import tables class MyClass(object): foo = 'bar' # An object of my custom class. myObject = MyClass() h5f = tables.openFile('test.h5', 'w') h5f.root._v_attrs.obj = myObject # store the object print # retrieve it h5f.close() # Delete class of stored object and reopen the file. del MyClass, myObject h5f = tables.openFile('test.h5', 'r') print # Let us inspect the object to see what is happening. print repr(h5f.root._v_attrs.obj) # Maybe unpickling the string will yield more information: import cPickle cPickle.loads(h5f.root._v_attrs.obj) # So the problem was not in the stored object, # but in the *environment* where it was restored. h5f.close()