from time import time import os.path import numpy as np import tables as tb OUT_DIR = "/scratch2/faltet/" # the directory for data output shape = (1000, 1000*1000) # shape for input arrays expr = "a*b+1" # Expression to be computed nrows, ncols = shape def tables(docompute, dowrite, complib, verbose): # Filenames ifilename = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, "expression-inputs.h5") ofilename = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, "expression-outputs.h5") # Filters shuffle = True if complib == 'blosc': filters = tb.Filters(complevel=1, complib='blosc', shuffle=shuffle) elif complib == 'lzo': filters = tb.Filters(complevel=1, complib='lzo', shuffle=shuffle) elif complib == 'zlib': filters = tb.Filters(complevel=1, complib='zlib', shuffle=shuffle) else: filters = tb.Filters(complevel=0, shuffle=False) if verbose: print "Will use filters:", filters if dowrite: f = tb.open_file(ifilename, 'w') # Build input arrays t0 = time() root = f.root a = f.create_carray(root, 'a', tb.Float32Atom(), shape, filters=filters) b = f.create_carray(root, 'b', tb.Float32Atom(), shape, filters=filters) if verbose: print "chunkshape:", a.chunkshape print "chunksize:",*a.dtype.itemsize #row = np.linspace(0, 1, ncols) row = np.arange(0, ncols, dtype='float32') for i in xrange(nrows): a[i] = row*(i+1) b[i] = row*(i+1)*2 f.close() print "[tables.Expr] Time for creating inputs:", round(time()-t0, 3) if docompute: f = tb.open_file(ifilename, 'r') fr = tb.open_file(ofilename, 'w') a = f.root.a b = f.root.b r1 = f.create_carray(fr.root, 'r1', tb.Float32Atom(), shape, filters=filters) # The expression e = tb.Expr(expr) e.set_output(r1) t0 = time() e.eval() if verbose: print "First ten values:", r1[0, :10] f.close() fr.close() print "[tables.Expr] Time for computing & save:", round(time()-t0, 3) def memmap(docompute, dowrite, verbose): afilename = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, "memmap-a.bin") bfilename = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, "memmap-b.bin") rfilename = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, "memmap-output.bin") if dowrite: t0 = time() a = np.memmap(afilename, dtype='float32', mode='w+', shape=shape) b = np.memmap(bfilename, dtype='float32', mode='w+', shape=shape) # Fill arrays a and b #row = np.linspace(0, 1, ncols) row = np.arange(0, ncols, dtype='float32') for i in xrange(nrows): a[i] = row*(i+1) b[i] = row*(i+1)*2 del a, b # flush data print "[numpy.memmap] Time for creating inputs:", round(time()-t0, 3) if docompute: t0 = time() # Reopen inputs in read-only mode a = np.memmap(afilename, dtype='float32', mode='r', shape=shape) b = np.memmap(bfilename, dtype='float32', mode='r', shape=shape) # Create the array output r = np.memmap(rfilename, dtype='float32', mode='w+', shape=shape) # Do the computation row by row for i in xrange(nrows): r[i] = eval(expr, {'a':a[i], 'b':b[i]}) if verbose: print "First ten values:", r[0, :10] del a, b del r # flush output data print "[numpy.memmap] Time for compute & save:", round(time()-t0, 3) def do_bench(what, documpute, dowrite, complib, verbose): if what == "tables": tables(docompute, dowrite, complib, verbose) if what == "memmap": memmap(docompute, dowrite, verbose) if __name__=="__main__": import sys, os import getopt usage = """usage: %s [-T] [-M] [-c] [-w] [-v] [-z complib] -T use tables.Expr -M use numpy.memmap -c do the computation only -w write inputs only -v verbose mode -z select compression library ('zlib' or 'lzo'). Default is None. """ % sys.argv[0] try: opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'TMcwvz:') except: sys.stderr.write(usage) sys.exit(1) # default options usepytables = False usememmap = False docompute = False dowrite = False verbose = False complib = None # Get the options for option in opts: if option[0] == '-T': usepytables = True elif option[0] == '-M': usememmap = True elif option[0] == '-c': docompute = True elif option[0] == '-w': dowrite = True elif option[0] == '-v': verbose = True elif option[0] == '-z': complib = option[1] if complib not in ('blosc', 'lzo', 'zlib'): print ("complib must be 'lzo' or 'zlib' " "and you passed: '%s'" % complib) sys.exit(1) # If not a backend selected, abort if not usepytables and not usememmap: print "Please select a backend:" print "PyTables.Expr: -T" print "NumPy.memmap: -M" sys.exit(1) # Select backend and do the benchmark if usepytables: what = "tables" if usememmap: what = "memmap" do_bench(what, docompute, dowrite, complib, verbose)