import sys from time import time import numpy as np import tables as tb import tables.numexpr as ne from tables.numexpr.necompiler import ( getContext, getExprNames, getType, NumExpr) from tables.utilsextension import lrange shape = (1000, 160000) #shape = (10,1600) filters = tb.Filters(complevel=1, complib="blosc", shuffle=0) ofilters = tb.Filters(complevel=1, complib="blosc", shuffle=0) #filters = tb.Filters(complevel=1, complib="lzo", shuffle=0) #ofilters = tb.Filters(complevel=1, complib="lzo", shuffle=0) # TODO: Makes it sense to add a 's'tring typecode here? typecode_to_dtype = {'b': 'bool', 'i': 'int32', 'l': 'int64', 'f': 'float32', 'd': 'float64', 'c': 'complex128'} def _compute(result, function, arguments, start=None, stop=None, step=None): """Compute the `function` over the `arguments` and put the outcome in `result`""" arg0 = arguments[0] if hasattr(arg0, 'maindim'): maindim = arg0.maindim (start, stop, step) = arg0._process_range_read(start, stop, step) nrowsinbuf = arg0.nrowsinbuf print "nrowsinbuf-->", nrowsinbuf else: maindim = 0 (start, stop, step) = (0, len(arg0), 1) nrowsinbuf = len(arg0) shape = list(arg0.shape) shape[maindim] = lrange(start, stop, step).length # The slices parameter for arg0.__getitem__ slices = [slice(0, dim, 1) for dim in arg0.shape] # This is a hack to prevent doing unnecessary conversions # when copying buffers if hasattr(arg0, 'maindim'): for arg in arguments: arg._v_convert = False # Start the computation itself for start2 in lrange(start, stop, step*nrowsinbuf): # Save the records on disk stop2 = start2 + step * nrowsinbuf if stop2 > stop: stop2 = stop # Set the proper slice in the main dimension slices[maindim] = slice(start2, stop2, step) start3 = (start2-start)/step stop3 = start3 + nrowsinbuf if stop3 > shape[maindim]: stop3 = shape[maindim] # Compute the slice to be filled in destination sl = [] for i in range(maindim): sl.append(slice(None, None, None)) sl.append(slice(start3, stop3, None)) # Get the values for computing the buffer values = [arg.__getitem__(tuple(slices)) for arg in arguments] result[tuple(sl)] = function(*values) # Activate the conversion again (default) if hasattr(arg0, 'maindim'): for arg in arguments: arg._v_convert = True return result def evaluate(ex, out=None, local_dict=None, global_dict=None, **kwargs): """Evaluate expression and return an array.""" # First, get the signature for the arrays in expression context = getContext(kwargs) names, _ = getExprNames(ex, context) # Get the arguments based on the names. call_frame = sys._getframe(1) if local_dict is None: local_dict = call_frame.f_locals if global_dict is None: global_dict = call_frame.f_globals arguments = [] types = [] for name in names: try: a = local_dict[name] except KeyError: a = global_dict[name] arguments.append(a) if hasattr(a, 'atom'): types.append(a.atom) else: types.append(a) # Create a signature signature = [(name, getType(type_)) for (name, type_) in zip(names, types)] print "signature-->", signature # Compile the expression compiled_ex = NumExpr(ex, signature, [], **kwargs) print "fullsig-->", compiled_ex.fullsig _compute(out, compiled_ex, arguments) return if __name__=="__main__": iarrays = 0 oarrays = 0 doprofile = 1 dokprofile = 0 f = tb.open_file("/scratch2/faltet/evaluate.h5", "w") # Create some arrays if iarrays: a = np.ones(shape, dtype='float32') b = np.ones(shape, dtype='float32')*2 c = np.ones(shape, dtype='float32')*3 else: a = f.create_carray(f.root, 'a', tb.Float32Atom(dflt=1.), shape=shape, filters=filters) a[:] = 1. b = f.create_carray(f.root, 'b', tb.Float32Atom(dflt=2.), shape=shape, filters=filters) b[:] = 2. c = f.create_carray(f.root, 'c', tb.Float32Atom(dflt=3.), shape=shape, filters=filters) c[:] = 3. if oarrays: out = np.empty(shape, dtype='float32') else: out = f.create_carray(f.root, 'out', tb.Float32Atom(), shape=shape, filters=ofilters) t0 = time() if iarrays and oarrays: #out = ne.evaluate("a*b+c") out = a*b+c elif doprofile: import cProfile as prof import pstats'evaluate("a*b+c", out)', '') stats = pstats.Stats('') stats.strip_dirs() stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls') stats.print_stats(20) elif dokprofile: from cProfile import Profile import lsprofcalltree prof = Profile()'evaluate("a*b+c", out)') kcg = lsprofcalltree.KCacheGrind(prof) ofile = open('evaluate.kcg', 'w') kcg.output(ofile) ofile.close() else: evaluate("a*b+c", out) print "Time for evaluate-->", round(time()-t0, 3) #print "out-->", `out` #print `out[:]` f.close()