#citHeader("To cite package 'survival' in publications use:") # Grab the version and date from the DESCRIPTION file if(!exists("meta") || is.null(meta)) meta <- packageDescription("survival") year <- sub(".*(2[[:digit:]]{3})-.*", "\\1", meta$Date) vers <- paste("R package version", meta$Version) bibentry(bibtype="Manual", title = "A Package for Survival Analysis in S", author= person(c("Terry M"), "Therneau"), year =year, note =vers, url="http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=survival", key= "survival-package" ) bibentry(bibtype= "Book", title="Modeling Survival Data: Extending the {C}ox Model", author=c(person(c("Terry M.", "Therneau")), person(c("Patricia M.", "Grambsch"))), year = "2000", publisher= "Springer", address = "New York", isbn = "0-387-98784-3", key = "survival-book" ) 4