library(iterators) # This example was originally written and contributed # by Hadley Wickham, with minor modifications by # Revolution Analytics # Define a hasNext generic function hasNext <- function(obj, ...) { UseMethod('hasNext') } # Define a hasNext method for the "ihasNext" class hasNext.ihasNext <- function(obj, ...) { obj$hasNext() } # This function takes an iterator and returns an iterator that supports # the "hasNext" method. This simplifies manually calling the "nextElem" # method of the iterator, since you don't have to worry about catching # the "StopIteration" exception. ihasNext <- function(it) { it <- iter(it) # If "it" already has a hasNext function, return it unchanged if (!is.null(it$hasNext)) return(it) cache <- NULL has_next <- NA nextEl <- function() { if (!hasNx()) stop('StopIteration', call.=FALSE) # Reset the "has_next" flag and return the value has_next <<- NA cache } hasNx <- function() { # Check if you already know the answer if (! return(has_next) # Try to get the next element tryCatch({ cache <<- nextElem(it) has_next <<- TRUE }, error=function(e) { if (identical(conditionMessage(e), 'StopIteration')) { has_next <<- FALSE } else { stop(e) } }) has_next } obj <- list(nextElem=nextEl, hasNext=hasNx) class(obj) <- c('ihasNext', 'abstractiter', 'iter') obj } # Create a "counting" iterator that has a hasNext method it <- ihasNext(icount(3)) # Print the values of the iterator without the need for error handling while (hasNext(it)) print(nextElem(it))