixes, I also finished SOLiD support in this release. A new script is introduced to convert SOLiD read format to FASTQ format accepted by maq. Furthermore, maq is able to convert color alignment to nucleotide alignment with inferred nucleotide base qualities. Nucleotide consensus and SNPs can be generated with assemble in the standard way. There are still some room left for further improvement. I will work on it in future. Another change is in the new release, the insert size of a read pair is measured between the 1st cycle of both reads in the pair, no matter whether they are mapped as a proper pair or not. Defining insert size in this way may be more conceptually consistent. Note that this change will not affect properly aligned Solexa reads at all, but will slightly affect SOLiD PE reads. I am really sorry for these bugs in maq and hope the new version is more stable. (0.6.5: 28 March 2008, r578) Beta Release 0.6.4 (15 March, 2008) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maq is now 90% faster on human alignment. This acceleraion is partly achieved by extensive code optimization and partly by using 28bp seed, instead of 24bp in previous versions, in the alignment. As both the Sanger Inst. and Illumina company have greatly improved the data quality, using 28bp seed does not affect the final SNP accuracy. If users still intend to use 24bp seed like before, they should compile maq with "./configure --enable-slowmap". The online binaries are compilied with 28bp seed. It is important to note that Illumina/Solexa sequencing may produce many false polyA at the edges of a tile. These polyA artefacts may greatly increase the running time of maq. Users are advised to remove these artefacts with their own scripts before alignment. For the moment maq does not provide a general functionality for filtering polyA. From this version, the names of a pair of reads can be different at the tailing "/1" or "/2". For example, "read0001/1" and "read0001/2" are allowed for a read pair. In this way, the two reads in a pair can be discriminated in the mapview output. Another important change is the consensus calling model. I noticed a theoretical flaw in the statistical model behind. The sequencing errors seem to be more independent when I fixed the flaw and therefore the error dependency coefficient is increased to 0.93 by default. The final SNP accuracy is about the same as the previous version. I also improved the SOLiD support in this version. A script is provided for converting SOLiD colour reads to the maq fastq. Mate-pair SOLiD reads can also be correctly aligned. For a SOLiD read pair, the correct orientation should be F3_reverse-R3_reverse or R3_forward-F3_forward. I did not know this before. Other notable changes include: * Assemble now calculates minimum neighbouring quality in the 7bp window surrounding the current position. SNPfilter will filter unreliable SNPs based on the information. This idea is inspired by NQS (Neighbourhood Quality Standard). * Optionally store mismatching positions in .map file. The trade-off is the maximum read length is 55bp when this option is switched on. * Fixed an ever existing bug in PE alignment. Now about 1% more properly aligned pairs can be found. * Added script. This script parses soap, eland, rmap and maq alignment formats to the same format. It also presents an example about how to read/write maq's binary .map format with Perl. * Added support for converting Bustard output (_prb.txt and _seq.txt) in However, users should avoid using Bustard output at best. Gerald output is always better. * "Alternative mapping quality" in mapview is now the lower SE mapping quality of the two ends. Previously this does not stand for properly paired reads. * Filter polyA in reads, only for data generated by the Sanger Institute. Note that maq can be several times SLOWER if there are a lot of polyA artefacts in the reads. * Pileup can optionally output base position on the read. * Maq now trims long adapter contamination before alignment and trims short adapter contamination after the alignment. * Submap now works as a filter on .map file. Users should always extract the reads in a region with maqindex in the maqview package. * Updated mapstat command. * Fixed a bug in easyrun about relative paths. * Fixed a bug in fasta2csfasta. * Fixed a rare bug in calculating the distance of a pair. * Fixed a rare bug in determining the boundary of Smith-Waterman alignment. * Added asub, a generic script for submitting array jobs on LSF/SGE. Added, a script for running maq at the Sanger Inst. I will work on variants calling for multiple samples and further improve SOLiD support in future versions. To find the latest development of maq, please check out: svn co (0.6.4: 15 March 2008, r537) Beta Release 0.6.3 (3 January, 2008) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Again, most changes happened in auxilliary commands. Simulation and Perl scripts were improved a lot. Changes and bug fixes include: * Added diploid simulation mode. Given a haploid reference sequence, maq can generate a diploid sequence and add variants to both haploids. * In 'easyrun', automatically input split FASTQ. Users do not need to split the input by themselves. * Paired end reads can be used with 'easyrun'. * Added 'snpreg' command, which roughly calculates the size of regions where SNPs can be called. * Added 'simucns' command, which evaluates the accuracy of consensus mapping qualities from simulated read alignment. * Addd 'demo' command to It demonstrates how to simulate reads, to use easyrun and to evaluate the result with * In 'maq map', set flag 18 for a read whose mate mapped with the Smith-Waterman algorithm as paired. Maq has several companion scripts and consists of many commands, but not all of them are well documented. I will gradually improve the documentations, especially those useful to endusers. In addition, not all maq functionalities are fully optimized. Advanced users may want to implement in their own ways. I would also like to improve Maq if you have better ideas. (0.6.3: 3 January 2008, r466) Beta Release 0.6.2 (23 November, 2007) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most changes in this release happened in auxilliary commands instead of key commands. Except for random factors, the 0.6.2 alignment and consensus should be almost identical to those resultant from 0.6.1. Other changes and bug fixes include: * Added an option to dump unmapped reads to a separate file. Users can study why these reads cannot be aligned. * Implemented `export2maq' commands which converts Illumina's in-house Export format to maq's ".maq" binary format. Genotype calling is supported because the Export format contains mapping qualities of reads. * Implemented `eland2maq' command which convert alignments in an Eland output to Maq's ".map" format. Genotype calling is not defected due to the lack of qualities. * Made `indelsoa' command available to end users. This command implements a state-of-art homozygous break point detector for single-end reads. However, this command mainly aims to faciliate SNP filtering around break points instead of finding all the indels. The `indelpe' command always works better. * Made most of commands recognize `-' as the standard input or standard output. This may help stream-based pipeline. * Restored the `-m' option in `pileup' and `assemble' commands. Some users regard this to be useful. * Added, a script to convert various read formats to the standard/Sanger FASTQ format. * Improved the rules in filtering SNPs and allowed to filter out SNPs beside potential indel sites. * Fixed a bug again in bisulfite alignment mode. This is to meet a user's request. I have not tried it on real data. * Added functionalities to evaluate indels in * Improved `fastq2bfq' command in both maq and to make them easier to use. * Fixed a weird compiling error for some powperpc64-linux machines. (0.6.2: 23 November 2007, r428) Beta Release 0.6.1 (3 October, 2007) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is mainly a bugfix release. All of the bugs are minor or happen rarely. End users may not observe obvious changes in their results. You do not really need to re-align the reads with this version unless you feel uncomfortable with any trivial bugs. The changes and bug fixes include: * In this release, a read is mapped to the position where the sum of quality values of mismatched bases is approximately minimum. * Zero quality will be changed to one in `fastq2bfq'. This is because zero-quality bases will be regarded as `N' in alignment. * Fixed a bug in adapter trimming. The preious version does not work properly. * Fixed a very rare bug in `assemble' and `pileup'. It may lead to false zero depth at some sites (about 1 in 1,000,000 sites). * Fixed a bug for bisulfite alignment mode. This mode has not been thoroughly tested, though. (0.6.1: 3 October 2007, r333) Beta Release 0.6.0 (5 September, 2007) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a release with several bleeding-edge modifications which jeopardized the stability of maq. Thorough testing has been done to make sure maq works properly and that is why this release is delayed. In this new release, maq allows more mismatches after the first 24bp of a read. Trimming low-quality 3'-end of reads is usually not necessary any more. In particular, maq does not recommend to trim reads recursively because this will affect the accuracy of mapping qualities. Furthermore, since this release, maq is able to find short indels with paired end (PE) reads. As Illumina's PE protocol will become standard in the near future, this indel detector will play its role. Other notable changes include: * Changed ".map" binary format. The number of mismatches of the second best hit is replaced by the sum of errors of the best hit. The distance between the pair now equals to the outer distance. Reads with indels are also stored in the ".map" files. The mapview output is changed accordingly. * Added the number of 0- and 1-mismatch hits to the mapview output. * Rewrote rmdup command. This command now keeps all abnormal pairs as well as reads with indels. * Made simulate command generate reads on both strands. Previously read1 always come from the forward strand and read2 from the reverse strand. * Allowed to change the average MAF for heterozygous sites. This may help for pooled sample, but it has not been evaluated. * Improved 3'-adapter trimming. Fully contaiminated reads can be detected now. In this release, I am trying to stablize the alignment part and hope the alignment file generated by maq-0.6.0 can be compatible with later releases. Furthermore, maq is moving towards the first formal release 1.0.0. In the near future, I will also try to stablize the entire code instead of testing new features frequently. (0.6.0: 5 September 2007, r249) Beta Release 0.5.1 (31 July, 2007) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All the notable changes include: * Bugfix in `map': fixed a bug which will lead to wrong alignment when two similar regions having identical coordinates but on different references. This bug can be dated back to the first piece of codes of maq. * Bugfix in `map' paired end alignment: fixed a bug which will lead to wrong alignment when there are two good hits in a small region. * New feature `simulate': a sophisticated paired end read simulator has been implemented. It builds an order-one Markov chain and trains parameters from real read data. The simulator is able to generate reads with quality distribution quite similar to real ones. In addition, three parameter sets will be provided with Maq. Endusers can simulate realistic reads even without any real data. * New feature `rmdup': remove read pairs with identical outer coordinates. Doing this may improve the SNP accuracy in practice. * Since this release, the main documentation will be maintained in a man page. PDF version will also come with Maq distributions. (0.5.1: 31 July 2007, r213) Beta Release 0.5.0 (13 July, 2007) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From this release, this program is formally renamed as `maq', which stands for Mapping and Assembly with Qualities. The version number still follows the previous series. In addition to the name of the program, another major change in this release is the format of the maq alignment file. In response to the request of several users, read names will be stored in the alignment file. The mapview output is also revised accordingly. Other notable changes and bug fixes in this release include: * Bugfix in `': follow symbolic links. * New feature `': plot read depth and abnormal read pairs along the reference. * New feature in `': `SNPfilter' command to rule out unreliable SNPs. * New feature in `': more analyses added to `easyrun'. (0.5.0: 13 July 2007, r171) Beta Release 0.4.3 (4 July, 2007) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this new release, several bugs are fixed and a number of minor features are implemented. * Bugfix in ' easyrun': fixed bugs when multiple read files are provided on the command line. * New feature: allow to use single-end mapping quality in several commands. By default, mapass2 will use paired end mapping qualities if reads are paired. However, I found this quality is sometimes overestimated. It is good to check what the difference between the results of the two type of mapping qualities. * Bugfix in 'mapcheck': fixed an integer overflow and skipped 'N' regions in calculating the average depth. * Bugfix in paired end alignment: fixed wrong coordinates for 0.03% or paired reads. Single end alignment will not be affected. * New feature in 'match': when '-N' is flagged, more alignment information will be dumped to the stderr. (0.4.3: 4 July 2007, r148) Beta Release 0.4.2 (21 June, 2007) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Several people were asking me to output the name of each mapped read. Now here it is. You can tune this feature on by: mapass2 match -N ref.bfa reads.bfq 2>out.log The read name, reference seqname, position, strand, paired mapping quality, single mapping quality and mismatched bases will be printed on stderr. This option `-N' should only be used in debugging. It will cost more memory and diskspace as well. That is all. People who do not need this feature can stick to 0.4.1. (0.4.2: 21 June 2007, r130) Beta Release 0.4.1 (17 June, 2007) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is mainly a bug fix release. All users are recommended to update. New features and bug fixes include: * New command `sol2sanger': convert Solexa FASTQ to Sanger/standard FASTQ format. The difference between the two formats is how the qualities are scaled. * New command `bfq2fastq': convert mapass' binary FASTQ format to standard FASTQ. * Bugfix in `cns2win': fixed wrong report when chr is not specified on the command line. * Bugfix in `mapcheck': complemented bases on the reverse strand. (0.4.1: 17 June 2007, r124) Beta Release 0.4.0 (15 May, 2007) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One week after the last release, 0.4.0 comes out. Several improvements make this release different from the previous ones: * New consensus base calling model. Although updating model frequently happens in the development of mapass2, this one is different. It is the first model that can satisfy me. All previous models make me feel uncomfortable in a way or another. However, good theory does not always mean better performance. The new model only improve the accuracy by less than 1 percent. * Preliminary functions to process SOLiD data. This is the first the release that is able to process AB SOLiD data. The current strategy cannot fully make use of all the colour information that is unique to SOLiD data, but it is good enough to study the strength and weakness of SOLiD data. I may improve these functions when SOLiD becomes more stable. It is being improved. * Use of the GNU build systems. Mapass2 is better compiled with 64bit support. The GNU build systems make this easier. Apple universal binaries can be compiled, too. Although I still quite like to write Makefile by myself, I think to use a more sophisticated method is the right way to go. This is the first time I have tried this. * Considerable codes clean up and minor improvements in assembling related parts. Beginning with this release, I will probably not release mapass2 so frequently as what happened in the past three weeks. Although I am not entirely satisfied with the accuracy of current performance, I am happy with the whole theory behind and the practical usefulness of mapass2. I am sure mapass2 is one of the best softwares to map and assemble short reads. (0.4.0: 15 May 2007, r114) Beta Release 0.3.1 (9 May, 2007) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a release with minor revisions. The consensus calling model is modified slightly which, unfortunately, decreases the accuracy by about 1%. However, I will stick to it anyway because it is more concise and correct in theory. Actually, there is a bug when I was implementing the old model. Other changes include: * Add `subpos' command: extract a required subset from .cns file * Improve `pileup' output by making it more informative and allowing to extract a required subset. * Fix two bugs: one in k-small and the other in `mapcheck'. These are trivial, though. (0.3.1: 9 May 2007, r94) Beta Release 0.3.0 (3 May, 2007) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A new release comes out. Consensus calling model has been improved a little. Read-pair quality can be calculated more precisely. More commands are added to facilitate subsequent analyses. Detailed improvements and fixes are: * Alternative model for consensus base calling. The new model does not outperform the old one, but it tend to be more correct in theory and more flexible. * Improved model for read-pair quality. This fixes possible overestimation when a pair can be mapped to several places with correct orientation and distance. Note that the default parameter should be adjusted in some cases. For chrX data, I suggest to apply "-t 0.8". * Reference based consesus calling (RBCC). Call the consensus based on dbSNP information. Adjust the prior at the dbSNP sites. This is kind of cheating, but it does help to improve the final SNP calls. * Informative mapcheck. Command 'mapcheck' now outputs more information. It is also integrated to ''. * Fastq2bfq in batch mode. This function converts or organizes all the fastq files in a directory. '' script can be easily applied to the resultant directory structure. * A few bug fixes. (0.3.0: 3 May 2007, r86) Beta Release 0.2.1 (23 April, 2007) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is mainly a bug fix release. The previous version cannot give correct results when there are two or more reference sequences. I am sorry for this obvious bug. Further improvements include: * Add `mapcheck' command. This command counts observed substitutions on reads with respect to the reference. It helps to check the systematic bias conatined in reads. * Consensus can be assembled from one sequence. Previously, all the consensus must be assembled together. (0.2.1: 23 April 2007, r67) Beta Release 0.2.0 (22 April, 2007) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the first release of mapass2, a program that maps Illumina/Solexa reads to the reference and calls the consensus. This program has been tested on real large-scale data. It is one of the few softwares that is able to handle these huge amount of data efficiently and accurately. (0.2.0: 22 April 2007, r60)