from numpy import * from tables import * # Open a new empty HDF5 file fileh = open_file("array1.h5", mode = "w") # Get the root group root = fileh.root # Create an Array a = array([-1, 2, 4], int16) # Save it on the HDF5 file hdfarray = fileh.create_array(root, 'array_1', a, "Signed short array") # Create a scalar Array a = array(4, int16) # Save it on the HDF5 file hdfarray = fileh.create_array(root, 'array_s', a, "Scalar signed short array") # Create a 3-d array of floats a = arange(120, dtype=float64).reshape(20, 3, 2) # Save it on the HDF5 file hdfarray = fileh.create_array(root, 'array_f', a, "3-D float array") # Close the file fileh.close() # Open the file for reading fileh = open_file("array1.h5", mode = "r") # Get the root group root = fileh.root a = print "Signed byte array -->", repr(a), a.shape print "Testing iterator (works even over scalar arrays):", arr = root.array_s for x in arr: print "nrow-->", arr.nrow print "Element-->", repr(x) # print "Testing getitem:" # for i in range(root.array_1.nrows): # print "array_1["+str(i)+"]", "-->", root.array_1[i] print "array_f[:,2:3,2::2]", repr(root.array_f[:, 2:3, 2::2]) print "array_f[1,2:]", repr(root.array_f[1, 2:]) print "array_f[1]", repr(root.array_f[1]) # Close the file fileh.close()