R6 2.0.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Superclasses are checked only on object instantiation, not on class creation. * Added documentation about debugging and finalizers. R6 2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [BREAKING CHANGE] Added `portable` option, which allows inheritance across different package namespaces, and made it the default. * Added `set()` method on class generator object, so new fields and methods can be added after the generator has been created. * All of the functions involved in instantiating objects are encapsulated in an environment separate from the R6 namespace. This means that if a generator is created with one version of R6, saved, then restored in a new R session that has a different version of R6, there shouldn't be any problems with compatibility. * Methods are locked so that they can't be changed. (Fixes #19) * Inheritance of superclasses is dynamic; instead of reading in the superclass when a class is created, this happens each time an object is instantiated. (Fixes #12) * Added trailing newline when printing R6 objects. (Thanks to Gabor Csardi) * The `print` method of R6 objects can be redefined. (Thanks to Gabor Csardi) R6 1.0.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * First release on CRAN. * Removed pryr from suggested packages. R6 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * First release