MAQ Gene
General Settings
Minimum span of uncovered bases to report as uncovered region
Choose Lanes from Flow Cell(s)
Set parameters for mapping, assembly and pileup
maximum number of mismatches in first 28 bases
maximum sum of error qualities
length of first read to use (<127) (0 to use full read length)
length of the second read to use (<127) (0 to use full read length)
rate of difference between reads and references
adapter sequence (3-base barcode for this sample)
max distance between two paired reads
max distance between two RF paired reads
max number of hits to output. >512 for all 01 hits.
disable Smith-Waterman alignment for non-mapping 2nd-mate
maximum number of mismatches over entire read
number of haplotypes (>=2) [2]
expected rate of heterozygotes
use worst single-end mapping quality as quality for both mates
discard abnormal pairs
minimum mapping quality
Define a Point Mutation as...
Mutation-to-gene association
Maximum distance (bp) from gene start:
Maximum distance (bp) from gene end: