import numpy from tables import * class Particle(IsDescription): ADCcount = Int16Col() # signed short integer TDCcount = UInt8Col() # unsigned byte grid_i = Int32Col() # integer grid_j = Int32Col() # integer idnumber = Int64Col() # signed long long name = StringCol(16, dflt="") # 16-character String pressure = Float32Col(shape=2) # float (single-precision) temperature = Float64Col() # double (double-precision) Particle2 = { # You can also use any of the atom factories, i.e. the one which # accepts a PyTables type. "ADCcount": Col.from_type("int16"), # signed short integer "TDCcount": Col.from_type("uint8"), # unsigned byte "grid_i": Col.from_type("int32"), # integer "grid_j": Col.from_type("int32"), # integer "idnumber": Col.from_type("int64"), # signed long long "name": Col.from_kind("string", 16), # 16-character String "pressure": Col.from_type("float32", (2,)), # float (single-precision) "temperature": Col.from_type("float64"), # double (double-precision) } # The name of our HDF5 filename filename = "table-tree.h5" # Open a file in "w"rite mode h5file = open_file(filename, mode = "w") # Create a new group under "/" (root) group = h5file.create_group("/", 'detector') # Create one table on it #table = h5file.create_table(group, 'table', Particle, "Title example") # You can choose creating a Table from a description dictionary if you wish table = h5file.create_table(group, 'table', Particle2, "Title example") # Create a shortcut to the table record object particle = table.row # Fill the table with 10 particles for i in xrange(10): # First, assign the values to the Particle record particle['name'] = 'Particle: %6d' % (i) particle['TDCcount'] = i % 256 particle['ADCcount'] = (i * 256) % (1 << 16) particle['grid_i'] = i particle['grid_j'] = 10 - i particle['pressure'] = [float(i*i), float(i*2)] particle['temperature'] = float(i**2) particle['idnumber'] = i * (2 ** 34) # This exceeds integer range # This injects the Record values. particle.append() # Flush the buffers for table table.flush() # Get actual data from table. We are interested in column pressure. pressure = [ p['pressure'] for p in table.iterrows() ] print "Last record ==>", p print "Column pressure ==>", numpy.array(pressure) print "Total records in table ==> ", len(pressure) print # Create a new group to hold new arrays gcolumns = h5file.create_group("/", "columns") print "columns ==>", gcolumns, pressure # Create an array with this info under '/columns' having a 'list' flavor h5file.create_array(gcolumns, 'pressure', pressure, "Pressure column") print "gcolumns.pressure type ==> ", gcolumns.pressure.atom.dtype # Do the same with TDCcount, but with a numpy object TDC = [ p['TDCcount'] for p in table.iterrows() ] print "TDC ==>", TDC print "TDC shape ==>", numpy.array(TDC).shape h5file.create_array('/columns', 'TDC', numpy.array(TDC), "TDCcount column") # Do the same with name column names = [ p['name'] for p in table.iterrows() ] print "names ==>", names h5file.create_array('/columns', 'name', names, "Name column") # This works even with homogeneous tuples or lists (!) print " shape ==>", print " type ==> ", print "Table dump:" for p in table.iterrows(): print p # Save a recarray object under detector r = numpy.rec.array("a"*300, formats='f4,3i4,a5,i2', shape=3) recarrt = h5file.create_table("/detector", 'recarray', r, "RecArray example") r2 = r[0:3:2] # Change the byteorder property recarrt = h5file.create_table("/detector", 'recarray2', r2, "Non-contiguous recarray") print recarrt print print h5file.root.detector.table.description # Close the file h5file.close() #sys.exit() # Reopen it in append mode h5file = open_file(filename, "a") # Ok. let's start browsing the tree from this filename print "Reading info from filename:", h5file.filename print # Firstly, list all the groups on tree print "Groups in file:" for group in h5file.walk_groups("/"): print group print # List all the nodes (Group and Leaf objects) on tree print "List of all nodes in file:" print h5file # And finally, only the Arrays (Array objects) print "Arrays in file:" for array in h5file.walk_nodes("/", classname="Array"): print array print # Get group /detector and print some info on it detector = h5file.get_node("/detector") print "detector object ==>", detector # List only leaves on detector print "Leaves in group", detector, ":" for leaf in h5file.list_nodes("/detector", 'Leaf'): print leaf print # List only tables on detector print "Tables in group", detector, ":" for leaf in h5file.list_nodes("/detector", 'Table'): print leaf print # List only arrays on detector (there should be none!) print "Arrays in group", detector, ":" for leaf in h5file.list_nodes("/detector", 'Array'): print leaf print # Get "/detector" Group object group = h5file.root.detector print "/detector ==>", group # Get the "/detector/table table = h5file.get_node("/detector/table") print "/detector/table ==>", table # Get metadata from table print "Object:", table print "Table name:", print "Table title:", table.title print "Rows saved on table: %d" % (table.nrows) print "Variable names on table with their type:" for name in table.colnames: print " ", name, ':=', table.coldtypes[name] print # Read arrays in /columns/names and /columns/pressure # Get the object in "/columns pressure" pressureObject = h5file.get_node("/columns", "pressure") # Get some metadata on this object print "Info on the object:", pressureObject print " shape ==>", pressureObject.shape print " title ==>", pressureObject.title print " type ==> ", pressureObject.atom.dtype print " byteorder ==> ", pressureObject.byteorder # Read the pressure actual data pressureArray = print " data type ==>", type(pressureArray) print " data ==>", pressureArray print # Get the object in "/columns/names" nameObject = # Get some metadata on this object print "Info on the object:", nameObject print " shape ==>", nameObject.shape print " title ==>", nameObject.title print " type ==> " % nameObject.atom.dtype # Read the 'name' actual data nameArray = print " data type ==>", type(nameArray) print " data ==>", nameArray # Print the data for both arrays print "Data on arrays name and pressure:" for i in range(pressureObject.shape[0]): print "".join(nameArray[i]), "-->", pressureArray[i] print # Finally, append some new records to table table = h5file.root.detector.table # Append 5 new particles to table (yes, tables can be enlarged!) particle = table.row for i in xrange(10, 15): # First, assign the values to the Particle record particle['name'] = 'Particle: %6d' % (i) particle['TDCcount'] = i % 256 particle['ADCcount'] = (i * 256) % (1 << 16) particle['grid_i'] = i particle['grid_j'] = 10 - i particle['pressure'] = [float(i*i), float(i*2)] particle['temperature'] = float(i**2) particle['idnumber'] = i * (2 ** 34) # This exceeds integer range # This injects the Row values. particle.append() # Flush this table table.flush() print "Columns name and pressure on expanded table:" # Print some table columns, for comparison with array data for p in table: print p['name'], '-->', p['pressure'] print # Put several flavors oldflavor = table.flavor print"ADCcount") table.flavor = "numpy" print"ADCcount") table.flavor = oldflavor print, 0, 1, "name") table.flavor = "python" print, 0, 1, "name") table.flavor = oldflavor print, 0, 2, "pressure") table.flavor = "python" print, 0, 2, "pressure") table.flavor = oldflavor # Several range selections print "Extended slice in selection: [0:7:6]" print, 7, 6) print "Single record in selection: [1]" print print "Last record in selection: [-1]" print print "Two records before the last in selection: [-3:-1]" print, -1) # Print a recarray in table form table = h5file.root.detector.recarray2 print "recarray2:", table print " nrows:", table.nrows print " byteorder:", table.byteorder print " coldtypes:", table.coldtypes print " colnames:", table.colnames print for p in table.iterrows(): print p['f1'], '-->', p['f2'] print result = [ rec['f1'] for rec in table if rec.nrow < 2 ] print result # Test the File.rename_node() method #h5file.rename_node(h5file.root.detector.recarray2, "recarray3") h5file.rename_node(table, "recarray3") # Delete a Leaf from the HDF5 tree h5file.remove_node(h5file.root.detector.recarray3) # Delete the detector group and its leaves recursively #h5file.remove_node(h5file.root.detector, recursive=1) # Create a Group and then remove it h5file.create_group(h5file.root, "newgroup") h5file.remove_node(h5file.root, "newgroup") h5file.rename_node(h5file.root.columns, "newcolumns") print h5file # Close this file h5file.close()