These are instructions for installing Numexpr on Unix systems. For Windows, it is best to install it from binaries. However, you should note that, for the time being, we cannot provide Windows binaries with VML support. Building ======== This version of `Numexpr` requires Python 2.6 or greater, and NumPy 1.6 or greater. It's built in the standard Python way: $ python build $ python install You can test `numexpr` with: $ python -c "import numexpr; numexpr.test()" Enabling Intel's VML support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ numexpr includes support for Intel's VML library. This allows for better performance on Intel architectures, mainly when evaluating transcendental functions (trigonometrical, exponential...). It also enables numexpr using several CPU cores. If you have Intel's MKL (the library that embeds VML), just copy the `site.cfg.example` that comes in the distribution to `site.cfg` and edit the latter giving proper directions on how to find your MKL libraries in your system. After doing this, you can proceed with the usual building instructions listed above. Pay attention to the messages during the building process in order to know whether MKL has been detected or not. Finally, you can check the speed-ups on your machine by running the `bench/` script (you can play with different parameters to the `set_vml_accuracy_mode()` and `set_vml_num_threads()` functions in the script so as to see how it would affect performance). .. Local Variables: .. mode: text .. coding: utf-8 .. fill-column: 70 .. End: