from pysam.csamtools import * from pysam.ctabix import * import pysam.csamtools as csamtools import pysam.ctabix as ctabix from pysam.cvcf import * import pysam.cvcf as cvcf import pysam.Pileup as Pileup import sys import os class SamtoolsError( Exception ): '''exception raised in case of an error incurred in the samtools library.''' def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) class SamtoolsDispatcher(object): '''samtools dispatcher. Emulates the samtools command line as module calls. Captures stdout and stderr. Raises a :class:`pysam.SamtoolsError` exception in case samtools exits with an error code other than 0. Some command line options are associated with parsers. For example, the samtools command "pileup -c" creates a tab-separated table on standard output. In order to associate parsers with options, an optional list of parsers can be supplied. The list will be processed in order checking for the presence of each option. If no parser is given or no appropriate parser is found, the stdout output of samtools commands will be returned. ''' dispatch=None parsers=None def __init__(self,dispatch, parsers): self.dispatch = dispatch self.parsers = parsers self.stderr = [] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): '''execute a samtools command ''' retval, stderr, stdout = csamtools._samtools_dispatch( self.dispatch, args ) if retval: raise SamtoolsError( 'csamtools returned with error %i: %s' % (retval, "\n".join( stderr ) )) self.stderr = stderr # samtools commands do not propagate the return code correctly. # I have thus added this patch to throw if there is output on stderr. # Note that there is sometimes output on stderr that is not an error, # for example: [sam_header_read2] 2 sequences loaded. # Ignore messages like these stderr = [ x for x in stderr \ if not (x.startswith( "[sam_header_read2]" ) or \ x.startswith("[bam_index_load]") or \ x.startswith("[bam_sort_core]") or \ x.startswith("[samopen] SAM header is present") ) ] if stderr: raise SamtoolsError( "\n".join( stderr ) ) # call parser for stdout: if not kwargs.get("raw") and stdout and self.parsers: for options, parser in self.parsers: for option in options: if option not in args: break else: return parser(stdout) return stdout def getMessages( self ): return self.stderr def usage(self): '''return the samtools usage information for this command''' retval, stderr, stdout = csamtools._samtools_dispatch( self.dispatch ) return "".join(stderr) # # samtools command line options to export in python # # import is a python reserved word. SAMTOOLS_DISPATCH = { # samtools 'documented' commands "view" : ( "view", None ), "sort" : ( "sort", None), "mpileup" : ( "mpileup", None), "depth" : ("depth", None), "faidx" : ("faidx", None), "tview" : ("tview", None), "index" : ("index", None), "idxstats" : ("idxstats", None), "fixmate" : ("fixmate", None), "flagstat" : ("flagstat", None), "calmd" : ("calmd", None), "merge" : ("merge", None), "rmdup" : ("rmdup", None), "reheader" : ("reheader", None), "cat" : ("cat", None), "targetcut" : ("targetcut", None), "phase" : ("phase", None), # others "samimport": ( "import", None), "bam2fq" : ("bam2fq", None), # obsolete # "pileup" : ( "pileup", ( (("-c",), Pileup.iterate ), ), ), } # instantiate samtools commands as python functions for key, options in SAMTOOLS_DISPATCH.items(): cmd, parser = options globals()[key] = SamtoolsDispatcher(cmd, parser) # hack to export all the symbols from csamtools __all__ = \ csamtools.__all__ + \ ctabix.__all__ + \ cvcf.__all__ +\ [ "SamtoolsError", "SamtoolsDispatcher" ] + list(SAMTOOLS_DISPATCH) +\ ["Pileup" ] from pysam.version import __version__, __samtools_version__ ########################################################### # Utility functions for compilation def get_include(): '''return a list of include directories.''' dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__))) return [ dirname, os.path.join(dirname, 'include', 'samtools'), os.path.join(dirname, 'include', 'tabix') ] def get_defines(): '''return a list of defined compilation parameters.''' return [('_FILE_OFFSET_BITS','64'), ('_USE_KNETFILE','')]