Foreach looping construct for R

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Documentation for package ‘foreach’ version 1.4.1

Help Pages

foreach-package The Foreach Package
%:% foreach
%do% foreach
%dopar% foreach
accumulate Foreach Extension Functions
foreach foreach
foreach-ext Foreach Extension Functions
getDoParName Functions Providing Information on the doPar Backend
getDoParRegistered Functions Providing Information on the doPar Backend
getDoParVersion Functions Providing Information on the doPar Backend
getDoParWorkers Functions Providing Information on the doPar Backend
getDoSeqName Functions Providing Information on the doSeq Backend
getDoSeqRegistered Functions Providing Information on the doSeq Backend
getDoSeqVersion Functions Providing Information on the doSeq Backend
getDoSeqWorkers Functions Providing Information on the doSeq Backend
getErrorIndex Foreach Extension Functions
getErrorValue Foreach Extension Functions
getexports Foreach Extension Functions
getResult Foreach Extension Functions
makeAccum Foreach Extension Functions
registerDoSEQ registerDoSEQ
setDoPar setDoPar
setDoSeq setDoSeq
times foreach
when foreach