 * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Benedict Paten (benedictpaten@gmail.com)
 * Released under the MIT license, see LICENSE.txt

 * pinchGraphManipulation.h
 *  Created on: 11 Sep 2010
 *      Author: benedictpaten


//Methods for 'pinching' the graph.

void pinchMergePiece(struct PinchGraph *graph,
                       struct Piece *piece1,
                       struct Piece *piece2,
                       stHash *vertexToAdjacencyComponents);

void pinchMerge(struct PinchGraph *graph, struct PairwiseAlignment *pairwiseAlignment,
        void (*addFunction)(struct PinchGraph *pinchGraph, struct Piece *, struct Piece *, stHash *, void *),
        void *extraParameter,
        stHash *vertexToAdjacencyComponents);

//Core methods for manipulating graph

void removeOverAlignedEdges(struct PinchGraph *pinchGraph, float minimumTreeCoverage, int32_t maxDegree, struct List *extraEdgesToUndo,
        int32_t extensionSteps, Flower *flower);

struct List *getRecursiveComponents(struct PinchGraph *pinchGraph, int32_t (*excludedEdgesFn)(void *));

struct List *getRecursiveComponents2(struct PinchGraph *pinchGraph, struct List *edgesToExclude);

 * Ensure the graph is one connected component by linking components not part of the sink component
 * by there dead stub ends.
void linkStubComponentsToTheSinkComponent(struct PinchGraph *pinchGraph, Flower *flower, int32_t attachEnds);

 * Disconnects the dead ends of free stub ends from the sink component.
void unlinkStubComponentsFromTheSinkComponent(struct PinchGraph *pinchGraph, Flower *flower);

void removeTrivialGreyEdgeComponents(struct PinchGraph *graph, struct List *listOfVertices, Flower *flower);

 * Remove 'trim' (integer) from the end of each edge with degree greater than 1. Edges with degree less than or equal to 2*trim
 * are undone.
void trimEdges(struct PinchGraph *pinchGraph, int32_t trim, Flower *flower);

float treeCoverage(struct PinchVertex *vertex, Flower *flower);