from numpy import * from tables import * # Open a new empty HDF5 file fileh = open_file("array3.h5", mode = "w") # Get the root group root = fileh.root # Create a large array #a = reshape(array(range(2**16), "s"), (2,) * 16) a = ones((2,) * 8, int8) print "About to write array a" print " with shape: ==>", a.shape print " and dtype: ==>", a.dtype # Save it on the HDF5 file hdfarray = fileh.create_array(root, 'carray', a, "Large array") # Get metadata on the previously saved array print print "Info on the object:", repr(root.carray) # Close the file fileh.close() # Open the previous HDF5 file in read-only mode fileh = open_file("array3.h5", mode = "r") # Get the root group root = fileh.root # Get metadata on the previously saved array print print "Getting info on retrieved /carray object:", repr(root.carray) # Get the actual array #b = fileh.readArray("/carray") # You can obtain the same result with: b = print print "Array b read from file" print " with shape: ==>", b.shape print " with dtype: ==>", b.dtype #print " contents:", b # Close the file fileh.close()