A B C D E F H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V misc
aareg | Aalen's additive regression model for censored data |
agreg.fit | Cox model fitting functions |
aml | Acute Myelogenous Leukemia survival data |
anova.coxph | Analysis of Deviance for a Cox model. |
anova.coxphlist | Analysis of Deviance for a Cox model. |
anova.survreg | Regression for a Parametric Survival Model |
anova.survreglist | Regression for a Parametric Survival Model |
as.character.Surv | Create a Survival Object |
as.data.frame.Surv | Create a Survival Object |
as.matrix.Surv | Create a Survival Object |
attrassign | Create new-style "assign" attribute |
attrassign.default | Create new-style "assign" attribute |
attrassign.lm | Create new-style "assign" attribute |
basehaz | Compute the baseline survival curve for a Cox model |
bladder | Bladder Cancer Recurrences |
bladder1 | Bladder Cancer Recurrences |
bladder2 | Bladder Cancer Recurrences |
cancer | NCCTG Lung Cancer Data |
cch | Fits proportional hazards regression model to case-cohort data |
cgd | Chronic Granulotomous Disease data |
clogit | Conditional logistic regression |
cluster | Identify clusters. |
colon | Chemotherapy for Stage B/C colon cancer |
cox.zph | Test the Proportional Hazards Assumption of a Cox Regression |
coxph | Fit Proportional Hazards Regression Model |
coxph.control | Ancillary arguments for controling coxph fits |
coxph.detail | Details of a Cox Model Fit |
coxph.fit | Cox model fitting functions |
coxph.getdata | Fit Proportional Hazards Regression Model |
coxph.object | Proportional Hazards Regression Object |
coxph.penalty | Fit Proportional Hazards Regression Model |
coxph.wtest | Compute a quadratic form |
dsurvreg | Distributions available in survreg. |
extractAIC.coxph.penal | Proportional Hazards Regression Object |
flchain | Assay of serum free light chain for 7874 subjects. |
format.Surv | Create a Survival Object |
frailty | Random effects terms |
frailty.gamma | Random effects terms |
frailty.gaussian | Random effects terms |
frailty.t | Random effects terms |
heart | Stanford Heart Transplant data |
is.na.ratetable | Ratetable reference in formula |
is.na.Surv | Create a Survival Object |
is.ratetable | Verify that an object is of class ratetable. |
is.Surv | Create a Survival Object |
jasa | Stanford Heart Transplant data |
jasa1 | Stanford Heart Transplant data |
kidney | Kidney catheter data |
labels.survreg | Regression for a Parametric Survival Model |
leukemia | Acute Myelogenous Leukemia survival data |
levels.tcut | Factors for person-year calculations |
lines.survexp | Add Lines or Points to a Survival Plot |
lines.survfit | Add Lines or Points to a Survival Plot |
logan | Data from the 1972-78 GSS data used by Logan |
lung | NCCTG Lung Cancer Data |
Math.ratetable | Verify that an object is of class ratetable. |
Math.Surv | Create a Survival Object |
mgus | Monoclonal gammapothy data |
mgus1 | Monoclonal gammapothy data |
mgus2 | Monoclonal gammapothy data |
model.frame.coxph | Model.frame method for coxph objects |
model.frame.survreg | Regression for a Parametric Survival Model |
model.matrix.coxph | Model.matrix method for coxph models |
nwtco | Data from the National Wilm's Tumor Study |
Ops.ratetable | Verify that an object is of class ratetable. |
Ops.Surv | Create a Survival Object |
ovarian | Ovarian Cancer Survival Data |
pbc | Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data |
pbcseq | Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, sequential data |
plot.aareg | Plot an aareg object. |
plot.cox.zph | Graphical Test of Proportional Hazards |
plot.survfit | Plot method for 'survfit' objects |
points.survfit | Add Lines or Points to a Survival Plot |
predict.coxph | Predictions for a Cox model |
predict.coxph.penal | Predictions for a Cox model |
predict.survreg | Predicted Values for a 'survreg' Object |
predict.survreg.penal | Predicted Values for a 'survreg' Object |
print.aareg | Print an aareg object |
print.cox.zph | Test the Proportional Hazards Assumption of a Cox Regression |
print.coxph | Proportional Hazards Regression Object |
print.coxph.null | Fit Proportional Hazards Regression Model |
print.coxph.penal | Fit Proportional Hazards Regression Model |
print.ratetable | Ratetable reference in formula |
print.summary.coxph | Print method for summary.coxph objects |
print.summary.survexp | Print Survexp Summary |
print.summary.survfit | Print Survfit Summary |
print.summary.survreg | Regression for a Parametric Survival Model |
print.Surv | Create a Survival Object |
print.survdiff | Test Survival Curve Differences |
print.survexp | Compute Expected Survival |
print.survfit | Print a Short Summary of a Survival Curve |
print.survreg | Parametric Survival Model Object |
print.survreg.penal | Regression for a Parametric Survival Model |
pspline | Smoothing splines using a pspline basis |
psplineinverse | Smoothing splines using a pspline basis |
psurvreg | Distributions available in survreg. |
pyears | Person Years |
qsurvreg | Distributions available in survreg. |
quantile.survfit | Quantiles from a survfit object |
quantile.survfitms | Quantiles from a survfit object |
ratetable | Ratetable reference in formula |
ratetableDate | Convert date objects to ratetable form |
rats | Rat treatment data from Mantel et al |
rats2 | Rat data from Gail et al. |
residuals.coxph | Calculate Residuals for a 'coxph' Fit |
residuals.coxph.null | Calculate Residuals for a 'coxph' Fit |
residuals.coxph.penal | Calculate Residuals for a 'coxph' Fit |
residuals.survreg | Compute Residuals for 'survreg' Objects |
residuals.survreg.penal | Compute Residuals for 'survreg' Objects |
ridge | Ridge regression |
rsurvreg | Distributions available in survreg. |
stanford2 | More Stanford Heart Transplant data |
strata | Identify Stratification Variables |
summary.aareg | Summarize an aareg fit |
summary.coxph | Summary method for Cox models |
summary.coxph.penal | Fit Proportional Hazards Regression Model |
summary.ratetable | Ratetable reference in formula |
Summary.Surv | Create a Survival Object |
summary.survexp | Summary function for a survexp object |
summary.survfit | Summary of a Survival Curve |
summary.survreg | Parametric Survival Model Object |
Surv | Create a Survival Object |
survConcordance | Compute a concordance measure. |
survConcordance.fit | Compute a concordance measure. |
survdiff | Test Survival Curve Differences |
survexp | Compute Expected Survival |
survexp.az | Census Data Sets for the Expected Survival and Person Years Functions |
survexp.azr | Census Data Sets for the Expected Survival and Person Years Functions |
survexp.fit | Compute Expected Survival |
survexp.fl | Census Data Sets for the Expected Survival and Person Years Functions |
survexp.flr | Census Data Sets for the Expected Survival and Person Years Functions |
survexp.mn | Census Data Sets for the Expected Survival and Person Years Functions |
survexp.mnwhite | Census Data Sets for the Expected Survival and Person Years Functions |
survexp.us | Census Data Sets for the Expected Survival and Person Years Functions |
survexp.usr | Census Data Sets for the Expected Survival and Person Years Functions |
survexp.wnc | Census Data Sets for the Expected Survival and Person Years Functions |
survfit | Create survival curves |
survfit.coxph | Compute a Survival Curve from a Cox model |
survfit.formula | Compute a Survival Curve for Censored Data |
survfit.object | Survival Curve Object |
survfitcoxph.fit | A direct interface to the 'computational engine' of survfit.coxph |
survobrien | O'Brien's Test for Association of a Single Variable with Survival |
survReg | Regression for a Parametric Survival Model |
survreg | Regression for a Parametric Survival Model |
survreg.control | Package options for survreg and coxph |
survreg.distributions | Parametric Survival Distributions |
survreg.object | Parametric Survival Model Object |
survregDtest | Verify a survreg distribution |
survSplit | Split a survival data set at specified times |
tcut | Factors for person-year calculations |
tobin | Tobin's Tobit data |
untangle.specials | Help Process the 'specials' Argument of the 'terms' Function. |
uspop2 | Projected US Population |
vcov.coxph | Fit Proportional Hazards Regression Model |
vcov.survreg | Regression for a Parametric Survival Model |
veteran | Veterans' Administration Lung Cancer study |
[.cox.zph | Test the Proportional Hazards Assumption of a Cox Regression |
[.coxph.penalty | Fit Proportional Hazards Regression Model |
[.ratetable | Ratetable reference in formula |
[.ratetable2 | Ratetable reference in formula |
[.Surv | Create a Survival Object |
[.survfit | Compute a Survival Curve for Censored Data |
[.tcut | Factors for person-year calculations |