library(foreach) library(RSQLite) # Define a simple iterator for a query result, which is # just a wrapper around the fetch function. iquery <- function(con, statement, ..., n=1) { rs <- dbSendQuery(con, statement, ...) nextEl <- function() { d <- fetch(rs, n) if (nrow(d) == 0) { dbClearResult(rs) stop('StopIteration') } d } obj <- list(nextElem=nextEl) class(obj) <- c('abstractiter', 'iter') obj } # Create an SQLite instance. m <- dbDriver('SQLite') # Initialize a new database to a tempfile and copy a data frame # into it repeatedly to get more data to process. tfile <- tempfile() con <- dbConnect(m, dbname=tfile) data(USArrests) dbWriteTable(con, 'USArrests', USArrests) for (i in 1:99) dbWriteTable(con, 'USArrests', USArrests, append=TRUE) # Create an iterator to issue the query, selecting the fields of interest. # We then compute the maximum of each of those fields, 100 records at a time. qit <- iquery(con, 'select Murder, Assault, Rape from USArrests', n=100) r <- foreach(d=qit, .combine='pmax', .packages='foreach') %dopar% { foreach(x=iter(d, by='col'), .combine='c') %do% max(x) } print(r) # Clean up dbDisconnect(con) file.remove(tfile)