from numpy import * from tables import * basedim = 4 file = "array4.h5" # Open a new empty HDF5 file fileh = open_file(file, mode = "w") # Get the root group group = fileh.root # Set the type codes to test dtypes = [int8, uint8, int16, int, float32, float] i = 1 for dtype in dtypes: # Create an array of dtype, with incrementally bigger ranges a = ones((basedim,) * i, dtype) # Save it on the HDF5 file dsetname = 'array_' + a.dtype.char hdfarray = fileh.create_array(group, dsetname, a, "Large array") print "Created dataset:", hdfarray # Create a new group group = fileh.create_group(group, 'group' + str(i)) # increment the range for next iteration i += 1 # Close the file fileh.close() # Open the previous HDF5 file in read-only mode fileh = open_file(file, mode = "r") # Get the root group group = fileh.root # Get the metadata on the previosly saved arrays for i in range(len(dtypes)): # Create an array for later comparison a = ones((basedim,) * (i+1), dtypes[i]) # Get the dset object hangin from group dset = getattr(group, 'array_' + a.dtype.char) print "Info from dataset:", repr(dset) # Read the actual data in array b = print "Array b read from file. Shape ==>", b.shape, print ". Dtype ==> %s" % b.dtype # Test if the original and read arrays are equal if allclose(a, b): print "Good: Read array is equal to the original" else: print "Error: Read array and the original differs!" # Iterate over the next group group = getattr(group, 'group' + str(i+1)) # Close the file fileh.close()