from tables.nodes import filenode import tables h5file = tables.open_file('fnode.h5', 'w') fnode = filenode.new_node(h5file, where='/', name='fnode_test') print h5file.get_node_attr('/fnode_test', 'NODE_TYPE') print >> fnode, "This is a test text line." print >> fnode, "And this is another one." print >> fnode fnode.write("Of course, file methods can also be used.") # Go back to the beginning of file. for line in fnode: print repr(line) fnode.close() print fnode.closed node = h5file.root.fnode_test fnode = filenode.open_node(node, 'a+') print repr(fnode.readline()) print fnode.tell() print >> fnode, "This is a new line." print repr(fnode.readline()) for line in fnode: print repr(line) fnode.attrs.content_type = 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii' = "Ivan Vilata i Balaguer" fnode.attrs.creation_date = '2004-10-20T13:25:25+0200' fnode.attrs.keywords_en = ["FileNode", "test", "metadata"] fnode.attrs.keywords_ca = ["FileNode", "prova", "metadades"] fnode.attrs.owner = 'ivan' fnode.attrs.acl = {'ivan': 'rw', '@users': 'r'} fnode.close() h5file.close()