import tables from numpy import * # Create a VLArray: fileh = tables.open_file('vlarray1.h5', mode='w') vlarray = fileh.create_vlarray(fileh.root, 'vlarray1', tables.Int32Atom(shape=()), "ragged array of ints", filters=tables.Filters(1)) # Append some (variable length) rows: vlarray.append(array([5, 6])) vlarray.append(array([5, 6, 7])) vlarray.append([5, 6, 9, 8]) # Now, read it through an iterator: print '-->', vlarray.title for x in vlarray: print '%s[%d]--> %s' % (, vlarray.nrow, x) # Now, do the same with native Python strings. vlarray2 = fileh.create_vlarray(fileh.root, 'vlarray2', tables.StringAtom(itemsize=2), "ragged array of strings", filters=tables.Filters(1)) vlarray2.flavor = 'python' # Append some (variable length) rows: print '-->', vlarray2.title vlarray2.append(['5', '66']) vlarray2.append(['5', '6', '77']) vlarray2.append(['5', '6', '9', '88']) # Now, read it through an iterator: for x in vlarray2: print '%s[%d]--> %s' % (, vlarray2.nrow, x) # Close the file. fileh.close()