#!/usr/bin/env python ###### WARNING ####### ### This script is obsoleted ### ### If you get it working again, please drop me a line ### F. Alted 2004-01-27 from tables import * import numarray as NA import struct, sys import cPickle try: # For Python 2.3 from bsddb import db except ImportError: # For earlier Pythons w/distutils pybsddb from bsddb3 import db import psyco # This class is accessible only for the examples class Small(IsDescription): """ A record has several columns. They are represented here as class attributes, whose names are the column names and their values will become their types. The IsColDescr class will take care the user will not add any new variables and that its type is correct.""" var1 = StringCol(itemsize=16) var2 = Int32Col() var3 = Float64Col() # Define a user record to characterize some kind of particles class Medium(IsDescription): name = StringCol(itemsize=16, pos=0) # 16-character String #float1 = Float64Col(shape=2, dflt=2.3) float1 = Float64Col(dflt=1.3, pos=1) float2 = Float64Col(dflt=2.3, pos=2) ADCcount = Int16Col(pos=3) # signed short integer grid_i = Int32Col(pos=4) # integer grid_j = Int32Col(pos=5) # integer pressure = Float32Col(pos=6) # float (single-precision) energy = Float64Col(pos=7) # double (double-precision) # Define a user record to characterize some kind of particles class Big(IsDescription): name = StringCol(itemsize=16) # 16-character String #float1 = Float64Col(shape=32, dflt=NA.arange(32)) #float2 = Float64Col(shape=32, dflt=NA.arange(32)) float1 = Float64Col(shape=32, dflt=range(32)) float2 = Float64Col(shape=32, dflt=[2.2]*32) ADCcount = Int16Col() # signed short integer grid_i = Int32Col() # integer grid_j = Int32Col() # integer pressure = Float32Col() # float (single-precision) energy = Float64Col() # double (double-precision) def createFile(filename, totalrows, recsize, verbose): # Open a 'n'ew file dd = db.DB() if recsize == "big": isrec = Description(Big) elif recsize == "medium": isrec = Medium() else: isrec = Description(Small) #dd.set_re_len(struct.calcsize(isrec._v_fmt)) # fixed length records dd.open(filename, db.DB_RECNO, db.DB_CREATE | db.DB_TRUNCATE) rowswritten = 0 # Get the record object associated with the new table if recsize == "big": isrec = Big() arr = NA.array(NA.arange(32), type=NA.Float64) arr2 = NA.array(NA.arange(32), type=NA.Float64) elif recsize == "medium": isrec = Medium() arr = NA.array(NA.arange(2), type=NA.Float64) else: isrec = Small() #print d # Fill the table if recsize == "big" or recsize == "medium": d = {"name": " ", "float1": 1.0, "float2": 2.0, "ADCcount": 12, "grid_i": 1, "grid_j": 1, "pressure": 1.9, "energy": 1.8, } for i in xrange(totalrows): #d['name'] = 'Particle: %6d' % (i) #d['TDCcount'] = i % 256 d['ADCcount'] = (i * 256) % (1 << 16) if recsize == "big": #d.float1 = NA.array([i]*32, NA.Float64) #d.float2 = NA.array([i**2]*32, NA.Float64) arr[0] = 1.1 d['float1'] = arr arr2[0] = 2.2 d['float2'] = arr2 pass else: d['float1'] = float(i) d['float2'] = float(i) d['grid_i'] = i d['grid_j'] = 10 - i d['pressure'] = float(i*i) d['energy'] = d['pressure'] dd.append(cPickle.dumps(d)) # dd.append(struct.pack(isrec._v_fmt, # d['name'], d['float1'], d['float2'], # d['ADCcount'], # d['grid_i'], d['grid_j'], # d['pressure'], d['energy'])) else: d = {"var1": " ", "var2": 1, "var3": 12.1e10} for i in xrange(totalrows): d['var1'] = str(i) d['var2'] = i d['var3'] = 12.1e10 dd.append(cPickle.dumps(d)) #dd.append(struct.pack(isrec._v_fmt, d['var1'], d['var2'], d['var3'])) rowswritten += totalrows # Close the file dd.close() return (rowswritten, struct.calcsize(isrec._v_fmt)) def readFile(filename, recsize, verbose): # Open the HDF5 file in read-only mode #fileh = shelve.open(filename, "r") dd = db.DB() if recsize == "big": isrec = Big() elif recsize == "medium": isrec = Medium() else: isrec = Small() #dd.set_re_len(struct.calcsize(isrec._v_fmt)) # fixed length records #dd.set_re_pad('-') # sets the pad character... #dd.set_re_pad(45) # ...test both int and char dd.open(filename, db.DB_RECNO) if recsize == "big" or recsize == "medium": print isrec._v_fmt c = dd.cursor() rec = c.first() e = [] while rec: record = cPickle.loads(rec[1]) #record = struct.unpack(isrec._v_fmt, rec[1]) #if verbose: # print record if record['grid_i'] < 20: e.append(record['grid_j']) #if record[4] < 20: # e.append(record[5]) rec = c.next() else: print isrec._v_fmt #e = [ t[1] for t in fileh[table] if t[1] < 20 ] c = dd.cursor() rec = c.first() e = [] while rec: record = cPickle.loads(rec[1]) #record = struct.unpack(isrec._v_fmt, rec[1]) #if verbose: # print record if record['var2'] < 20: e.append(record['var1']) #if record[1] < 20: # e.append(record[2]) rec = c.next() print "resulting selection list ==>", e print "last record read ==>", record print "Total selected records ==> ", len(e) # Close the file (eventually destroy the extended type) dd.close() # Add code to test here if __name__=="__main__": import sys import getopt import time usage = """usage: %s [-v] [-s recsize] [-i iterations] file -v verbose -s use [big] record, [medium] or [small] -i sets the number of rows in each table\n""" % sys.argv[0] try: opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 's:vi:') except: sys.stderr.write(usage) sys.exit(0) # if we pass too much parameters, abort if len(pargs) != 1: sys.stderr.write(usage) sys.exit(0) # default options recsize = "medium" iterations = 100 verbose = 0 # Get the options for option in opts: if option[0] == '-s': recsize = option[1] if recsize not in ["big", "medium", "small"]: sys.stderr.write(usage) sys.exit(0) elif option[0] == '-i': iterations = int(option[1]) elif option[0] == '-v': verbose = 1 # Catch the hdf5 file passed as the last argument file = pargs[0] t1 = time.clock() psyco.bind(createFile) (rowsw, rowsz) = createFile(file, iterations, recsize, verbose) t2 = time.clock() tapprows = round(t2-t1, 3) t1 = time.clock() psyco.bind(readFile) readFile(file, recsize, verbose) t2 = time.clock() treadrows = round(t2-t1, 3) print "Rows written:", rowsw, " Row size:", rowsz print "Time appending rows:", tapprows if tapprows > 0.: print "Write rows/sec: ", int(iterations / float(tapprows)) print "Write KB/s :", int(rowsw * rowsz / (tapprows * 1024)) print "Time reading rows:", treadrows if treadrows > 0.: print "Read rows/sec: ", int(iterations / float(treadrows)) print "Read KB/s :", int(rowsw * rowsz / (treadrows * 1024))