# Automatically generated from specification file: 'interpolation.json' # # Interpolation tags are used to integrate dynamic content into the template. # # The tag's content MUST be a non-whitespace character sequence NOT containing # the current closing delimiter. # # This tag's content names the data to replace the tag. A single period (`.`) # indicates that the item currently sitting atop the context stack should be # used; otherwise, name resolution is as follows: # 1) Split the name on periods; the first part is the name to resolve, any # remaining parts should be retained. # 2) Walk the context stack from top to bottom, finding the first context # that is a) a hash containing the name as a key OR b) an object responding # to a method with the given name. # 3) If the context is a hash, the data is the value associated with the # name. # 4) If the context is an object, the data is the value returned by the # method with the given name. # 5) If any name parts were retained in step 1, each should be resolved # against a context stack containing only the result from the former # resolution. If any part fails resolution, the result should be considered # falsey, and should interpolate as the empty string. # Data should be coerced into a string (and escaped, if appropriate) before # interpolation. # # The Interpolation tags MUST NOT be treated as standalone. # library(testthat) context('Spec v1.1, interpolation') test_that( "No Interpolation", { #"Mustache-free templates should render as-is." template <- "Hello from {Mustache}!\n" data <- list() str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "Hello from {Mustache}!\n", label=deparse(str), info="Mustache-free templates should render as-is.") }) test_that( "Basic Interpolation", { #"Unadorned tags should interpolate content into the template." template <- "Hello, {{subject}}!\n" data <- list(subject = "world") str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "Hello, world!\n", label=deparse(str), info="Unadorned tags should interpolate content into the template.") }) test_that( "HTML Escaping", { #"Basic interpolation should be HTML escaped." template <- "These characters should be HTML escaped: {{forbidden}}\n" data <- list(forbidden = "& \" < >") str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "These characters should be HTML escaped: & " < >\n", label=deparse(str), info="Basic interpolation should be HTML escaped.") }) test_that( "Triple Mustache", { #"Triple mustaches should interpolate without HTML escaping." template <- "These characters should not be HTML escaped: {{{forbidden}}}\n" data <- list(forbidden = "& \" < >") str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "These characters should not be HTML escaped: & \" < >\n", label=deparse(str), info="Triple mustaches should interpolate without HTML escaping.") }) test_that( "Ampersand", { #"Ampersand should interpolate without HTML escaping." template <- "These characters should not be HTML escaped: {{&forbidden}}\n" data <- list(forbidden = "& \" < >") str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "These characters should not be HTML escaped: & \" < >\n", label=deparse(str), info="Ampersand should interpolate without HTML escaping.") }) test_that( "Basic Integer Interpolation", { #"Integers should interpolate seamlessly." template <- "\"{{mph}} miles an hour!\"" data <- list(mph = 85) str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "\"85 miles an hour!\"", label=deparse(str), info="Integers should interpolate seamlessly.") }) test_that( "Triple Mustache Integer Interpolation", { #"Integers should interpolate seamlessly." template <- "\"{{{mph}}} miles an hour!\"" data <- list(mph = 85) str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "\"85 miles an hour!\"", label=deparse(str), info="Integers should interpolate seamlessly.") }) test_that( "Ampersand Integer Interpolation", { #"Integers should interpolate seamlessly." template <- "\"{{&mph}} miles an hour!\"" data <- list(mph = 85) str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "\"85 miles an hour!\"", label=deparse(str), info="Integers should interpolate seamlessly.") }) test_that( "Basic Decimal Interpolation", { #"Decimals should interpolate seamlessly with proper significance." template <- "\"{{power}} jiggawatts!\"" data <- list(power = 1.21) str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "\"1.21 jiggawatts!\"", label=deparse(str), info="Decimals should interpolate seamlessly with proper significance.") }) test_that( "Triple Mustache Decimal Interpolation", { #"Decimals should interpolate seamlessly with proper significance." template <- "\"{{{power}}} jiggawatts!\"" data <- list(power = 1.21) str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "\"1.21 jiggawatts!\"", label=deparse(str), info="Decimals should interpolate seamlessly with proper significance.") }) test_that( "Ampersand Decimal Interpolation", { #"Decimals should interpolate seamlessly with proper significance." template <- "\"{{&power}} jiggawatts!\"" data <- list(power = 1.21) str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "\"1.21 jiggawatts!\"", label=deparse(str), info="Decimals should interpolate seamlessly with proper significance.") }) test_that( "Basic Context Miss Interpolation", { #"Failed context lookups should default to empty strings." template <- "I ({{cannot}}) be seen!" data <- list() str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "I () be seen!", label=deparse(str), info="Failed context lookups should default to empty strings.") }) test_that( "Triple Mustache Context Miss Interpolation", { #"Failed context lookups should default to empty strings." template <- "I ({{{cannot}}}) be seen!" data <- list() str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "I () be seen!", label=deparse(str), info="Failed context lookups should default to empty strings.") }) test_that( "Ampersand Context Miss Interpolation", { #"Failed context lookups should default to empty strings." template <- "I ({{&cannot}}) be seen!" data <- list() str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "I () be seen!", label=deparse(str), info="Failed context lookups should default to empty strings.") }) test_that( "Dotted Names - Basic Interpolation", { #"Dotted names should be considered a form of shorthand for sections." template <- "\"{{person.name}}\" == \"{{#person}}{{name}}{{/person}}\"" data <- list(person = list(name = "Joe")) str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "\"Joe\" == \"Joe\"", label=deparse(str), info="Dotted names should be considered a form of shorthand for sections.") }) test_that( "Dotted Names - Triple Mustache Interpolation", { #"Dotted names should be considered a form of shorthand for sections." template <- "\"{{{person.name}}}\" == \"{{#person}}{{{name}}}{{/person}}\"" data <- list(person = list(name = "Joe")) str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "\"Joe\" == \"Joe\"", label=deparse(str), info="Dotted names should be considered a form of shorthand for sections.") }) test_that( "Dotted Names - Ampersand Interpolation", { #"Dotted names should be considered a form of shorthand for sections." template <- "\"{{&person.name}}\" == \"{{#person}}{{&name}}{{/person}}\"" data <- list(person = list(name = "Joe")) str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "\"Joe\" == \"Joe\"", label=deparse(str), info="Dotted names should be considered a form of shorthand for sections.") }) test_that( "Dotted Names - Arbitrary Depth", { #"Dotted names should be functional to any level of nesting." template <- "\"{{a.b.c.d.e.name}}\" == \"Phil\"" data <- list(a = list(b = list(c = list(d = list(e = list(name = "Phil")))))) str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "\"Phil\" == \"Phil\"", label=deparse(str), info="Dotted names should be functional to any level of nesting.") }) test_that( "Dotted Names - Broken Chains", { #"Any falsey value prior to the last part of the name should yield ''." template <- "\"{{a.b.c}}\" == \"\"" data <- list(a = list()) str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "\"\" == \"\"", label=deparse(str), info="Any falsey value prior to the last part of the name should yield ''.") }) test_that( "Dotted Names - Broken Chain Resolution", { #"Each part of a dotted name should resolve only against its parent." template <- "\"{{a.b.c.name}}\" == \"\"" data <- list(a = list(b = list()), c = list(name = "Jim")) str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "\"\" == \"\"", label=deparse(str), info="Each part of a dotted name should resolve only against its parent.") }) test_that( "Dotted Names - Initial Resolution", { #"The first part of a dotted name should resolve as any other name." template <- "\"{{#a}}{{b.c.d.e.name}}{{/a}}\" == \"Phil\"" data <- list(a = list(b = list(c = list(d = list(e = list(name = "Phil"))))), b = list(c = list(d = list(e = list(name = "Wrong"))))) str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "\"Phil\" == \"Phil\"", label=deparse(str), info="The first part of a dotted name should resolve as any other name.") }) test_that( "Interpolation - Surrounding Whitespace", { #"Interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace." template <- "| {{string}} |" data <- list(string = "---") str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "| --- |", label=deparse(str), info="Interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace.") }) test_that( "Triple Mustache - Surrounding Whitespace", { #"Interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace." template <- "| {{{string}}} |" data <- list(string = "---") str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "| --- |", label=deparse(str), info="Interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace.") }) test_that( "Ampersand - Surrounding Whitespace", { #"Interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace." template <- "| {{&string}} |" data <- list(string = "---") str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "| --- |", label=deparse(str), info="Interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace.") }) test_that( "Interpolation - Standalone", { #"Standalone interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace." template <- " {{string}}\n" data <- list(string = "---") str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, " ---\n", label=deparse(str), info="Standalone interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace.") }) test_that( "Triple Mustache - Standalone", { #"Standalone interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace." template <- " {{{string}}}\n" data <- list(string = "---") str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, " ---\n", label=deparse(str), info="Standalone interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace.") }) test_that( "Ampersand - Standalone", { #"Standalone interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace." template <- " {{&string}}\n" data <- list(string = "---") str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, " ---\n", label=deparse(str), info="Standalone interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace.") }) test_that( "Interpolation With Padding", { #"Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored." template <- "|{{ string }}|" data <- list(string = "---") str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "|---|", label=deparse(str), info="Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored.") }) test_that( "Triple Mustache With Padding", { #"Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored." template <- "|{{{ string }}}|" data <- list(string = "---") str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "|---|", label=deparse(str), info="Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored.") }) test_that( "Ampersand With Padding", { #"Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored." template <- "|{{& string }}|" data <- list(string = "---") str <- whisker.render(template, data=data) expect_equal(str, "|---|", label=deparse(str), info="Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored.") })