/************************************************************************************************* * The utility API of Tokyo Cabinet * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 FAL Labs * This file is part of Tokyo Cabinet. * Tokyo Cabinet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License or any later version. Tokyo Cabinet is distributed in the hope * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Tokyo * Cabinet; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *************************************************************************************************/ #include "tcutil.h" #include "myconf.h" #include "md5.h" /************************************************************************************************* * basic utilities *************************************************************************************************/ /* String containing the version information. */ const char *tcversion = _TC_VERSION; /* Call back function for handling a fatal error. */ void (*tcfatalfunc)(const char *message) = NULL; /* Allocate a region on memory. */ void *tcmalloc(size_t size){ assert(size > 0 && size < INT_MAX); char *p; TCMALLOC(p, size); return p; } /* Allocate a nullified region on memory. */ void *tccalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size){ assert(nmemb > 0 && nmemb < INT_MAX && size > 0 && size < INT_MAX); char *p; TCCALLOC(p, nmemb, size); return p; } /* Re-allocate a region on memory. */ void *tcrealloc(void *ptr, size_t size){ assert(size >= 0 && size < INT_MAX); char *p; TCREALLOC(p, ptr, size); return p; } /* Duplicate a region on memory. */ void *tcmemdup(const void *ptr, size_t size){ assert(ptr && size >= 0); char *p; TCMALLOC(p, size + 1); memcpy(p, ptr, size); p[size] = '\0'; return p; } /* Duplicate a string on memory. */ char *tcstrdup(const void *str){ assert(str); int size = strlen(str); char *p; TCMALLOC(p, size + 1); memcpy(p, str, size); p[size] = '\0'; return p; } /* Free a region on memory. */ void tcfree(void *ptr){ TCFREE(ptr); } /************************************************************************************************* * extensible string *************************************************************************************************/ #define TCXSTRUNIT 12 // allocation unit size of an extensible string /* private function prototypes */ static void tcvxstrprintf(TCXSTR *xstr, const char *format, va_list ap); /* Create an extensible string object. */ TCXSTR *tcxstrnew(void){ TCXSTR *xstr; TCMALLOC(xstr, sizeof(*xstr)); TCMALLOC(xstr->ptr, TCXSTRUNIT); xstr->size = 0; xstr->asize = TCXSTRUNIT; xstr->ptr[0] = '\0'; return xstr; } /* Create an extensible string object from a character string. */ TCXSTR *tcxstrnew2(const char *str){ assert(str); TCXSTR *xstr; TCMALLOC(xstr, sizeof(*xstr)); int size = strlen(str); int asize = tclmax(size + 1, TCXSTRUNIT); TCMALLOC(xstr->ptr, asize); xstr->size = size; xstr->asize = asize; memcpy(xstr->ptr, str, size + 1); return xstr; } /* Create an extensible string object with the initial allocation size. */ TCXSTR *tcxstrnew3(int asiz){ assert(asiz >= 0); asiz = tclmax(asiz, TCXSTRUNIT); TCXSTR *xstr; TCMALLOC(xstr, sizeof(*xstr)); TCMALLOC(xstr->ptr, asiz); xstr->size = 0; xstr->asize = asiz; xstr->ptr[0] = '\0'; return xstr; } /* Copy an extensible string object. */ TCXSTR *tcxstrdup(const TCXSTR *xstr){ assert(xstr); TCXSTR *nxstr; TCMALLOC(nxstr, sizeof(*nxstr)); int asize = tclmax(xstr->size + 1, TCXSTRUNIT); TCMALLOC(nxstr->ptr, asize); nxstr->size = xstr->size; nxstr->asize = asize; memcpy(nxstr->ptr, xstr->ptr, xstr->size + 1); return nxstr; } /* Delete an extensible string object. */ void tcxstrdel(TCXSTR *xstr){ assert(xstr); TCFREE(xstr->ptr); TCFREE(xstr); } /* Concatenate a region to the end of an extensible string object. */ void tcxstrcat(TCXSTR *xstr, const void *ptr, int size){ assert(xstr && ptr && size >= 0); int nsize = xstr->size + size + 1; if(xstr->asize < nsize){ while(xstr->asize < nsize){ xstr->asize *= 2; if(xstr->asize < nsize) xstr->asize = nsize; } TCREALLOC(xstr->ptr, xstr->ptr, xstr->asize); } memcpy(xstr->ptr + xstr->size, ptr, size); xstr->size += size; xstr->ptr[xstr->size] = '\0'; } /* Concatenate a character string to the end of an extensible string object. */ void tcxstrcat2(TCXSTR *xstr, const char *str){ assert(xstr && str); int size = strlen(str); int nsize = xstr->size + size + 1; if(xstr->asize < nsize){ while(xstr->asize < nsize){ xstr->asize *= 2; if(xstr->asize < nsize) xstr->asize = nsize; } TCREALLOC(xstr->ptr, xstr->ptr, xstr->asize); } memcpy(xstr->ptr + xstr->size, str, size + 1); xstr->size += size; } /* Get the pointer of the region of an extensible string object. */ const void *tcxstrptr(const TCXSTR *xstr){ assert(xstr); return xstr->ptr; } /* Get the size of the region of an extensible string object. */ int tcxstrsize(const TCXSTR *xstr){ assert(xstr); return xstr->size; } /* Clear an extensible string object. */ void tcxstrclear(TCXSTR *xstr){ assert(xstr); xstr->size = 0; xstr->ptr[0] = '\0'; } /* Perform formatted output into an extensible string object. */ void tcxstrprintf(TCXSTR *xstr, const char *format, ...){ assert(xstr && format); va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); tcvxstrprintf(xstr, format, ap); va_end(ap); } /* Allocate a formatted string on memory. */ char *tcsprintf(const char *format, ...){ assert(format); TCXSTR *xstr = tcxstrnew(); va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); tcvxstrprintf(xstr, format, ap); va_end(ap); return tcxstrtomalloc(xstr); } /* Perform formatted output into an extensible string object. */ static void tcvxstrprintf(TCXSTR *xstr, const char *format, va_list ap){ assert(xstr && format); while(*format != '\0'){ if(*format == '%'){ char cbuf[TCNUMBUFSIZ]; cbuf[0] = '%'; int cblen = 1; int lnum = 0; format++; while(strchr("0123456789 .+-hlLz", *format) && *format != '\0' && cblen < TCNUMBUFSIZ - 1){ if(*format == 'l' || *format == 'L') lnum++; cbuf[cblen++] = *(format++); } cbuf[cblen++] = *format; cbuf[cblen] = '\0'; int tlen; char *tmp, tbuf[TCNUMBUFSIZ*4]; switch(*format){ case 's': tmp = va_arg(ap, char *); if(!tmp) tmp = "(null)"; tcxstrcat2(xstr, tmp); break; case 'd': if(lnum >= 2){ tlen = sprintf(tbuf, cbuf, va_arg(ap, long long)); } else if(lnum >= 1){ tlen = sprintf(tbuf, cbuf, va_arg(ap, long)); } else { tlen = sprintf(tbuf, cbuf, va_arg(ap, int)); } TCXSTRCAT(xstr, tbuf, tlen); break; case 'o': case 'u': case 'x': case 'X': case 'c': if(lnum >= 2){ tlen = sprintf(tbuf, cbuf, va_arg(ap, unsigned long long)); } else if(lnum >= 1){ tlen = sprintf(tbuf, cbuf, va_arg(ap, unsigned long)); } else { tlen = sprintf(tbuf, cbuf, va_arg(ap, unsigned int)); } TCXSTRCAT(xstr, tbuf, tlen); break; case 'e': case 'E': case 'f': case 'g': case 'G': if(lnum >= 1){ tlen = snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), cbuf, va_arg(ap, long double)); } else { tlen = snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), cbuf, va_arg(ap, double)); } if(tlen < 0 || tlen > sizeof(tbuf)){ tbuf[sizeof(tbuf)-1] = '*'; tlen = sizeof(tbuf); } TCXSTRCAT(xstr, tbuf, tlen); break; case '@': tmp = va_arg(ap, char *); if(!tmp) tmp = "(null)"; while(*tmp){ switch(*tmp){ case '&': TCXSTRCAT(xstr, "&", 5); break; case '<': TCXSTRCAT(xstr, "<", 4); break; case '>': TCXSTRCAT(xstr, ">", 4); break; case '"': TCXSTRCAT(xstr, """, 6); break; default: if(!((*tmp >= 0 && *tmp <= 0x8) || (*tmp >= 0x0e && *tmp <= 0x1f))) TCXSTRCAT(xstr, tmp, 1); break; } tmp++; } break; case '?': tmp = va_arg(ap, char *); if(!tmp) tmp = "(null)"; while(*tmp){ unsigned char c = *(unsigned char *)tmp; if((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c != '\0' && strchr("_-.", c))){ TCXSTRCAT(xstr, tmp, 1); } else { tlen = sprintf(tbuf, "%%%02X", c); TCXSTRCAT(xstr, tbuf, tlen); } tmp++; } break; case 'b': if(lnum >= 2){ tlen = tcnumtostrbin(va_arg(ap, unsigned long long), tbuf, tcatoi(cbuf + 1), (cbuf[1] == '0') ? '0' : ' '); } else if(lnum >= 1){ tlen = tcnumtostrbin(va_arg(ap, unsigned long), tbuf, tcatoi(cbuf + 1), (cbuf[1] == '0') ? '0' : ' '); } else { tlen = tcnumtostrbin(va_arg(ap, unsigned int), tbuf, tcatoi(cbuf + 1), (cbuf[1] == '0') ? '0' : ' '); } TCXSTRCAT(xstr, tbuf, tlen); break; case '%': TCXSTRCAT(xstr, "%", 1); break; } } else { TCXSTRCAT(xstr, format, 1); } format++; } } /************************************************************************************************* * extensible string (for experts) *************************************************************************************************/ /* Convert an extensible string object into a usual allocated region. */ void *tcxstrtomalloc(TCXSTR *xstr){ assert(xstr); char *ptr; ptr = xstr->ptr; TCFREE(xstr); return ptr; } /* Create an extensible string object from an allocated region. */ TCXSTR *tcxstrfrommalloc(void *ptr, int size){ TCXSTR *xstr; TCMALLOC(xstr, sizeof(*xstr)); TCREALLOC(xstr->ptr, ptr, size + 1); xstr->ptr[size] = '\0'; xstr->size = size; xstr->asize = size; return xstr; } /************************************************************************************************* * array list *************************************************************************************************/ #define TCLISTUNIT 64 // allocation unit number of a list handle /* private function prototypes */ static int tclistelemcmp(const void *a, const void *b); static int tclistelemcmpci(const void *a, const void *b); /* Create a list object. */ TCLIST *tclistnew(void){ TCLIST *list; TCMALLOC(list, sizeof(*list)); list->anum = TCLISTUNIT; TCMALLOC(list->array, sizeof(list->array[0]) * list->anum); list->start = 0; list->num = 0; return list; } /* Create a list object. */ TCLIST *tclistnew2(int anum){ TCLIST *list; TCMALLOC(list, sizeof(*list)); if(anum < 1) anum = 1; list->anum = anum; TCMALLOC(list->array, sizeof(list->array[0]) * list->anum); list->start = 0; list->num = 0; return list; } /* Create a list object with initial string elements. */ TCLIST *tclistnew3(const char *str, ...){ TCLIST *list = tclistnew(); if(str){ tclistpush2(list, str); va_list ap; va_start(ap, str); const char *elem; while((elem = va_arg(ap, char *)) != NULL){ tclistpush2(list, elem); } va_end(ap); } return list; } /* Copy a list object. */ TCLIST *tclistdup(const TCLIST *list){ assert(list); int num = list->num; if(num < 1) return tclistnew(); const TCLISTDATUM *array = list->array + list->start; TCLIST *nlist; TCMALLOC(nlist, sizeof(*nlist)); TCLISTDATUM *narray; TCMALLOC(narray, sizeof(list->array[0]) * num); for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){ int size = array[i].size; TCMALLOC(narray[i].ptr, tclmax(size + 1, TCXSTRUNIT)); memcpy(narray[i].ptr, array[i].ptr, size + 1); narray[i].size = array[i].size; } nlist->anum = num; nlist->array = narray; nlist->start = 0; nlist->num = num; return nlist; } /* Delete a list object. */ void tclistdel(TCLIST *list){ assert(list); TCLISTDATUM *array = list->array; int end = list->start + list->num; for(int i = list->start; i < end; i++){ TCFREE(array[i].ptr); } TCFREE(list->array); TCFREE(list); } /* Get the number of elements of a list object. */ int tclistnum(const TCLIST *list){ assert(list); return list->num; } /* Get the pointer to the region of an element of a list object. */ const void *tclistval(const TCLIST *list, int index, int *sp){ assert(list && index >= 0 && sp); if(index >= list->num) return NULL; index += list->start; *sp = list->array[index].size; return list->array[index].ptr; } /* Get the string of an element of a list object. */ const char *tclistval2(const TCLIST *list, int index){ assert(list && index >= 0); if(index >= list->num) return NULL; index += list->start; return list->array[index].ptr; } /* Add an element at the end of a list object. */ void tclistpush(TCLIST *list, const void *ptr, int size){ assert(list && ptr && size >= 0); int index = list->start + list->num; if(index >= list->anum){ list->anum += list->num + 1; TCREALLOC(list->array, list->array, list->anum * sizeof(list->array[0])); } TCLISTDATUM *array = list->array; TCMALLOC(array[index].ptr, tclmax(size + 1, TCXSTRUNIT)); memcpy(array[index].ptr, ptr, size); array[index].ptr[size] = '\0'; array[index].size = size; list->num++; } /* Add a string element at the end of a list object. */ void tclistpush2(TCLIST *list, const char *str){ assert(list && str); int index = list->start + list->num; if(index >= list->anum){ list->anum += list->num + 1; TCREALLOC(list->array, list->array, list->anum * sizeof(list->array[0])); } int size = strlen(str); TCLISTDATUM *array = list->array; TCMALLOC(array[index].ptr, tclmax(size + 1, TCXSTRUNIT)); memcpy(array[index].ptr, str, size + 1); array[index].size = size; list->num++; } /* Remove an element of the end of a list object. */ void *tclistpop(TCLIST *list, int *sp){ assert(list && sp); if(list->num < 1) return NULL; int index = list->start + list->num - 1; list->num--; *sp = list->array[index].size; return list->array[index].ptr; } /* Remove a string element of the end of a list object. */ char *tclistpop2(TCLIST *list){ assert(list); if(list->num < 1) return NULL; int index = list->start + list->num - 1; list->num--; return list->array[index].ptr; } /* Add an element at the top of a list object. */ void tclistunshift(TCLIST *list, const void *ptr, int size){ assert(list && ptr && size >= 0); if(list->start < 1){ if(list->start + list->num >= list->anum){ list->anum += list->num + 1; TCREALLOC(list->array, list->array, list->anum * sizeof(list->array[0])); } list->start = list->anum - list->num; memmove(list->array + list->start, list->array, list->num * sizeof(list->array[0])); } int index = list->start - 1; TCMALLOC(list->array[index].ptr, tclmax(size + 1, TCXSTRUNIT)); memcpy(list->array[index].ptr, ptr, size); list->array[index].ptr[size] = '\0'; list->array[index].size = size; list->start--; list->num++; } /* Add a string element at the top of a list object. */ void tclistunshift2(TCLIST *list, const char *str){ assert(list && str); if(list->start < 1){ if(list->start + list->num >= list->anum){ list->anum += list->num + 1; TCREALLOC(list->array, list->array, list->anum * sizeof(list->array[0])); } list->start = list->anum - list->num; memmove(list->array + list->start, list->array, list->num * sizeof(list->array[0])); } int index = list->start - 1; int size = strlen(str); TCMALLOC(list->array[index].ptr, tclmax(size + 1, TCXSTRUNIT)); memcpy(list->array[index].ptr, str, size + 1); list->array[index].size = size; list->start--; list->num++; } /* Remove an element of the top of a list object. */ void *tclistshift(TCLIST *list, int *sp){ assert(list && sp); if(list->num < 1) return NULL; int index = list->start; list->start++; list->num--; *sp = list->array[index].size; void *rv = list->array[index].ptr; if((list->start & 0xff) == 0 && list->start > (list->num >> 1)){ memmove(list->array, list->array + list->start, list->num * sizeof(list->array[0])); list->start = 0; } return rv; } /* Remove a string element of the top of a list object. */ char *tclistshift2(TCLIST *list){ assert(list); if(list->num < 1) return NULL; int index = list->start; list->start++; list->num--; void *rv = list->array[index].ptr; if((list->start & 0xff) == 0 && list->start > (list->num >> 1)){ memmove(list->array, list->array + list->start, list->num * sizeof(list->array[0])); list->start = 0; } return rv; } /* Add an element at the specified location of a list object. */ void tclistinsert(TCLIST *list, int index, const void *ptr, int size){ assert(list && index >= 0 && ptr && size >= 0); if(index > list->num) return; index += list->start; if(list->start + list->num >= list->anum){ list->anum += list->num + 1; TCREALLOC(list->array, list->array, list->anum * sizeof(list->array[0])); } memmove(list->array + index + 1, list->array + index, sizeof(list->array[0]) * (list->start + list->num - index)); TCMALLOC(list->array[index].ptr, tclmax(size + 1, TCXSTRUNIT)); memcpy(list->array[index].ptr, ptr, size); list->array[index].ptr[size] = '\0'; list->array[index].size = size; list->num++; } /* Add a string element at the specified location of a list object. */ void tclistinsert2(TCLIST *list, int index, const char *str){ assert(list && index >= 0 && str); if(index > list->num) return; index += list->start; if(list->start + list->num >= list->anum){ list->anum += list->num + 1; TCREALLOC(list->array, list->array, list->anum * sizeof(list->array[0])); } memmove(list->array + index + 1, list->array + index, sizeof(list->array[0]) * (list->start + list->num - index)); int size = strlen(str); TCMALLOC(list->array[index].ptr, tclmax(size + 1, TCXSTRUNIT)); memcpy(list->array[index].ptr, str, size); list->array[index].ptr[size] = '\0'; list->array[index].size = size; list->num++; } /* Remove an element at the specified location of a list object. */ void *tclistremove(TCLIST *list, int index, int *sp){ assert(list && index >= 0 && sp); if(index >= list->num) return NULL; index += list->start; void *rv = list->array[index].ptr; *sp = list->array[index].size; list->num--; memmove(list->array + index, list->array + index + 1, sizeof(list->array[0]) * (list->start + list->num - index)); return rv; } /* Remove a string element at the specified location of a list object. */ char *tclistremove2(TCLIST *list, int index){ assert(list && index >= 0); if(index >= list->num) return NULL; index += list->start; void *rv = list->array[index].ptr; list->num--; memmove(list->array + index, list->array + index + 1, sizeof(list->array[0]) * (list->start + list->num - index)); return rv; } /* Overwrite an element at the specified location of a list object. */ void tclistover(TCLIST *list, int index, const void *ptr, int size){ assert(list && index >= 0 && ptr && size >= 0); if(index >= list->num) return; index += list->start; if(size > list->array[index].size) TCREALLOC(list->array[index].ptr, list->array[index].ptr, size + 1); memcpy(list->array[index].ptr, ptr, size); list->array[index].size = size; list->array[index].ptr[size] = '\0'; } /* Overwrite a string element at the specified location of a list object. */ void tclistover2(TCLIST *list, int index, const char *str){ assert(list && index >= 0 && str); if(index >= list->num) return; index += list->start; int size = strlen(str); if(size > list->array[index].size) TCREALLOC(list->array[index].ptr, list->array[index].ptr, size + 1); memcpy(list->array[index].ptr, str, size + 1); list->array[index].size = size; } /* Sort elements of a list object in lexical order. */ void tclistsort(TCLIST *list){ assert(list); qsort(list->array + list->start, list->num, sizeof(list->array[0]), tclistelemcmp); } /* Search a list object for an element using liner search. */ int tclistlsearch(const TCLIST *list, const void *ptr, int size){ assert(list && ptr && size >= 0); int end = list->start + list->num; for(int i = list->start; i < end; i++){ if(list->array[i].size == size && !memcmp(list->array[i].ptr, ptr, size)) return i - list->start; } return -1; } /* Search a list object for an element using binary search. */ int tclistbsearch(const TCLIST *list, const void *ptr, int size){ assert(list && ptr && size >= 0); TCLISTDATUM key; key.ptr = (char *)ptr; key.size = size; TCLISTDATUM *res = bsearch(&key, list->array + list->start, list->num, sizeof(list->array[0]), tclistelemcmp); return res ? res - list->array - list->start : -1; } /* Clear a list object. */ void tclistclear(TCLIST *list){ assert(list); TCLISTDATUM *array = list->array; int end = list->start + list->num; for(int i = list->start; i < end; i++){ TCFREE(array[i].ptr); } list->start = 0; list->num = 0; } /* Serialize a list object into a byte array. */ void *tclistdump(const TCLIST *list, int *sp){ assert(list && sp); const TCLISTDATUM *array = list->array; int end = list->start + list->num; int tsiz = 0; for(int i = list->start; i < end; i++){ tsiz += array[i].size + sizeof(int); } char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, tsiz + 1); char *wp = buf; for(int i = list->start; i < end; i++){ int step; TCSETVNUMBUF(step, wp, array[i].size); wp += step; memcpy(wp, array[i].ptr, array[i].size); wp += array[i].size; } *sp = wp - buf; return buf; } /* Create a list object from a serialized byte array. */ TCLIST *tclistload(const void *ptr, int size){ assert(ptr && size >= 0); TCLIST *list; TCMALLOC(list, sizeof(*list)); int anum = size / sizeof(int) + 1; TCLISTDATUM *array; TCMALLOC(array, sizeof(array[0]) * anum); int num = 0; const char *rp = ptr; const char *ep = (char *)ptr + size; while(rp < ep){ int step, vsiz; TCREADVNUMBUF(rp, vsiz, step); rp += step; if(num >= anum){ anum *= 2; TCREALLOC(array, array, anum * sizeof(array[0])); } TCMALLOC(array[num].ptr, tclmax(vsiz + 1, TCXSTRUNIT)); memcpy(array[num].ptr, rp, vsiz); array[num].ptr[vsiz] = '\0'; array[num].size = vsiz; num++; rp += vsiz; } list->anum = anum; list->array = array; list->start = 0; list->num = num; return list; } /* Compare two list elements in lexical order. `a' specifies the pointer to one element. `b' specifies the pointer to the other element. The return value is positive if the former is big, negative if the latter is big, 0 if both are equivalent. */ static int tclistelemcmp(const void *a, const void *b){ assert(a && b); unsigned char *ao = (unsigned char *)((TCLISTDATUM *)a)->ptr; unsigned char *bo = (unsigned char *)((TCLISTDATUM *)b)->ptr; int size = (((TCLISTDATUM *)a)->size < ((TCLISTDATUM *)b)->size) ? ((TCLISTDATUM *)a)->size : ((TCLISTDATUM *)b)->size; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ if(ao[i] > bo[i]) return 1; if(ao[i] < bo[i]) return -1; } return ((TCLISTDATUM *)a)->size - ((TCLISTDATUM *)b)->size; } /* Compare two list elements in case-insensitive lexical order.. `a' specifies the pointer to one element. `b' specifies the pointer to the other element. The return value is positive if the former is big, negative if the latter is big, 0 if both are equivalent. */ static int tclistelemcmpci(const void *a, const void *b){ assert(a && b); TCLISTDATUM *ap = (TCLISTDATUM *)a; TCLISTDATUM *bp = (TCLISTDATUM *)b; unsigned char *ao = (unsigned char *)ap->ptr; unsigned char *bo = (unsigned char *)bp->ptr; int size = (ap->size < bp->size) ? ap->size : bp->size; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ int ac = ao[i]; bool ab = false; if(ac >= 'A' && ac <= 'Z'){ ac += 'a' - 'A'; ab = true; } int bc = bo[i]; bool bb = false; if(bc >= 'A' && bc <= 'Z'){ bc += 'a' - 'A'; bb = true; } if(ac > bc) return 1; if(ac < bc) return -1; if(!ab && bb) return 1; if(ab && !bb) return -1; } return ap->size - bp->size; } /************************************************************************************************* * array list (for experts) *************************************************************************************************/ /* Add an allocated element at the end of a list object. */ void tclistpushmalloc(TCLIST *list, void *ptr, int size){ assert(list && ptr && size >= 0); int index = list->start + list->num; if(index >= list->anum){ list->anum += list->num + 1; TCREALLOC(list->array, list->array, list->anum * sizeof(list->array[0])); } TCLISTDATUM *array = list->array; TCREALLOC(array[index].ptr, ptr, size + 1); array[index].ptr[size] = '\0'; array[index].size = size; list->num++; } /* Sort elements of a list object in case-insensitive lexical order. */ void tclistsortci(TCLIST *list){ assert(list); qsort(list->array + list->start, list->num, sizeof(list->array[0]), tclistelemcmpci); } /* Sort elements of a list object by an arbitrary comparison function. */ void tclistsortex(TCLIST *list, int (*cmp)(const TCLISTDATUM *, const TCLISTDATUM *)){ assert(list && cmp); qsort(list->array + list->start, list->num, sizeof(list->array[0]), (int (*)(const void *, const void *))cmp); } /* Invert elements of a list object. */ void tclistinvert(TCLIST *list){ assert(list); TCLISTDATUM *top = list->array + list->start; TCLISTDATUM *bot = top + list->num - 1; while(top < bot){ TCLISTDATUM swap = *top; *top = *bot; *bot = swap; top++; bot--; } } /* Perform formatted output into a list object. */ void tclistprintf(TCLIST *list, const char *format, ...){ assert(list && format); TCXSTR *xstr = tcxstrnew(); va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); tcvxstrprintf(xstr, format, ap); va_end(ap); int size = TCXSTRSIZE(xstr); char *ptr = tcxstrtomalloc(xstr); tclistpushmalloc(list, ptr, size); } /************************************************************************************************* * hash map *************************************************************************************************/ #define TCMAPKMAXSIZ 0xfffff // maximum size of each key #define TCMAPDEFBNUM 4093 // default bucket number #define TCMAPZMMINSIZ 131072 // minimum memory size to use nullified region #define TCMAPCSUNIT 52 // small allocation unit size of map concatenation #define TCMAPCBUNIT 252 // big allocation unit size of map concatenation #define TCMAPTINYBNUM 31 // bucket number of a tiny map /* get the first hash value */ #define TCMAPHASH1(TC_res, TC_kbuf, TC_ksiz) \ do { \ const unsigned char *_TC_p = (const unsigned char *)(TC_kbuf); \ int _TC_ksiz = TC_ksiz; \ for((TC_res) = 19780211; _TC_ksiz--;){ \ (TC_res) = (TC_res) * 37 + *(_TC_p)++; \ } \ } while(false) /* get the second hash value */ #define TCMAPHASH2(TC_res, TC_kbuf, TC_ksiz) \ do { \ const unsigned char *_TC_p = (const unsigned char *)(TC_kbuf) + TC_ksiz - 1; \ int _TC_ksiz = TC_ksiz; \ for((TC_res) = 0x13579bdf; _TC_ksiz--;){ \ (TC_res) = (TC_res) * 31 + *(_TC_p)--; \ } \ } while(false) /* compare two keys */ #define TCKEYCMP(TC_abuf, TC_asiz, TC_bbuf, TC_bsiz) \ ((TC_asiz > TC_bsiz) ? 1 : (TC_asiz < TC_bsiz) ? -1 : memcmp(TC_abuf, TC_bbuf, TC_asiz)) /* Create a map object. */ TCMAP *tcmapnew(void){ return tcmapnew2(TCMAPDEFBNUM); } /* Create a map object with specifying the number of the buckets. */ TCMAP *tcmapnew2(uint32_t bnum){ if(bnum < 1) bnum = 1; TCMAP *map; TCMALLOC(map, sizeof(*map)); TCMAPREC **buckets; if(bnum >= TCMAPZMMINSIZ / sizeof(*buckets)){ buckets = tczeromap(bnum * sizeof(*buckets)); } else { TCCALLOC(buckets, bnum, sizeof(*buckets)); } map->buckets = buckets; map->first = NULL; map->last = NULL; map->cur = NULL; map->bnum = bnum; map->rnum = 0; map->msiz = 0; return map; } /* Create a map object with initial string elements. */ TCMAP *tcmapnew3(const char *str, ...){ TCMAP *map = tcmapnew2(TCMAPTINYBNUM); if(str){ va_list ap; va_start(ap, str); const char *key = str; const char *elem; while((elem = va_arg(ap, char *)) != NULL){ if(key){ tcmapput2(map, key, elem); key = NULL; } else { key = elem; } } va_end(ap); } return map; } /* Copy a map object. */ TCMAP *tcmapdup(const TCMAP *map){ assert(map); TCMAP *nmap = tcmapnew2(tclmax(tclmax(map->bnum, map->rnum), TCMAPDEFBNUM)); TCMAPREC *rec = map->first; while(rec){ char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; tcmapput(nmap, dbuf, rksiz, dbuf + rksiz + TCALIGNPAD(rksiz), rec->vsiz); rec = rec->next; } return nmap; } /* Close a map object. */ void tcmapdel(TCMAP *map){ assert(map); TCMAPREC *rec = map->first; while(rec){ TCMAPREC *next = rec->next; TCFREE(rec); rec = next; } if(map->bnum >= TCMAPZMMINSIZ / sizeof(map->buckets[0])){ tczerounmap(map->buckets); } else { TCFREE(map->buckets); } TCFREE(map); } /* Store a record into a map object. */ void tcmapput(TCMAP *map, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(map && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); if(ksiz > TCMAPKMAXSIZ) ksiz = TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t hash; TCMAPHASH1(hash, kbuf, ksiz); int bidx = hash % map->bnum; TCMAPREC *rec = map->buckets[bidx]; TCMAPREC **entp = map->buckets + bidx; TCMAPHASH2(hash, kbuf, ksiz); hash &= ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; while(rec){ uint32_t rhash = rec->ksiz & ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; if(hash > rhash){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(hash < rhash){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int kcmp = TCKEYCMP(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rksiz); if(kcmp < 0){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(kcmp > 0){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { map->msiz += vsiz - rec->vsiz; int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); if(vsiz > rec->vsiz){ TCMAPREC *old = rec; TCREALLOC(rec, rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); if(rec != old){ if(map->first == old) map->first = rec; if(map->last == old) map->last = rec; if(map->cur == old) map->cur = rec; *entp = rec; if(rec->prev) rec->prev->next = rec; if(rec->next) rec->next->prev = rec; dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); } } memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; return; } } } int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); map->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz | hash; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; rec->prev = map->last; rec->next = NULL; *entp = rec; if(!map->first) map->first = rec; if(map->last) map->last->next = rec; map->last = rec; map->rnum++; } /* Store a string record into a map object. */ void tcmapput2(TCMAP *map, const char *kstr, const char *vstr){ assert(map && kstr && vstr); tcmapput(map, kstr, strlen(kstr), vstr, strlen(vstr)); } /* Store a new record into a map object. */ bool tcmapputkeep(TCMAP *map, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(map && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); if(ksiz > TCMAPKMAXSIZ) ksiz = TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t hash; TCMAPHASH1(hash, kbuf, ksiz); int bidx = hash % map->bnum; TCMAPREC *rec = map->buckets[bidx]; TCMAPREC **entp = map->buckets + bidx; TCMAPHASH2(hash, kbuf, ksiz); hash &= ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; while(rec){ uint32_t rhash = rec->ksiz & ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; if(hash > rhash){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(hash < rhash){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int kcmp = TCKEYCMP(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rksiz); if(kcmp < 0){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(kcmp > 0){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { return false; } } } int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); map->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz | hash; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; rec->prev = map->last; rec->next = NULL; *entp = rec; if(!map->first) map->first = rec; if(map->last) map->last->next = rec; map->last = rec; map->rnum++; return true; } /* Store a new string record into a map object. */ bool tcmapputkeep2(TCMAP *map, const char *kstr, const char *vstr){ assert(map && kstr && vstr); return tcmapputkeep(map, kstr, strlen(kstr), vstr, strlen(vstr)); } /* Concatenate a value at the end of the value of the existing record in a map object. */ void tcmapputcat(TCMAP *map, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(map && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); if(ksiz > TCMAPKMAXSIZ) ksiz = TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t hash; TCMAPHASH1(hash, kbuf, ksiz); int bidx = hash % map->bnum; TCMAPREC *rec = map->buckets[bidx]; TCMAPREC **entp = map->buckets + bidx; TCMAPHASH2(hash, kbuf, ksiz); hash &= ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; while(rec){ uint32_t rhash = rec->ksiz & ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; if(hash > rhash){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(hash < rhash){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int kcmp = TCKEYCMP(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rksiz); if(kcmp < 0){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(kcmp > 0){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { map->msiz += vsiz; int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); int asiz = sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + rec->vsiz + vsiz + 1; int unit = (asiz <= TCMAPCSUNIT) ? TCMAPCSUNIT : TCMAPCBUNIT; asiz = (asiz - 1) + unit - (asiz - 1) % unit; TCMAPREC *old = rec; TCREALLOC(rec, rec, asiz); if(rec != old){ if(map->first == old) map->first = rec; if(map->last == old) map->last = rec; if(map->cur == old) map->cur = rec; *entp = rec; if(rec->prev) rec->prev->next = rec; if(rec->next) rec->next->prev = rec; dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); } memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz + rec->vsiz, vbuf, vsiz); rec->vsiz += vsiz; dbuf[ksiz+psiz+rec->vsiz] = '\0'; return; } } } int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); int asiz = sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1; int unit = (asiz <= TCMAPCSUNIT) ? TCMAPCSUNIT : TCMAPCBUNIT; asiz = (asiz - 1) + unit - (asiz - 1) % unit; map->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; TCMALLOC(rec, asiz); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz | hash; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; rec->prev = map->last; rec->next = NULL; *entp = rec; if(!map->first) map->first = rec; if(map->last) map->last->next = rec; map->last = rec; map->rnum++; } /* Concatenate a string value at the end of the value of the existing record in a map object. */ void tcmapputcat2(TCMAP *map, const char *kstr, const char *vstr){ assert(map && kstr && vstr); tcmapputcat(map, kstr, strlen(kstr), vstr, strlen(vstr)); } /* Remove a record of a map object. */ bool tcmapout(TCMAP *map, const void *kbuf, int ksiz){ assert(map && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); if(ksiz > TCMAPKMAXSIZ) ksiz = TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t hash; TCMAPHASH1(hash, kbuf, ksiz); int bidx = hash % map->bnum; TCMAPREC *rec = map->buckets[bidx]; TCMAPREC **entp = map->buckets + bidx; TCMAPHASH2(hash, kbuf, ksiz); hash &= ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; while(rec){ uint32_t rhash = rec->ksiz & ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; if(hash > rhash){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(hash < rhash){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int kcmp = TCKEYCMP(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rksiz); if(kcmp < 0){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(kcmp > 0){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { map->rnum--; map->msiz -= rksiz + rec->vsiz; if(rec->prev) rec->prev->next = rec->next; if(rec->next) rec->next->prev = rec->prev; if(rec == map->first) map->first = rec->next; if(rec == map->last) map->last = rec->prev; if(rec == map->cur) map->cur = rec->next; if(rec->left && !rec->right){ *entp = rec->left; } else if(!rec->left && rec->right){ *entp = rec->right; } else if(!rec->left){ *entp = NULL; } else { *entp = rec->left; TCMAPREC *tmp = *entp; while(tmp->right){ tmp = tmp->right; } tmp->right = rec->right; } TCFREE(rec); return true; } } } return false; } /* Remove a string record of a map object. */ bool tcmapout2(TCMAP *map, const char *kstr){ assert(map && kstr); return tcmapout(map, kstr, strlen(kstr)); } /* Retrieve a record in a map object. */ const void *tcmapget(const TCMAP *map, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, int *sp){ assert(map && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && sp); if(ksiz > TCMAPKMAXSIZ) ksiz = TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t hash; TCMAPHASH1(hash, kbuf, ksiz); TCMAPREC *rec = map->buckets[hash%map->bnum]; TCMAPHASH2(hash, kbuf, ksiz); hash &= ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; while(rec){ uint32_t rhash = rec->ksiz & ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; if(hash > rhash){ rec = rec->left; } else if(hash < rhash){ rec = rec->right; } else { char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int kcmp = TCKEYCMP(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rksiz); if(kcmp < 0){ rec = rec->left; } else if(kcmp > 0){ rec = rec->right; } else { *sp = rec->vsiz; return dbuf + rksiz + TCALIGNPAD(rksiz); } } } return NULL; } /* Retrieve a string record in a map object. */ const char *tcmapget2(const TCMAP *map, const char *kstr){ assert(map && kstr); int ksiz = strlen(kstr); if(ksiz > TCMAPKMAXSIZ) ksiz = TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t hash; TCMAPHASH1(hash, kstr, ksiz); TCMAPREC *rec = map->buckets[hash%map->bnum]; TCMAPHASH2(hash, kstr, ksiz); hash &= ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; while(rec){ uint32_t rhash = rec->ksiz & ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; if(hash > rhash){ rec = rec->left; } else if(hash < rhash){ rec = rec->right; } else { char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int kcmp = TCKEYCMP(kstr, ksiz, dbuf, rksiz); if(kcmp < 0){ rec = rec->left; } else if(kcmp > 0){ rec = rec->right; } else { return dbuf + rksiz + TCALIGNPAD(rksiz); } } } return NULL; } /* Move a record to the edge of a map object. */ bool tcmapmove(TCMAP *map, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, bool head){ assert(map && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); if(ksiz > TCMAPKMAXSIZ) ksiz = TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t hash; TCMAPHASH1(hash, kbuf, ksiz); TCMAPREC *rec = map->buckets[hash%map->bnum]; TCMAPHASH2(hash, kbuf, ksiz); hash &= ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; while(rec){ uint32_t rhash = rec->ksiz & ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; if(hash > rhash){ rec = rec->left; } else if(hash < rhash){ rec = rec->right; } else { char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int kcmp = TCKEYCMP(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rksiz); if(kcmp < 0){ rec = rec->left; } else if(kcmp > 0){ rec = rec->right; } else { if(head){ if(map->first == rec) return true; if(map->last == rec) map->last = rec->prev; if(rec->prev) rec->prev->next = rec->next; if(rec->next) rec->next->prev = rec->prev; rec->prev = NULL; rec->next = map->first; map->first->prev = rec; map->first = rec; } else { if(map->last == rec) return true; if(map->first == rec) map->first = rec->next; if(rec->prev) rec->prev->next = rec->next; if(rec->next) rec->next->prev = rec->prev; rec->prev = map->last; rec->next = NULL; map->last->next = rec; map->last = rec; } return true; } } } return false; } /* Move a string record to the edge of a map object. */ bool tcmapmove2(TCMAP *map, const char *kstr, bool head){ assert(map && kstr); return tcmapmove(map, kstr, strlen(kstr), head); } /* Initialize the iterator of a map object. */ void tcmapiterinit(TCMAP *map){ assert(map); map->cur = map->first; } /* Get the next key of the iterator of a map object. */ const void *tcmapiternext(TCMAP *map, int *sp){ assert(map && sp); TCMAPREC *rec; if(!map->cur) return NULL; rec = map->cur; map->cur = rec->next; *sp = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; return (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); } /* Get the next key string of the iterator of a map object. */ const char *tcmapiternext2(TCMAP *map){ assert(map); TCMAPREC *rec; if(!map->cur) return NULL; rec = map->cur; map->cur = rec->next; return (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); } /* Get the number of records stored in a map object. */ uint64_t tcmaprnum(const TCMAP *map){ assert(map); return map->rnum; } /* Get the total size of memory used in a map object. */ uint64_t tcmapmsiz(const TCMAP *map){ assert(map); return map->msiz + map->rnum * (sizeof(*map->first) + sizeof(tcgeneric_t)) + map->bnum * sizeof(void *); } /* Create a list object containing all keys in a map object. */ TCLIST *tcmapkeys(const TCMAP *map){ assert(map); TCLIST *list = tclistnew2(map->rnum); TCMAPREC *rec = map->first; while(rec){ char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); TCLISTPUSH(list, dbuf, rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ); rec = rec->next; } return list; } /* Create a list object containing all values in a map object. */ TCLIST *tcmapvals(const TCMAP *map){ assert(map); TCLIST *list = tclistnew2(map->rnum); TCMAPREC *rec = map->first; while(rec){ char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; TCLISTPUSH(list, dbuf + rksiz + TCALIGNPAD(rksiz), rec->vsiz); rec = rec->next; } return list; } /* Add an integer to a record in a map object. */ int tcmapaddint(TCMAP *map, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, int num){ assert(map && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); if(ksiz > TCMAPKMAXSIZ) ksiz = TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t hash; TCMAPHASH1(hash, kbuf, ksiz); int bidx = hash % map->bnum; TCMAPREC *rec = map->buckets[bidx]; TCMAPREC **entp = map->buckets + bidx; TCMAPHASH2(hash, kbuf, ksiz); hash &= ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; while(rec){ uint32_t rhash = rec->ksiz & ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; if(hash > rhash){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(hash < rhash){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int kcmp = TCKEYCMP(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rksiz); if(kcmp < 0){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(kcmp > 0){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { if(rec->vsiz != sizeof(num)) return INT_MIN; int *resp = (int *)(dbuf + ksiz + TCALIGNPAD(ksiz)); return *resp += num; } } } int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + sizeof(num) + 1); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz | hash; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, &num, sizeof(num)); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+sizeof(num)] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = sizeof(num); rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; rec->prev = map->last; rec->next = NULL; *entp = rec; if(!map->first) map->first = rec; if(map->last) map->last->next = rec; map->last = rec; map->rnum++; return num; } /* Add a real number to a record in a map object. */ double tcmapadddouble(TCMAP *map, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, double num){ assert(map && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); if(ksiz > TCMAPKMAXSIZ) ksiz = TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t hash; TCMAPHASH1(hash, kbuf, ksiz); int bidx = hash % map->bnum; TCMAPREC *rec = map->buckets[bidx]; TCMAPREC **entp = map->buckets + bidx; TCMAPHASH2(hash, kbuf, ksiz); hash &= ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; while(rec){ uint32_t rhash = rec->ksiz & ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; if(hash > rhash){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(hash < rhash){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int kcmp = TCKEYCMP(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rksiz); if(kcmp < 0){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(kcmp > 0){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { if(rec->vsiz != sizeof(num)) return nan(""); double *resp = (double *)(dbuf + ksiz + TCALIGNPAD(ksiz)); return *resp += num; } } } int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + sizeof(num) + 1); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz | hash; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, &num, sizeof(num)); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+sizeof(num)] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = sizeof(num); rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; rec->prev = map->last; rec->next = NULL; *entp = rec; if(!map->first) map->first = rec; if(map->last) map->last->next = rec; map->last = rec; map->rnum++; return num; } /* Clear a map object. */ void tcmapclear(TCMAP *map){ assert(map); TCMAPREC *rec = map->first; while(rec){ TCMAPREC *next = rec->next; TCFREE(rec); rec = next; } TCMAPREC **buckets = map->buckets; int bnum = map->bnum; for(int i = 0; i < bnum; i++){ buckets[i] = NULL; } map->first = NULL; map->last = NULL; map->cur = NULL; map->rnum = 0; map->msiz = 0; } /* Remove front records of a map object. */ void tcmapcutfront(TCMAP *map, int num){ assert(map && num >= 0); tcmapiterinit(map); while(num-- > 0){ int ksiz; const char *kbuf = tcmapiternext(map, &ksiz); if(!kbuf) break; tcmapout(map, kbuf, ksiz); } } /* Serialize a map object into a byte array. */ void *tcmapdump(const TCMAP *map, int *sp){ assert(map && sp); int tsiz = 0; TCMAPREC *rec = map->first; while(rec){ tsiz += (rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ) + rec->vsiz + sizeof(int) * 2; rec = rec->next; } char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, tsiz + 1); char *wp = buf; rec = map->first; while(rec){ const char *kbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int ksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; const char *vbuf = kbuf + ksiz + TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); int vsiz = rec->vsiz; int step; TCSETVNUMBUF(step, wp, ksiz); wp += step; memcpy(wp, kbuf, ksiz); wp += ksiz; TCSETVNUMBUF(step, wp, vsiz); wp += step; memcpy(wp, vbuf, vsiz); wp += vsiz; rec = rec->next; } *sp = wp - buf; return buf; } /* Create a map object from a serialized byte array. */ TCMAP *tcmapload(const void *ptr, int size){ assert(ptr && size >= 0); TCMAP *map = tcmapnew2(tclmin(size / 6 + 1, TCMAPDEFBNUM)); const char *rp = ptr; const char *ep = (char *)ptr + size; while(rp < ep){ int step, ksiz, vsiz; TCREADVNUMBUF(rp, ksiz, step); rp += step; const char *kbuf = rp; rp += ksiz; TCREADVNUMBUF(rp, vsiz, step); rp += step; tcmapputkeep(map, kbuf, ksiz, rp, vsiz); rp += vsiz; } return map; } /************************************************************************************************* * hash map (for experts) *************************************************************************************************/ /* Store a record and make it semivolatile in a map object. */ void tcmapput3(TCMAP *map, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const char *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(map && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); if(ksiz > TCMAPKMAXSIZ) ksiz = TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t hash; TCMAPHASH1(hash, kbuf, ksiz); int bidx = hash % map->bnum; TCMAPREC *rec = map->buckets[bidx]; TCMAPREC **entp = map->buckets + bidx; TCMAPHASH2(hash, kbuf, ksiz); hash &= ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; while(rec){ uint32_t rhash = rec->ksiz & ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; if(hash > rhash){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(hash < rhash){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int kcmp = TCKEYCMP(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rksiz); if(kcmp < 0){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(kcmp > 0){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { map->msiz += vsiz - rec->vsiz; int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); if(vsiz > rec->vsiz){ TCMAPREC *old = rec; TCREALLOC(rec, rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); if(rec != old){ if(map->first == old) map->first = rec; if(map->last == old) map->last = rec; if(map->cur == old) map->cur = rec; *entp = rec; if(rec->prev) rec->prev->next = rec; if(rec->next) rec->next->prev = rec; dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); } } memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; if(map->last != rec){ if(map->first == rec) map->first = rec->next; if(rec->prev) rec->prev->next = rec->next; if(rec->next) rec->next->prev = rec->prev; rec->prev = map->last; rec->next = NULL; map->last->next = rec; map->last = rec; } return; } } } int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); map->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz | hash; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; rec->prev = map->last; rec->next = NULL; *entp = rec; if(!map->first) map->first = rec; if(map->last) map->last->next = rec; map->last = rec; map->rnum++; } /* Store a record of the value of two regions into a map object. */ void tcmapput4(TCMAP *map, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *fvbuf, int fvsiz, const void *lvbuf, int lvsiz){ assert(map && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && fvbuf && fvsiz >= 0 && lvbuf && lvsiz >= 0); if(ksiz > TCMAPKMAXSIZ) ksiz = TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t hash; TCMAPHASH1(hash, kbuf, ksiz); int bidx = hash % map->bnum; TCMAPREC *rec = map->buckets[bidx]; TCMAPREC **entp = map->buckets + bidx; TCMAPHASH2(hash, kbuf, ksiz); hash &= ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; while(rec){ uint32_t rhash = rec->ksiz & ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; if(hash > rhash){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(hash < rhash){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int kcmp = TCKEYCMP(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rksiz); if(kcmp < 0){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(kcmp > 0){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { int vsiz = fvsiz + lvsiz; map->msiz += vsiz - rec->vsiz; int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); ksiz += psiz; if(vsiz > rec->vsiz){ TCMAPREC *old = rec; TCREALLOC(rec, rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + vsiz + 1); if(rec != old){ if(map->first == old) map->first = rec; if(map->last == old) map->last = rec; if(map->cur == old) map->cur = rec; *entp = rec; if(rec->prev) rec->prev->next = rec; if(rec->next) rec->next->prev = rec; dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); } } memcpy(dbuf + ksiz, fvbuf, fvsiz); memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + fvsiz, lvbuf, lvsiz); dbuf[ksiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; return; } } } int vsiz = fvsiz + lvsiz; int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); map->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz | hash; ksiz += psiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz, fvbuf, fvsiz); memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + fvsiz, lvbuf, lvsiz); dbuf[ksiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; rec->prev = map->last; rec->next = NULL; *entp = rec; if(!map->first) map->first = rec; if(map->last) map->last->next = rec; map->last = rec; map->rnum++; } /* Concatenate a value at the existing record and make it semivolatile in a map object. */ void tcmapputcat3(TCMAP *map, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(map && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); if(ksiz > TCMAPKMAXSIZ) ksiz = TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t hash; TCMAPHASH1(hash, kbuf, ksiz); int bidx = hash % map->bnum; TCMAPREC *rec = map->buckets[bidx]; TCMAPREC **entp = map->buckets + bidx; TCMAPHASH2(hash, kbuf, ksiz); hash &= ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; while(rec){ uint32_t rhash = rec->ksiz & ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; if(hash > rhash){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(hash < rhash){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int kcmp = TCKEYCMP(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rksiz); if(kcmp < 0){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(kcmp > 0){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { map->msiz += vsiz; int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); int asiz = sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + rec->vsiz + vsiz + 1; int unit = (asiz <= TCMAPCSUNIT) ? TCMAPCSUNIT : TCMAPCBUNIT; asiz = (asiz - 1) + unit - (asiz - 1) % unit; TCMAPREC *old = rec; TCREALLOC(rec, rec, asiz); if(rec != old){ if(map->first == old) map->first = rec; if(map->last == old) map->last = rec; if(map->cur == old) map->cur = rec; *entp = rec; if(rec->prev) rec->prev->next = rec; if(rec->next) rec->next->prev = rec; dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); } memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz + rec->vsiz, vbuf, vsiz); rec->vsiz += vsiz; dbuf[ksiz+psiz+rec->vsiz] = '\0'; if(map->last != rec){ if(map->first == rec) map->first = rec->next; if(rec->prev) rec->prev->next = rec->next; if(rec->next) rec->next->prev = rec->prev; rec->prev = map->last; rec->next = NULL; map->last->next = rec; map->last = rec; } return; } } } int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); int asiz = sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1; int unit = (asiz <= TCMAPCSUNIT) ? TCMAPCSUNIT : TCMAPCBUNIT; asiz = (asiz - 1) + unit - (asiz - 1) % unit; map->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; TCMALLOC(rec, asiz); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz | hash; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; rec->prev = map->last; rec->next = NULL; *entp = rec; if(!map->first) map->first = rec; if(map->last) map->last->next = rec; map->last = rec; map->rnum++; } /* Store a record into a map object with a duplication handler. */ bool tcmapputproc(TCMAP *map, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz, TCPDPROC proc, void *op){ assert(map && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && proc); if(ksiz > TCMAPKMAXSIZ) ksiz = TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t hash; TCMAPHASH1(hash, kbuf, ksiz); int bidx = hash % map->bnum; TCMAPREC *rec = map->buckets[bidx]; TCMAPREC **entp = map->buckets + bidx; TCMAPHASH2(hash, kbuf, ksiz); hash &= ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; while(rec){ uint32_t rhash = rec->ksiz & ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; if(hash > rhash){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(hash < rhash){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int kcmp = TCKEYCMP(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rksiz); if(kcmp < 0){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(kcmp > 0){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); int nvsiz; char *nvbuf = proc(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, rec->vsiz, &nvsiz, op); if(nvbuf == (void *)-1){ map->rnum--; map->msiz -= rksiz + rec->vsiz; if(rec->prev) rec->prev->next = rec->next; if(rec->next) rec->next->prev = rec->prev; if(rec == map->first) map->first = rec->next; if(rec == map->last) map->last = rec->prev; if(rec == map->cur) map->cur = rec->next; if(rec->left && !rec->right){ *entp = rec->left; } else if(!rec->left && rec->right){ *entp = rec->right; } else if(!rec->left && !rec->left){ *entp = NULL; } else { *entp = rec->left; TCMAPREC *tmp = *entp; while(tmp->right){ tmp = tmp->right; } tmp->right = rec->right; } TCFREE(rec); return true; } if(!nvbuf) return false; map->msiz += nvsiz - rec->vsiz; if(nvsiz > rec->vsiz){ TCMAPREC *old = rec; TCREALLOC(rec, rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + nvsiz + 1); if(rec != old){ if(map->first == old) map->first = rec; if(map->last == old) map->last = rec; if(map->cur == old) map->cur = rec; *entp = rec; if(rec->prev) rec->prev->next = rec; if(rec->next) rec->next->prev = rec; dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); } } memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, nvbuf, nvsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+nvsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = nvsiz; TCFREE(nvbuf); return true; } } } if(!vbuf) return false; int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); int asiz = sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1; int unit = (asiz <= TCMAPCSUNIT) ? TCMAPCSUNIT : TCMAPCBUNIT; asiz = (asiz - 1) + unit - (asiz - 1) % unit; map->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; TCMALLOC(rec, asiz); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz | hash; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; rec->prev = map->last; rec->next = NULL; *entp = rec; if(!map->first) map->first = rec; if(map->last) map->last->next = rec; map->last = rec; map->rnum++; return true; } /* Retrieve a semivolatile record in a map object. */ const void *tcmapget3(TCMAP *map, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, int *sp){ assert(map && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && sp); if(ksiz > TCMAPKMAXSIZ) ksiz = TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t hash; TCMAPHASH1(hash, kbuf, ksiz); TCMAPREC *rec = map->buckets[hash%map->bnum]; TCMAPHASH2(hash, kbuf, ksiz); hash &= ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; while(rec){ uint32_t rhash = rec->ksiz & ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; if(hash > rhash){ rec = rec->left; } else if(hash < rhash){ rec = rec->right; } else { char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int kcmp = TCKEYCMP(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rksiz); if(kcmp < 0){ rec = rec->left; } else if(kcmp > 0){ rec = rec->right; } else { if(map->last != rec){ if(map->first == rec) map->first = rec->next; if(rec->prev) rec->prev->next = rec->next; if(rec->next) rec->next->prev = rec->prev; rec->prev = map->last; rec->next = NULL; map->last->next = rec; map->last = rec; } *sp = rec->vsiz; return dbuf + rksiz + TCALIGNPAD(rksiz); } } } return NULL; } /* Retrieve a string record in a map object with specifying the default value string. */ const char *tcmapget4(TCMAP *map, const char *kstr, const char *dstr){ assert(map && kstr && dstr); int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tcmapget(map, kstr, strlen(kstr), &vsiz); return vbuf ? vbuf : dstr; } /* Initialize the iterator of a map object at the record corresponding a key. */ void tcmapiterinit2(TCMAP *map, const void *kbuf, int ksiz){ assert(map && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); if(ksiz > TCMAPKMAXSIZ) ksiz = TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t hash; TCMAPHASH1(hash, kbuf, ksiz); TCMAPREC *rec = map->buckets[hash%map->bnum]; TCMAPHASH2(hash, kbuf, ksiz); hash &= ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; while(rec){ uint32_t rhash = rec->ksiz & ~TCMAPKMAXSIZ; uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; if(hash > rhash){ rec = rec->left; } else if(hash < rhash){ rec = rec->right; } else { char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int kcmp = TCKEYCMP(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rksiz); if(kcmp < 0){ rec = rec->left; } else if(kcmp > 0){ rec = rec->right; } else { map->cur = rec; return; } } } } /* Initialize the iterator of a map object at the record corresponding a key string. */ void tcmapiterinit3(TCMAP *map, const char *kstr){ assert(map && kstr); tcmapiterinit2(map, kstr, strlen(kstr)); } /* Get the value bound to the key fetched from the iterator of a map object. */ const void *tcmapiterval(const void *kbuf, int *sp){ assert(kbuf && sp); TCMAPREC *rec = (TCMAPREC *)((char *)kbuf - sizeof(*rec)); uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; *sp = rec->vsiz; return (char *)kbuf + rksiz + TCALIGNPAD(rksiz); } /* Get the value string bound to the key fetched from the iterator of a map object. */ const char *tcmapiterval2(const char *kstr){ assert(kstr); TCMAPREC *rec = (TCMAPREC *)(kstr - sizeof(*rec)); uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; return kstr + rksiz + TCALIGNPAD(rksiz); } /* Create an array of strings of all keys in a map object. */ const char **tcmapkeys2(const TCMAP *map, int *np){ assert(map && np); const char **ary; TCMALLOC(ary, sizeof(*ary) * map->rnum + 1); int anum = 0; TCMAPREC *rec = map->first; while(rec){ ary[(anum++)] = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); rec = rec->next; } *np = anum; return ary; } /* Create an array of strings of all values in a map object. */ const char **tcmapvals2(const TCMAP *map, int *np){ assert(map && np); const char **ary; TCMALLOC(ary, sizeof(*ary) * map->rnum + 1); int anum = 0; TCMAPREC *rec = map->first; while(rec){ uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & TCMAPKMAXSIZ; ary[(anum++)] = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec) + rksiz + TCALIGNPAD(rksiz); rec = rec->next; } *np = anum; return ary; } /* Extract a map record from a serialized byte array. */ void *tcmaploadone(const void *ptr, int size, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, int *sp){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && sp); const char *rp = ptr; const char *ep = (char *)ptr + size; while(rp < ep){ int step, rsiz; TCREADVNUMBUF(rp, rsiz, step); rp += step; if(rsiz == ksiz && !memcmp(kbuf, rp, rsiz)){ rp += rsiz; TCREADVNUMBUF(rp, rsiz, step); rp += step; *sp = rsiz; char *rv; TCMEMDUP(rv, rp, rsiz); return rv; } rp += rsiz; TCREADVNUMBUF(rp, rsiz, step); rp += step; rp += rsiz; } return NULL; } /* Perform formatted output into a map object. */ void tcmapprintf(TCMAP *map, const char *kstr, const char *format, ...){ assert(map && kstr && format); TCXSTR *xstr = tcxstrnew(); va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); tcvxstrprintf(xstr, format, ap); va_end(ap); tcmapput(map, kstr, strlen(kstr), TCXSTRPTR(xstr), TCXSTRSIZE(xstr)); tcxstrdel(xstr); } /************************************************************************************************* * ordered tree *************************************************************************************************/ #define TREESTACKNUM 2048 // capacity of the stack of ordered tree #define TCTREECSUNIT 52 // small allocation unit size of map concatenation #define TCTREECBUNIT 252 // big allocation unit size of map concatenation /* private function prototypes */ static TCTREEREC* tctreesplay(TCTREE *tree, const void *kbuf, int ksiz); /* Create a tree object. */ TCTREE *tctreenew(void){ return tctreenew2(tccmplexical, NULL); } /* Create a tree object with specifying the custom comparison function. */ TCTREE *tctreenew2(TCCMP cmp, void *cmpop){ assert(cmp); TCTREE *tree; TCMALLOC(tree, sizeof(*tree)); tree->root = NULL; tree->cur = NULL; tree->rnum = 0; tree->msiz = 0; tree->cmp = cmp; tree->cmpop = cmpop; return tree; } /* Copy a tree object. */ TCTREE *tctreedup(const TCTREE *tree){ assert(tree); TCTREE *ntree = tctreenew2(tree->cmp, tree->cmpop); if(tree->root){ TCTREEREC *histbuf[TREESTACKNUM]; TCTREEREC **history = histbuf; int hnum = 0; history[hnum++] = tree->root; while(hnum > 0){ TCTREEREC *rec = history[--hnum]; if(hnum >= TREESTACKNUM - 2 && history == histbuf){ TCMALLOC(history, sizeof(*history) * tree->rnum); memcpy(history, histbuf, sizeof(*history) * hnum); } if(rec->left) history[hnum++] = rec->left; if(rec->right) history[hnum++] = rec->right; char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); tctreeput(ntree, dbuf, rec->ksiz, dbuf + rec->ksiz + TCALIGNPAD(rec->ksiz), rec->vsiz); } if(history != histbuf) TCFREE(history); } return ntree; } /* Delete a tree object. */ void tctreedel(TCTREE *tree){ assert(tree); if(tree->root){ TCTREEREC *histbuf[TREESTACKNUM]; TCTREEREC **history = histbuf; int hnum = 0; history[hnum++] = tree->root; while(hnum > 0){ TCTREEREC *rec = history[--hnum]; if(hnum >= TREESTACKNUM - 2 && history == histbuf){ TCMALLOC(history, sizeof(*history) * tree->rnum); memcpy(history, histbuf, sizeof(*history) * hnum); } if(rec->left) history[hnum++] = rec->left; if(rec->right) history[hnum++] = rec->right; TCFREE(rec); } if(history != histbuf) TCFREE(history); } TCFREE(tree); } /* Store a record into a tree object. */ void tctreeput(TCTREE *tree, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(tree && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); TCTREEREC *top = tctreesplay(tree, kbuf, ksiz); if(!top){ int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; tree->root = rec; tree->rnum = 1; tree->msiz = ksiz + vsiz; return; } char *dbuf = (char *)top + sizeof(*top); int cv = tree->cmp(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, top->ksiz, tree->cmpop); if(cv < 0){ int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = top->left; rec->right = top; top->left = NULL; tree->rnum++; tree->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; tree->root = rec; } else if(cv > 0){ int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = top; rec->right = top->right; top->right = NULL; tree->rnum++; tree->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; tree->root = rec; } else { tree->msiz += vsiz - top->vsiz; int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); if(vsiz > top->vsiz){ TCTREEREC *old = top; TCREALLOC(top, top, sizeof(*top) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); if(top != old){ if(tree->cur == old) tree->cur = top; dbuf = (char *)top + sizeof(*top); } } memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; top->vsiz = vsiz; tree->root = top; } } /* Store a string record into a tree object. */ void tctreeput2(TCTREE *tree, const char *kstr, const char *vstr){ assert(tree && kstr && vstr); tctreeput(tree, kstr, strlen(kstr), vstr, strlen(vstr)); } /* Store a new record into a tree object. */ bool tctreeputkeep(TCTREE *tree, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(tree && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); TCTREEREC *top = tctreesplay(tree, kbuf, ksiz); if(!top){ int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; tree->root = rec; tree->rnum = 1; tree->msiz = ksiz + vsiz; return true; } char *dbuf = (char *)top + sizeof(*top); int cv = tree->cmp(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, top->ksiz, tree->cmpop); if(cv < 0){ int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = top->left; rec->right = top; top->left = NULL; tree->rnum++; tree->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; tree->root = rec; } else if(cv > 0){ int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = top; rec->right = top->right; top->right = NULL; tree->rnum++; tree->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; tree->root = rec; } else { tree->root = top; return false; } return true; } /* Store a new string record into a tree object. */ bool tctreeputkeep2(TCTREE *tree, const char *kstr, const char *vstr){ assert(tree && kstr && vstr); return tctreeputkeep(tree, kstr, strlen(kstr), vstr, strlen(vstr)); } /* Concatenate a value at the end of the value of the existing record in a tree object. */ void tctreeputcat(TCTREE *tree, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(tree && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); TCTREEREC *top = tctreesplay(tree, kbuf, ksiz); if(!top){ int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; tree->root = rec; tree->rnum = 1; tree->msiz = ksiz + vsiz; return; } char *dbuf = (char *)top + sizeof(*top); int cv = tree->cmp(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, top->ksiz, tree->cmpop); if(cv < 0){ int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = top->left; rec->right = top; top->left = NULL; tree->rnum++; tree->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; tree->root = rec; } else if(cv > 0){ int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = top; rec->right = top->right; top->right = NULL; tree->rnum++; tree->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; tree->root = rec; } else { tree->msiz += vsiz; int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); int asiz = sizeof(*top) + ksiz + psiz + top->vsiz + vsiz + 1; int unit = (asiz <= TCTREECSUNIT) ? TCTREECSUNIT : TCTREECBUNIT; asiz = (asiz - 1) + unit - (asiz - 1) % unit; TCTREEREC *old = top; TCREALLOC(top, top, asiz); if(top != old){ if(tree->cur == old) tree->cur = top; dbuf = (char *)top + sizeof(*top); } memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz + top->vsiz, vbuf, vsiz); top->vsiz += vsiz; dbuf[ksiz+psiz+top->vsiz] = '\0'; tree->root = top; } } /* Concatenate a string value at the end of the value of the existing record in a tree object. */ void tctreeputcat2(TCTREE *tree, const char *kstr, const char *vstr){ assert(tree && kstr && vstr); tctreeputcat(tree, kstr, strlen(kstr), vstr, strlen(vstr)); } /* Store a record into a tree object with a duplication handler. */ bool tctreeputproc(TCTREE *tree, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz, TCPDPROC proc, void *op){ assert(tree && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && proc); TCTREEREC *top = tctreesplay(tree, kbuf, ksiz); if(!top){ if(!vbuf) return false; int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; tree->root = rec; tree->rnum = 1; tree->msiz = ksiz + vsiz; return true; } char *dbuf = (char *)top + sizeof(*top); int cv = tree->cmp(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, top->ksiz, tree->cmpop); if(cv < 0){ if(!vbuf){ tree->root = top; return false; } int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = top->left; rec->right = top; top->left = NULL; tree->rnum++; tree->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; tree->root = rec; } else if(cv > 0){ if(!vbuf){ tree->root = top; return false; } int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = top; rec->right = top->right; top->right = NULL; tree->rnum++; tree->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; tree->root = rec; } else { int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); int nvsiz; char *nvbuf = proc(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, top->vsiz, &nvsiz, op); if(nvbuf == (void *)-1){ tree->rnum--; tree->msiz -= top->ksiz + top->vsiz; if(tree->cur == top){ TCTREEREC *rec = top->right; if(rec){ while(rec->left){ rec = rec->left; } } tree->cur = rec; } if(!top->left){ tree->root = top->right; } else if(!top->right){ tree->root = top->left; } else { tree->root = top->left; TCTREEREC *rec = tctreesplay(tree, kbuf, ksiz); rec->right = top->right; tree->root = rec; } TCFREE(top); return true; } if(!nvbuf){ tree->root = top; return false; } tree->msiz += nvsiz - top->vsiz; if(nvsiz > top->vsiz){ TCTREEREC *old = top; TCREALLOC(top, top, sizeof(*top) + ksiz + psiz + nvsiz + 1); if(top != old){ if(tree->cur == old) tree->cur = top; dbuf = (char *)top + sizeof(*top); } } memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, nvbuf, nvsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+nvsiz] = '\0'; top->vsiz = nvsiz; TCFREE(nvbuf); tree->root = top; } return true; } /* Remove a record of a tree object. */ bool tctreeout(TCTREE *tree, const void *kbuf, int ksiz){ assert(tree && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); TCTREEREC *top = tctreesplay(tree, kbuf, ksiz); if(!top) return false; char *dbuf = (char *)top + sizeof(*top); int cv = tree->cmp(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, top->ksiz, tree->cmpop); if(cv != 0){ tree->root = top; return false; } tree->rnum--; tree->msiz -= top->ksiz + top->vsiz; if(tree->cur == top){ TCTREEREC *rec = top->right; if(rec){ while(rec->left){ rec = rec->left; } } tree->cur = rec; } if(!top->left){ tree->root = top->right; } else if(!top->right){ tree->root = top->left; } else { tree->root = top->left; TCTREEREC *rec = tctreesplay(tree, kbuf, ksiz); rec->right = top->right; tree->root = rec; } TCFREE(top); return true; } /* Remove a string record of a tree object. */ bool tctreeout2(TCTREE *tree, const char *kstr){ assert(tree && kstr); return tctreeout(tree, kstr, strlen(kstr)); } /* Retrieve a record in a tree object. */ const void *tctreeget(TCTREE *tree, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, int *sp){ assert(tree && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && sp); TCTREEREC *top = tctreesplay(tree, kbuf, ksiz); if(!top) return NULL; char *dbuf = (char *)top + sizeof(*top); int cv = tree->cmp(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, top->ksiz, tree->cmpop); if(cv != 0){ tree->root = top; return NULL; } tree->root = top; *sp = top->vsiz; return dbuf + top->ksiz + TCALIGNPAD(top->ksiz); } /* Retrieve a string record in a tree object. */ const char *tctreeget2(TCTREE *tree, const char *kstr){ assert(tree && kstr); int vsiz; return tctreeget(tree, kstr, strlen(kstr), &vsiz); } /* Initialize the iterator of a tree object. */ void tctreeiterinit(TCTREE *tree){ assert(tree); TCTREEREC *rec = tree->root; if(!rec) return; while(rec->left){ rec = rec->left; } tree->cur = rec; } /* Get the next key of the iterator of a tree object. */ const void *tctreeiternext(TCTREE *tree, int *sp){ assert(tree && sp); if(!tree->cur) return NULL; TCTREEREC *rec = tree->cur; const char *kbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int ksiz = rec->ksiz; rec = tctreesplay(tree, kbuf, ksiz); if(!rec) return NULL; tree->root = rec; rec = rec->right; if(rec){ while(rec->left){ rec = rec->left; } } tree->cur = rec; *sp = ksiz; return kbuf; } /* Get the next key string of the iterator of a tree object. */ const char *tctreeiternext2(TCTREE *tree){ assert(tree); int ksiz; return tctreeiternext(tree, &ksiz); } /* Get the number of records stored in a tree object. */ uint64_t tctreernum(const TCTREE *tree){ assert(tree); return tree->rnum; } /* Get the total size of memory used in a tree object. */ uint64_t tctreemsiz(const TCTREE *tree){ assert(tree); return tree->msiz + tree->rnum * (sizeof(*tree->root) + sizeof(tcgeneric_t)); } /* Create a list object containing all keys in a tree object. */ TCLIST *tctreekeys(const TCTREE *tree){ assert(tree); TCLIST *list = tclistnew2(tree->rnum); if(tree->root){ TCTREEREC **history; TCMALLOC(history, sizeof(*history) * tree->rnum); TCTREEREC **result; TCMALLOC(result, sizeof(*history) * tree->rnum); int hnum = 0; history[hnum++] = tree->root; while(hnum > 0){ TCTREEREC *rec = history[--hnum]; if(!rec){ rec = result[hnum]; char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); TCLISTPUSH(list, dbuf, rec->ksiz); continue; } if(rec->right) history[hnum++] = rec->right; history[hnum] = NULL; result[hnum] = rec; hnum++; if(rec->left) history[hnum++] = rec->left; } TCFREE(result); TCFREE(history); } return list; } /* Create a list object containing all values in a tree object. */ TCLIST *tctreevals(const TCTREE *tree){ assert(tree); TCLIST *list = tclistnew2(tree->rnum); if(tree->root){ TCTREEREC **history; TCMALLOC(history, sizeof(*history) * tree->rnum); TCTREEREC **result; TCMALLOC(result, sizeof(*history) * tree->rnum); int hnum = 0; history[hnum++] = tree->root; while(hnum > 0){ TCTREEREC *rec = history[--hnum]; if(!rec){ rec = result[hnum]; char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); TCLISTPUSH(list, dbuf + rec->ksiz + TCALIGNPAD(rec->ksiz), rec->vsiz); continue; } if(rec->right) history[hnum++] = rec->right; history[hnum] = NULL; result[hnum] = rec; hnum++; if(rec->left) history[hnum++] = rec->left; } TCFREE(result); TCFREE(history); } return list; } /* Add an integer to a record in a tree object. */ int tctreeaddint(TCTREE *tree, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, int num){ assert(tree && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); TCTREEREC *top = tctreesplay(tree, kbuf, ksiz); if(!top){ int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + sizeof(num) + 1); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, &num, sizeof(num)); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+sizeof(num)] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = sizeof(num); rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; tree->root = rec; tree->rnum = 1; tree->msiz = ksiz + sizeof(num); return num; } char *dbuf = (char *)top + sizeof(*top); int cv = tree->cmp(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, top->ksiz, tree->cmpop); if(cv < 0){ int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + sizeof(num) + 1); dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, &num, sizeof(num)); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+sizeof(num)] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = sizeof(num); rec->left = top->left; rec->right = top; top->left = NULL; tree->rnum++; tree->msiz += ksiz + sizeof(num); tree->root = rec; } else if(cv > 0){ int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + sizeof(num) + 1); dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, &num, sizeof(num)); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+sizeof(num)] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = sizeof(num); rec->left = top; rec->right = top->right; top->right = NULL; tree->rnum++; tree->msiz += ksiz + sizeof(num); tree->root = rec; } else { tree->root = top; if(top->vsiz != sizeof(num)) return INT_MIN; int *resp = (int *)(dbuf + ksiz + TCALIGNPAD(ksiz)); return *resp += num; } return num; } /* Add a real number to a record in a tree object. */ double tctreeadddouble(TCTREE *tree, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, double num){ assert(tree && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); TCTREEREC *top = tctreesplay(tree, kbuf, ksiz); if(!top){ int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + sizeof(num) + 1); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, &num, sizeof(num)); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+sizeof(num)] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = sizeof(num); rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; tree->root = rec; tree->rnum = 1; tree->msiz = ksiz + sizeof(num); return num; } char *dbuf = (char *)top + sizeof(*top); int cv = tree->cmp(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, top->ksiz, tree->cmpop); if(cv < 0){ int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + sizeof(num) + 1); dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, &num, sizeof(num)); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+sizeof(num)] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = sizeof(num); rec->left = top->left; rec->right = top; top->left = NULL; tree->rnum++; tree->msiz += ksiz + sizeof(num); tree->root = rec; } else if(cv > 0){ int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCTREEREC *rec; TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + sizeof(num) + 1); dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, &num, sizeof(num)); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+sizeof(num)] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = sizeof(num); rec->left = top; rec->right = top->right; top->right = NULL; tree->rnum++; tree->msiz += ksiz + sizeof(num); tree->root = rec; } else { tree->root = top; if(top->vsiz != sizeof(num)) return nan(""); double *resp = (double *)(dbuf + ksiz + TCALIGNPAD(ksiz)); return *resp += num; } return num; } /* Clear a tree object. */ void tctreeclear(TCTREE *tree){ assert(tree); if(tree->root){ TCTREEREC *histbuf[TREESTACKNUM]; TCTREEREC **history = histbuf; int hnum = 0; history[hnum++] = tree->root; while(hnum > 0){ TCTREEREC *rec = history[--hnum]; if(hnum >= TREESTACKNUM - 2 && history == histbuf){ TCMALLOC(history, sizeof(*history) * tree->rnum); memcpy(history, histbuf, sizeof(*history) * hnum); } if(rec->left) history[hnum++] = rec->left; if(rec->right) history[hnum++] = rec->right; TCFREE(rec); } if(history != histbuf) TCFREE(history); } tree->root = NULL; tree->cur = NULL; tree->rnum = 0; tree->msiz = 0; } /* Remove fringe records of a tree object. */ void tctreecutfringe(TCTREE *tree, int num){ assert(tree && num >= 0); if(!tree->root || num < 1) return; TCTREEREC **history; TCMALLOC(history, sizeof(*history) * tree->rnum); int hnum = 0; history[hnum++] = tree->root; for(int i = 0; i < hnum; i++){ TCTREEREC *rec = history[i]; if(rec->left) history[hnum++] = rec->left; if(rec->right) history[hnum++] = rec->right; } TCTREEREC *cur = NULL; for(int i = hnum - 1; i >= 0; i--){ TCTREEREC *rec = history[i]; if(rec->left){ TCTREEREC *child = rec->left; tree->rnum--; tree->msiz -= child->ksiz + child->vsiz; rec->left = NULL; if(tree->cur == child){ tree->cur = NULL; cur = child; } else { TCFREE(child); } if(--num < 1) break; } if(rec->right){ TCTREEREC *child = rec->right; tree->rnum--; tree->msiz -= child->ksiz + child->vsiz; rec->right = NULL; if(tree->cur == child){ tree->cur = NULL; cur = child; } else { TCFREE(child); } if(--num < 1) break; } } if(num > 0){ TCFREE(tree->root); tree->root = NULL; tree->cur = NULL; tree->rnum = 0; tree->msiz = 0; } if(cur){ char *dbuf = (char *)cur + sizeof(*cur); tctreeiterinit2(tree, dbuf, cur->ksiz); TCFREE(cur); } TCFREE(history); } /* Serialize a tree object into a byte array. */ void *tctreedump(const TCTREE *tree, int *sp){ assert(tree && sp); int tsiz = 0; if(tree->root){ TCTREEREC *histbuf[TREESTACKNUM]; TCTREEREC **history = histbuf; int hnum = 0; history[hnum++] = tree->root; while(hnum > 0){ TCTREEREC *rec = history[--hnum]; if(hnum >= TREESTACKNUM - 2 && history == histbuf){ TCMALLOC(history, sizeof(*history) * tree->rnum); memcpy(history, histbuf, sizeof(*history) * hnum); } if(rec->left) history[hnum++] = rec->left; if(rec->right) history[hnum++] = rec->right; tsiz += rec->ksiz + rec->vsiz + sizeof(int) * 2; } if(history != histbuf) TCFREE(history); } char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, tsiz + 1); char *wp = buf; if(tree->root){ TCTREEREC *histbuf[TREESTACKNUM]; TCTREEREC **history = histbuf; int hnum = 0; history[hnum++] = tree->root; while(hnum > 0){ TCTREEREC *rec = history[--hnum]; if(hnum >= TREESTACKNUM - 2 && history == histbuf){ TCMALLOC(history, sizeof(*history) * tree->rnum); memcpy(history, histbuf, sizeof(*history) * hnum); } if(rec->left) history[hnum++] = rec->left; if(rec->right) history[hnum++] = rec->right; const char *kbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int ksiz = rec->ksiz; const char *vbuf = kbuf + ksiz + TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); int vsiz = rec->vsiz; int step; TCSETVNUMBUF(step, wp, ksiz); wp += step; memcpy(wp, kbuf, ksiz); wp += ksiz; TCSETVNUMBUF(step, wp, vsiz); wp += step; memcpy(wp, vbuf, vsiz); wp += vsiz; } if(history != histbuf) TCFREE(history); } *sp = wp - buf; return buf; } /* Create a tree object from a serialized byte array. */ TCTREE *tctreeload(const void *ptr, int size, TCCMP cmp, void *cmpop){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && cmp); TCTREE *tree = tctreenew2(cmp, cmpop); const char *rp = ptr; const char *ep = (char *)ptr + size; while(rp < ep){ int step, ksiz, vsiz; TCREADVNUMBUF(rp, ksiz, step); rp += step; const char *kbuf = rp; rp += ksiz; TCREADVNUMBUF(rp, vsiz, step); rp += step; tctreeputkeep(tree, kbuf, ksiz, rp, vsiz); rp += vsiz; } return tree; } /* Perform the splay operation of a tree object. `tree' specifies the tree object. `kbuf' specifies the pointer to the region of the key. `ksiz' specifies the size of the region of the key. The return value is the pointer to the record corresponding the key. */ static TCTREEREC* tctreesplay(TCTREE *tree, const void *kbuf, int ksiz){ assert(tree && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); TCTREEREC *top = tree->root; if(!top) return NULL; TCCMP cmp = tree->cmp; void *cmpop = tree->cmpop; TCTREEREC ent; ent.left = NULL; ent.right = NULL; TCTREEREC *lrec = &ent; TCTREEREC *rrec = &ent; while(true){ char *dbuf = (char *)top + sizeof(*top); int cv = cmp(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, top->ksiz, cmpop); if(cv < 0){ if(!top->left) break; dbuf = (char *)top->left + sizeof(*top); cv = cmp(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, top->left->ksiz, cmpop); if(cv < 0){ TCTREEREC *swap = top->left; top->left = swap->right; swap->right = top; top = swap; if(!top->left) break; } rrec->left = top; rrec = top; top = top->left; } else if(cv > 0){ if(!top->right) break; dbuf = (char *)top->right + sizeof(*top); cv = cmp(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, top->right->ksiz, cmpop); if(cv > 0){ TCTREEREC *swap = top->right; top->right = swap->left; swap->left = top; top = swap; if(!top->right) break; } lrec->right = top; lrec = top; top = top->right; } else { break; } } lrec->right = top->left; rrec->left = top->right; top->left = ent.right; top->right = ent.left; return top; } /************************************************************************************************* * ordered tree (for experts) *************************************************************************************************/ /* Store a record into a tree object without balancing nodes. */ void tctreeput3(TCTREE *tree, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(tree && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); TCTREEREC *rec = tree->root; TCTREEREC **entp = NULL; while(rec){ char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int cv = tree->cmp(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rec->ksiz, tree->cmpop); if(cv < 0){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(cv > 0){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { tree->msiz += vsiz - rec->vsiz; int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); if(vsiz > rec->vsiz){ TCTREEREC *old = rec; TCREALLOC(rec, rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); if(rec != old){ if(tree->root == old) tree->root = rec; if(tree->cur == old) tree->cur = rec; if(entp) *entp = rec; dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); } } memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; return; } } int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; if(entp){ *entp = rec; } else { tree->root = rec; } tree->rnum++; tree->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; } /* Store a new record into a map object without balancing nodes. */ bool tctreeputkeep3(TCTREE *tree, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(tree && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); TCTREEREC *rec = tree->root; TCTREEREC **entp = NULL; while(rec){ char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int cv = tree->cmp(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rec->ksiz, tree->cmpop); if(cv < 0){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(cv > 0){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { return false; } } int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; if(entp){ *entp = rec; } else { tree->root = rec; } tree->rnum++; tree->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; return true; } /* Concatenate a value at the existing record in a tree object without balancing nodes. */ void tctreeputcat3(TCTREE *tree, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(tree && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); TCTREEREC *rec = tree->root; TCTREEREC **entp = NULL; while(rec){ char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int cv = tree->cmp(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rec->ksiz, tree->cmpop); if(cv < 0){ entp = &(rec->left); rec = rec->left; } else if(cv > 0){ entp = &(rec->right); rec = rec->right; } else { tree->msiz += vsiz; int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); int asiz = sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + rec->vsiz + vsiz + 1; int unit = (asiz <= TCTREECSUNIT) ? TCTREECSUNIT : TCTREECBUNIT; asiz = (asiz - 1) + unit - (asiz - 1) % unit; TCTREEREC *old = rec; TCREALLOC(rec, rec, asiz); if(rec != old){ if(tree->root == old) tree->root = rec; if(tree->cur == old) tree->cur = rec; if(entp) *entp = rec; dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); } memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz + rec->vsiz, vbuf, vsiz); rec->vsiz += vsiz; dbuf[ksiz+psiz+rec->vsiz] = '\0'; return; } } int psiz = TCALIGNPAD(ksiz); TCMALLOC(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + psiz + vsiz + 1); char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz); dbuf[ksiz] = '\0'; rec->ksiz = ksiz; memcpy(dbuf + ksiz + psiz, vbuf, vsiz); dbuf[ksiz+psiz+vsiz] = '\0'; rec->vsiz = vsiz; rec->left = NULL; rec->right = NULL; if(entp){ *entp = rec; } else { tree->root = rec; } tree->rnum++; tree->msiz += ksiz + vsiz; } /* Retrieve a record in a tree object without balancing nodes. */ const void *tctreeget3(const TCTREE *tree, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, int *sp){ assert(tree && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && sp); TCTREEREC *rec = tree->root; while(rec){ char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int cv = tree->cmp(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rec->ksiz, tree->cmpop); if(cv < 0){ rec = rec->left; } else if(cv > 0){ rec = rec->right; } else { *sp = rec->vsiz; return dbuf + rec->ksiz + TCALIGNPAD(rec->ksiz); } } return NULL; } /* Retrieve a string record in a tree object with specifying the default value string. */ const char *tctreeget4(TCTREE *tree, const char *kstr, const char *dstr){ assert(tree && kstr && dstr); int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tctreeget(tree, kstr, strlen(kstr), &vsiz); return vbuf ? vbuf : dstr; } /* Initialize the iterator of a tree object in front of records corresponding a key. */ void tctreeiterinit2(TCTREE *tree, const void *kbuf, int ksiz){ assert(tree && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); TCTREEREC *rec = tree->root; while(rec){ char *dbuf = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); int cv = tree->cmp(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rec->ksiz, tree->cmpop); if(cv < 0){ tree->cur = rec; rec = rec->left; } else if(cv > 0){ rec = rec->right; } else { tree->cur = rec; return; } } } /* Initialize the iterator of a tree object in front of records corresponding a key string. */ void tctreeiterinit3(TCTREE *tree, const char *kstr){ assert(tree); tctreeiterinit2(tree, kstr, strlen(kstr)); } /* Get the value bound to the key fetched from the iterator of a tree object. */ const void *tctreeiterval(const void *kbuf, int *sp){ assert(kbuf && sp); TCTREEREC *rec = (TCTREEREC *)((char *)kbuf - sizeof(*rec)); *sp = rec->vsiz; return (char *)kbuf + rec->ksiz + TCALIGNPAD(rec->ksiz); } /* Get the value string bound to the key fetched from the iterator of a tree object. */ const char *tctreeiterval2(const char *kstr){ assert(kstr); TCTREEREC *rec = (TCTREEREC *)(kstr - sizeof(*rec)); return kstr + rec->ksiz + TCALIGNPAD(rec->ksiz); } /* Create an array of strings of all keys in a tree object. */ const char **tctreekeys2(const TCTREE *tree, int *np){ assert(tree && np); const char **ary; TCMALLOC(ary, sizeof(*ary) * tree->rnum + 1); int anum = 0; if(tree->root){ TCTREEREC **history; TCMALLOC(history, sizeof(*history) * tree->rnum); TCTREEREC **result; TCMALLOC(result, sizeof(*history) * tree->rnum); int hnum = 0; history[hnum++] = tree->root; while(hnum > 0){ TCTREEREC *rec = history[--hnum]; if(!rec){ rec = result[hnum]; ary[(anum++)] = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); continue; } if(rec->right) history[hnum++] = rec->right; history[hnum] = NULL; result[hnum] = rec; hnum++; if(rec->left) history[hnum++] = rec->left; } TCFREE(result); TCFREE(history); } *np = anum; return ary; } /* Create an array of strings of all values in a tree object. */ const char **tctreevals2(const TCTREE *tree, int *np){ assert(tree && np); const char **ary; TCMALLOC(ary, sizeof(*ary) * tree->rnum + 1); int anum = 0; if(tree->root){ TCTREEREC **history; TCMALLOC(history, sizeof(*history) * tree->rnum); TCTREEREC **result; TCMALLOC(result, sizeof(*history) * tree->rnum); int hnum = 0; history[hnum++] = tree->root; while(hnum > 0){ TCTREEREC *rec = history[--hnum]; if(!rec){ rec = result[hnum]; ary[(anum++)] = (char *)rec + sizeof(*rec); continue; } if(rec->right) history[hnum++] = rec->right; history[hnum] = NULL; result[hnum] = rec; hnum++; if(rec->left) history[hnum++] = rec->left; } TCFREE(result); TCFREE(history); } *np = anum; return ary; } /* Extract a tree record from a serialized byte array. */ void *tctreeloadone(const void *ptr, int size, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, int *sp){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && sp); const char *rp = ptr; const char *ep = (char *)ptr + size; while(rp < ep){ int step, rsiz; TCREADVNUMBUF(rp, rsiz, step); rp += step; if(rsiz == ksiz && !memcmp(kbuf, rp, rsiz)){ rp += rsiz; TCREADVNUMBUF(rp, rsiz, step); rp += step; *sp = rsiz; char *rv; TCMEMDUP(rv, rp, rsiz); return rv; } rp += rsiz; TCREADVNUMBUF(rp, rsiz, step); rp += step; rp += rsiz; } return NULL; } /* Perform formatted output into a tree object. */ void tctreeprintf(TCTREE *tree, const char *kstr, const char *format, ...){ assert(tree && kstr && format); TCXSTR *xstr = tcxstrnew(); va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); tcvxstrprintf(xstr, format, ap); va_end(ap); tctreeput(tree, kstr, strlen(kstr), TCXSTRPTR(xstr), TCXSTRSIZE(xstr)); tcxstrdel(xstr); } /************************************************************************************************* * on-memory hash database *************************************************************************************************/ #define TCMDBMNUM 8 // number of internal maps #define TCMDBDEFBNUM 65536 // default bucket number /* get the first hash value */ #define TCMDBHASH(TC_res, TC_kbuf, TC_ksiz) \ do { \ const unsigned char *_TC_p = (const unsigned char *)(TC_kbuf) + TC_ksiz - 1; \ int _TC_ksiz = TC_ksiz; \ for((TC_res) = 0x20071123; _TC_ksiz--;){ \ (TC_res) = (TC_res) * 33 + *(_TC_p)--; \ } \ (TC_res) &= TCMDBMNUM - 1; \ } while(false) /* Create an on-memory hash database object. */ TCMDB *tcmdbnew(void){ return tcmdbnew2(TCMDBDEFBNUM); } /* Create an on-memory hash database with specifying the number of the buckets. */ TCMDB *tcmdbnew2(uint32_t bnum){ TCMDB *mdb; if(bnum < 1) bnum = TCMDBDEFBNUM; bnum = bnum / TCMDBMNUM + 17; TCMALLOC(mdb, sizeof(*mdb)); TCMALLOC(mdb->mmtxs, sizeof(pthread_rwlock_t) * TCMDBMNUM); TCMALLOC(mdb->imtx, sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); TCMALLOC(mdb->maps, sizeof(TCMAP *) * TCMDBMNUM); if(pthread_mutex_init(mdb->imtx, NULL) != 0) tcmyfatal("mutex error"); for(int i = 0; i < TCMDBMNUM; i++){ if(pthread_rwlock_init((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + i, NULL) != 0) tcmyfatal("rwlock error"); mdb->maps[i] = tcmapnew2(bnum); } mdb->iter = -1; return mdb; } /* Delete an on-memory hash database object. */ void tcmdbdel(TCMDB *mdb){ assert(mdb); for(int i = TCMDBMNUM - 1; i >= 0; i--){ tcmapdel(mdb->maps[i]); pthread_rwlock_destroy((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + i); } pthread_mutex_destroy(mdb->imtx); TCFREE(mdb->maps); TCFREE(mdb->imtx); TCFREE(mdb->mmtxs); TCFREE(mdb); } /* Store a record into an on-memory hash database. */ void tcmdbput(TCMDB *mdb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(mdb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); unsigned int mi; TCMDBHASH(mi, kbuf, ksiz); if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi) != 0) return; tcmapput(mdb->maps[mi], kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi); } /* Store a string record into an on-memory hash database. */ void tcmdbput2(TCMDB *mdb, const char *kstr, const char *vstr){ assert(mdb && kstr && vstr); tcmdbput(mdb, kstr, strlen(kstr), vstr, strlen(vstr)); } /* Store a new record into an on-memory hash database. */ bool tcmdbputkeep(TCMDB *mdb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(mdb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); unsigned int mi; TCMDBHASH(mi, kbuf, ksiz); if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi) != 0) return false; bool rv = tcmapputkeep(mdb->maps[mi], kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi); return rv; } /* Store a new string record into an on-memory hash database. */ bool tcmdbputkeep2(TCMDB *mdb, const char *kstr, const char *vstr){ assert(mdb && kstr && vstr); return tcmdbputkeep(mdb, kstr, strlen(kstr), vstr, strlen(vstr)); } /* Concatenate a value at the end of the existing record in an on-memory hash database. */ void tcmdbputcat(TCMDB *mdb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(mdb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); unsigned int mi; TCMDBHASH(mi, kbuf, ksiz); if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi) != 0) return; tcmapputcat(mdb->maps[mi], kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi); } /* Concatenate a string at the end of the existing record in an on-memory hash database. */ void tcmdbputcat2(TCMDB *mdb, const char *kstr, const char *vstr){ assert(mdb && kstr && vstr); tcmdbputcat(mdb, kstr, strlen(kstr), vstr, strlen(vstr)); } /* Remove a record of an on-memory hash database. */ bool tcmdbout(TCMDB *mdb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz){ assert(mdb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); unsigned int mi; TCMDBHASH(mi, kbuf, ksiz); if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi) != 0) return false; bool rv = tcmapout(mdb->maps[mi], kbuf, ksiz); pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi); return rv; } /* Remove a string record of an on-memory hash database. */ bool tcmdbout2(TCMDB *mdb, const char *kstr){ assert(mdb && kstr); return tcmdbout(mdb, kstr, strlen(kstr)); } /* Retrieve a record in an on-memory hash database. */ void *tcmdbget(TCMDB *mdb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, int *sp){ assert(mdb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && sp); unsigned int mi; TCMDBHASH(mi, kbuf, ksiz); if(pthread_rwlock_rdlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi) != 0) return NULL; int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tcmapget(mdb->maps[mi], kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz); char *rv; if(vbuf){ TCMEMDUP(rv, vbuf, vsiz); *sp = vsiz; } else { rv = NULL; } pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi); return rv; } /* Retrieve a string record in an on-memory hash database. */ char *tcmdbget2(TCMDB *mdb, const char *kstr){ assert(mdb && kstr); int vsiz; return tcmdbget(mdb, kstr, strlen(kstr), &vsiz); } /* Get the size of the value of a record in an on-memory hash database object. */ int tcmdbvsiz(TCMDB *mdb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz){ assert(mdb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); unsigned int mi; TCMDBHASH(mi, kbuf, ksiz); if(pthread_rwlock_rdlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi) != 0) return -1; int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tcmapget(mdb->maps[mi], kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz); if(!vbuf) vsiz = -1; pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi); return vsiz; } /* Get the size of the value of a string record in an on-memory hash database object. */ int tcmdbvsiz2(TCMDB *mdb, const char *kstr){ assert(mdb && kstr); return tcmdbvsiz(mdb, kstr, strlen(kstr)); } /* Initialize the iterator of an on-memory hash database. */ void tcmdbiterinit(TCMDB *mdb){ assert(mdb); if(pthread_mutex_lock(mdb->imtx) != 0) return; for(int i = 0; i < TCMDBMNUM; i++){ tcmapiterinit(mdb->maps[i]); } mdb->iter = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(mdb->imtx); } /* Get the next key of the iterator of an on-memory hash database. */ void *tcmdbiternext(TCMDB *mdb, int *sp){ assert(mdb && sp); if(pthread_mutex_lock(mdb->imtx) != 0) return NULL; if(mdb->iter < 0 || mdb->iter >= TCMDBMNUM){ pthread_mutex_unlock(mdb->imtx); return NULL; } int mi = mdb->iter; if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi) != 0){ pthread_mutex_unlock(mdb->imtx); return NULL; } int ksiz; const char *kbuf; while(!(kbuf = tcmapiternext(mdb->maps[mi], &ksiz)) && mi < TCMDBMNUM - 1){ pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi); mi = ++mdb->iter; if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi) != 0){ pthread_mutex_unlock(mdb->imtx); return NULL; } } char *rv; if(kbuf){ TCMEMDUP(rv, kbuf, ksiz); *sp = ksiz; } else { rv = NULL; } pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi); pthread_mutex_unlock(mdb->imtx); return rv; } /* Get the next key string of the iterator of an on-memory hash database. */ char *tcmdbiternext2(TCMDB *mdb){ assert(mdb); int ksiz; return tcmdbiternext(mdb, &ksiz); } /* Get forward matching keys in an on-memory hash database object. */ TCLIST *tcmdbfwmkeys(TCMDB *mdb, const void *pbuf, int psiz, int max){ assert(mdb && pbuf && psiz >= 0); TCLIST* keys = tclistnew(); if(pthread_mutex_lock(mdb->imtx) != 0) return keys; if(max < 0) max = INT_MAX; for(int i = 0; i < TCMDBMNUM && TCLISTNUM(keys) < max; i++){ if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + i) == 0){ TCMAP *map = mdb->maps[i]; TCMAPREC *cur = map->cur; tcmapiterinit(map); const char *kbuf; int ksiz; while(TCLISTNUM(keys) < max && (kbuf = tcmapiternext(map, &ksiz)) != NULL){ if(ksiz >= psiz && !memcmp(kbuf, pbuf, psiz)) TCLISTPUSH(keys, kbuf, ksiz); } map->cur = cur; pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + i); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(mdb->imtx); return keys; } /* Get forward matching string keys in an on-memory hash database object. */ TCLIST *tcmdbfwmkeys2(TCMDB *mdb, const char *pstr, int max){ assert(mdb && pstr); return tcmdbfwmkeys(mdb, pstr, strlen(pstr), max); } /* Get the number of records stored in an on-memory hash database. */ uint64_t tcmdbrnum(TCMDB *mdb){ assert(mdb); uint64_t rnum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < TCMDBMNUM; i++){ rnum += tcmaprnum(mdb->maps[i]); } return rnum; } /* Get the total size of memory used in an on-memory hash database object. */ uint64_t tcmdbmsiz(TCMDB *mdb){ assert(mdb); uint64_t msiz = 0; for(int i = 0; i < TCMDBMNUM; i++){ msiz += tcmapmsiz(mdb->maps[i]); } return msiz; } /* Add an integer to a record in an on-memory hash database object. */ int tcmdbaddint(TCMDB *mdb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, int num){ assert(mdb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); unsigned int mi; TCMDBHASH(mi, kbuf, ksiz); if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi) != 0) return INT_MIN; int rv = tcmapaddint(mdb->maps[mi], kbuf, ksiz, num); pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi); return rv; } /* Add a real number to a record in an on-memory hash database object. */ double tcmdbadddouble(TCMDB *mdb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, double num){ assert(mdb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); unsigned int mi; TCMDBHASH(mi, kbuf, ksiz); if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi) != 0) return nan(""); double rv = tcmapadddouble(mdb->maps[mi], kbuf, ksiz, num); pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi); return rv; } /* Clear an on-memory hash database object. */ void tcmdbvanish(TCMDB *mdb){ assert(mdb); for(int i = 0; i < TCMDBMNUM; i++){ if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + i) == 0){ tcmapclear(mdb->maps[i]); pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + i); } } } /* Remove front records of a map object. */ void tcmdbcutfront(TCMDB *mdb, int num){ assert(mdb && num >= 0); num = num / TCMDBMNUM + 1; for(int i = 0; i < TCMDBMNUM; i++){ if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + i) == 0){ tcmapcutfront(mdb->maps[i], num); pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + i); } } } /************************************************************************************************* * on-memory hash database (for experts) *************************************************************************************************/ /* Store a record and make it semivolatile in an on-memory hash database object. */ void tcmdbput3(TCMDB *mdb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const char *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(mdb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); unsigned int mi; TCMDBHASH(mi, kbuf, ksiz); if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi) != 0) return; tcmapput3(mdb->maps[mi], kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi); } /* Store a record of the value of two regions into an on-memory hash database object. */ void tcmdbput4(TCMDB *mdb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *fvbuf, int fvsiz, const void *lvbuf, int lvsiz){ assert(mdb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && fvbuf && fvsiz >= 0 && lvbuf && lvsiz >= 0); unsigned int mi; TCMDBHASH(mi, kbuf, ksiz); if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi) != 0) return; tcmapput4(mdb->maps[mi], kbuf, ksiz, fvbuf, fvsiz, lvbuf, lvsiz); pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi); } /* Concatenate a value and make it semivolatile in on-memory hash database object. */ void tcmdbputcat3(TCMDB *mdb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(mdb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); unsigned int mi; TCMDBHASH(mi, kbuf, ksiz); if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi) != 0) return; tcmapputcat3(mdb->maps[mi], kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi); } /* Store a record into a on-memory hash database object with a duplication handler. */ bool tcmdbputproc(TCMDB *mdb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz, TCPDPROC proc, void *op){ assert(mdb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && proc); unsigned int mi; TCMDBHASH(mi, kbuf, ksiz); if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi) != 0) return false; bool rv = tcmapputproc(mdb->maps[mi], kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz, proc, op); pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi); return rv; } /* Retrieve a record and move it astern in an on-memory hash database. */ void *tcmdbget3(TCMDB *mdb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, int *sp){ assert(mdb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && sp); unsigned int mi; TCMDBHASH(mi, kbuf, ksiz); if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi) != 0) return NULL; int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tcmapget3(mdb->maps[mi], kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz); char *rv; if(vbuf){ TCMEMDUP(rv, vbuf, vsiz); *sp = vsiz; } else { rv = NULL; } pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi); return rv; } /* Initialize the iterator of an on-memory map database object in front of a key. */ void tcmdbiterinit2(TCMDB *mdb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz){ if(pthread_mutex_lock(mdb->imtx) != 0) return; unsigned int mi; TCMDBHASH(mi, kbuf, ksiz); if(pthread_rwlock_rdlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi) != 0){ pthread_mutex_unlock(mdb->imtx); return; } int vsiz; if(tcmapget(mdb->maps[mi], kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz)){ for(int i = 0; i < TCMDBMNUM; i++){ tcmapiterinit(mdb->maps[i]); } tcmapiterinit2(mdb->maps[mi], kbuf, ksiz); mdb->iter = mi; } pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + mi); pthread_mutex_unlock(mdb->imtx); } /* Initialize the iterator of an on-memory map database object in front of a key string. */ void tcmdbiterinit3(TCMDB *mdb, const char *kstr){ assert(mdb && kstr); tcmdbiterinit2(mdb, kstr, strlen(kstr)); } /* Process each record atomically of an on-memory hash database object. */ void tcmdbforeach(TCMDB *mdb, TCITER iter, void *op){ assert(mdb && iter); for(int i = 0; i < TCMDBMNUM; i++){ if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + i) != 0){ while(i >= 0){ pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + i); i--; } return; } } bool cont = true; for(int i = 0; cont && i < TCMDBMNUM; i++){ TCMAP *map = mdb->maps[i]; TCMAPREC *cur = map->cur; tcmapiterinit(map); int ksiz; const char *kbuf; while(cont && (kbuf = tcmapiternext(map, &ksiz)) != NULL){ int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tcmapiterval(kbuf, &vsiz); if(!iter(kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz, op)) cont = false; } map->cur = cur; } for(int i = TCMDBMNUM - 1; i >= 0; i--){ pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)mdb->mmtxs + i); } } /************************************************************************************************* * on-memory tree database *************************************************************************************************/ /* Create an on-memory tree database object. */ TCNDB *tcndbnew(void){ return tcndbnew2(tccmplexical, NULL); } /* Create an on-memory tree database object with specifying the custom comparison function. */ TCNDB *tcndbnew2(TCCMP cmp, void *cmpop){ assert(cmp); TCNDB *ndb; TCMALLOC(ndb, sizeof(*ndb)); TCMALLOC(ndb->mmtx, sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); if(pthread_mutex_init(ndb->mmtx, NULL) != 0) tcmyfatal("mutex error"); ndb->tree = tctreenew2(cmp, cmpop); return ndb; } /* Delete an on-memory tree database object. */ void tcndbdel(TCNDB *ndb){ assert(ndb); tctreedel(ndb->tree); pthread_mutex_destroy(ndb->mmtx); TCFREE(ndb->mmtx); TCFREE(ndb); } /* Store a record into an on-memory tree database object. */ void tcndbput(TCNDB *ndb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(ndb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0) return; tctreeput(ndb->tree, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); } /* Store a string record into an on-memory tree database object. */ void tcndbput2(TCNDB *ndb, const char *kstr, const char *vstr){ assert(ndb && kstr && vstr); tcndbput(ndb, kstr, strlen(kstr), vstr, strlen(vstr)); } /* Store a new record into an on-memory tree database object. */ bool tcndbputkeep(TCNDB *ndb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(ndb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0) return false; bool rv = tctreeputkeep(ndb->tree, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); return rv; } /* Store a new string record into an on-memory tree database object. */ bool tcndbputkeep2(TCNDB *ndb, const char *kstr, const char *vstr){ assert(ndb && kstr && vstr); return tcndbputkeep(ndb, kstr, strlen(kstr), vstr, strlen(vstr)); } /* Concatenate a value at the end of the existing record in an on-memory tree database. */ void tcndbputcat(TCNDB *ndb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(ndb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0) return; tctreeputcat(ndb->tree, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); } /* Concatenate a string at the end of the existing record in an on-memory tree database. */ void tcndbputcat2(TCNDB *ndb, const char *kstr, const char *vstr){ assert(ndb && kstr && vstr); tcndbputcat(ndb, kstr, strlen(kstr), vstr, strlen(vstr)); } /* Remove a record of an on-memory tree database object. */ bool tcndbout(TCNDB *ndb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz){ assert(ndb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0) return false; bool rv = tctreeout(ndb->tree, kbuf, ksiz); pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); return rv; } /* Remove a string record of an on-memory tree database object. */ bool tcndbout2(TCNDB *ndb, const char *kstr){ assert(ndb && kstr); return tcndbout(ndb, kstr, strlen(kstr)); } /* Retrieve a record in an on-memory tree database object. */ void *tcndbget(TCNDB *ndb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, int *sp){ assert(ndb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && sp); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0) return NULL; int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tctreeget(ndb->tree, kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz); char *rv; if(vbuf){ TCMEMDUP(rv, vbuf, vsiz); *sp = vsiz; } else { rv = NULL; } pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); return rv; } /* Retrieve a string record in an on-memory tree database object. */ char *tcndbget2(TCNDB *ndb, const char *kstr){ assert(ndb && kstr); int vsiz; return tcndbget(ndb, kstr, strlen(kstr), &vsiz); } /* Get the size of the value of a record in an on-memory tree database object. */ int tcndbvsiz(TCNDB *ndb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz){ assert(ndb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0) return -1; int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tctreeget(ndb->tree, kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz); if(!vbuf) vsiz = -1; pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); return vsiz; } /* Get the size of the value of a string record in an on-memory tree database object. */ int tcndbvsiz2(TCNDB *ndb, const char *kstr){ assert(ndb && kstr); return tcndbvsiz(ndb, kstr, strlen(kstr)); } /* Initialize the iterator of an on-memory tree database object. */ void tcndbiterinit(TCNDB *ndb){ assert(ndb); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0) return; tctreeiterinit(ndb->tree); pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); } /* Get the next key of the iterator of an on-memory tree database object. */ void *tcndbiternext(TCNDB *ndb, int *sp){ assert(ndb && sp); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0) return NULL; int ksiz; const char *kbuf = tctreeiternext(ndb->tree, &ksiz); char *rv; if(kbuf){ TCMEMDUP(rv, kbuf, ksiz); *sp = ksiz; } else { rv = NULL; } pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); return rv; } /* Get the next key string of the iterator of an on-memory tree database object. */ char *tcndbiternext2(TCNDB *ndb){ assert(ndb); int ksiz; return tcndbiternext(ndb, &ksiz); } /* Get forward matching keys in an on-memory tree database object. */ TCLIST *tcndbfwmkeys(TCNDB *ndb, const void *pbuf, int psiz, int max){ assert(ndb && pbuf && psiz >= 0); TCLIST* keys = tclistnew(); if(pthread_mutex_lock(ndb->mmtx) != 0) return keys; if(max < 0) max = INT_MAX; TCTREE *tree = ndb->tree; TCTREEREC *cur = tree->cur; tctreeiterinit2(tree, pbuf, psiz); const char *lbuf = NULL; int lsiz = 0; const char *kbuf; int ksiz; while(TCLISTNUM(keys) < max && (kbuf = tctreeiternext(tree, &ksiz)) != NULL){ if(ksiz < psiz || memcmp(kbuf, pbuf, psiz)) break; if(!lbuf || lsiz != ksiz || memcmp(kbuf, lbuf, ksiz)){ TCLISTPUSH(keys, kbuf, ksiz); if(TCLISTNUM(keys) >= max) break; lbuf = kbuf; lsiz = ksiz; } } tree->cur = cur; pthread_mutex_unlock(ndb->mmtx); return keys; } /* Get forward matching string keys in an on-memory tree database object. */ TCLIST *tcndbfwmkeys2(TCNDB *ndb, const char *pstr, int max){ assert(ndb && pstr); return tcndbfwmkeys(ndb, pstr, strlen(pstr), max); } /* Get the number of records stored in an on-memory tree database object. */ uint64_t tcndbrnum(TCNDB *ndb){ assert(ndb); return tctreernum(ndb->tree); } /* Get the total size of memory used in an on-memory tree database object. */ uint64_t tcndbmsiz(TCNDB *ndb){ assert(ndb); return tctreemsiz(ndb->tree); } /* Add an integer to a record in an on-memory tree database object. */ int tcndbaddint(TCNDB *ndb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, int num){ assert(ndb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0) return INT_MIN; int rv = tctreeaddint(ndb->tree, kbuf, ksiz, num); pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); return rv; } /* Add a real number to a record in an on-memory tree database object. */ double tcndbadddouble(TCNDB *ndb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, double num){ assert(ndb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0) return nan(""); double rv = tctreeadddouble(ndb->tree, kbuf, ksiz, num); pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); return rv; } /* Clear an on-memory tree database object. */ void tcndbvanish(TCNDB *ndb){ assert(ndb); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0); tctreeclear(ndb->tree); pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); } /* Remove fringe records of an on-memory tree database object. */ void tcndbcutfringe(TCNDB *ndb, int num){ assert(ndb && num >= 0); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0); tctreecutfringe(ndb->tree, num); pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); } /************************************************************************************************* * ordered tree (for experts) *************************************************************************************************/ /* Store a record into a on-memory tree database without balancing nodes. */ void tcndbput3(TCNDB *ndb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(ndb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0) return; tctreeput3(ndb->tree, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); } /* Store a new record into a on-memory tree database object without balancing nodes. */ bool tcndbputkeep3(TCNDB *ndb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(ndb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0) return false; bool rv = tctreeputkeep3(ndb->tree, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); return rv; } /* Concatenate a value in a on-memory tree database without balancing nodes. */ void tcndbputcat3(TCNDB *ndb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz){ assert(ndb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && vbuf && vsiz >= 0); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0) return; tctreeputcat3(ndb->tree, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); } /* Store a record into a on-memory tree database object with a duplication handler. */ bool tcndbputproc(TCNDB *ndb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, const void *vbuf, int vsiz, TCPDPROC proc, void *op){ assert(ndb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && proc); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0) return false; bool rv = tctreeputproc(ndb->tree, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz, proc, op); pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); return rv; } /* Retrieve a record in an on-memory tree database object without balancing nodes. */ void *tcndbget3(TCNDB *ndb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, int *sp){ assert(ndb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && sp); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0) return NULL; int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tctreeget3(ndb->tree, kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz); char *rv; if(vbuf){ TCMEMDUP(rv, vbuf, vsiz); *sp = vsiz; } else { rv = NULL; } pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); return rv; } /* Initialize the iterator of an on-memory tree database object in front of a key. */ void tcndbiterinit2(TCNDB *ndb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz){ assert(ndb && kbuf && ksiz >= 0); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0) return; tctreeiterinit2(ndb->tree, kbuf, ksiz); pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); } /* Initialize the iterator of an on-memory tree database object in front of a key string. */ void tcndbiterinit3(TCNDB *ndb, const char *kstr){ assert(ndb && kstr); tcndbiterinit2(ndb, kstr, strlen(kstr)); } /* Process each record atomically of an on-memory tree database object. */ void tcndbforeach(TCNDB *ndb, TCITER iter, void *op){ assert(ndb && iter); if(pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx) != 0) return; TCTREE *tree = ndb->tree; TCTREEREC *cur = tree->cur; tctreeiterinit(tree); int ksiz; const char *kbuf; while((kbuf = tctreeiternext(tree, &ksiz)) != NULL){ int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tctreeiterval(kbuf, &vsiz); if(!iter(kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz, op)) break; } tree->cur = cur; pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)ndb->mmtx); } /************************************************************************************************* * memory pool *************************************************************************************************/ #define TCMPOOLUNIT 128 // allocation unit size of memory pool elements /* Global memory pool object. */ TCMPOOL *tcglobalmemorypool = NULL; /* private function prototypes */ static void tcmpooldelglobal(void); /* Create a memory pool object. */ TCMPOOL *tcmpoolnew(void){ TCMPOOL *mpool; TCMALLOC(mpool, sizeof(*mpool)); TCMALLOC(mpool->mutex, sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); if(pthread_mutex_init(mpool->mutex, NULL) != 0) tcmyfatal("locking failed"); mpool->anum = TCMPOOLUNIT; TCMALLOC(mpool->elems, sizeof(mpool->elems[0]) * mpool->anum); mpool->num = 0; return mpool; } /* Delete a memory pool object. */ void tcmpooldel(TCMPOOL *mpool){ assert(mpool); TCMPELEM *elems = mpool->elems; for(int i = mpool->num - 1; i >= 0; i--){ elems[i].del(elems[i].ptr); } TCFREE(elems); pthread_mutex_destroy(mpool->mutex); TCFREE(mpool->mutex); TCFREE(mpool); } /* Relegate an arbitrary object to a memory pool object. */ void *tcmpoolpush(TCMPOOL *mpool, void *ptr, void (*del)(void *)){ assert(mpool && del); if(!ptr) return NULL; if(pthread_mutex_lock(mpool->mutex) != 0) tcmyfatal("locking failed"); int num = mpool->num; if(num >= mpool->anum){ mpool->anum *= 2; TCREALLOC(mpool->elems, mpool->elems, mpool->anum * sizeof(mpool->elems[0])); } mpool->elems[num].ptr = ptr; mpool->elems[num].del = del; mpool->num++; pthread_mutex_unlock(mpool->mutex); return ptr; } /* Relegate an allocated region to a memory pool object. */ void *tcmpoolpushptr(TCMPOOL *mpool, void *ptr){ assert(mpool); return tcmpoolpush(mpool, ptr, (void (*)(void *))free); } /* Relegate an extensible string object to a memory pool object. */ TCXSTR *tcmpoolpushxstr(TCMPOOL *mpool, TCXSTR *xstr){ assert(mpool); return tcmpoolpush(mpool, xstr, (void (*)(void *))tcxstrdel); } /* Relegate a list object to a memory pool object. */ TCLIST *tcmpoolpushlist(TCMPOOL *mpool, TCLIST *list){ assert(mpool); return tcmpoolpush(mpool, list, (void (*)(void *))tclistdel); } /* Relegate a map object to a memory pool object. */ TCMAP *tcmpoolpushmap(TCMPOOL *mpool, TCMAP *map){ assert(mpool); return tcmpoolpush(mpool, map, (void (*)(void *))tcmapdel); } /* Relegate a tree object to a memory pool object. */ TCTREE *tcmpoolpushtree(TCMPOOL *mpool, TCTREE *tree){ assert(mpool); return tcmpoolpush(mpool, tree, (void (*)(void *))tctreedel); } /* Allocate a region relegated to a memory pool object. */ void *tcmpoolmalloc(TCMPOOL *mpool, size_t size){ assert(mpool && size > 0); void *ptr; TCMALLOC(ptr, size); tcmpoolpush(mpool, ptr, (void (*)(void *))free); return ptr; } /* Create an extensible string object relegated to a memory pool object. */ TCXSTR *tcmpoolxstrnew(TCMPOOL *mpool){ assert(mpool); TCXSTR *xstr = tcxstrnew(); tcmpoolpush(mpool, xstr, (void (*)(void *))tcxstrdel); return xstr; } /* Create a list object relegated to a memory pool object. */ TCLIST *tcmpoollistnew(TCMPOOL *mpool){ assert(mpool); TCLIST *list = tclistnew(); tcmpoolpush(mpool, list, (void (*)(void *))tclistdel); return list; } /* Create a map object relegated to a memory pool object. */ TCMAP *tcmpoolmapnew(TCMPOOL *mpool){ assert(mpool); TCMAP *map = tcmapnew(); tcmpoolpush(mpool, map, (void (*)(void *))tcmapdel); return map; } /* Create a tree object relegated to a memory pool object. */ TCTREE *tcmpooltreenew(TCMPOOL *mpool){ assert(mpool); TCTREE *tree = tctreenew(); tcmpoolpush(mpool, tree, (void (*)(void *))tctreedel); return tree; } /* Remove the most recently installed cleanup handler of a memory pool object. */ void tcmpoolpop(TCMPOOL *mpool, bool exe){ assert(mpool); if(pthread_mutex_lock(mpool->mutex) != 0) tcmyfatal("locking failed"); if(mpool->num > 0){ mpool->num--; if(exe) mpool->elems[mpool->num].del(mpool->elems[mpool->num].ptr); } pthread_mutex_unlock(mpool->mutex); } /* Remove all cleanup handler of a memory pool object. `mpool' specifies the memory pool object. */ void tcmpoolclear(TCMPOOL *mpool, bool exe){ assert(mpool); if(pthread_mutex_lock(mpool->mutex) != 0) tcmyfatal("locking failed"); if(exe){ for(int i = mpool->num - 1; i >= 0; i--){ mpool->elems[i].del(mpool->elems[i].ptr); } } mpool->num = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(mpool->mutex); } /* Get the global memory pool object. */ TCMPOOL *tcmpoolglobal(void){ if(tcglobalmemorypool) return tcglobalmemorypool; tcglobalmemorypool = tcmpoolnew(); atexit(tcmpooldelglobal); return tcglobalmemorypool; } /* Detete the global memory pool object. */ static void tcmpooldelglobal(void){ if(tcglobalmemorypool) tcmpooldel(tcglobalmemorypool); } /************************************************************************************************* * miscellaneous utilities *************************************************************************************************/ #define TCRANDDEV "/dev/urandom" // path of the random device file #define TCDISTMAXLEN 4096 // maximum size of a string for distance checking #define TCDISTBUFSIZ 16384 // size of a distance buffer #define TCLDBLCOLMAX 16 // maximum number of columns of the long double /* File descriptor of random number generator. */ int tcrandomdevfd = -1; /* private function prototypes */ static void tcrandomfdclose(void); static time_t tcmkgmtime(struct tm *tm); /* Get the larger value of two integers. */ long tclmax(long a, long b){ return (a > b) ? a : b; } /* Get the lesser value of two integers. */ long tclmin(long a, long b){ return (a < b) ? a : b; } /* Get a random number as long integer based on uniform distribution. */ unsigned long tclrand(void){ static uint32_t cnt = 0; static uint64_t seed = 0; static uint64_t mask = 0; static pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; if((cnt & 0xff) == 0 && pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex) == 0){ if(cnt == 0) seed += time(NULL); if(tcrandomdevfd == -1 && (tcrandomdevfd = open(TCRANDDEV, O_RDONLY, 00644)) != -1) atexit(tcrandomfdclose); if(tcrandomdevfd == -1 || read(tcrandomdevfd, &mask, sizeof(mask)) != sizeof(mask)){ double t = tctime(); uint64_t tmask; memcpy(&tmask, &t, tclmin(sizeof(t), sizeof(tmask))); mask = (mask << 8) ^ tmask; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } seed = seed * 123456789012301LL + 211; uint64_t num = (mask ^ cnt++) ^ seed; return TCSWAB64(num); } /* Get a random number as double decimal based on uniform distribution. */ double tcdrand(void){ double val = tclrand() / (double)ULONG_MAX; return val < 1.0 ? val : 0.0; } /* Get a random number as double decimal based on normal distribution. */ double tcdrandnd(double avg, double sd){ assert(sd >= 0.0); return sqrt(-2.0 * log(tcdrand())) * cos(2 * 3.141592653589793 * tcdrand()) * sd + avg; } /* Compare two strings with case insensitive evaluation. */ int tcstricmp(const char *astr, const char *bstr){ assert(astr && bstr); while(*astr != '\0'){ if(*bstr == '\0') return 1; int ac = (*astr >= 'A' && *astr <= 'Z') ? *astr + ('a' - 'A') : *(unsigned char *)astr; int bc = (*bstr >= 'A' && *bstr <= 'Z') ? *bstr + ('a' - 'A') : *(unsigned char *)bstr; if(ac != bc) return ac - bc; astr++; bstr++; } return (*bstr == '\0') ? 0 : -1; } /* Check whether a string begins with a key. */ bool tcstrfwm(const char *str, const char *key){ assert(str && key); while(*key != '\0'){ if(*str != *key || *str == '\0') return false; key++; str++; } return true; } /* Check whether a string begins with a key with case insensitive evaluation. */ bool tcstrifwm(const char *str, const char *key){ assert(str && key); while(*key != '\0'){ if(*str == '\0') return false; int sc = *str; if(sc >= 'A' && sc <= 'Z') sc += 'a' - 'A'; int kc = *key; if(kc >= 'A' && kc <= 'Z') kc += 'a' - 'A'; if(sc != kc) return false; key++; str++; } return true; } /* Check whether a string ends with a key. */ bool tcstrbwm(const char *str, const char *key){ assert(str && key); int slen = strlen(str); int klen = strlen(key); for(int i = 1; i <= klen; i++){ if(i > slen || str[slen-i] != key[klen-i]) return false; } return true; } /* Check whether a string ends with a key with case insensitive evaluation. */ bool tcstribwm(const char *str, const char *key){ assert(str && key); int slen = strlen(str); int klen = strlen(key); for(int i = 1; i <= klen; i++){ if(i > slen) return false; int sc = str[slen-i]; if(sc >= 'A' && sc <= 'Z') sc += 'a' - 'A'; int kc = key[klen-i]; if(kc >= 'A' && kc <= 'Z') kc += 'a' - 'A'; if(sc != kc) return false; } return true; } /* Calculate the edit distance of two strings. */ int tcstrdist(const char *astr, const char *bstr){ assert(astr && bstr); int alen = tclmin(strlen(astr), TCDISTMAXLEN); int blen = tclmin(strlen(bstr), TCDISTMAXLEN); int dsiz = blen + 1; int tbuf[TCDISTBUFSIZ]; int *tbl; if((alen + 1) * dsiz < TCDISTBUFSIZ){ tbl = tbuf; } else { TCMALLOC(tbl, (alen + 1) * dsiz * sizeof(*tbl)); } for(int i = 0; i <= alen; i++){ tbl[i*dsiz] = i; } for(int i = 1; i <= blen; i++){ tbl[i] = i; } astr--; bstr--; for(int i = 1; i <= alen; i++){ for(int j = 1; j <= blen; j++){ int ac = tbl[(i-1)*dsiz+j] + 1; int bc = tbl[i*dsiz+j-1] + 1; int cc = tbl[(i-1)*dsiz+j-1] + (astr[i] != bstr[j]); ac = ac < bc ? ac : bc; tbl[i*dsiz+j] = ac < cc ? ac : cc; } } int rv = tbl[alen*dsiz+blen]; if(tbl != tbuf) TCFREE(tbl); return rv; } /* Calculate the edit distance of two UTF-8 strings. */ int tcstrdistutf(const char *astr, const char *bstr){ assert(astr && bstr); int alen = strlen(astr); uint16_t abuf[TCDISTBUFSIZ]; uint16_t *aary; if(alen < TCDISTBUFSIZ){ aary = abuf; } else { TCMALLOC(aary, alen * sizeof(*aary)); } tcstrutftoucs(astr, aary, &alen); int blen = strlen(bstr); uint16_t bbuf[TCDISTBUFSIZ]; uint16_t *bary; if(blen < TCDISTBUFSIZ){ bary = bbuf; } else { TCMALLOC(bary, blen * sizeof(*bary)); } tcstrutftoucs(bstr, bary, &blen); if(alen > TCDISTMAXLEN) alen = TCDISTMAXLEN; if(blen > TCDISTMAXLEN) blen = TCDISTMAXLEN; int dsiz = blen + 1; int tbuf[TCDISTBUFSIZ]; int *tbl; if((alen + 1) * dsiz < TCDISTBUFSIZ){ tbl = tbuf; } else { TCMALLOC(tbl, (alen + 1) * dsiz * sizeof(*tbl)); } for(int i = 0; i <= alen; i++){ tbl[i*dsiz] = i; } for(int i = 1; i <= blen; i++){ tbl[i] = i; } aary--; bary--; for(int i = 1; i <= alen; i++){ for(int j = 1; j <= blen; j++){ int ac = tbl[(i-1)*dsiz+j] + 1; int bc = tbl[i*dsiz+j-1] + 1; int cc = tbl[(i-1)*dsiz+j-1] + (aary[i] != bary[j]); ac = ac < bc ? ac : bc; tbl[i*dsiz+j] = ac < cc ? ac : cc; } } aary++; bary++; int rv = tbl[alen*dsiz+blen]; if(tbl != tbuf) TCFREE(tbl); if(bary != bbuf) TCFREE(bary); if(aary != abuf) TCFREE(aary); return rv; } /* Convert the letters of a string into upper case. */ char *tcstrtoupper(char *str){ assert(str); char *wp = str; while(*wp != '\0'){ if(*wp >= 'a' && *wp <= 'z') *wp -= 'a' - 'A'; wp++; } return str; } /* Convert the letters of a string into lower case. */ char *tcstrtolower(char *str){ assert(str); char *wp = str; while(*wp != '\0'){ if(*wp >= 'A' && *wp <= 'Z') *wp += 'a' - 'A'; wp++; } return str; } /* Cut space characters at head or tail of a string. */ char *tcstrtrim(char *str){ assert(str); const char *rp = str; char *wp = str; bool head = true; while(*rp != '\0'){ if(*rp > '\0' && *rp <= ' '){ if(!head) *(wp++) = *rp; } else { *(wp++) = *rp; head = false; } rp++; } *wp = '\0'; while(wp > str && wp[-1] > '\0' && wp[-1] <= ' '){ *(--wp) = '\0'; } return str; } /* Squeeze space characters in a string and trim it. */ char *tcstrsqzspc(char *str){ assert(str); char *rp = str; char *wp = str; bool spc = true; while(*rp != '\0'){ if(*rp > 0 && *rp <= ' '){ if(!spc) *(wp++) = *rp; spc = true; } else { *(wp++) = *rp; spc = false; } rp++; } *wp = '\0'; for(wp--; wp >= str; wp--){ if(*wp > 0 && *wp <= ' '){ *wp = '\0'; } else { break; } } return str; } /* Substitute characters in a string. */ char *tcstrsubchr(char *str, const char *rstr, const char *sstr){ assert(str && rstr && sstr); int slen = strlen(sstr); char *wp = str; for(int i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++){ const char *p = strchr(rstr, str[i]); if(p){ int idx = p - rstr; if(idx < slen) *(wp++) = sstr[idx]; } else { *(wp++) = str[i]; } } *wp = '\0'; return str; } /* Count the number of characters in a string of UTF-8. */ int tcstrcntutf(const char *str){ assert(str); const unsigned char *rp = (unsigned char *)str; int cnt = 0; while(*rp != '\0'){ if((*rp & 0x80) == 0x00 || (*rp & 0xe0) == 0xc0 || (*rp & 0xf0) == 0xe0 || (*rp & 0xf8) == 0xf0) cnt++; rp++; } return cnt; } /* Cut a string of UTF-8 at the specified number of characters. */ char *tcstrcututf(char *str, int num){ assert(str && num >= 0); unsigned char *wp = (unsigned char *)str; int cnt = 0; while(*wp != '\0'){ if((*wp & 0x80) == 0x00 || (*wp & 0xe0) == 0xc0 || (*wp & 0xf0) == 0xe0 || (*wp & 0xf8) == 0xf0){ cnt++; if(cnt > num){ *wp = '\0'; break; } } wp++; } return str; } /* Convert a UTF-8 string into a UCS-2 array. */ void tcstrutftoucs(const char *str, uint16_t *ary, int *np){ assert(str && ary && np); const unsigned char *rp = (unsigned char *)str; unsigned int wi = 0; while(*rp != '\0'){ int c = *(unsigned char *)rp; if(c < 0x80){ ary[wi++] = c; } else if(c < 0xe0){ if(rp[1] >= 0x80){ ary[wi++] = ((rp[0] & 0x1f) << 6) | (rp[1] & 0x3f); rp++; } } else if(c < 0xf0){ if(rp[1] >= 0x80 && rp[2] >= 0x80){ ary[wi++] = ((rp[0] & 0xf) << 12) | ((rp[1] & 0x3f) << 6) | (rp[2] & 0x3f); rp += 2; } } rp++; } *np = wi; } /* Convert a UCS-2 array into a UTF-8 string. */ int tcstrucstoutf(const uint16_t *ary, int num, char *str){ assert(ary && num >= 0 && str); unsigned char *wp = (unsigned char *)str; for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){ unsigned int c = ary[i]; if(c < 0x80){ *(wp++) = c; } else if(c < 0x800){ *(wp++) = 0xc0 | (c >> 6); *(wp++) = 0x80 | (c & 0x3f); } else { *(wp++) = 0xe0 | (c >> 12); *(wp++) = 0x80 | ((c & 0xfff) >> 6); *(wp++) = 0x80 | (c & 0x3f); } } *wp = '\0'; return (char *)wp - str; } /* Create a list object by splitting a string. */ TCLIST *tcstrsplit(const char *str, const char *delims){ assert(str && delims); TCLIST *list = tclistnew(); while(true){ const char *sp = str; while(*str != '\0' && !strchr(delims, *str)){ str++; } TCLISTPUSH(list, sp, str - sp); if(*str == '\0') break; str++; } return list; } /* Create a string by joining all elements of a list object. */ char *tcstrjoin(const TCLIST *list, char delim){ assert(list); int num = TCLISTNUM(list); int size = num + 1; for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){ size += TCLISTVALSIZ(list, i); } char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, size); char *wp = buf; for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){ if(i > 0) *(wp++) = delim; int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tclistval(list, i, &vsiz); memcpy(wp, vbuf, vsiz); wp += vsiz; } *wp = '\0'; return buf; } /* Convert a string to an integer. */ int64_t tcatoi(const char *str){ assert(str); while(*str > '\0' && *str <= ' '){ str++; } int sign = 1; int64_t num = 0; if(*str == '-'){ str++; sign = -1; } else if(*str == '+'){ str++; } while(*str != '\0'){ if(*str < '0' || *str > '9') break; num = num * 10 + *str - '0'; str++; } return num * sign; } /* Convert a string with a metric prefix to an integer. */ int64_t tcatoix(const char *str){ assert(str); while(*str > '\0' && *str <= ' '){ str++; } int sign = 1; if(*str == '-'){ str++; sign = -1; } else if(*str == '+'){ str++; } long double num = 0; while(*str != '\0'){ if(*str < '0' || *str > '9') break; num = num * 10 + *str - '0'; str++; } if(*str == '.'){ str++; long double base = 10; while(*str != '\0'){ if(*str < '0' || *str > '9') break; num += (*str - '0') / base; str++; base *= 10; } } num *= sign; while(*str > '\0' && *str <= ' '){ str++; } if(*str == 'k' || *str == 'K'){ num *= 1LL << 10; } else if(*str == 'm' || *str == 'M'){ num *= 1LL << 20; } else if(*str == 'g' || *str == 'G'){ num *= 1LL << 30; } else if(*str == 't' || *str == 'T'){ num *= 1LL << 40; } else if(*str == 'p' || *str == 'P'){ num *= 1LL << 50; } else if(*str == 'e' || *str == 'E'){ num *= 1LL << 60; } if(num > INT64_MAX) return INT64_MAX; if(num < INT64_MIN) return INT64_MIN; return num; } /* Convert a string to a real number. */ double tcatof(const char *str){ assert(str); while(*str > '\0' && *str <= ' '){ str++; } int sign = 1; if(*str == '-'){ str++; sign = -1; } else if(*str == '+'){ str++; } if(tcstrifwm(str, "inf")) return HUGE_VAL * sign; if(tcstrifwm(str, "nan")) return nan(""); long double num = 0; int col = 0; while(*str != '\0'){ if(*str < '0' || *str > '9') break; num = num * 10 + *str - '0'; str++; if(num > 0) col++; } if(*str == '.'){ str++; long double fract = 0.0; long double base = 10; while(col < TCLDBLCOLMAX && *str != '\0'){ if(*str < '0' || *str > '9') break; fract += (*str - '0') / base; str++; col++; base *= 10; } num += fract; } if(*str == 'e' || *str == 'E'){ str++; num *= pow(10, tcatoi(str)); } return num * sign; } /* Check whether a string matches a regular expression. */ bool tcregexmatch(const char *str, const char *regex){ assert(str && regex); int options = REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB; if(*regex == '*'){ options |= REG_ICASE; regex++; } regex_t rbuf; if(regcomp(&rbuf, regex, options) != 0) return false; bool rv = regexec(&rbuf, str, 0, NULL, 0) == 0; regfree(&rbuf); return rv; } /* Replace each substring matching a regular expression string. */ char *tcregexreplace(const char *str, const char *regex, const char *alt){ assert(str && regex && alt); int options = REG_EXTENDED; if(*regex == '*'){ options |= REG_ICASE; regex++; } regex_t rbuf; if(regex[0] == '\0' || regcomp(&rbuf, regex, options) != 0) return tcstrdup(str); regmatch_t subs[256]; if(regexec(&rbuf, str, 32, subs, 0) != 0){ regfree(&rbuf); return tcstrdup(str); } const char *sp = str; TCXSTR *xstr = tcxstrnew(); bool first = true; while(sp[0] != '\0' && regexec(&rbuf, sp, 10, subs, first ? 0 : REG_NOTBOL) == 0){ first = false; if(subs[0].rm_so == -1) break; tcxstrcat(xstr, sp, subs[0].rm_so); for(const char *rp = alt; *rp != '\0'; rp++){ if(*rp == '\\'){ if(rp[1] >= '0' && rp[1] <= '9'){ int num = rp[1] - '0'; if(subs[num].rm_so != -1 && subs[num].rm_eo != -1) tcxstrcat(xstr, sp + subs[num].rm_so, subs[num].rm_eo - subs[num].rm_so); ++rp; } else if(rp[1] != '\0'){ tcxstrcat(xstr, ++rp, 1); } } else if(*rp == '&'){ tcxstrcat(xstr, sp + subs[0].rm_so, subs[0].rm_eo - subs[0].rm_so); } else { tcxstrcat(xstr, rp, 1); } } sp += subs[0].rm_eo; if(subs[0].rm_eo < 1) break; } tcxstrcat2(xstr, sp); regfree(&rbuf); return tcxstrtomalloc(xstr); } /* Get the MD5 hash value of a serial object. */ void tcmd5hash(const void *ptr, int size, char *buf){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && buf); int i; md5_state_t ms; md5_init(&ms); md5_append(&ms, (md5_byte_t *)ptr, size); unsigned char digest[16]; md5_finish(&ms, (md5_byte_t *)digest); char *wp = buf; for(i = 0; i < 16; i++){ wp += sprintf(wp, "%02x", digest[i]); } *wp = '\0'; } /* Cipher or decipher a serial object with the Arcfour stream cipher. */ void tcarccipher(const void *ptr, int size, const void *kbuf, int ksiz, void *obuf){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && kbuf && ksiz >= 0 && obuf); if(ksiz < 1){ kbuf = ""; ksiz = 1; } uint32_t sbox[0x100], kbox[0x100]; for(int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++){ sbox[i] = i; kbox[i] = ((uint8_t *)kbuf)[i%ksiz]; } int sidx = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++){ sidx = (sidx + sbox[i] + kbox[i]) & 0xff; uint32_t swap = sbox[i]; sbox[i] = sbox[sidx]; sbox[sidx] = swap; } int x = 0; int y = 0; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ x = (x + 1) & 0xff; y = (y + sbox[x]) & 0xff; int32_t swap = sbox[x]; sbox[x] = sbox[y]; sbox[y] = swap; ((uint8_t *)obuf)[i] = ((uint8_t *)ptr)[i] ^ sbox[(sbox[x]+sbox[y])&0xff]; } } /* Get the time of day in seconds. */ double tctime(void){ struct timeval tv; if(gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) == -1) return 0.0; return (double)tv.tv_sec + (double)tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0; } /* Get the Gregorian calendar of a time. */ void tccalendar(int64_t t, int jl, int *yearp, int *monp, int *dayp, int *hourp, int *minp, int *secp){ if(t == INT64_MAX) t = time(NULL); if(jl == INT_MAX) jl = tcjetlag(); time_t tt = (time_t)t + jl; struct tm ts; if(!gmtime_r(&tt, &ts)){ if(yearp) *yearp = 0; if(monp) *monp = 0; if(dayp) *dayp = 0; if(hourp) *hourp = 0; if(minp) *minp = 0; if(secp) *secp = 0; } if(yearp) *yearp = ts.tm_year + 1900; if(monp) *monp = ts.tm_mon + 1; if(dayp) *dayp = ts.tm_mday; if(hourp) *hourp = ts.tm_hour; if(minp) *minp = ts.tm_min; if(secp) *secp = ts.tm_sec; } /* Format a date as a string in W3CDTF. */ void tcdatestrwww(int64_t t, int jl, char *buf){ assert(buf); if(t == INT64_MAX) t = time(NULL); if(jl == INT_MAX) jl = tcjetlag(); time_t tt = (time_t)t + jl; struct tm ts; if(!gmtime_r(&tt, &ts)) memset(&ts, 0, sizeof(ts)); ts.tm_year += 1900; ts.tm_mon += 1; jl /= 60; char tzone[16]; if(jl == 0){ sprintf(tzone, "Z"); } else if(jl < 0){ jl *= -1; sprintf(tzone, "-%02d:%02d", jl / 60, jl % 60); } else { sprintf(tzone, "+%02d:%02d", jl / 60, jl % 60); } sprintf(buf, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d%s", ts.tm_year, ts.tm_mon, ts.tm_mday, ts.tm_hour, ts.tm_min, ts.tm_sec, tzone); } /* Format a date as a string in RFC 1123 format. */ void tcdatestrhttp(int64_t t, int jl, char *buf){ assert(buf); if(t == INT64_MAX) t = time(NULL); if(jl == INT_MAX) jl = tcjetlag(); time_t tt = (time_t)t + jl; struct tm ts; if(!gmtime_r(&tt, &ts)) memset(&ts, 0, sizeof(ts)); ts.tm_year += 1900; ts.tm_mon += 1; jl /= 60; char *wp = buf; switch(tcdayofweek(ts.tm_year, ts.tm_mon, ts.tm_mday)){ case 0: wp += sprintf(wp, "Sun, "); break; case 1: wp += sprintf(wp, "Mon, "); break; case 2: wp += sprintf(wp, "Tue, "); break; case 3: wp += sprintf(wp, "Wed, "); break; case 4: wp += sprintf(wp, "Thu, "); break; case 5: wp += sprintf(wp, "Fri, "); break; case 6: wp += sprintf(wp, "Sat, "); break; } wp += sprintf(wp, "%02d ", ts.tm_mday); switch(ts.tm_mon){ case 1: wp += sprintf(wp, "Jan "); break; case 2: wp += sprintf(wp, "Feb "); break; case 3: wp += sprintf(wp, "Mar "); break; case 4: wp += sprintf(wp, "Apr "); break; case 5: wp += sprintf(wp, "May "); break; case 6: wp += sprintf(wp, "Jun "); break; case 7: wp += sprintf(wp, "Jul "); break; case 8: wp += sprintf(wp, "Aug "); break; case 9: wp += sprintf(wp, "Sep "); break; case 10: wp += sprintf(wp, "Oct "); break; case 11: wp += sprintf(wp, "Nov "); break; case 12: wp += sprintf(wp, "Dec "); break; } wp += sprintf(wp, "%04d %02d:%02d:%02d ", ts.tm_year, ts.tm_hour, ts.tm_min, ts.tm_sec); if(jl == 0){ sprintf(wp, "GMT"); } else if(jl < 0){ jl *= -1; sprintf(wp, "-%02d%02d", jl / 60, jl % 60); } else { sprintf(wp, "+%02d%02d", jl / 60, jl % 60); } } /* Get the time value of a date string. */ int64_t tcstrmktime(const char *str){ assert(str); while(*str > '\0' && *str <= ' '){ str++; } if(*str == '\0') return INT64_MIN; if(str[0] == '0' && (str[1] == 'x' || str[1] == 'X')) return tcatoih(str + 2); struct tm ts; memset(&ts, 0, sizeof(ts)); ts.tm_year = 70; ts.tm_mon = 0; ts.tm_mday = 1; ts.tm_hour = 0; ts.tm_min = 0; ts.tm_sec = 0; ts.tm_isdst = 0; int len = strlen(str); time_t t = (time_t)tcatoi(str); const char *pv = str; while(*pv >= '0' && *pv <= '9'){ pv++; } while(*pv > '\0' && *pv <= ' '){ pv++; } if(*pv == '\0') return (int64_t)t; if((pv[0] == 's' || pv[0] == 'S') && pv[1] >= '\0' && pv[1] <= ' ') return (int64_t)t; if((pv[0] == 'm' || pv[0] == 'M') && pv[1] >= '\0' && pv[1] <= ' ') return (int64_t)t * 60; if((pv[0] == 'h' || pv[0] == 'H') && pv[1] >= '\0' && pv[1] <= ' ') return (int64_t)t * 60 * 60; if((pv[0] == 'd' || pv[0] == 'D') && pv[1] >= '\0' && pv[1] <= ' ') return (int64_t)t * 60 * 60 * 24; if(len > 4 && str[4] == '-'){ ts.tm_year = tcatoi(str) - 1900; if((pv = strchr(str, '-')) != NULL && pv - str == 4){ const char *rp = pv + 1; ts.tm_mon = tcatoi(rp) - 1; if((pv = strchr(rp, '-')) != NULL && pv - str == 7){ rp = pv + 1; ts.tm_mday = tcatoi(rp); if((pv = strchr(rp, 'T')) != NULL && pv - str == 10){ rp = pv + 1; ts.tm_hour = tcatoi(rp); if((pv = strchr(rp, ':')) != NULL && pv - str == 13){ rp = pv + 1; ts.tm_min = tcatoi(rp); } if((pv = strchr(rp, ':')) != NULL && pv - str == 16){ rp = pv + 1; ts.tm_sec = tcatoi(rp); } if((pv = strchr(rp, '.')) != NULL && pv - str >= 19) rp = pv + 1; pv = rp; while(*pv >= '0' && *pv <= '9'){ pv++; } if((*pv == '+' || *pv == '-') && strlen(pv) >= 6 && pv[3] == ':') ts.tm_sec -= (tcatoi(pv + 1) * 3600 + tcatoi(pv + 4) * 60) * (pv[0] == '+' ? 1 : -1); } } } return (int64_t)tcmkgmtime(&ts); } if(len > 4 && str[4] == '/'){ ts.tm_year = tcatoi(str) - 1900; if((pv = strchr(str, '/')) != NULL && pv - str == 4){ const char *rp = pv + 1; ts.tm_mon = tcatoi(rp) - 1; if((pv = strchr(rp, '/')) != NULL && pv - str == 7){ rp = pv + 1; ts.tm_mday = tcatoi(rp); if((pv = strchr(rp, ' ')) != NULL && pv - str == 10){ rp = pv + 1; ts.tm_hour = tcatoi(rp); if((pv = strchr(rp, ':')) != NULL && pv - str == 13){ rp = pv + 1; ts.tm_min = tcatoi(rp); } if((pv = strchr(rp, ':')) != NULL && pv - str == 16){ rp = pv + 1; ts.tm_sec = tcatoi(rp); } if((pv = strchr(rp, '.')) != NULL && pv - str >= 19) rp = pv + 1; pv = rp; while(*pv >= '0' && *pv <= '9'){ pv++; } if((*pv == '+' || *pv == '-') && strlen(pv) >= 6 && pv[3] == ':') ts.tm_sec -= (tcatoi(pv + 1) * 3600 + tcatoi(pv + 4) * 60) * (pv[0] == '+' ? 1 : -1); } } } return (int64_t)tcmkgmtime(&ts); } const char *crp = str; if(len >= 4 && str[3] == ',') crp = str + 4; while(*crp == ' '){ crp++; } ts.tm_mday = tcatoi(crp); while((*crp >= '0' && *crp <= '9') || *crp == ' '){ crp++; } if(tcstrifwm(crp, "Jan")){ ts.tm_mon = 0; } else if(tcstrifwm(crp, "Feb")){ ts.tm_mon = 1; } else if(tcstrifwm(crp, "Mar")){ ts.tm_mon = 2; } else if(tcstrifwm(crp, "Apr")){ ts.tm_mon = 3; } else if(tcstrifwm(crp, "May")){ ts.tm_mon = 4; } else if(tcstrifwm(crp, "Jun")){ ts.tm_mon = 5; } else if(tcstrifwm(crp, "Jul")){ ts.tm_mon = 6; } else if(tcstrifwm(crp, "Aug")){ ts.tm_mon = 7; } else if(tcstrifwm(crp, "Sep")){ ts.tm_mon = 8; } else if(tcstrifwm(crp, "Oct")){ ts.tm_mon = 9; } else if(tcstrifwm(crp, "Nov")){ ts.tm_mon = 10; } else if(tcstrifwm(crp, "Dec")){ ts.tm_mon = 11; } else { ts.tm_mon = -1; } if(ts.tm_mon >= 0) crp += 3; while(*crp == ' '){ crp++; } ts.tm_year = tcatoi(crp); if(ts.tm_year >= 1969) ts.tm_year -= 1900; while(*crp >= '0' && *crp <= '9'){ crp++; } while(*crp == ' '){ crp++; } if(ts.tm_mday > 0 && ts.tm_mon >= 0 && ts.tm_year >= 0){ int clen = strlen(crp); if(clen >= 8 && crp[2] == ':' && crp[5] == ':'){ ts.tm_hour = tcatoi(crp + 0); ts.tm_min = tcatoi(crp + 3); ts.tm_sec = tcatoi(crp + 6); if(clen >= 14 && crp[8] == ' ' && (crp[9] == '+' || crp[9] == '-')){ ts.tm_sec -= ((crp[10] - '0') * 36000 + (crp[11] - '0') * 3600 + (crp[12] - '0') * 600 + (crp[13] - '0') * 60) * (crp[9] == '+' ? 1 : -1); } else if(clen > 9){ if(!strcmp(crp + 9, "JST")){ ts.tm_sec -= 9 * 3600; } else if(!strcmp(crp + 9, "CCT")){ ts.tm_sec -= 8 * 3600; } else if(!strcmp(crp + 9, "KST")){ ts.tm_sec -= 9 * 3600; } else if(!strcmp(crp + 9, "EDT")){ ts.tm_sec -= -4 * 3600; } else if(!strcmp(crp + 9, "EST")){ ts.tm_sec -= -5 * 3600; } else if(!strcmp(crp + 9, "CDT")){ ts.tm_sec -= -5 * 3600; } else if(!strcmp(crp + 9, "CST")){ ts.tm_sec -= -6 * 3600; } else if(!strcmp(crp + 9, "MDT")){ ts.tm_sec -= -6 * 3600; } else if(!strcmp(crp + 9, "MST")){ ts.tm_sec -= -7 * 3600; } else if(!strcmp(crp + 9, "PDT")){ ts.tm_sec -= -7 * 3600; } else if(!strcmp(crp + 9, "PST")){ ts.tm_sec -= -8 * 3600; } else if(!strcmp(crp + 9, "HDT")){ ts.tm_sec -= -9 * 3600; } else if(!strcmp(crp + 9, "HST")){ ts.tm_sec -= -10 * 3600; } } } return (int64_t)tcmkgmtime(&ts); } return INT64_MIN; } /* Get the jet lag of the local time. */ int tcjetlag(void){ #if defined(_SYS_LINUX_) tzset(); return -timezone; #else time_t t = 86400; struct tm gts; if(!gmtime_r(&t, >s)) return 0; struct tm lts; t = 86400; if(!localtime_r(&t, <s)) return 0; return mktime(<s) - mktime(>s); #endif } /* Get the day of week of a date. */ int tcdayofweek(int year, int mon, int day){ if(mon < 3){ year--; mon += 12; } return (day + ((8 + (13 * mon)) / 5) + (year + (year / 4) - (year / 100) + (year / 400))) % 7; } /* Close the random number generator. */ static void tcrandomfdclose(void){ close(tcrandomdevfd); } /* Make the GMT from a time structure. `tm' specifies the pointer to the time structure. The return value is the GMT. */ static time_t tcmkgmtime(struct tm *tm){ #if defined(_SYS_LINUX_) assert(tm); return timegm(tm); #else assert(tm); return mktime(tm) + tcjetlag(); #endif } /************************************************************************************************* * miscellaneous utilities (for experts) *************************************************************************************************/ #define TCCHIDXVNNUM 128 // number of virtual node of consistent hashing /* private function prototypes */ static int tcstrutfkwicputtext(const uint16_t *oary, const uint16_t *nary, int si, int ti, int end, char *buf, const TCLIST *uwords, int opts); static int tcchidxcmp(const void *a, const void *b); /* Check whether a string is numeric completely or not. */ bool tcstrisnum(const char *str){ assert(str); bool isnum = false; while(*str > '\0' && *str <= ' '){ str++; } if(*str == '-') str++; while(*str >= '0' && *str <= '9'){ isnum = true; str++; } if(*str == '.') str++; while(*str >= '0' && *str <= '9'){ isnum = true; str++; } while(*str > '\0' && *str <= ' '){ str++; } return isnum && *str == '\0'; } /* Convert a hexadecimal string to an integer. */ int64_t tcatoih(const char *str){ assert(str); while(*str > '\0' && *str <= ' '){ str++; } if(str[0] == '0' && (str[1] == 'x' || str[1] == 'X')){ str += 2; } int64_t num = 0; while(true){ if(*str >= '0' && *str <= '9'){ num = num * 0x10 + *str - '0'; } else if(*str >= 'a' && *str <= 'f'){ num = num * 0x10 + *str - 'a' + 10; } else if(*str >= 'A' && *str <= 'F'){ num = num * 0x10 + *str - 'A' + 10; } else { break; } str++; } return num; } /* Skip space characters at head of a string. */ const char *tcstrskipspc(const char *str){ assert(str); while(*str > '\0' && *str <= ' '){ str++; } return str; } /* Normalize a UTF-8 string. */ char *tcstrutfnorm(char *str, int opts){ assert(str); uint16_t buf[TCDISTBUFSIZ]; uint16_t *ary; int len = strlen(str); if(len < TCDISTBUFSIZ){ ary = buf; } else { TCMALLOC(ary, len * sizeof(*ary)); } int num; tcstrutftoucs(str, ary, &num); num = tcstrucsnorm(ary, num, opts); tcstrucstoutf(ary, num, str); if(ary != buf) TCFREE(ary); return str; } /* Normalize a UCS-2 array. */ int tcstrucsnorm(uint16_t *ary, int num, int opts){ assert(ary && num >= 0); bool spcmode = opts & TCUNSPACE; bool lowmode = opts & TCUNLOWER; bool nacmode = opts & TCUNNOACC; bool widmode = opts & TCUNWIDTH; int wi = 0; for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){ int c = ary[i]; int high = c >> 8; if(high == 0x00){ if(c <= 0x0020 || c == 0x007f){ // control characters if(spcmode){ ary[wi++] = 0x0020; if(wi < 2 || ary[wi-2] == 0x0020) wi--; } else if(c == 0x0009 || c == 0x000a || c == 0x000d){ ary[wi++] = c; } else { ary[wi++] = 0x0020; } } else if(c == 0x00a0){ // no-break space if(spcmode){ ary[wi++] = 0x0020; if(wi < 2 || ary[wi-2] == 0x0020) wi--; } else { ary[wi++] = c; } } else { // otherwise if(lowmode){ if(c < 0x007f){ if(c >= 0x0041 && c <= 0x005a) c += 0x20; } else if(c >= 0x00c0 && c <= 0x00de && c != 0x00d7){ c += 0x20; } } if(nacmode){ if(c >= 0x00c0 && c <= 0x00c5){ c = 'A'; } else if(c == 0x00c7){ c = 'C'; } if(c >= 0x00c7 && c <= 0x00cb){ c = 'E'; } if(c >= 0x00cc && c <= 0x00cf){ c = 'I'; } else if(c == 0x00d0){ c = 'D'; } else if(c == 0x00d1){ c = 'N'; } if((c >= 0x00d2 && c <= 0x00d6) || c == 0x00d8){ c = 'O'; } if(c >= 0x00d9 && c <= 0x00dc){ c = 'U'; } if(c == 0x00dd || c == 0x00de){ c = 'Y'; } else if(c == 0x00df){ c = 's'; } else if(c >= 0x00e0 && c <= 0x00e5){ c = 'a'; } else if(c == 0x00e7){ c = 'c'; } if(c >= 0x00e7 && c <= 0x00eb){ c = 'e'; } if(c >= 0x00ec && c <= 0x00ef){ c = 'i'; } else if(c == 0x00f0){ c = 'd'; } else if(c == 0x00f1){ c = 'n'; } if((c >= 0x00f2 && c <= 0x00f6) || c == 0x00f8){ c = 'o'; } if(c >= 0x00f9 && c <= 0x00fc){ c = 'u'; } if(c >= 0x00fd && c <= 0x00ff){ c = 'y'; } } ary[wi++] = c; } } else if(high == 0x01){ // latin-1 extended if(lowmode){ if(c <= 0x0137){ if((c & 1) == 0) c++; } else if(c == 0x0138){ c += 0; } else if(c <= 0x0148){ if((c & 1) == 1) c++; } else if(c == 0x0149){ c += 0; } else if(c <= 0x0177){ if((c & 1) == 0) c++; } else if(c == 0x0178){ c = 0x00ff; } else if(c <= 0x017e){ if((c & 1) == 1) c++; } else if(c == 0x017f){ c += 0; } } if(nacmode){ if(c == 0x00ff){ c = 'y'; } else if(c <= 0x0105){ c = ((c & 1) == 0) ? 'A' : 'a'; } else if(c <= 0x010d){ c = ((c & 1) == 0) ? 'C' : 'c'; } else if(c <= 0x0111){ c = ((c & 1) == 0) ? 'D' : 'd'; } else if(c <= 0x011b){ c = ((c & 1) == 0) ? 'E' : 'e'; } else if(c <= 0x0123){ c = ((c & 1) == 0) ? 'G' : 'g'; } else if(c <= 0x0127){ c = ((c & 1) == 0) ? 'H' : 'h'; } else if(c <= 0x0131){ c = ((c & 1) == 0) ? 'I' : 'i'; } else if(c == 0x0134){ c = 'J'; } else if(c == 0x0135){ c = 'j'; } else if(c == 0x0136){ c = 'K'; } else if(c == 0x0137){ c = 'k'; } else if(c == 0x0138){ c = 'k'; } else if(c >= 0x0139 && c <= 0x0142){ c = ((c & 1) == 1) ? 'L' : 'l'; } else if(c >= 0x0143 && c <= 0x0148){ c = ((c & 1) == 1) ? 'N' : 'n'; } else if(c >= 0x0149 && c <= 0x014b){ c = ((c & 1) == 0) ? 'N' : 'n'; } else if(c >= 0x014c && c <= 0x0151){ c = ((c & 1) == 0) ? 'O' : 'o'; } else if(c >= 0x0154 && c <= 0x0159){ c = ((c & 1) == 0) ? 'R' : 'r'; } else if(c >= 0x015a && c <= 0x0161){ c = ((c & 1) == 0) ? 'S' : 's'; } else if(c >= 0x0162 && c <= 0x0167){ c = ((c & 1) == 0) ? 'T' : 't'; } else if(c >= 0x0168 && c <= 0x0173){ c = ((c & 1) == 0) ? 'U' : 'u'; } else if(c == 0x0174){ c = 'W'; } else if(c == 0x0175){ c = 'w'; } else if(c == 0x0176){ c = 'Y'; } else if(c == 0x0177){ c = 'y'; } else if(c == 0x0178){ c = 'Y'; } else if(c >= 0x0179 && c <= 0x017e){ c = ((c & 1) == 1) ? 'Z' : 'z'; } else if(c == 0x017f){ c = 's'; } } ary[wi++] = c; } else if(high == 0x03){ // greek if(lowmode){ if(c >= 0x0391 && c <= 0x03a9){ c += 0x20; } else if(c >= 0x03d8 && c <= 0x03ef){ if((c & 1) == 0) c++; } else if(c == 0x0374 || c == 0x03f7 || c == 0x03fa){ c++; } } ary[wi++] = c; } else if(high == 0x04){ // cyrillic if(lowmode){ if(c <= 0x040f){ c += 0x50; } else if(c <= 0x042f){ c += 0x20; } else if(c >= 0x0460 && c <= 0x0481){ if((c & 1) == 0) c++; } else if(c >= 0x048a && c <= 0x04bf){ if((c & 1) == 0) c++; } else if(c == 0x04c0){ c = 0x04cf; } else if(c >= 0x04c1 && c <= 0x04ce){ if((c & 1) == 1) c++; } else if(c >= 0x04d0){ if((c & 1) == 0) c++; } } ary[wi++] = c; } else if(high == 0x20){ if(c == 0x2002 || c == 0x2003 || c == 0x2009){ // en space, em space, thin space if(spcmode){ ary[wi++] = 0x0020; if(wi < 2 || ary[wi-2] == 0x0020) wi--; } else { ary[wi++] = c; } } else if(c == 0x2010){ // hyphen ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x002d : c; } else if(c == 0x2015){ // fullwidth horizontal line ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x002d : c; } else if(c == 0x2019){ // apostrophe ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x0027 : c; } else if(c == 0x2033){ // double quotes ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x0022 : c; } else { // (otherwise) ary[wi++] = c; } } else if(high == 0x22){ if(c == 0x2212){ // minus sign ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x002d : c; } else { // (otherwise) ary[wi++] = c; } } else if(high == 0x30){ if(c == 0x3000){ // fullwidth space if(spcmode){ ary[wi++] = 0x0020; if(wi < 2 || ary[wi-2] == 0x0020) wi--; } else if(widmode){ ary[wi++] = 0x0020; } else { ary[wi++] = c; } } else { // (otherwise) ary[wi++] = c; } } else if(high == 0xff){ if(c == 0xff01){ // fullwidth exclamation ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x0021 : c; } else if(c == 0xff03){ // fullwidth igeta ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x0023 : c; } else if(c == 0xff04){ // fullwidth dollar ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x0024 : c; } else if(c == 0xff05){ // fullwidth parcent ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x0025 : c; } else if(c == 0xff06){ // fullwidth ampersand ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x0026 : c; } else if(c == 0xff0a){ // fullwidth asterisk ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x002a : c; } else if(c == 0xff0b){ // fullwidth plus ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x002b : c; } else if(c == 0xff0c){ // fullwidth comma ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x002c : c; } else if(c == 0xff0e){ // fullwidth period ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x002e : c; } else if(c == 0xff0f){ // fullwidth slash ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x002f : c; } else if(c == 0xff1a){ // fullwidth colon ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x003a : c; } else if(c == 0xff1b){ // fullwidth semicolon ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x003b : c; } else if(c == 0xff1d){ // fullwidth equal ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x003d : c; } else if(c == 0xff1f){ // fullwidth question ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x003f : c; } else if(c == 0xff20){ // fullwidth atmark ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x0040 : c; } else if(c == 0xff3c){ // fullwidth backslash ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x005c : c; } else if(c == 0xff3e){ // fullwidth circumflex ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x005e : c; } else if(c == 0xff3f){ // fullwidth underscore ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x005f : c; } else if(c == 0xff5c){ // fullwidth vertical line ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x007c : c; } else if(c >= 0xff21 && c <= 0xff3a){ // fullwidth alphabets if(widmode){ if(lowmode){ ary[wi++] = c - 0xfee0 + 0x20; } else { ary[wi++] = c - 0xfee0; } } else if(lowmode){ ary[wi++] = c + 0x20; } else { ary[wi++] = c; } } else if(c >= 0xff41 && c <= 0xff5a){ // fullwidth small alphabets ary[wi++] = widmode ? c - 0xfee0 : c; } else if(c >= 0xff10 && c <= 0xff19){ // fullwidth numbers ary[wi++] = widmode ? c - 0xfee0 : c; } else if(c == 0xff61){ // halfwidth full stop ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x3002 : c; } else if(c == 0xff62){ // halfwidth left corner ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x300c : c; } else if(c == 0xff63){ // halfwidth right corner ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x300d : c; } else if(c == 0xff64){ // halfwidth comma ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x3001 : c; } else if(c == 0xff65){ // halfwidth middle dot ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x30fb : c; } else if(c == 0xff66){ // halfwidth wo ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x30f2 : c; } else if(c >= 0xff67 && c <= 0xff6b){ // halfwidth small a-o ary[wi++] = widmode ? (c - 0xff67) * 2 + 0x30a1 : c; } else if(c >= 0xff6c && c <= 0xff6e){ // halfwidth small ya-yo ary[wi++] = widmode ? (c - 0xff6c) * 2 + 0x30e3 : c; } else if(c == 0xff6f){ // halfwidth small tu ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x30c3 : c; } else if(c == 0xff70){ // halfwidth prolonged mark ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x30fc : c; } else if(c >= 0xff71 && c <= 0xff75){ // halfwidth a-o if(widmode){ ary[wi] = (c - 0xff71) * 2 + 0x30a2; if(c == 0xff73 && i < num - 1 && ary[i+1] == 0xff9e){ ary[wi] = 0x30f4; i++; } wi++; } else { ary[wi++] = c; } } else if(c >= 0xff76 && c <= 0xff7a){ // halfwidth ka-ko if(widmode){ ary[wi] = (c - 0xff76) * 2 + 0x30ab; if(i < num - 1 && ary[i+1] == 0xff9e){ ary[wi]++; i++; } wi++; } else { ary[wi++] = c; } } else if(c >= 0xff7b && c <= 0xff7f){ // halfwidth sa-so if(widmode){ ary[wi] = (c - 0xff7b) * 2 + 0x30b5; if(i < num - 1 && ary[i+1] == 0xff9e){ ary[wi]++; i++; } wi++; } else { ary[wi++] = c; } } else if(c >= 0xff80 && c <= 0xff84){ // halfwidth ta-to if(widmode){ ary[wi] = (c - 0xff80) * 2 + 0x30bf + (c >= 0xff82 ? 1 : 0); if(i < num - 1 && ary[i+1] == 0xff9e){ ary[wi]++; i++; } wi++; } else { ary[wi++] = c; } } else if(c >= 0xff85 && c <= 0xff89){ // halfwidth na-no ary[wi++] = widmode ? c - 0xcebb : c; } else if(c >= 0xff8a && c <= 0xff8e){ // halfwidth ha-ho if(widmode){ ary[wi] = (c - 0xff8a) * 3 + 0x30cf; if(i < num - 1 && ary[i+1] == 0xff9e){ ary[wi]++; i++; } else if(i < num - 1 && ary[i+1] == 0xff9f){ ary[wi] += 2; i++; } wi++; } else { ary[wi++] = c; } } else if(c >= 0xff8f && c <= 0xff93){ // halfwidth ma-mo ary[wi++] = widmode ? c - 0xceb1 : c; } else if(c >= 0xff94 && c <= 0xff96){ // halfwidth ya-yo ary[wi++] = widmode ? (c - 0xff94) * 2 + 0x30e4 : c; } else if(c >= 0xff97 && c <= 0xff9b){ // halfwidth ra-ro ary[wi++] = widmode ? c - 0xceae : c; } else if(c == 0xff9c){ // halfwidth wa ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x30ef : c; } else if(c == 0xff9d){ // halfwidth nn ary[wi++] = widmode ? 0x30f3 : c; } else { // otherwise ary[wi++] = c; } } else { // otherwise ary[wi++] = c; } } if(spcmode){ while(wi > 0 && ary[wi-1] == 0x0020){ wi--; } } return wi; } /* Generate a keyword-in-context string from a text and keywords. */ TCLIST *tcstrkwic(const char *str, const TCLIST *words, int width, int opts){ assert(str && words && width >= 0); TCLIST *texts = tclistnew(); int len = strlen(str); uint16_t *oary, *nary; TCMALLOC(oary, sizeof(*oary) * len + 1); TCMALLOC(nary, sizeof(*nary) * len + 1); int oanum, nanum; tcstrutftoucs(str, oary, &oanum); tcstrutftoucs(str, nary, &nanum); nanum = tcstrucsnorm(nary, nanum, TCUNLOWER | TCUNNOACC | TCUNWIDTH); if(nanum != oanum){ memcpy(nary, oary, sizeof(*oary) * oanum); for(int i = 0; i < oanum; i++){ if(nary[i] >= 'A' && nary[i] <= 'Z') nary[i] += 'a' - 'A'; } nanum = oanum; } int wnum = TCLISTNUM(words); TCLIST *uwords = tclistnew2(wnum); for(int i = 0; i < wnum; i++){ const char *word; int wsiz; TCLISTVAL(word, words, i, wsiz); uint16_t *uwary; TCMALLOC(uwary, sizeof(*uwary) * wsiz + 1); int uwnum; tcstrutftoucs(word, uwary, &uwnum); uwnum = tcstrucsnorm(uwary, uwnum, TCUNSPACE | TCUNLOWER | TCUNNOACC | TCUNWIDTH); if(uwnum > 0){ tclistpushmalloc(uwords, uwary, sizeof(*uwary) * uwnum); } else { TCFREE(uwary); } } wnum = TCLISTNUM(uwords); int ri = 0; int pi = 0; while(ri < nanum){ int step = 0; for(int i = 0; i < wnum; i++){ const char *val; int uwnum; TCLISTVAL(val, uwords, i, uwnum); uint16_t *uwary = (uint16_t *)val; uwnum /= sizeof(*uwary); if(ri + uwnum <= nanum){ int ci = 0; while(ci < uwnum && nary[ri+ci] == uwary[ci]){ ci++; } if(ci == uwnum){ int si = tclmax(ri - width, 0); if(opts & TCKWNOOVER) si = tclmax(si, pi); int ti = tclmin(ri + uwnum + width, nanum); char *tbuf; TCMALLOC(tbuf, (ti - si) * 5 + 1); int wi = 0; if(ri > si) wi += tcstrutfkwicputtext(oary, nary, si, ri, ri, tbuf + wi, uwords, opts); if(opts & TCKWMUTAB){ tbuf[wi++] = '\t'; } else if(opts & TCKWMUCTRL){ tbuf[wi++] = 0x02; } else if(opts & TCKWMUBRCT){ tbuf[wi++] = '['; } wi += tcstrucstoutf(oary + ri, ci, tbuf + wi); if(opts & TCKWMUTAB){ tbuf[wi++] = '\t'; } else if(opts & TCKWMUCTRL){ tbuf[wi++] = 0x03; } else if(opts & TCKWMUBRCT){ tbuf[wi++] = ']'; } if(ti > ri + ci) wi += tcstrutfkwicputtext(oary, nary, ri + ci, ti, nanum, tbuf + wi, uwords, opts); if(wi > 0){ tclistpushmalloc(texts, tbuf, wi); } else { TCFREE(tbuf); } if(ti > step) step = ti; if(step > pi) pi = step; if(opts & TCKWNOOVER) break; } } } if(ri == 0 && step < 1 && (opts & TCKWPULEAD)){ int ti = tclmin(ri + width * 2, nanum); if(ti > 0){ char *tbuf; TCMALLOC(tbuf, ti * 5 + 1); int wi = 0; wi += tcstrutfkwicputtext(oary, nary, 0, ti, nanum, tbuf + wi, uwords, opts); if(!(opts & TCKWNOOVER) && opts & TCKWMUTAB){ tbuf[wi++] = '\t'; tbuf[wi++] = '\t'; } tclistpushmalloc(texts, tbuf, wi); } step = ti; } if(opts & TCKWNOOVER){ ri = (step > 0) ? step : ri + 1; } else { ri++; } } tclistdel(uwords); TCFREE(nary); TCFREE(oary); return texts; } /* Tokenize a text separating by white space characters. */ TCLIST *tcstrtokenize(const char *str){ assert(str); TCLIST *tokens = tclistnew(); const unsigned char *rp = (unsigned char *)str; while(*rp != '\0'){ while(*rp <= ' '){ rp++; } if(*rp == '"'){ rp++; TCXSTR *buf = tcxstrnew(); while(*rp != '\0'){ if(*rp == '\\'){ rp++; if(*rp != '\0') TCXSTRCAT(buf, rp, 1); rp++; } else if(*rp == '"'){ rp++; break; } else { TCXSTRCAT(buf, rp, 1); rp++; } } int size = TCXSTRSIZE(buf); tclistpushmalloc(tokens, tcxstrtomalloc(buf), size); } else { const unsigned char *ep = rp; while(*ep > ' '){ ep++; } if(ep > rp) TCLISTPUSH(tokens, rp, ep - rp); if(*ep != '\0'){ rp = ep + 1; } else { break; } } } return tokens; } /* Create a list object by splitting a region by zero code. */ TCLIST *tcstrsplit2(const void *ptr, int size){ assert(ptr && size >= 0); TCLIST *list = tclistnew(); while(size >= 0){ const char *rp = ptr; const char *ep = (const char *)ptr + size; while(rp < ep){ if(*rp == '\0') break; rp++; } TCLISTPUSH(list, ptr, rp - (const char *)ptr); rp++; size -= rp - (const char *)ptr; ptr = rp; } return list; } /* Create a map object by splitting a string. */ TCMAP *tcstrsplit3(const char *str, const char *delims){ assert(str && delims); TCMAP *map = tcmapnew2(TCMAPTINYBNUM); const char *kbuf = NULL; int ksiz = 0; while(true){ const char *sp = str; while(*str != '\0' && !strchr(delims, *str)){ str++; } if(kbuf){ tcmapput(map, kbuf, ksiz, sp, str - sp); kbuf = NULL; } else { kbuf = sp; ksiz = str - sp; } if(*str == '\0') break; str++; } return map; } /* Create a map object by splitting a region by zero code. */ TCMAP *tcstrsplit4(const void *ptr, int size){ assert(ptr && size >= 0); TCMAP *map = tcmapnew2(tclmin(size / 6 + 1, TCMAPDEFBNUM)); const char *kbuf = NULL; int ksiz = 0; while(size >= 0){ const char *rp = ptr; const char *ep = (const char *)ptr + size; while(rp < ep){ if(*rp == '\0') break; rp++; } if(kbuf){ tcmapput(map, kbuf, ksiz, ptr, rp - (const char *)ptr); kbuf = NULL; } else { kbuf = ptr; ksiz = rp - (const char *)ptr; } rp++; size -= rp - (const char *)ptr; ptr = rp; } return map; } /* Create a region separated by zero code by joining all elements of a list object. */ void *tcstrjoin2(const TCLIST *list, int *sp){ assert(list && sp); int num = TCLISTNUM(list); int size = num + 1; for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){ size += TCLISTVALSIZ(list, i); } char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, size); char *wp = buf; for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){ if(i > 0) *(wp++) = '\0'; int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tclistval(list, i, &vsiz); memcpy(wp, vbuf, vsiz); wp += vsiz; } *wp = '\0'; *sp = wp - buf; return buf; } /* Create a string by joining all records of a map object. */ char *tcstrjoin3(const TCMAP *map, char delim){ assert(map); int num = (int)TCMAPRNUM(map); int size = num * 2 + 1; TCMAPREC *cur = map->cur; tcmapiterinit((TCMAP *)map); const char *kbuf; int ksiz; while((kbuf = tcmapiternext((TCMAP *)map, &ksiz)) != NULL){ int vsiz; tcmapiterval(kbuf, &vsiz); size += ksiz + vsiz; } char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, size); char *wp = buf; tcmapiterinit((TCMAP *)map); bool first = true; while((kbuf = tcmapiternext((TCMAP *)map, &ksiz)) != NULL){ if(first){ first = false; } else { *(wp++) = delim; } memcpy(wp, kbuf, ksiz); wp += ksiz; int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tcmapiterval(kbuf, &vsiz); *(wp++) = delim; memcpy(wp, vbuf, vsiz); wp += vsiz; } *wp = '\0'; ((TCMAP *)map)->cur = cur; return buf; } /* Create a region separated by zero code by joining all records of a map object. */ void *tcstrjoin4(const TCMAP *map, int *sp){ assert(map && sp); int num = (int)TCMAPRNUM(map); int size = num * 2 + 1; TCMAPREC *cur = map->cur; tcmapiterinit((TCMAP *)map); const char *kbuf; int ksiz; while((kbuf = tcmapiternext((TCMAP *)map, &ksiz)) != NULL){ int vsiz; tcmapiterval(kbuf, &vsiz); size += ksiz + vsiz; } char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, size); char *wp = buf; tcmapiterinit((TCMAP *)map); bool first = true; while((kbuf = tcmapiternext((TCMAP *)map, &ksiz)) != NULL){ if(first){ first = false; } else { *(wp++) = '\0'; } memcpy(wp, kbuf, ksiz); wp += ksiz; int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tcmapiterval(kbuf, &vsiz); *(wp++) = '\0'; memcpy(wp, vbuf, vsiz); wp += vsiz; } *wp = '\0'; *sp = wp - buf; ((TCMAP *)map)->cur = cur; return buf; } /* Sort top records of an array. */ void tctopsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, size_t top, int(*compar)(const void *, const void *)){ assert(base && size > 0 && compar); if(nmemb < 1) return; if(top > nmemb) top = nmemb; char *bp = base; char *ep = bp + nmemb * size; char *rp = bp + size; int num = 1; char swap[size]; while(rp < ep){ if(num < top){ int cidx = num; while(cidx > 0){ int pidx = (cidx - 1) / 2; if(compar(bp + cidx * size, bp + pidx * size) <= 0) break; memcpy(swap, bp + cidx * size, size); memcpy(bp + cidx * size, bp + pidx * size, size); memcpy(bp + pidx * size, swap, size); cidx = pidx; } num++; } else if(compar(rp, bp) < 0){ memcpy(swap, bp, size); memcpy(bp, rp, size); memcpy(rp, swap, size); int pidx = 0; int bot = num / 2; while(pidx < bot){ int cidx = pidx * 2 + 1; if(cidx < num - 1 && compar(bp + cidx * size, bp + (cidx + 1) * size) < 0) cidx++; if(compar(bp + pidx * size, bp + cidx * size) > 0) break; memcpy(swap, bp + pidx * size, size); memcpy(bp + pidx * size, bp + cidx * size, size); memcpy(bp + cidx * size, swap, size); pidx = cidx; } } rp += size; } num = top - 1; while(num > 0){ memcpy(swap, bp, size); memcpy(bp, bp + num * size, size); memcpy(bp + num * size, swap, size); int pidx = 0; int bot = num / 2; while(pidx < bot){ int cidx = pidx * 2 + 1; if(cidx < num - 1 && compar(bp + cidx * size, bp + (cidx + 1) * size) < 0) cidx++; if(compar(bp + pidx * size, bp + cidx * size) > 0) break; memcpy(swap, bp + pidx * size, size); memcpy(bp + pidx * size, bp + cidx * size, size); memcpy(bp + cidx * size, swap, size); pidx = cidx; } num--; } } /* Suspend execution of the current thread. */ bool tcsleep(double sec){ if(!isnormal(sec) || sec <= 0.0) return false; if(sec <= 1.0 / sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)) return sched_yield() == 0; double integ, fract; fract = modf(sec, &integ); struct timespec req, rem; req.tv_sec = integ; req.tv_nsec = tclmin(fract * 1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0, 999999999); while(nanosleep(&req, &rem) != 0){ if(errno != EINTR) return false; req = rem; } return true; } /* Get the current system information. */ TCMAP *tcsysinfo(void){ #if defined(_SYS_LINUX_) TCMAP *info = tcmapnew2(TCMAPTINYBNUM); struct rusage rbuf; memset(&rbuf, 0, sizeof(rbuf)); if(getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rbuf) == 0){ tcmapprintf(info, "utime", "%0.6f", rbuf.ru_utime.tv_sec + rbuf.ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000000.0); tcmapprintf(info, "stime", "%0.6f", rbuf.ru_stime.tv_sec + rbuf.ru_stime.tv_usec / 1000000.0); } TCLIST *lines = tcreadfilelines("/proc/self/status"); if(lines){ int ln = tclistnum(lines); for(int i = 0; i < ln; i++){ const char *line = TCLISTVALPTR(lines, i); const char *rp = strchr(line, ':'); if(!rp) continue; rp++; while(*rp > '\0' && *rp <= ' '){ rp++; } if(tcstrifwm(line, "VmSize:")){ int64_t size = tcatoix(rp); if(size > 0) tcmapprintf(info, "size", "%lld", (long long)size); } else if(tcstrifwm(line, "VmRSS:")){ int64_t size = tcatoix(rp); if(size > 0) tcmapprintf(info, "rss", "%lld", (long long)size); } } tclistdel(lines); } lines = tcreadfilelines("/proc/meminfo"); if(lines){ int ln = tclistnum(lines); for(int i = 0; i < ln; i++){ const char *line = TCLISTVALPTR(lines, i); const char *rp = strchr(line, ':'); if(!rp) continue; rp++; while(*rp > '\0' && *rp <= ' '){ rp++; } if(tcstrifwm(line, "MemTotal:")){ int64_t size = tcatoix(rp); if(size > 0) tcmapprintf(info, "total", "%lld", (long long)size); } else if(tcstrifwm(line, "MemFree:")){ int64_t size = tcatoix(rp); if(size > 0) tcmapprintf(info, "free", "%lld", (long long)size); } else if(tcstrifwm(line, "Cached:")){ int64_t size = tcatoix(rp); if(size > 0) tcmapprintf(info, "cached", "%lld", (long long)size); } } tclistdel(lines); } lines = tcreadfilelines("/proc/cpuinfo"); if(lines){ int cnum = 0; int ln = tclistnum(lines); for(int i = 0; i < ln; i++){ const char *line = TCLISTVALPTR(lines, i); if(tcstrifwm(line, "processor")) cnum++; } if(cnum > 0) tcmapprintf(info, "corenum", "%lld", (long long)cnum); tclistdel(lines); } return info; #elif defined(_SYS_FREEBSD_) || defined(_SYS_MACOSX_) TCMAP *info = tcmapnew2(TCMAPTINYBNUM); struct rusage rbuf; memset(&rbuf, 0, sizeof(rbuf)); if(getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rbuf) == 0){ tcmapprintf(info, "utime", "%0.6f", rbuf.ru_utime.tv_sec + rbuf.ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000000.0); tcmapprintf(info, "stime", "%0.6f", rbuf.ru_stime.tv_sec + rbuf.ru_stime.tv_usec / 1000000.0); long tck = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); int64_t size = (((double)rbuf.ru_ixrss + rbuf.ru_idrss + rbuf.ru_isrss) / tck) * 1024.0; if(size > 0) tcmapprintf(info, "rss", "%lld", (long long)size); } return info; #else TCMAP *info = tcmapnew2(TCMAPTINYBNUM); struct rusage rbuf; memset(&rbuf, 0, sizeof(rbuf)); if(getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rbuf) == 0){ tcmapprintf(info, "utime", "%0.6f", rbuf.ru_utime.tv_sec + rbuf.ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000000.0); tcmapprintf(info, "stime", "%0.6f", rbuf.ru_stime.tv_sec + rbuf.ru_stime.tv_usec / 1000000.0); } return info; #endif } /* Create a consistent hashing object. */ TCCHIDX *tcchidxnew(int range){ assert(range > 0); TCCHIDX *chidx; TCMALLOC(chidx, sizeof(*chidx)); int nnum = range * TCCHIDXVNNUM; TCCHIDXNODE *nodes; TCMALLOC(nodes, nnum * sizeof(*nodes)); unsigned int seed = 725; for(int i = 0; i < range; i++){ int end = (i + 1) * TCCHIDXVNNUM; for(int j = i * TCCHIDXVNNUM; j < end; j++){ nodes[j].seq = i; nodes[j].hash = (seed = seed * 123456761 + 211); } } qsort(nodes, nnum, sizeof(*nodes), tcchidxcmp); chidx->nodes = nodes; chidx->nnum = nnum; return chidx; } /* Delete a consistent hashing object. */ void tcchidxdel(TCCHIDX *chidx){ assert(chidx); TCFREE(chidx->nodes); TCFREE(chidx); } /* Get the consistent hashing value of a record. */ int tcchidxhash(TCCHIDX *chidx, const void *ptr, int size){ assert(chidx && ptr && size >= 0); uint32_t hash = 19771007; const char *rp = (char *)ptr + size; while(size--){ hash = (hash * 31) ^ *(uint8_t *)--rp; hash ^= hash << 7; } TCCHIDXNODE *nodes = chidx->nodes; int low = 0; int high = chidx->nnum; while(low < high){ int mid = (low + high) >> 1; uint32_t nhash = nodes[mid].hash; if(hash < nhash){ high = mid; } else if(hash > nhash){ low = mid + 1; } else { low = mid; break; } } if(low >= chidx->nnum) low = 0; return nodes[low].seq & INT_MAX; } /* Put a text into a KWIC buffer. `oary' specifies the original code array. `nary' specifies the normalized code array. `si' specifies the start index of the text. `ti' specifies the terminal index of the text. `end' specifies the end index of the code array. `buf' specifies the pointer to the output buffer. `uwords' specifies the list object of the words to be marked up. `opts' specifies the options. The return value is the length of the output. */ static int tcstrutfkwicputtext(const uint16_t *oary, const uint16_t *nary, int si, int ti, int end, char *buf, const TCLIST *uwords, int opts){ assert(oary && nary && si >= 0 && ti >= 0 && end >= 0 && buf && uwords); if(!(opts & TCKWNOOVER)) return tcstrucstoutf(oary + si, ti - si, buf); if(!(opts & TCKWMUTAB) && !(opts & TCKWMUCTRL) && !(opts & TCKWMUBRCT)) return tcstrucstoutf(oary + si, ti - si, buf); int wnum = TCLISTNUM(uwords); int ri = si; int wi = 0; while(ri < ti){ int step = 0; for(int i = 0; i < wnum; i++){ const char *val; int uwnum; TCLISTVAL(val, uwords, i, uwnum); uint16_t *uwary = (uint16_t *)val; uwnum /= sizeof(*uwary); if(ri + uwnum <= end){ int ci = 0; while(ci < uwnum && nary[ri+ci] == uwary[ci]){ ci++; } if(ci == uwnum){ if(opts & TCKWMUTAB){ buf[wi++] = '\t'; } else if(opts & TCKWMUCTRL){ buf[wi++] = 0x02; } else if(opts & TCKWMUBRCT){ buf[wi++] = '['; } wi += tcstrucstoutf(oary + ri, ci, buf + wi); if(opts & TCKWMUTAB){ buf[wi++] = '\t'; } else if(opts & TCKWMUCTRL){ buf[wi++] = 0x03; } else if(opts & TCKWMUBRCT){ buf[wi++] = ']'; } step = ri + ci; break; } } } if(step > 0){ ri = step; } else { wi += tcstrucstoutf(oary + ri, 1, buf + wi); ri++; } } return wi; } /* Compare two consistent hashing nodes. `a' specifies the pointer to one node object. `b' specifies the pointer to the other node object. The return value is positive if the former is big, negative if the latter is big, 0 if both are equivalent. */ static int tcchidxcmp(const void *a, const void *b){ if(((TCCHIDXNODE *)a)->hash == ((TCCHIDXNODE *)b)->hash) return 0; return ((TCCHIDXNODE *)a)->hash > ((TCCHIDXNODE *)b)->hash; } /************************************************************************************************* * filesystem utilities *************************************************************************************************/ #define TCFILEMODE 00644 // permission of a creating file #define TCIOBUFSIZ 16384 // size of an I/O buffer /* Get the canonicalized absolute path of a file. */ char *tcrealpath(const char *path){ assert(path); char buf[PATH_MAX+1]; if(realpath(path, buf)) return tcstrdup(buf); if(errno == ENOENT){ const char *pv = strrchr(path, MYPATHCHR); if(pv){ if(pv == path) return tcstrdup(path); char *prefix = tcmemdup(path, pv - path); if(!realpath(prefix, buf)){ TCFREE(prefix); return NULL; } TCFREE(prefix); pv++; } else { if(!realpath(MYCDIRSTR, buf)) return NULL; pv = path; } if(buf[0] == MYPATHCHR && buf[1] == '\0') buf[0] = '\0'; char *str; TCMALLOC(str, strlen(buf) + strlen(pv) + 2); sprintf(str, "%s%c%s", buf, MYPATHCHR, pv); return str; } return NULL; } /* Get the status information of a file. */ bool tcstatfile(const char *path, bool *isdirp, int64_t *sizep, int64_t *mtimep){ assert(path); struct stat sbuf; if(stat(path, &sbuf) != 0) return false; if(isdirp) *isdirp = S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode); if(sizep) *sizep = sbuf.st_size; if(mtimep) *mtimep = sbuf.st_mtime; return true; } /* Read whole data of a file. */ void *tcreadfile(const char *path, int limit, int *sp){ int fd = path ? open(path, O_RDONLY, TCFILEMODE) : 0; if(fd == -1) return NULL; if(fd == 0){ TCXSTR *xstr = tcxstrnew(); char buf[TCIOBUFSIZ]; limit = limit > 0 ? limit : INT_MAX; int rsiz; while((rsiz = read(fd, buf, tclmin(TCIOBUFSIZ, limit))) > 0){ TCXSTRCAT(xstr, buf, rsiz); limit -= rsiz; } if(sp) *sp = TCXSTRSIZE(xstr); return tcxstrtomalloc(xstr); } struct stat sbuf; if(fstat(fd, &sbuf) == -1 || !S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode)){ close(fd); return NULL; } limit = limit > 0 ? tclmin((int)sbuf.st_size, limit) : sbuf.st_size; char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, sbuf.st_size + 1); char *wp = buf; int rsiz; while((rsiz = read(fd, wp, limit - (wp - buf))) > 0){ wp += rsiz; } *wp = '\0'; close(fd); if(sp) *sp = wp - buf; return buf; } /* Read every line of a file. */ TCLIST *tcreadfilelines(const char *path){ int fd = path ? open(path, O_RDONLY, TCFILEMODE) : 0; if(fd == -1) return NULL; TCLIST *list = tclistnew(); TCXSTR *xstr = tcxstrnew(); char buf[TCIOBUFSIZ]; int rsiz; while((rsiz = read(fd, buf, TCIOBUFSIZ)) > 0){ for(int i = 0; i < rsiz; i++){ switch(buf[i]){ case '\r': break; case '\n': TCLISTPUSH(list, TCXSTRPTR(xstr), TCXSTRSIZE(xstr)); tcxstrclear(xstr); break; default: TCXSTRCAT(xstr, buf + i, 1); break; } } } TCLISTPUSH(list, TCXSTRPTR(xstr), TCXSTRSIZE(xstr)); tcxstrdel(xstr); if(path) close(fd); return list; } /* Write data into a file. */ bool tcwritefile(const char *path, const void *ptr, int size){ assert(ptr && size >= 0); int fd = 1; if(path && (fd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, TCFILEMODE)) == -1) return false; bool err = false; if(!tcwrite(fd, ptr, size)) err = true; if(close(fd) == -1) err = true; return !err; } /* Copy a file. */ bool tccopyfile(const char *src, const char *dest){ int ifd = open(src, O_RDONLY, TCFILEMODE); if(ifd == -1) return false; int ofd = open(dest, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, TCFILEMODE); if(ofd == -1){ close(ifd); return false; } bool err = false; while(true){ char buf[TCIOBUFSIZ]; int size = read(ifd, buf, TCIOBUFSIZ); if(size > 0){ if(!tcwrite(ofd, buf, size)){ err = true; break; } } else if(size == -1){ if(errno != EINTR){ err = true; break; } } else { break; } } if(close(ofd) == -1) err = true; if(close(ifd) == -1) err = true; return !err; } /* Read names of files in a directory. */ TCLIST *tcreaddir(const char *path){ assert(path); DIR *DD; struct dirent *dp; if(!(DD = opendir(path))) return NULL; TCLIST *list = tclistnew(); while((dp = readdir(DD)) != NULL){ if(!strcmp(dp->d_name, MYCDIRSTR) || !strcmp(dp->d_name, MYPDIRSTR)) continue; TCLISTPUSH(list, dp->d_name, strlen(dp->d_name)); } closedir(DD); return list; } /* Expand a pattern into a list of matched paths. */ TCLIST *tcglobpat(const char *pattern){ assert(pattern); TCLIST *list = tclistnew(); glob_t gbuf; memset(&gbuf, 0, sizeof(gbuf)); if(glob(pattern, GLOB_ERR | GLOB_NOSORT, NULL, &gbuf) == 0){ for(int i = 0; i < gbuf.gl_pathc; i++){ tclistpush2(list, gbuf.gl_pathv[i]); } globfree(&gbuf); } return list; } /* Remove a file or a directory and its sub ones recursively. */ bool tcremovelink(const char *path){ assert(path); struct stat sbuf; if(lstat(path, &sbuf) == -1) return false; if(unlink(path) == 0) return true; TCLIST *list; if(!S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode) || !(list = tcreaddir(path))) return false; bool tail = path[0] != '\0' && path[strlen(path)-1] == MYPATHCHR; for(int i = 0; i < TCLISTNUM(list); i++){ const char *elem = TCLISTVALPTR(list, i); if(!strcmp(MYCDIRSTR, elem) || !strcmp(MYPDIRSTR, elem)) continue; char *cpath; if(tail){ cpath = tcsprintf("%s%s", path, elem); } else { cpath = tcsprintf("%s%c%s", path, MYPATHCHR, elem); } tcremovelink(cpath); TCFREE(cpath); } tclistdel(list); return rmdir(path) == 0 ? true : false; } /* Write data into a file. */ bool tcwrite(int fd, const void *buf, size_t size){ assert(fd >= 0 && buf && size >= 0); const char *rp = buf; do { int wb = write(fd, rp, size); switch(wb){ case -1: if(errno != EINTR) return false; case 0: break; default: rp += wb; size -= wb; break; } } while(size > 0); return true; } /* Read data from a file. */ bool tcread(int fd, void *buf, size_t size){ assert(fd >= 0 && buf && size >= 0); char *wp = buf; do { int rb = read(fd, wp, size); switch(rb){ case -1: if(errno != EINTR) return false; case 0: return size < 1; default: wp += rb; size -= rb; } } while(size > 0); return true; } /* Lock a file. */ bool tclock(int fd, bool ex, bool nb){ assert(fd >= 0); struct flock lock; memset(&lock, 0, sizeof(struct flock)); lock.l_type = ex ? F_WRLCK : F_RDLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = 0; lock.l_len = 0; lock.l_pid = 0; while(fcntl(fd, nb ? F_SETLK : F_SETLKW, &lock) == -1){ if(errno != EINTR) return false; } return true; } /* Unlock a file. */ bool tcunlock(int fd){ assert(fd >= 0); struct flock lock; memset(&lock, 0, sizeof(struct flock)); lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = 0; lock.l_len = 0; lock.l_pid = 0; while(fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &lock) == -1){ if(errno != EINTR) return false; } return true; } /* Execute a shell command. */ int tcsystem(const char **args, int anum){ assert(args && anum >= 0); if(anum < 1) return -1; TCXSTR *phrase = tcxstrnew3(anum * TCNUMBUFSIZ + 1); for(int i = 0; i < anum; i++){ const char *rp = args[i]; int len = strlen(rp); char *token; TCMALLOC(token, len * 2 + 1); char *wp = token; while(*rp != '\0'){ switch(*rp){ case '"': case '\\': case '$': case '`': *(wp++) = '\\'; *(wp++) = *rp; break; default: *(wp++) = *rp; break; } rp++; } *wp = '\0'; if(tcxstrsize(phrase)) tcxstrcat(phrase, " ", 1); tcxstrprintf(phrase, "\"%s\"", token); TCFREE(token); } int rv = system(tcxstrptr(phrase)); if(WIFEXITED(rv)){ rv = WEXITSTATUS(rv); } else { rv = INT_MAX; } tcxstrdel(phrase); return rv; } /************************************************************************************************* * encoding utilities *************************************************************************************************/ #define TCENCBUFSIZ 32 // size of a buffer for encoding name #define TCXMLATBNUM 31 // bucket number of XML attributes /* Encode a serial object with URL encoding. */ char *tcurlencode(const char *ptr, int size){ assert(ptr && size >= 0); char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, size * 3 + 1); char *wp = buf; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ int c = ((unsigned char *)ptr)[i]; if((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c != '\0' && strchr("_-.!~*'()", c))){ *(wp++) = c; } else { wp += sprintf(wp, "%%%02X", c); } } *wp = '\0'; return buf; } /* Decode a string encoded with URL encoding. */ char *tcurldecode(const char *str, int *sp){ assert(str && sp); char *buf = tcstrdup(str); char *wp = buf; while(*str != '\0'){ if(*str == '%'){ str++; if(((str[0] >= '0' && str[0] <= '9') || (str[0] >= 'A' && str[0] <= 'F') || (str[0] >= 'a' && str[0] <= 'f')) && ((str[1] >= '0' && str[1] <= '9') || (str[1] >= 'A' && str[1] <= 'F') || (str[1] >= 'a' && str[1] <= 'f'))){ unsigned char c = *str; if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c += 'a' - 'A'; if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'){ *wp = c - 'a' + 10; } else { *wp = c - '0'; } *wp *= 0x10; str++; c = *str; if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c += 'a' - 'A'; if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'){ *wp += c - 'a' + 10; } else { *wp += c - '0'; } str++; wp++; } else { break; } } else if(*str == '+'){ *wp = ' '; str++; wp++; } else { *wp = *str; str++; wp++; } } *wp = '\0'; *sp = wp - buf; return buf; } /* Break up a URL into elements. */ TCMAP *tcurlbreak(const char *str){ assert(str); TCMAP *map = tcmapnew2(TCMAPTINYBNUM); char *trim = tcstrdup(str); tcstrtrim(trim); const char *rp = trim; char *norm; TCMALLOC(norm, strlen(trim) * 3 + 1); char *wp = norm; while(*rp != '\0'){ if(*rp > 0x20 && *rp < 0x7f){ *(wp++) = *rp; } else { wp += sprintf(wp, "%%%02X", *(unsigned char *)rp); } rp++; } *wp = '\0'; rp = norm; tcmapput2(map, "self", rp); bool serv = false; if(tcstrifwm(rp, "http://")){ tcmapput2(map, "scheme", "http"); rp += 7; serv = true; } else if(tcstrifwm(rp, "https://")){ tcmapput2(map, "scheme", "https"); rp += 8; serv = true; } else if(tcstrifwm(rp, "ftp://")){ tcmapput2(map, "scheme", "ftp"); rp += 6; serv = true; } else if(tcstrifwm(rp, "sftp://")){ tcmapput2(map, "scheme", "sftp"); rp += 7; serv = true; } else if(tcstrifwm(rp, "ftps://")){ tcmapput2(map, "scheme", "ftps"); rp += 7; serv = true; } else if(tcstrifwm(rp, "tftp://")){ tcmapput2(map, "scheme", "tftp"); rp += 7; serv = true; } else if(tcstrifwm(rp, "ldap://")){ tcmapput2(map, "scheme", "ldap"); rp += 7; serv = true; } else if(tcstrifwm(rp, "ldaps://")){ tcmapput2(map, "scheme", "ldaps"); rp += 8; serv = true; } else if(tcstrifwm(rp, "file://")){ tcmapput2(map, "scheme", "file"); rp += 7; serv = true; } char *ep; if((ep = strchr(rp, '#')) != NULL){ tcmapput2(map, "fragment", ep + 1); *ep = '\0'; } if((ep = strchr(rp, '?')) != NULL){ tcmapput2(map, "query", ep + 1); *ep = '\0'; } if(serv){ if((ep = strchr(rp, '/')) != NULL){ tcmapput2(map, "path", ep); *ep = '\0'; } else { tcmapput2(map, "path", "/"); } if((ep = strchr(rp, '@')) != NULL){ *ep = '\0'; if(rp[0] != '\0') tcmapput2(map, "authority", rp); rp = ep + 1; } if((ep = strchr(rp, ':')) != NULL){ if(ep[1] != '\0') tcmapput2(map, "port", ep + 1); *ep = '\0'; } if(rp[0] != '\0') tcmapput2(map, "host", rp); } else { tcmapput2(map, "path", rp); } TCFREE(norm); TCFREE(trim); if((rp = tcmapget2(map, "path")) != NULL){ if((ep = strrchr(rp, '/')) != NULL){ if(ep[1] != '\0') tcmapput2(map, "file", ep + 1); } else { tcmapput2(map, "file", rp); } } if((rp = tcmapget2(map, "file")) != NULL && (!strcmp(rp, ".") || !strcmp(rp, ".."))) tcmapout2(map, "file"); return map; } /* Resolve a relative URL with an absolute URL. */ char *tcurlresolve(const char *base, const char *target){ assert(base && target); const char *vbuf, *path; char *tmp, *wp, *enc; while(*base > '\0' && *base <= ' '){ base++; } while(*target > '\0' && *target <= ' '){ target++; } if(*target == '\0') target = base; TCXSTR *rbuf = tcxstrnew(); TCMAP *telems = tcurlbreak(target); int port = 80; TCMAP *belems = tcurlbreak(tcmapget2(telems, "scheme") ? target : base); if((vbuf = tcmapget2(belems, "scheme")) != NULL){ tcxstrcat2(rbuf, vbuf); TCXSTRCAT(rbuf, "://", 3); if(!tcstricmp(vbuf, "https")){ port = 443; } else if(!tcstricmp(vbuf, "ftp")){ port = 21; } else if(!tcstricmp(vbuf, "sftp")){ port = 115; } else if(!tcstricmp(vbuf, "ftps")){ port = 22; } else if(!tcstricmp(vbuf, "tftp")){ port = 69; } else if(!tcstricmp(vbuf, "ldap")){ port = 389; } else if(!tcstricmp(vbuf, "ldaps")){ port = 636; } } else { tcxstrcat2(rbuf, "http://"); } int vsiz; if((vbuf = tcmapget2(belems, "authority")) != NULL){ if((wp = strchr(vbuf, ':')) != NULL){ *wp = '\0'; tmp = tcurldecode(vbuf, &vsiz); enc = tcurlencode(tmp, vsiz); tcxstrcat2(rbuf, enc); TCFREE(enc); TCFREE(tmp); TCXSTRCAT(rbuf, ":", 1); wp++; tmp = tcurldecode(wp, &vsiz); enc = tcurlencode(tmp, vsiz); tcxstrcat2(rbuf, enc); TCFREE(enc); TCFREE(tmp); } else { tmp = tcurldecode(vbuf, &vsiz); enc = tcurlencode(tmp, vsiz); tcxstrcat2(rbuf, enc); TCFREE(enc); TCFREE(tmp); } TCXSTRCAT(rbuf, "@", 1); } if((vbuf = tcmapget2(belems, "host")) != NULL){ tmp = tcurldecode(vbuf, &vsiz); tcstrtolower(tmp); enc = tcurlencode(tmp, vsiz); tcxstrcat2(rbuf, enc); TCFREE(enc); TCFREE(tmp); } else { TCXSTRCAT(rbuf, "localhost", 9); } int num; char numbuf[TCNUMBUFSIZ]; if((vbuf = tcmapget2(belems, "port")) != NULL && (num = tcatoi(vbuf)) != port && num > 0){ sprintf(numbuf, ":%d", num); tcxstrcat2(rbuf, numbuf); } if(!(path = tcmapget2(telems, "path"))) path = "/"; if(path[0] == '\0' && (vbuf = tcmapget2(belems, "path")) != NULL) path = vbuf; if(path[0] == '\0') path = "/"; TCLIST *bpaths = tclistnew(); TCLIST *opaths; if(path[0] != '/' && (vbuf = tcmapget2(belems, "path")) != NULL){ opaths = tcstrsplit(vbuf, "/"); } else { opaths = tcstrsplit("/", "/"); } TCFREE(tclistpop2(opaths)); for(int i = 0; i < TCLISTNUM(opaths); i++){ vbuf = tclistval(opaths, i, &vsiz); if(vsiz < 1 || !strcmp(vbuf, ".")) continue; if(!strcmp(vbuf, "..")){ TCFREE(tclistpop2(bpaths)); } else { TCLISTPUSH(bpaths, vbuf, vsiz); } } tclistdel(opaths); opaths = tcstrsplit(path, "/"); for(int i = 0; i < TCLISTNUM(opaths); i++){ vbuf = tclistval(opaths, i, &vsiz); if(vsiz < 1 || !strcmp(vbuf, ".")) continue; if(!strcmp(vbuf, "..")){ TCFREE(tclistpop2(bpaths)); } else { TCLISTPUSH(bpaths, vbuf, vsiz); } } tclistdel(opaths); for(int i = 0; i < TCLISTNUM(bpaths); i++){ vbuf = TCLISTVALPTR(bpaths, i); if(strchr(vbuf, '%')){ tmp = tcurldecode(vbuf, &vsiz); } else { tmp = tcstrdup(vbuf); } enc = tcurlencode(tmp, strlen(tmp)); TCXSTRCAT(rbuf, "/", 1); tcxstrcat2(rbuf, enc); TCFREE(enc); TCFREE(tmp); } if(tcstrbwm(path, "/")) TCXSTRCAT(rbuf, "/", 1); tclistdel(bpaths); if((vbuf = tcmapget2(telems, "query")) != NULL || (*target == '#' && (vbuf = tcmapget2(belems, "query")) != NULL)){ TCXSTRCAT(rbuf, "?", 1); TCLIST *qelems = tcstrsplit(vbuf, "&;"); for(int i = 0; i < TCLISTNUM(qelems); i++){ vbuf = TCLISTVALPTR(qelems, i); if(i > 0) TCXSTRCAT(rbuf, "&", 1); if((wp = strchr(vbuf, '=')) != NULL){ *wp = '\0'; tmp = tcurldecode(vbuf, &vsiz); enc = tcurlencode(tmp, vsiz); tcxstrcat2(rbuf, enc); TCFREE(enc); TCFREE(tmp); TCXSTRCAT(rbuf, "=", 1); wp++; tmp = tcurldecode(wp, &vsiz); enc = tcurlencode(tmp, strlen(tmp)); tcxstrcat2(rbuf, enc); TCFREE(enc); TCFREE(tmp); } else { tmp = tcurldecode(vbuf, &vsiz); enc = tcurlencode(tmp, vsiz); tcxstrcat2(rbuf, enc); TCFREE(enc); TCFREE(tmp); } } tclistdel(qelems); } if((vbuf = tcmapget2(telems, "fragment")) != NULL){ tmp = tcurldecode(vbuf, &vsiz); enc = tcurlencode(tmp, vsiz); TCXSTRCAT(rbuf, "#", 1); tcxstrcat2(rbuf, enc); TCFREE(enc); TCFREE(tmp); } tcmapdel(belems); tcmapdel(telems); return tcxstrtomalloc(rbuf); } /* Encode a serial object with Base64 encoding. */ char *tcbaseencode(const char *ptr, int size){ assert(ptr && size >= 0); char *tbl = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; const unsigned char *obj = (const unsigned char *)ptr; char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, 4 * (size + 2) / 3 + 1); char *wp = buf; for(int i = 0; i < size; i += 3){ switch(size - i){ case 1: *wp++ = tbl[obj[0] >> 2]; *wp++ = tbl[(obj[0] & 3) << 4]; *wp++ = '='; *wp++ = '='; break; case 2: *wp++ = tbl[obj[0] >> 2]; *wp++ = tbl[((obj[0] & 3) << 4) + (obj[1] >> 4)]; *wp++ = tbl[(obj[1] & 0xf) << 2]; *wp++ = '='; break; default: *wp++ = tbl[obj[0] >> 2]; *wp++ = tbl[((obj[0] & 3) << 4) + (obj[1] >> 4)]; *wp++ = tbl[((obj[1] & 0xf) << 2) + (obj[2] >> 6)]; *wp++ = tbl[obj[2] & 0x3f]; break; } obj += 3; } *wp = '\0'; return buf; } /* Decode a string encoded with Base64 encoding. */ char *tcbasedecode(const char *str, int *sp){ assert(str && sp); int cnt = 0; int bpos = 0; int eqcnt = 0; int len = strlen(str); unsigned char *obj; TCMALLOC(obj, len + 4); unsigned char *wp = obj; while(bpos < len && eqcnt == 0){ int bits = 0; int i; for(i = 0; bpos < len && i < 4; bpos++){ if(str[bpos] >= 'A' && str[bpos] <= 'Z'){ bits = (bits << 6) | (str[bpos] - 'A'); i++; } else if(str[bpos] >= 'a' && str[bpos] <= 'z'){ bits = (bits << 6) | (str[bpos] - 'a' + 26); i++; } else if(str[bpos] >= '0' && str[bpos] <= '9'){ bits = (bits << 6) | (str[bpos] - '0' + 52); i++; } else if(str[bpos] == '+'){ bits = (bits << 6) | 62; i++; } else if(str[bpos] == '/'){ bits = (bits << 6) | 63; i++; } else if(str[bpos] == '='){ bits <<= 6; i++; eqcnt++; } } if(i == 0 && bpos >= len) continue; switch(eqcnt){ case 0: *wp++ = (bits >> 16) & 0xff; *wp++ = (bits >> 8) & 0xff; *wp++ = bits & 0xff; cnt += 3; break; case 1: *wp++ = (bits >> 16) & 0xff; *wp++ = (bits >> 8) & 0xff; cnt += 2; break; case 2: *wp++ = (bits >> 16) & 0xff; cnt += 1; break; } } obj[cnt] = '\0'; *sp = cnt; return (char *)obj; } /* Encode a serial object with Quoted-printable encoding. */ char *tcquoteencode(const char *ptr, int size){ assert(ptr && size >= 0); const unsigned char *rp = (const unsigned char *)ptr; char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, size * 3 + 1); char *wp = buf; int cols = 0; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ if(rp[i] == '=' || (rp[i] < 0x20 && rp[i] != '\r' && rp[i] != '\n' && rp[i] != '\t') || rp[i] > 0x7e){ wp += sprintf(wp, "=%02X", rp[i]); cols += 3; } else { *(wp++) = rp[i]; cols++; } } *wp = '\0'; return buf; } /* Decode a string encoded with Quoted-printable encoding. */ char *tcquotedecode(const char *str, int *sp){ assert(str && sp); char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, strlen(str) + 1); char *wp = buf; for(; *str != '\0'; str++){ if(*str == '='){ str++; if(*str == '\0'){ break; } else if(str[0] == '\r' && str[1] == '\n'){ str++; } else if(str[0] != '\n' && str[0] != '\r'){ if(*str >= 'A' && *str <= 'Z'){ *wp = (*str - 'A' + 10) * 16; } else if(*str >= 'a' && *str <= 'z'){ *wp = (*str - 'a' + 10) * 16; } else { *wp = (*str - '0') * 16; } str++; if(*str == '\0') break; if(*str >= 'A' && *str <= 'Z'){ *wp += *str - 'A' + 10; } else if(*str >= 'a' && *str <= 'z'){ *wp += *str - 'a' + 10; } else { *wp += *str - '0'; } wp++; } } else { *wp = *str; wp++; } } *wp = '\0'; *sp = wp - buf; return buf; } /* Encode a string with MIME encoding. */ char *tcmimeencode(const char *str, const char *encname, bool base){ assert(str && encname); int len = strlen(str); char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, len * 3 + strlen(encname) + 16); char *wp = buf; wp += sprintf(wp, "=?%s?%c?", encname, base ? 'B' : 'Q'); char *enc = base ? tcbaseencode(str, len) : tcquoteencode(str, len); wp += sprintf(wp, "%s?=", enc); TCFREE(enc); return buf; } /* Decode a string encoded with MIME encoding. */ char *tcmimedecode(const char *str, char *enp){ assert(str); if(enp) sprintf(enp, "US-ASCII"); char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, strlen(str) + 1); char *wp = buf; while(*str != '\0'){ if(tcstrfwm(str, "=?")){ str += 2; const char *pv = str; const char *ep = strchr(str, '?'); if(!ep) continue; if(enp && ep - pv < TCENCBUFSIZ){ memcpy(enp, pv, ep - pv); enp[ep-pv] = '\0'; } pv = ep + 1; bool quoted = (*pv == 'Q' || *pv == 'q'); if(*pv != '\0') pv++; if(*pv != '\0') pv++; if(!(ep = strchr(pv, '?'))) continue; char *tmp; TCMEMDUP(tmp, pv, ep - pv); int len; char *dec = quoted ? tcquotedecode(tmp, &len) : tcbasedecode(tmp, &len); wp += sprintf(wp, "%s", dec); TCFREE(dec); TCFREE(tmp); str = ep + 1; if(*str != '\0') str++; } else { *(wp++) = *str; str++; } } *wp = '\0'; return buf; } /* Split a string of MIME into headers and the body. */ char *tcmimebreak(const char *ptr, int size, TCMAP *headers, int *sp){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && sp); const char *head = NULL; int hlen = 0; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ if(i < size - 4 && ptr[i] == '\r' && ptr[i+1] == '\n' && ptr[i+2] == '\r' && ptr[i+3] == '\n'){ head = ptr; hlen = i; ptr += i + 4; size -= i + 4; break; } else if(i < size - 2 && ptr[i] == '\n' && ptr[i+1] == '\n'){ head = ptr; hlen = i; ptr += i + 2; size -= i + 2; break; } } if(head && headers){ char *hbuf; TCMALLOC(hbuf, hlen + 1); int wi = 0; for(int i = 0; i < hlen; i++){ if(head[i] == '\r') continue; if(i < hlen - 1 && head[i] == '\n' && (head[i+1] == ' ' || head[i+1] == '\t')){ hbuf[wi++] = ' '; i++; } else { hbuf[wi++] = head[i]; } } hbuf[wi] = '\0'; TCLIST *list = tcstrsplit(hbuf, "\n"); int ln = TCLISTNUM(list); for(int i = 0; i < ln; i++){ const char *line = TCLISTVALPTR(list, i); const char *pv = strchr(line, ':'); if(pv){ char *name; TCMEMDUP(name, line, pv - line); for(int j = 0; name[j] != '\0'; j++){ if(name[j] >= 'A' && name[j] <= 'Z') name[j] -= 'A' - 'a'; } pv++; while(*pv == ' ' || *pv == '\t'){ pv++; } tcmapput2(headers, name, pv); TCFREE(name); } } tclistdel(list); TCFREE(hbuf); const char *pv = tcmapget2(headers, "content-type"); if(pv){ const char *ep = strchr(pv, ';'); if(ep){ tcmapput(headers, "TYPE", 4, pv, ep - pv); do { ep++; while(ep[0] == ' '){ ep++; } if(tcstrifwm(ep, "charset=")){ ep += 8; while(*ep > '\0' && *ep <= ' '){ ep++; } if(ep[0] == '"') ep++; pv = ep; while(ep[0] != '\0' && ep[0] != ' ' && ep[0] != '"' && ep[0] != ';'){ ep++; } tcmapput(headers, "CHARSET", 7, pv, ep - pv); } else if(tcstrifwm(ep, "boundary=")){ ep += 9; while(*ep > '\0' && *ep <= ' '){ ep++; } if(ep[0] == '"'){ ep++; pv = ep; while(ep[0] != '\0' && ep[0] != '"'){ ep++; } } else { pv = ep; while(ep[0] != '\0' && ep[0] != ' ' && ep[0] != '"' && ep[0] != ';'){ ep++; } } tcmapput(headers, "BOUNDARY", 8, pv, ep - pv); } } while((ep = strchr(ep, ';')) != NULL); } else { tcmapput(headers, "TYPE", 4, pv, strlen(pv)); } } if((pv = tcmapget2(headers, "content-disposition")) != NULL){ char *ep = strchr(pv, ';'); if(ep){ tcmapput(headers, "DISPOSITION", 11, pv, ep - pv); do { ep++; while(ep[0] == ' '){ ep++; } if(tcstrifwm(ep, "filename=")){ ep += 9; if(ep[0] == '"') ep++; pv = ep; while(ep[0] != '\0' && ep[0] != '"'){ ep++; } tcmapput(headers, "FILENAME", 8, pv, ep - pv); } else if(tcstrifwm(ep, "name=")){ ep += 5; if(ep[0] == '"') ep++; pv = ep; while(ep[0] != '\0' && ep[0] != '"'){ ep++; } tcmapput(headers, "NAME", 4, pv, ep - pv); } } while((ep = strchr(ep, ';')) != NULL); } else { tcmapput(headers, "DISPOSITION", 11, pv, strlen(pv)); } } } *sp = size; char *rv; TCMEMDUP(rv, ptr, size); return rv; } /* Split multipart data of MIME into its parts. */ TCLIST *tcmimeparts(const char *ptr, int size, const char *boundary){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && boundary); TCLIST *list = tclistnew(); int blen = strlen(boundary); if(blen < 1) return list; const char *pv = NULL; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ if(ptr[i] == '-' && ptr[i+1] == '-' && i + 2 + blen < size && tcstrfwm(ptr + i + 2, boundary) && strchr("\t\n\v\f\r ", ptr[i+2+blen])){ pv = ptr + i + 2 + blen; if(*pv == '\r') pv++; if(*pv == '\n') pv++; size -= pv - ptr; ptr = pv; break; } } if(!pv) return list; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ if(ptr[i] == '-' && ptr[i+1] == '-' && i + 2 + blen < size && tcstrfwm(ptr + i + 2, boundary) && strchr("\t\n\v\f\r -", ptr[i+2+blen])){ const char *ep = ptr + i; if(ep > ptr && ep[-1] == '\n') ep--; if(ep > ptr && ep[-1] == '\r') ep--; if(ep > pv) TCLISTPUSH(list, pv, ep - pv); pv = ptr + i + 2 + blen; if(*pv == '\r') pv++; if(*pv == '\n') pv++; } } return list; } /* Encode a serial object with hexadecimal encoding. */ char *tchexencode(const char *ptr, int size){ assert(ptr && size >= 0); const unsigned char *rp = (const unsigned char *)ptr; char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, size * 2 + 1); char *wp = buf; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ wp += sprintf(wp, "%02x", rp[i]); } *wp = '\0'; return buf; } /* Decode a string encoded with hexadecimal encoding. */ char *tchexdecode(const char *str, int *sp){ assert(str && sp); int len = strlen(str); char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, len + 1); char *wp = buf; for(int i = 0; i < len; i += 2){ while(str[i] >= '\0' && str[i] <= ' '){ i++; } int num = 0; int c = str[i]; if(c == '\0') break; if(c >= '0' && c <= '9'){ num = c - '0'; } else if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'){ num = c - 'a' + 10; } else if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F'){ num = c - 'A' + 10; } else if(c == '\0'){ break; } c = str[i+1]; if(c >= '0' && c <= '9'){ num = num * 0x10 + c - '0'; } else if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'){ num = num * 0x10 + c - 'a' + 10; } else if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F'){ num = num * 0x10 + c - 'A' + 10; } else if(c == '\0'){ break; } *(wp++) = num; } *wp = '\0'; *sp = wp - buf; return buf; } /* Compress a serial object with Packbits encoding. */ char *tcpackencode(const char *ptr, int size, int *sp){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && sp); char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, size * 2 + 1); char *wp = buf; const char *end = ptr + size; while(ptr < end){ char *sp = wp; const char *rp = ptr + 1; int step = 1; while(rp < end && step < 0x7f && *rp == *ptr){ step++; rp++; } if(step <= 1 && rp < end){ wp = sp + 1; *(wp++) = *ptr; while(rp < end && step < 0x7f && *rp != *(rp - 1)){ *(wp++) = *rp; step++; rp++; } if(rp < end && *(rp - 1) == *rp){ wp--; rp--; step--; } *sp = step == 1 ? 1 : -step; } else { *(wp++) = step; *(wp++) = *ptr; } ptr += step; } *sp = wp - buf; return buf; } /* Decompress a serial object compressed with Packbits encoding. */ char *tcpackdecode(const char *ptr, int size, int *sp){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && sp); int asiz = size * 3; char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, asiz + 1); int wi = 0; const char *end = ptr + size; while(ptr < end){ int step = abs(*ptr); if(wi + step >= asiz){ asiz = asiz * 2 + step; TCREALLOC(buf, buf, asiz + 1); } if(*(ptr++) >= 0){ memset(buf + wi, *ptr, step); ptr++; } else { step = tclmin(step, end - ptr); memcpy(buf + wi, ptr, step); ptr += step; } wi += step; } buf[wi] = '\0'; *sp = wi; return buf; } /* Compress a serial object with Deflate encoding. */ char *tcdeflate(const char *ptr, int size, int *sp){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && sp); if(!_tc_deflate) return NULL; return _tc_deflate(ptr, size, sp, _TCZMZLIB); } /* Decompress a serial object compressed with Deflate encoding. */ char *tcinflate(const char *ptr, int size, int *sp){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && sp); if(!_tc_inflate) return NULL; return _tc_inflate(ptr, size, sp, _TCZMZLIB); } /* Compress a serial object with GZIP encoding. */ char *tcgzipencode(const char *ptr, int size, int *sp){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && sp); if(!_tc_deflate) return NULL; return _tc_deflate(ptr, size, sp, _TCZMGZIP); } /* Decompress a serial object compressed with GZIP encoding. */ char *tcgzipdecode(const char *ptr, int size, int *sp){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && sp); if(!_tc_inflate) return NULL; return _tc_inflate(ptr, size, sp, _TCZMGZIP); } /* Get the CRC32 checksum of a serial object. */ unsigned int tcgetcrc(const char *ptr, int size){ assert(ptr && size >= 0); if(!_tc_getcrc) return 0; return _tc_getcrc(ptr, size); } /* Compress a serial object with BZIP2 encoding. */ char *tcbzipencode(const char *ptr, int size, int *sp){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && sp); if(!_tc_bzcompress) return NULL; return _tc_bzcompress(ptr, size, sp); } /* Decompress a serial object compressed with BZIP2 encoding. */ char *tcbzipdecode(const char *ptr, int size, int *sp){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && sp); if(!_tc_bzdecompress) return NULL; return _tc_bzdecompress(ptr, size, sp); } /* Encode an array of nonnegative integers with BER encoding. */ char *tcberencode(const unsigned int *ary, int anum, int *sp){ assert(ary && anum >= 0 && sp); char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, anum * (sizeof(int) + 1) + 1); char *wp = buf; for(int i = 0; i < anum; i++){ unsigned int num = ary[i]; if(num < (1 << 7)){ *(wp++) = num; } else if(num < (1 << 14)){ *(wp++) = (num >> 7) | 0x80; *(wp++) = num & 0x7f; } else if(num < (1 << 21)){ *(wp++) = (num >> 14) | 0x80; *(wp++) = ((num >> 7) & 0x7f) | 0x80; *(wp++) = num & 0x7f; } else if(num < (1 << 28)){ *(wp++) = (num >> 21) | 0x80; *(wp++) = ((num >> 14) & 0x7f) | 0x80; *(wp++) = ((num >> 7) & 0x7f) | 0x80; *(wp++) = num & 0x7f; } else { *(wp++) = (num >> 28) | 0x80; *(wp++) = ((num >> 21) & 0x7f) | 0x80; *(wp++) = ((num >> 14) & 0x7f) | 0x80; *(wp++) = ((num >> 7) & 0x7f) | 0x80; *(wp++) = num & 0x7f; } } *sp = wp - buf; return buf; } /* Decode a serial object encoded with BER encoding. */ unsigned int *tcberdecode(const char *ptr, int size, int *np){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && np); unsigned int *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, size * sizeof(*buf) + 1); unsigned int *wp = buf; while(size > 0){ unsigned int num = 0; int c; do { c = *(unsigned char *)ptr; num = num * 0x80 + (c & 0x7f); ptr++; size--; } while(c >= 0x80 && size > 0); *(wp++) = num; } *np = wp - buf; return buf; } /* Escape meta characters in a string with the entity references of XML. */ char *tcxmlescape(const char *str){ assert(str); const char *rp = str; int bsiz = 0; while(*rp != '\0'){ switch(*rp){ case '&': bsiz += 5; break; case '<': bsiz += 4; break; case '>': bsiz += 4; break; case '"': bsiz += 6; break; default: bsiz++; break; } rp++; } char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, bsiz + 1); char *wp = buf; while(*str != '\0'){ switch(*str){ case '&': memcpy(wp, "&", 5); wp += 5; break; case '<': memcpy(wp, "<", 4); wp += 4; break; case '>': memcpy(wp, ">", 4); wp += 4; break; case '"': memcpy(wp, """, 6); wp += 6; break; default: *(wp++) = *str; break; } str++; } *wp = '\0'; return buf; } /* Unescape entity references in a string of XML. */ char *tcxmlunescape(const char *str){ assert(str); char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, strlen(str) + 1); char *wp = buf; while(*str != '\0'){ if(*str == '&'){ if(tcstrfwm(str, "&")){ *(wp++) = '&'; str += 5; } else if(tcstrfwm(str, "<")){ *(wp++) = '<'; str += 4; } else if(tcstrfwm(str, ">")){ *(wp++) = '>'; str += 4; } else if(tcstrfwm(str, """)){ *(wp++) = '"'; str += 6; } else { *(wp++) = *(str++); } } else { *(wp++) = *(str++); } } *wp = '\0'; return buf; } /************************************************************************************************* * encoding utilities (for experts) *************************************************************************************************/ /* Encode a map object into a string in the x-www-form-urlencoded format. */ char *tcwwwformencode(const TCMAP *params){ assert(params); TCXSTR *xstr = tcxstrnew3(tcmaprnum(params) * TCXSTRUNIT * 3 + 1); TCMAPREC *cur = params->cur; tcmapiterinit((TCMAP *)params); const char *kbuf; int ksiz; while((kbuf = tcmapiternext((TCMAP *)params, &ksiz)) != NULL){ int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tcmapiterval(kbuf, &vsiz); char *kenc = tcurlencode(kbuf, ksiz); char *venc = tcurlencode(vbuf, vsiz); if(TCXSTRSIZE(xstr) > 0) TCXSTRCAT(xstr, "&", 1); tcxstrcat2(xstr, kenc); TCXSTRCAT(xstr, "=", 1); tcxstrcat2(xstr, venc); TCFREE(venc); TCFREE(kenc); } ((TCMAP *)params)->cur = cur; return tcxstrtomalloc(xstr); } /* Decode a query string in the x-www-form-urlencoded format. */ void tcwwwformdecode(const char *str, TCMAP *params){ assert(str && params); tcwwwformdecode2(str, strlen(str), NULL, params); } /* Decode a data region in the x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart-form-data format. */ void tcwwwformdecode2(const void *ptr, int size, const char *type, TCMAP *params){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && params); if(type && tcstrfwm(tcstrskipspc(type), "multipart/")){ const char *brd = strstr(type, "boundary="); if(brd){ brd += 9; if(*brd == '"') brd++; char *bstr = tcstrdup(brd); char *wp = strchr(bstr, ';'); if(wp) *wp = '\0'; wp = strchr(bstr, '"'); if(wp) *wp = '\0'; TCLIST *parts = tcmimeparts(ptr, size, bstr); int pnum = tclistnum(parts); for(int i = 0; i < pnum; i++){ int psiz; const char *part = tclistval(parts, i, &psiz); TCMAP *hmap = tcmapnew2(TCMAPTINYBNUM); int bsiz; char *body = tcmimebreak(part, psiz, hmap, &bsiz); int nsiz; const char *name = tcmapget(hmap, "NAME", 4, &nsiz); char numbuf[TCNUMBUFSIZ]; if(!name){ nsiz = sprintf(numbuf, "part:%d", i + 1); name = numbuf; } const char *tenc = tcmapget2(hmap, "content-transfer-encoding"); if(tenc){ if(tcstrifwm(tenc, "base64")){ char *ebuf = tcbasedecode(body, &bsiz); TCFREE(body); body = ebuf; } else if(tcstrifwm(tenc, "quoted-printable")){ char *ebuf = tcquotedecode(body, &bsiz); TCFREE(body); body = ebuf; } } tcmapputkeep(params, name, nsiz, body, bsiz); const char *fname = tcmapget2(hmap, "FILENAME"); if(fname){ if(*fname == '/'){ fname = strrchr(fname, '/') + 1; } else if(((*fname >= 'a' && *fname <= 'z') || (*fname >= 'A' && *fname <= 'Z')) && fname[1] == ':' && fname[2] == '\\'){ fname = strrchr(fname, '\\') + 1; } if(*fname != '\0'){ char key[nsiz+10]; sprintf(key, "%s_filename", name); tcmapput2(params, key, fname); } } tcfree(body); tcmapdel(hmap); } tclistdel(parts); tcfree(bstr); } } else { const char *rp = ptr; const char *pv = rp; const char *ep = rp + size; char stack[TCIOBUFSIZ]; while(rp < ep){ if(*rp == '&' || *rp == ';'){ while(pv < rp && *pv > '\0' && *pv <= ' '){ pv++; } if(rp > pv){ int len = rp - pv; char *rbuf; if(len < sizeof(stack)){ rbuf = stack; } else { TCMALLOC(rbuf, len + 1); } memcpy(rbuf, pv, len); rbuf[len] = '\0'; char *sep = strchr(rbuf, '='); if(sep){ *(sep++) = '\0'; } else { sep = ""; } int ksiz; char *kbuf = tcurldecode(rbuf, &ksiz); int vsiz; char *vbuf = tcurldecode(sep, &vsiz); if(!tcmapputkeep(params, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz)){ tcmapputcat(params, kbuf, ksiz, "", 1); tcmapputcat(params, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); } TCFREE(vbuf); TCFREE(kbuf); if(rbuf != stack) TCFREE(rbuf); } pv = rp + 1; } rp++; } while(pv < rp && *pv > '\0' && *pv <= ' '){ pv++; } if(rp > pv){ int len = rp - pv; char *rbuf; if(len < sizeof(stack)){ rbuf = stack; } else { TCMALLOC(rbuf, len + 1); } memcpy(rbuf, pv, len); rbuf[len] = '\0'; char *sep = strchr(rbuf, '='); if(sep){ *(sep++) = '\0'; } else { sep = ""; } int ksiz; char *kbuf = tcurldecode(rbuf, &ksiz); int vsiz; char *vbuf = tcurldecode(sep, &vsiz); if(!tcmapputkeep(params, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz)){ tcmapputcat(params, kbuf, ksiz, "", 1); tcmapputcat(params, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); } TCFREE(vbuf); TCFREE(kbuf); if(rbuf != stack) TCFREE(rbuf); } } } /* Split an XML string into tags and text sections. */ TCLIST *tcxmlbreak(const char *str){ assert(str); TCLIST *list = tclistnew(); int i = 0; int pv = 0; bool tag = false; char *ep; while(true){ if(str[i] == '\0'){ if(i > pv) TCLISTPUSH(list, str + pv, i - pv); break; } else if(!tag && str[i] == '<'){ if(str[i+1] == '!' && str[i+2] == '-' && str[i+3] == '-'){ if(i > pv) TCLISTPUSH(list, str + pv, i - pv); if((ep = strstr(str + i, "-->")) != NULL){ TCLISTPUSH(list, str + i, ep - str - i + 3); i = ep - str + 2; pv = i + 1; } } else if(str[i+1] == '!' && str[i+2] == '[' && tcstrifwm(str + i, " pv) TCLISTPUSH(list, str + pv, i - pv); if((ep = strstr(str + i, "]]>")) != NULL){ i += 9; TCXSTR *xstr = tcxstrnew(); while(str + i < ep){ if(str[i] == '&'){ TCXSTRCAT(xstr, "&", 5); } else if(str[i] == '<'){ TCXSTRCAT(xstr, "<", 4); } else if(str[i] == '>'){ TCXSTRCAT(xstr, ">", 4); } else { TCXSTRCAT(xstr, str + i, 1); } i++; } if(TCXSTRSIZE(xstr) > 0) TCLISTPUSH(list, TCXSTRPTR(xstr), TCXSTRSIZE(xstr)); tcxstrdel(xstr); i = ep - str + 2; pv = i + 1; } } else { if(i > pv) TCLISTPUSH(list, str + pv, i - pv); tag = true; pv = i; } } else if(tag && str[i] == '>'){ if(i > pv) TCLISTPUSH(list, str + pv, i - pv + 1); tag = false; pv = i + 1; } i++; } return list; } /* Get the map of attributes of an XML tag. */ TCMAP *tcxmlattrs(const char *str){ assert(str); TCMAP *map = tcmapnew2(TCXMLATBNUM); const unsigned char *rp = (unsigned char *)str; while(*rp == '<' || *rp == '/' || *rp == '?' || *rp == '!' || *rp == ' '){ rp++; } const unsigned char *key = rp; while(*rp > 0x20 && *rp != '/' && *rp != '>'){ rp++; } tcmapputkeep(map, "", 0, (char *)key, rp - key); while(*rp != '\0'){ while(*rp != '\0' && (*rp <= 0x20 || *rp == '/' || *rp == '?' || *rp == '>')){ rp++; } key = rp; while(*rp > 0x20 && *rp != '/' && *rp != '>' && *rp != '='){ rp++; } int ksiz = rp - key; while(*rp != '\0' && (*rp == '=' || *rp <= 0x20)){ rp++; } const unsigned char *val; int vsiz; if(*rp == '"'){ rp++; val = rp; while(*rp != '\0' && *rp != '"'){ rp++; } vsiz = rp - val; } else if(*rp == '\''){ rp++; val = rp; while(*rp != '\0' && *rp != '\''){ rp++; } vsiz = rp - val; } else { val = rp; while(*rp > 0x20 && *rp != '"' && *rp != '\'' && *rp != '>'){ rp++; } vsiz = rp - val; } if(*rp != '\0') rp++; if(ksiz > 0){ char *copy; TCMEMDUP(copy, val, vsiz); char *raw = tcxmlunescape(copy); tcmapputkeep(map, (char *)key, ksiz, raw, strlen(raw)); TCFREE(raw); TCFREE(copy); } } return map; } /* Escape meta characters in a string with backslash escaping of the C language. */ char *tccstrescape(const char *str){ assert(str); int asiz = TCXSTRUNIT * 2; char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, asiz + 4); int wi = 0; bool hex = false; int c; while((c = *(unsigned char *)str) != '\0'){ if(wi >= asiz){ asiz *= 2; TCREALLOC(buf, buf, asiz + 4); } if(c < ' ' || c == 0x7f || c == '"' || c == '\'' || c == '\\'){ switch(c){ case '\t': wi += sprintf(buf + wi, "\\t"); break; case '\n': wi += sprintf(buf + wi, "\\n"); break; case '\r': wi += sprintf(buf + wi, "\\r"); break; case '\\': wi += sprintf(buf + wi, "\\\\"); break; default: wi += sprintf(buf + wi, "\\x%02X", c); hex = true; break; } } else { if(hex && ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'))){ wi += sprintf(buf + wi, "\\x%02X", c); hex = true; } else { buf[wi++] = c; hex = false; } } str++; } buf[wi] = '\0'; return buf; } /* Unescape a string escaped by backslash escaping of the C language. */ char *tccstrunescape(const char *str){ assert(str); int asiz = TCXSTRUNIT * 2; char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, asiz + 4); int wi = 0; int c; while((c = *(unsigned char *)str) != '\0'){ if(wi >= asiz){ asiz *= 2; TCREALLOC(buf, buf, asiz + 4); } if(c == '\\' && str[1] != '\0'){ str++; int si = wi; switch(*str){ case 'a': buf[wi++] = '\a'; break; case 'b': buf[wi++] = '\b'; break; case 't': buf[wi++] = '\t'; break; case 'n': buf[wi++] = '\n'; break; case 'v': buf[wi++] = '\v'; break; case 'f': buf[wi++] = '\f'; break; case 'r': buf[wi++] = '\r'; break; } if(si == wi){ c = *str; if(c == 'x'){ str++; int code = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ c = *str; if(c >= '0' && c <= '9'){ code = code * 0x10 + c - '0'; } else if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F'){ code = code * 0x10 + c - 'A' + 10; } else if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'){ code = code * 0x10 + c - 'a' + 10; } else { break; } str++; } buf[wi++] = code; } else if(c == 'u' || c == 'U'){ int len = (c == 'U') ? 8 : 4; str++; int code = 0; for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){ c = *str; if(c >= '0' && c <= '9'){ code = code * 0x10 + c - '0'; } else if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F'){ code = code * 0x10 + c - 'A' + 10; } else if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'){ code = code * 0x10 + c - 'a' + 10; } else { break; } str++; } uint16_t ary[1]; ary[0] = code; wi += tcstrucstoutf(ary, 1, buf + wi); } else if(c >= '0' && c <= '8'){ int code = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ c = *str; if(c >= '0' && c <= '7'){ code = code * 8 + c - '0'; } else { break; } str++; } buf[wi++] = code; } else if(c != '\0'){ buf[wi++] = c; str++; } } else { str++; } } else { buf[wi++] = c; str++; } } buf[wi] = '\0'; return buf; } /* Escape meta characters in a string with backslash escaping of JSON. */ char *tcjsonescape(const char *str){ assert(str); int asiz = TCXSTRUNIT * 2; char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, asiz + 6); int wi = 0; int c; while((c = *(unsigned char *)str) != '\0'){ if(wi >= asiz){ asiz *= 2; TCREALLOC(buf, buf, asiz + 6); } if(c < ' ' || c == 0x7f || c == '"' || c == '\'' || c == '\\'){ switch(c){ case '\t': wi += sprintf(buf + wi, "\\t"); break; case '\n': wi += sprintf(buf + wi, "\\n"); break; case '\r': wi += sprintf(buf + wi, "\\r"); break; case '\\': wi += sprintf(buf + wi, "\\\\"); break; default: wi += sprintf(buf + wi, "\\u%04X", c); break; } } else { buf[wi++] = c; } str++; } buf[wi] = '\0'; return buf; } /* Unescape a string escaped by backslash escaping of JSON. */ char *tcjsonunescape(const char *str){ assert(str); return tccstrunescape(str); } /************************************************************************************************* * template serializer *************************************************************************************************/ #define TCTMPLUNIT 65536 // allocation unit size of a template string #define TCTMPLMAXDEP 256 // maximum depth of template blocks #define TCTMPLBEGSEP "[%" // default beginning separator #define TCTMPLENDSEP "%]" // default beginning separator #define TCTYPRFXLIST "[list]\0:" // type prefix for a list object #define TCTYPRFXMAP "[map]\0:" // type prefix for a list object /* private function prototypes */ static TCLIST *tctmpltokenize(const char *expr); static int tctmpldumpeval(TCXSTR *xstr, const char *expr, const TCLIST *elems, int cur, int num, const TCMAP **stack, int depth); static const char *tctmpldumpevalvar(const TCMAP **stack, int depth, const char *name, int *sp, int *np); /* Create a template object. */ TCTMPL *tctmplnew(void){ TCTMPL *tmpl; TCMALLOC(tmpl, sizeof(*tmpl)); tmpl->elems = NULL; tmpl->begsep = NULL; tmpl->endsep = NULL; tmpl->conf = tcmapnew2(TCMAPTINYBNUM); return tmpl; } /* Delete a template object. */ void tctmpldel(TCTMPL *tmpl){ assert(tmpl); tcmapdel(tmpl->conf); if(tmpl->endsep) TCFREE(tmpl->endsep); if(tmpl->begsep) TCFREE(tmpl->begsep); if(tmpl->elems) tclistdel(tmpl->elems); TCFREE(tmpl); } /* Set the separator strings of a template object. */ void tctmplsetsep(TCTMPL *tmpl, const char *begsep, const char *endsep){ assert(tmpl && begsep && endsep); if(tmpl->endsep) TCFREE(tmpl->endsep); if(tmpl->begsep) TCFREE(tmpl->begsep); tmpl->begsep = tcstrdup(begsep); tmpl->endsep = tcstrdup(endsep); } /* Load a template string into a template object. */ void tctmplload(TCTMPL *tmpl, const char *str){ assert(tmpl && str); const char *begsep = tmpl->begsep; if(!begsep) begsep = TCTMPLBEGSEP; const char *endsep = tmpl->endsep; if(!endsep) endsep = TCTMPLENDSEP; int beglen = strlen(begsep); int endlen = strlen(endsep); if(beglen < 1 || endlen < 1) return; int begchr = *begsep; int endchr = *endsep; if(tmpl->elems) tclistdel(tmpl->elems); tcmapclear(tmpl->conf); TCLIST *elems = tclistnew(); const char *rp = str; const char *pv = rp; while(*rp != '\0'){ if(*rp == begchr && tcstrfwm(rp, begsep)){ if(rp > pv) TCLISTPUSH(elems, pv, rp - pv); rp += beglen; pv = rp; while(*rp != '\0'){ if(*rp == endchr && tcstrfwm(rp, endsep)){ bool chop = false; while(pv < rp && *pv > '\0' && *pv <= ' '){ pv++; } if(*pv == '"'){ pv++; const char *sp = pv; while(pv < rp && *pv != '"'){ pv++; } if(pv > sp) TCLISTPUSH(elems, sp, pv - sp); } else if(*pv == '\''){ pv++; const char *sp = pv; while(pv < rp && *pv != '\''){ pv++; } if(pv > sp) TCLISTPUSH(elems, sp, pv - sp); } else { const char *ep = rp; if(ep > pv && ep[-1] == '\\'){ ep--; chop = true; } while(ep > pv && ((unsigned char *)ep)[-1] <= ' '){ ep--; } int len = ep - pv; char *buf; TCMALLOC(buf, len + 1); *buf = '\0'; memcpy(buf + 1, pv, len); tclistpushmalloc(elems, buf, len + 1); if(tcstrfwm(pv, "CONF")){ const char *expr = (char *)TCLISTVALPTR(elems, TCLISTNUM(elems) - 1) + 1; TCLIST *tokens = tctmpltokenize(expr); int tnum = TCLISTNUM(tokens); if(tnum > 1 && !strcmp(TCLISTVALPTR(tokens, 0), "CONF")){ const char *name = TCLISTVALPTR(tokens, 1); const char *value = (tnum > 2) ? TCLISTVALPTR(tokens, 2) : ""; tcmapput2(tmpl->conf, name, value); } tclistdel(tokens); } } rp += endlen; if(chop){ if(*rp == '\r') rp++; if(*rp == '\n') rp++; } break; } rp++; } pv = rp; } else { rp++; } } if(rp > pv) TCLISTPUSH(elems, pv, rp - pv); tmpl->elems = elems; } /* Load a template string from a file into a template object. */ bool tctmplload2(TCTMPL *tmpl, const char *path){ assert(tmpl && path); char *str = tcreadfile(path, -1, NULL); if(!str) return false; tctmplload(tmpl, str); TCFREE(str); return true; } /* Serialize the template string of a template object. */ char *tctmpldump(TCTMPL *tmpl, const TCMAP *vars){ assert(tmpl && vars); TCXSTR *xstr = tcxstrnew3(TCTMPLUNIT); TCLIST *elems = tmpl->elems; if(elems){ TCMAP *svars = tcmapnew2(TCMAPTINYBNUM); int cur = 0; int num = TCLISTNUM(elems); const TCMAP *stack[TCTMPLMAXDEP]; int depth = 0; stack[depth++] = tmpl->conf; stack[depth++] = svars; stack[depth++] = vars; while(cur < num){ const char *elem; int esiz; TCLISTVAL(elem, elems, cur, esiz); if(*elem == '\0' && esiz > 0){ cur = tctmpldumpeval(xstr, elem + 1, elems, cur, num, stack, depth); } else { TCXSTRCAT(xstr, elem, esiz); cur++; } } tcmapdel(svars); } return tcxstrtomalloc(xstr); } /* Get the value of a configuration variable of a template object. */ const char *tctmplconf(TCTMPL *tmpl, const char *name){ assert(tmpl && name); return tcmapget2(tmpl->conf, name); } /* Store a list object into a list object with the type information. */ void tclistpushlist(TCLIST *list, const TCLIST *obj){ assert(list && obj); char vbuf[sizeof(TCTYPRFXLIST) - 1 + sizeof(obj)]; memcpy(vbuf, TCTYPRFXLIST, sizeof(TCTYPRFXLIST) - 1); memcpy(vbuf + sizeof(TCTYPRFXLIST) - 1, &obj, sizeof(obj)); tclistpush(list, vbuf, sizeof(vbuf)); } /* Store a map object into a list object with the type information. */ void tclistpushmap(TCLIST *list, const TCMAP *obj){ assert(list && obj); char vbuf[sizeof(TCTYPRFXMAP) - 1 + sizeof(obj)]; memcpy(vbuf, TCTYPRFXMAP, sizeof(TCTYPRFXMAP) - 1); memcpy(vbuf + sizeof(TCTYPRFXMAP) - 1, &obj, sizeof(obj)); tclistpush(list, vbuf, sizeof(vbuf)); } /* Store a list object into a map object with the type information. */ void tcmapputlist(TCMAP *map, const char *kstr, const TCLIST *obj){ assert(map && kstr && obj); char vbuf[sizeof(TCTYPRFXLIST) - 1 + sizeof(obj)]; memcpy(vbuf, TCTYPRFXLIST, sizeof(TCTYPRFXLIST) - 1); memcpy(vbuf + sizeof(TCTYPRFXLIST) - 1, &obj, sizeof(obj)); tcmapput(map, kstr, strlen(kstr), vbuf, sizeof(vbuf)); } /* Store a map object into a map object with the type information. */ void tcmapputmap(TCMAP *map, const char *kstr, const TCMAP *obj){ assert(map && kstr && obj); char vbuf[sizeof(TCTYPRFXMAP) - 1 + sizeof(obj)]; memcpy(vbuf, TCTYPRFXMAP, sizeof(TCTYPRFXMAP) - 1); memcpy(vbuf + sizeof(TCTYPRFXMAP) - 1, &obj, sizeof(obj)); tcmapput(map, kstr, strlen(kstr), vbuf, sizeof(vbuf)); } /* Tokenize an template expression. `expr' specifies the expression. The return value is a list object of tokens. */ static TCLIST *tctmpltokenize(const char *expr){ TCLIST *tokens = tclistnew(); const unsigned char *rp = (unsigned char *)expr; while(*rp != '\0'){ while(*rp > '\0' && *rp <= ' '){ rp++; } const unsigned char *pv = rp; if(*rp == '"'){ pv++; rp++; while(*rp != '\0' && *rp != '"'){ rp++; } TCLISTPUSH(tokens, pv, rp - pv); if(*rp == '"') rp++; } else if(*rp == '\''){ pv++; rp++; while(*rp != '\0' && *rp != '\''){ rp++; } TCLISTPUSH(tokens, pv, rp - pv); if(*rp == '\'') rp++; } else { while(*rp > ' '){ rp++; } if(rp > pv) TCLISTPUSH(tokens, pv, rp - pv); } } return tokens; } /* Evaluate an template expression. `xstr' specifies the output buffer. `expr' specifies the expression. `elems' specifies the list of elements. `cur' specifies the current offset of the elements. `num' specifies the number of the elements. `stack' specifies the variable scope stack. `depth' specifies the current depth of the stack. The return value is the next offset of the elements. */ static int tctmpldumpeval(TCXSTR *xstr, const char *expr, const TCLIST *elems, int cur, int num, const TCMAP **stack, int depth){ assert(expr && elems && cur >= 0 && num >= 0 && stack && depth >= 0); cur++; TCLIST *tokens = tctmpltokenize(expr); int tnum = TCLISTNUM(tokens); if(tnum > 0){ const char *cmd = TCLISTVALPTR(tokens, 0); if(!strcmp(cmd, "IF")){ bool sign = true; const char *eq = NULL; const char *inc = NULL; bool prt = false; const char *rx = NULL; for(int i = 1; i < tnum; i++){ const char *token = TCLISTVALPTR(tokens, i); if(!strcmp(token, "NOT")){ sign = !sign; } else if(!strcmp(token, "EQ")){ if(++i < tnum) eq = TCLISTVALPTR(tokens, i); } else if(!strcmp(token, "INC")){ if(++i < tnum) inc = TCLISTVALPTR(tokens, i); } else if(!strcmp(token, "PRT")){ prt = true; } else if(!strcmp(token, "RX")){ if(++i < tnum) rx = TCLISTVALPTR(tokens, i); } } TCXSTR *altxstr = NULL; if(xstr){ const char *name = (tnum > 1) ? TCLISTVALPTR(tokens, 1) : "__"; int vsiz, vnum; const char *vbuf = tctmpldumpevalvar(stack, depth, name, &vsiz, &vnum); char numbuf[TCNUMBUFSIZ]; if(vbuf && vnum >= 0){ vsiz = sprintf(numbuf, "%d", vnum); vbuf = numbuf; } bool bval = false; if(vbuf){ if(eq){ if(!strcmp(vbuf, eq)) bval = true; } else if(inc){ if(strstr(vbuf, inc)) bval = true; } else if(prt){ if(*tcstrskipspc(vbuf) != '\0') bval = true; } else if(rx){ if(tcregexmatch(vbuf, rx)) bval = true; } else { bval = true; } } if(bval != sign){ altxstr = xstr; xstr = NULL; } } while(cur < num){ const char *elem; int esiz; TCLISTVAL(elem, elems, cur, esiz); if(*elem == '\0' && esiz > 0){ cur = tctmpldumpeval(xstr, elem + 1, elems, cur, num, stack, depth); if(!strcmp(elem + 1, "ELSE")){ xstr = altxstr; } else if(!strcmp(elem + 1, "END")){ break; } } else { if(xstr) TCXSTRCAT(xstr, elem, esiz); cur++; } } } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "FOREACH")){ const TCLIST *list = NULL; if(xstr){ const char *name = (tnum > 1) ? TCLISTVALPTR(tokens, 1) : ""; int vsiz, vnum; const char *vbuf = tctmpldumpevalvar(stack, depth, name, &vsiz, &vnum); if(vbuf && vsiz == sizeof(TCTYPRFXLIST) - 1 + sizeof(list) && !memcmp(vbuf, TCTYPRFXLIST, sizeof(TCTYPRFXLIST) - 1)){ memcpy(&list, vbuf + sizeof(TCTYPRFXLIST) - 1, sizeof(list)); } } if(list && TCLISTNUM(list) > 0){ const char *name = (tnum > 2) ? TCLISTVALPTR(tokens, 2) : ""; TCMAP *vars = tcmapnew2(1); if(depth < TCTMPLMAXDEP){ stack[depth] = vars; depth++; } int lnum = TCLISTNUM(list); int beg = cur; for(int i = 0; i < lnum; i++){ const char *vbuf; int vsiz; TCLISTVAL(vbuf, list, i, vsiz); if(vsiz == sizeof(TCTYPRFXLIST) - 1 + sizeof(TCLIST *) && !memcmp(vbuf, TCTYPRFXLIST, sizeof(TCTYPRFXLIST) - 1)){ TCLIST *obj; memcpy(&obj, vbuf + sizeof(TCTYPRFXLIST) - 1, sizeof(obj)); tcmapputlist(vars, name, obj); } else if(vsiz == sizeof(TCTYPRFXMAP) - 1 + sizeof(TCMAP *) && !memcmp(vbuf, TCTYPRFXMAP, sizeof(TCTYPRFXMAP) - 1)){ TCMAP *obj; memcpy(&obj, vbuf + sizeof(TCTYPRFXMAP) - 1, sizeof(obj)); tcmapputmap(vars, name, obj); } else { tcmapput2(vars, name, vbuf); } cur = beg; while(cur < num){ const char *elem; int esiz; TCLISTVAL(elem, elems, cur, esiz); if(*elem == '\0' && esiz > 0){ cur = tctmpldumpeval(xstr, elem + 1, elems, cur, num, stack, depth); if(!strcmp(elem + 1, "END")) break; } else { if(xstr) TCXSTRCAT(xstr, elem, esiz); cur++; } } } tcmapdel(vars); } else { while(cur < num){ const char *elem; int esiz; TCLISTVAL(elem, elems, cur, esiz); if(*elem == '\0' && esiz > 0){ cur = tctmpldumpeval(NULL, elem + 1, elems, cur, num, stack, depth); if(!strcmp(elem + 1, "END")) break; } else { cur++; } } } } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "SET")){ if(xstr){ const char *name = (tnum > 1) ? TCLISTVALPTR(tokens, 1) : ""; const char *value = (tnum > 2) ? TCLISTVALPTR(tokens, 2) : ""; tcmapput2((TCMAP *)stack[1], name, value); } } else if(xstr){ int vsiz, vnum; const char *vbuf = tctmpldumpevalvar(stack, depth, cmd, &vsiz, &vnum); char numbuf[TCNUMBUFSIZ]; if(vbuf && vnum >= 0){ vsiz = sprintf(numbuf, "%d", vnum); vbuf = numbuf; } const char *enc = ""; const char *def = NULL; for(int i = 1; i < tnum; i++){ const char *token = TCLISTVALPTR(tokens, i); if(!strcmp(token, "ENC")){ if(++i < tnum) enc = TCLISTVALPTR(tokens, i); } else if(!strcmp(token, "DEF")){ if(++i < tnum) def = TCLISTVALPTR(tokens, i); } } if(!vbuf && def){ vbuf = def; vsiz = strlen(def); } if(vbuf){ if(!strcmp(enc, "URL")){ char *ebuf = tcurlencode(vbuf, vsiz); tcxstrcat2(xstr, ebuf); TCFREE(ebuf); } else if(!strcmp(enc, "BASE")){ char *ebuf = tcbaseencode(vbuf, vsiz); tcxstrcat2(xstr, ebuf); TCFREE(ebuf); } else if(!strcmp(enc, "QUOTE")){ char *ebuf = tcquoteencode(vbuf, vsiz); tcxstrcat2(xstr, ebuf); TCFREE(ebuf); } else if(!strcmp(enc, "HEX")){ char *ebuf = tchexencode(vbuf, vsiz); tcxstrcat2(xstr, ebuf); TCFREE(ebuf); } else if(!strcmp(enc, "XML")){ char *ebuf = tcxmlescape(vbuf); tcxstrcat2(xstr, ebuf); TCFREE(ebuf); } else if(!strcmp(enc, "CSTR")){ char *ebuf = tccstrescape(vbuf); tcxstrcat2(xstr, ebuf); TCFREE(ebuf); } else if(!strcmp(enc, "JSON")){ char *ebuf = tcjsonescape(vbuf); tcxstrcat2(xstr, ebuf); TCFREE(ebuf); } else if(!strcmp(enc, "MD5")){ char ebuf[48]; tcmd5hash(vbuf, vsiz, ebuf); tcxstrcat2(xstr, ebuf); } else { tcxstrcat2(xstr, vbuf); } } } } tclistdel(tokens); return cur; } /* Evaluate a variable of a template expression. `stack' specifies the variable scope stack. `depth' specifies the current depth of the stack. `name' specifies the variable name. `sp' specifies the length of the region of the return value. `np' specifies the number information of the return value. The return value is the pointer to the region of the evaluated value. */ static const char *tctmpldumpevalvar(const TCMAP **stack, int depth, const char *name, int *sp, int *np){ assert(stack && depth >= 0 && name && sp && np); const char *result = NULL; TCLIST *tokens = tcstrsplit(name, "."); int tnum = TCLISTNUM(tokens); if(tnum > 0){ const char *token; int tsiz; TCLISTVAL(token, tokens, 0, tsiz); for(int i = depth - 1; i >= 0; i--){ const TCMAP *vars = stack[i]; int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tcmapget(vars, token, tsiz, &vsiz); int tidx = 1; if(vbuf){ while(vbuf){ if(vsiz == sizeof(TCTYPRFXLIST) - 1 + sizeof(TCLIST *) && !memcmp(vbuf, TCTYPRFXLIST, sizeof(TCTYPRFXLIST) - 1)){ result = vbuf; *sp = vsiz; TCLIST *list; memcpy(&list, vbuf + sizeof(TCTYPRFXLIST) - 1, sizeof(list)); *np = tclistnum(list); break; } else if(vsiz == sizeof(TCTYPRFXMAP) - 1 + sizeof(TCMAP *) && !memcmp(vbuf, TCTYPRFXMAP, sizeof(TCTYPRFXMAP) - 1)){ if(tidx < tnum){ memcpy(&vars, vbuf + sizeof(TCTYPRFXMAP) - 1, sizeof(TCMAP *)); TCLISTVAL(token, tokens, tidx, tsiz); vbuf = tcmapget(vars, token, tsiz, &vsiz); tidx++; } else { result = vbuf; *sp = vsiz; TCMAP *map; memcpy(&map, vbuf + sizeof(TCTYPRFXMAP) - 1, sizeof(map)); *np = tcmaprnum(map); break; } } else { result = vbuf; *sp = vsiz; *np = -1; break; } } break; } } } tclistdel(tokens); return result; } /************************************************************************************************* * pointer list *************************************************************************************************/ /* Create a pointer list object. */ TCPTRLIST *tcptrlistnew(void){ TCPTRLIST *ptrlist; TCMALLOC(ptrlist, sizeof(*ptrlist)); ptrlist->anum = TCLISTUNIT; TCMALLOC(ptrlist->array, sizeof(ptrlist->array[0]) * ptrlist->anum); ptrlist->start = 0; ptrlist->num = 0; return ptrlist; } /* Create a pointer list object with expecting the number of elements. */ TCPTRLIST *tcptrlistnew2(int anum){ TCPTRLIST *ptrlist; TCMALLOC(ptrlist, sizeof(*ptrlist)); if(anum < 1) anum = 1; ptrlist->anum = anum; TCMALLOC(ptrlist->array, sizeof(ptrlist->array[0]) * ptrlist->anum); ptrlist->start = 0; ptrlist->num = 0; return ptrlist; } /* Copy a pointer list object. */ TCPTRLIST *tcptrlistdup(const TCPTRLIST *ptrlist){ assert(ptrlist); int num = ptrlist->num; if(num < 1) return tcptrlistnew(); void **array = ptrlist->array + ptrlist->start; TCPTRLIST *nptrlist; TCMALLOC(nptrlist, sizeof(*nptrlist)); void **narray; TCMALLOC(narray, sizeof(*narray) * num); memcpy(narray, array, sizeof(*narray) * num); nptrlist->anum = num; nptrlist->array = narray; nptrlist->start = 0; nptrlist->num = num; return nptrlist; } /* Delete a pointer list object. */ void tcptrlistdel(TCPTRLIST *ptrlist){ assert(ptrlist); TCFREE(ptrlist->array); TCFREE(ptrlist); } /* Get the number of elements of a pointer list object. */ int tcptrlistnum(const TCPTRLIST *ptrlist){ assert(ptrlist); return ptrlist->num; } /* Get the pointer to the region of an element of a pointer list object. */ void *tcptrlistval(const TCPTRLIST *ptrlist, int index){ assert(ptrlist && index >= 0); if(index >= ptrlist->num) return NULL; return ptrlist->array[ptrlist->start+index]; } /* Add an element at the end of a pointer list object. */ void tcptrlistpush(TCPTRLIST *ptrlist, void *ptr){ assert(ptrlist && ptr); int index = ptrlist->start + ptrlist->num; if(index >= ptrlist->anum){ ptrlist->anum += ptrlist->num + 1; TCREALLOC(ptrlist->array, ptrlist->array, ptrlist->anum * sizeof(ptrlist->array[0])); } ptrlist->array[index] = ptr; ptrlist->num++; } /* Remove an element of the end of a pointer list object. */ void *tcptrlistpop(TCPTRLIST *ptrlist){ assert(ptrlist); if(ptrlist->num < 1) return NULL; int index = ptrlist->start + ptrlist->num - 1; ptrlist->num--; return ptrlist->array[index]; } /* Add an element at the top of a pointer list object. */ void tcptrlistunshift(TCPTRLIST *ptrlist, void *ptr){ assert(ptrlist && ptr); if(ptrlist->start < 1){ if(ptrlist->start + ptrlist->num >= ptrlist->anum){ ptrlist->anum += ptrlist->num + 1; TCREALLOC(ptrlist->array, ptrlist->array, ptrlist->anum * sizeof(ptrlist->array[0])); } ptrlist->start = ptrlist->anum - ptrlist->num; memmove(ptrlist->array + ptrlist->start, ptrlist->array, ptrlist->num * sizeof(ptrlist->array[0])); } ptrlist->start--; ptrlist->array[ptrlist->start] = ptr; ptrlist->num++; } /* Remove an element of the top of a pointer list object. */ void *tcptrlistshift(TCPTRLIST *ptrlist){ assert(ptrlist); if(ptrlist->num < 1) return NULL; int index = ptrlist->start; ptrlist->start++; ptrlist->num--; void *rv = ptrlist->array[index]; if((ptrlist->start & 0xff) == 0 && ptrlist->start > (ptrlist->num >> 1)){ memmove(ptrlist->array, ptrlist->array + ptrlist->start, ptrlist->num * sizeof(ptrlist->array[0])); ptrlist->start = 0; } return rv; } /* Add an element at the specified location of a pointer list object. */ void tcptrlistinsert(TCPTRLIST *ptrlist, int index, void *ptr){ assert(ptrlist && index >= 0 && ptr); if(index > ptrlist->num) return; index += ptrlist->start; if(ptrlist->start + ptrlist->num >= ptrlist->anum){ ptrlist->anum += ptrlist->num + 1; TCREALLOC(ptrlist->array, ptrlist->array, ptrlist->anum * sizeof(ptrlist->array[0])); } memmove(ptrlist->array + index + 1, ptrlist->array + index, sizeof(ptrlist->array[0]) * (ptrlist->start + ptrlist->num - index)); ptrlist->array[index] = ptr; ptrlist->num++; } /* Remove an element at the specified location of a pointer list object. */ void *tcptrlistremove(TCPTRLIST *ptrlist, int index){ assert(ptrlist && index >= 0); if(index >= ptrlist->num) return NULL; index += ptrlist->start; void *rv = ptrlist->array[index]; ptrlist->num--; memmove(ptrlist->array + index, ptrlist->array + index + 1, sizeof(ptrlist->array[0]) * (ptrlist->start + ptrlist->num - index)); return rv; } /* Overwrite an element at the specified location of a pointer list object. */ void tcptrlistover(TCPTRLIST *ptrlist, int index, void *ptr){ assert(ptrlist && index >= 0 && ptr); if(index >= ptrlist->num) return; index += ptrlist->start; ptrlist->array[index] = ptr; } /* Clear a pointer list object. */ void tcptrlistclear(TCPTRLIST *ptrlist){ assert(ptrlist); ptrlist->start = 0; ptrlist->num = 0; } /************************************************************************************************* * features for experts *************************************************************************************************/ #define TCBSENCUNIT 8192 // unit size of TCBS encoding #define TCBWTCNTMIN 64 // minimum element number of counting sort #define TCBWTCNTLV 4 // maximum recursion level of counting sort #define TCBWTBUFNUM 16384 // number of elements of BWT buffer typedef struct { // type of structure for a BWT character int fchr; // character code of the first character int tchr; // character code of the last character } TCBWTREC; /* private function prototypes */ static void tcglobalinit(void); static void tcglobaldestroy(void); static void tcbwtsortstrcount(const char **arrays, int anum, int len, int level); static void tcbwtsortstrinsert(const char **arrays, int anum, int len, int skip); static void tcbwtsortstrheap(const char **arrays, int anum, int len, int skip); static void tcbwtsortchrcount(unsigned char *str, int len); static void tcbwtsortchrinsert(unsigned char *str, int len); static void tcbwtsortreccount(TCBWTREC *arrays, int anum); static void tcbwtsortrecinsert(TCBWTREC *array, int anum); static int tcbwtsearchrec(TCBWTREC *array, int anum, int tchr); static void tcmtfencode(char *ptr, int size); static void tcmtfdecode(char *ptr, int size); static int tcgammaencode(const char *ptr, int size, char *obuf); static int tcgammadecode(const char *ptr, int size, char *obuf); /* Get the message string corresponding to an error code. */ const char *tcerrmsg(int ecode){ switch(ecode){ case TCESUCCESS: return "success"; case TCETHREAD: return "threading error"; case TCEINVALID: return "invalid operation"; case TCENOFILE: return "file not found"; case TCENOPERM: return "no permission"; case TCEMETA: return "invalid meta data"; case TCERHEAD: return "invalid record header"; case TCEOPEN: return "open error"; case TCECLOSE: return "close error"; case TCETRUNC: return "trunc error"; case TCESYNC: return "sync error"; case TCESTAT: return "stat error"; case TCESEEK: return "seek error"; case TCEREAD: return "read error"; case TCEWRITE: return "write error"; case TCEMMAP: return "mmap error"; case TCELOCK: return "lock error"; case TCEUNLINK: return "unlink error"; case TCERENAME: return "rename error"; case TCEMKDIR: return "mkdir error"; case TCERMDIR: return "rmdir error"; case TCEKEEP: return "existing record"; case TCENOREC: return "no record found"; case TCEMISC: return "miscellaneous error"; } return "unknown error"; } /* Show error message on the standard error output and exit. */ void *tcmyfatal(const char *message){ assert(message); if(tcfatalfunc){ tcfatalfunc(message); } else { fprintf(stderr, "fatal error: %s\n", message); } exit(1); return NULL; } /* Allocate a large nullified region. */ void *tczeromap(uint64_t size){ #if defined(_SYS_LINUX_) assert(size > 0); void *ptr = mmap(0, sizeof(size) + size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); if(ptr == MAP_FAILED) tcmyfatal("out of memory"); *(uint64_t *)ptr = size; return (char *)ptr + sizeof(size); #else assert(size > 0); void *ptr; TCCALLOC(ptr, 1, size); return ptr; #endif } /* Free a large nullfied region. */ void tczerounmap(void *ptr){ #if defined(_SYS_LINUX_) assert(ptr); uint64_t size = *((uint64_t *)ptr - 1); munmap((char *)ptr - sizeof(size), sizeof(size) + size); #else assert(ptr); TCFREE(ptr); #endif } /* Global mutex object. */ static pthread_once_t tcglobalonce = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; static pthread_rwlock_t tcglobalmutex; static pthread_mutex_t tcpathmutex; static TCMAP *tcpathmap; /* Lock the global mutex object. */ bool tcglobalmutexlock(void){ pthread_once(&tcglobalonce, tcglobalinit); return pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&tcglobalmutex) == 0; } /* Lock the global mutex object by shared locking. */ bool tcglobalmutexlockshared(void){ pthread_once(&tcglobalonce, tcglobalinit); return pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&tcglobalmutex) == 0; } /* Unlock the global mutex object. */ bool tcglobalmutexunlock(void){ return pthread_rwlock_unlock(&tcglobalmutex) == 0; } /* Lock the absolute path of a file. */ bool tcpathlock(const char *path){ assert(path); pthread_once(&tcglobalonce, tcglobalinit); if(pthread_mutex_lock(&tcpathmutex) != 0) return false; bool err = false; if(tcpathmap && !tcmapputkeep2(tcpathmap, path, "")) err = true; if(pthread_mutex_unlock(&tcpathmutex) != 0) err = true; return !err; } /* Unock the absolute path of a file. */ bool tcpathunlock(const char *path){ assert(path); pthread_once(&tcglobalonce, tcglobalinit); if(pthread_mutex_lock(&tcpathmutex) != 0) return false; bool err = false; if(tcpathmap && !tcmapout2(tcpathmap, path)) err = true; if(pthread_mutex_unlock(&tcpathmutex) != 0) err = true; return !err; } /* Convert an integer to the string as binary numbers. */ int tcnumtostrbin(uint64_t num, char *buf, int col, int fc){ assert(buf); char *wp = buf; int len = sizeof(num) * 8; bool zero = true; while(len-- > 0){ if(num & (1ULL << 63)){ *(wp++) = '1'; zero = false; } else if(!zero){ *(wp++) = '0'; } num <<= 1; } if(col > 0){ if(col > sizeof(num) * 8) col = sizeof(num) * 8; len = col - (wp - buf); if(len > 0){ memmove(buf + len, buf, wp - buf); for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){ buf[i] = fc; } wp += len; } } else if(zero){ *(wp++) = '0'; } *wp = '\0'; return wp - buf; } /* Compare keys of two records by lexical order. */ int tccmplexical(const char *aptr, int asiz, const char *bptr, int bsiz, void *op){ assert(aptr && asiz >= 0 && bptr && bsiz >= 0); int rv; TCCMPLEXICAL(rv, aptr, asiz, bptr, bsiz); return rv; } /* Compare two keys as decimal strings of real numbers. */ int tccmpdecimal(const char *aptr, int asiz, const char *bptr, int bsiz, void *op){ assert(aptr && asiz >= 0 && bptr && bsiz >= 0); const unsigned char *arp = (unsigned char *)aptr; int alen = asiz; while(alen > 0 && (*arp <= ' ' || *arp == 0x7f)){ arp++; alen--; } int64_t anum = 0; int asign = 1; if(alen > 0 && *arp == '-'){ arp++; alen--; asign = -1; } while(alen > 0){ int c = *arp; if(c < '0' || c > '9') break; anum = anum * 10 + c - '0'; arp++; alen--; } anum *= asign; const unsigned char *brp = (unsigned char *)bptr; int blen = bsiz; while(blen > 0 && (*brp <= ' ' || *brp == 0x7f)){ brp++; blen--; } int64_t bnum = 0; int bsign = 1; if(blen > 0 && *brp == '-'){ brp++; blen--; bsign = -1; } while(blen > 0){ int c = *brp; if(c < '0' || c > '9') break; bnum = bnum * 10 + c - '0'; brp++; blen--; } bnum *= bsign; if(anum < bnum) return -1; if(anum > bnum) return 1; if((alen > 1 && *arp == '.') || (blen > 1 && *brp == '.')){ long double aflt = 0; if(alen > 1 && *arp == '.'){ arp++; alen--; if(alen > TCLDBLCOLMAX) alen = TCLDBLCOLMAX; long double base = 10; while(alen > 0){ if(*arp < '0' || *arp > '9') break; aflt += (*arp - '0') / base; arp++; alen--; base *= 10; } aflt *= asign; } long double bflt = 0; if(blen > 1 && *brp == '.'){ brp++; blen--; if(blen > TCLDBLCOLMAX) blen = TCLDBLCOLMAX; long double base = 10; while(blen > 0){ if(*brp < '0' || *brp > '9') break; bflt += (*brp - '0') / base; brp++; blen--; base *= 10; } bflt *= bsign; } if(aflt < bflt) return -1; if(aflt > bflt) return 1; } int rv; TCCMPLEXICAL(rv, aptr, asiz, bptr, bsiz); return rv; } /* Compare two keys as 32-bit integers in the native byte order. */ int tccmpint32(const char *aptr, int asiz, const char *bptr, int bsiz, void *op){ assert(aptr && bptr); int32_t anum, bnum; if(asiz == sizeof(int32_t)){ memcpy(&anum, aptr, sizeof(int32_t)); } else if(asiz < sizeof(int32_t)){ memset(&anum, 0, sizeof(int32_t)); memcpy(&anum, aptr, asiz); } else { memcpy(&anum, aptr, sizeof(int32_t)); } if(bsiz == sizeof(int32_t)){ memcpy(&bnum, bptr, sizeof(int32_t)); } else if(bsiz < sizeof(int32_t)){ memset(&bnum, 0, sizeof(int32_t)); memcpy(&bnum, bptr, bsiz); } else { memcpy(&bnum, bptr, sizeof(int32_t)); } return (anum < bnum) ? -1 : anum > bnum; } /* Compare two keys as 64-bit integers in the native byte order. */ int tccmpint64(const char *aptr, int asiz, const char *bptr, int bsiz, void *op){ assert(aptr && bptr); int64_t anum, bnum; if(asiz == sizeof(int64_t)){ memcpy(&anum, aptr, sizeof(int64_t)); } else if(asiz < sizeof(int64_t)){ memset(&anum, 0, sizeof(int64_t)); memcpy(&anum, aptr, asiz); } else { memcpy(&anum, aptr, sizeof(int64_t)); } if(bsiz == sizeof(int64_t)){ memcpy(&bnum, bptr, sizeof(int64_t)); } else if(bsiz < sizeof(int64_t)){ memset(&bnum, 0, sizeof(int64_t)); memcpy(&bnum, bptr, bsiz); } else { memcpy(&bnum, bptr, sizeof(int64_t)); } return (anum < bnum) ? -1 : anum > bnum; } /* Compress a serial object with TCBS encoding. */ char *tcbsencode(const char *ptr, int size, int *sp){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && sp); char *result; TCMALLOC(result, (size * 7) / 3 + (size / TCBSENCUNIT + 1) * sizeof(uint16_t) + TCBSENCUNIT * 2 + 0x200); char *pv = result + size + 0x100; char *wp = pv; char *tp = pv + size + 0x100; const char *end = ptr + size; while(ptr < end){ int usiz = tclmin(TCBSENCUNIT, end - ptr); memcpy(tp, ptr, usiz); memcpy(tp + usiz, ptr, usiz); char *sp = wp; uint16_t idx = 0; wp += sizeof(idx); const char *arrays[usiz+1]; for(int i = 0; i < usiz; i++){ arrays[i] = tp + i; } const char *fp = arrays[0]; if(usiz >= TCBWTCNTMIN){ tcbwtsortstrcount(arrays, usiz, usiz, 0); } else if(usiz > 1){ tcbwtsortstrinsert(arrays, usiz, usiz, 0); } for(int i = 0; i < usiz; i++){ int tidx = arrays[i] - fp; if(tidx == 0){ idx = i; *(wp++) = ptr[usiz-1]; } else { *(wp++) = ptr[tidx-1]; } } idx = TCHTOIS(idx); memcpy(sp, &idx, sizeof(idx)); ptr += TCBSENCUNIT; } size = wp - pv; tcmtfencode(pv, size); int nsiz = tcgammaencode(pv, size, result); *sp = nsiz; return result; } /* Decompress a serial object compressed with TCBS encoding. */ char *tcbsdecode(const char *ptr, int size, int *sp){ char *result; TCMALLOC(result, size * 9 + 0x200); char *wp = result + size + 0x100; int nsiz = tcgammadecode(ptr, size, wp); tcmtfdecode(wp, nsiz); ptr = wp; wp = result; const char *end = ptr + nsiz; while(ptr < end){ uint16_t idx; memcpy(&idx, ptr, sizeof(idx)); idx = TCITOHS(idx); ptr += sizeof(idx); int usiz = tclmin(TCBSENCUNIT, end - ptr); if(idx >= usiz) idx = 0; char rbuf[usiz+1]; memcpy(rbuf, ptr, usiz); if(usiz >= TCBWTCNTMIN){ tcbwtsortchrcount((unsigned char *)rbuf, usiz); } else if(usiz > 0){ tcbwtsortchrinsert((unsigned char *)rbuf, usiz); } int fnums[0x100], tnums[0x100]; memset(fnums, 0, sizeof(fnums)); memset(tnums, 0, sizeof(tnums)); TCBWTREC array[usiz+1]; TCBWTREC *rp = array; for(int i = 0; i < usiz; i++){ int fc = *(unsigned char *)(rbuf + i); rp->fchr = (fc << 23) + fnums[fc]++; int tc = *(unsigned char *)(ptr + i); rp->tchr = (tc << 23) + tnums[tc]++; rp++; } unsigned int fchr = array[idx].fchr; if(usiz >= TCBWTCNTMIN){ tcbwtsortreccount(array, usiz); } else if(usiz > 1){ tcbwtsortrecinsert(array, usiz); } for(int i = 0; i < usiz; i++){ if(array[i].fchr == fchr){ idx = i; break; } } for(int i = 0; i < usiz; i++){ *(wp++) = array[idx].fchr >> 23; idx = tcbwtsearchrec(array, usiz, array[idx].fchr); } ptr += usiz; } *wp = '\0'; *sp = wp - result; return result; } /* Encode a serial object with BWT encoding. */ char *tcbwtencode(const char *ptr, int size, int *idxp){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && idxp); if(size < 1){ *idxp = 0; char *rv; TCMEMDUP(rv, "", 0); return rv; } char *result; TCMALLOC(result, size * 3 + 1); char *tp = result + size + 1; memcpy(tp, ptr, size); memcpy(tp + size, ptr, size); const char *abuf[TCBWTBUFNUM]; const char **arrays = abuf; if(size > TCBWTBUFNUM) TCMALLOC(arrays, sizeof(*arrays) * size); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ arrays[i] = tp + i; } const char *fp = arrays[0]; if(size >= TCBWTCNTMIN){ tcbwtsortstrcount(arrays, size, size, -1); } else if(size > 1){ tcbwtsortstrinsert(arrays, size, size, 0); } for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ int idx = arrays[i] - fp; if(idx == 0){ *idxp = i; result[i] = ptr[size-1]; } else { result[i] = ptr[idx-1]; } } if(arrays != abuf) TCFREE(arrays); result[size] = '\0'; return result; } /* Decode a serial object encoded with BWT encoding. */ char *tcbwtdecode(const char *ptr, int size, int idx){ assert(ptr && size >= 0); if(size < 1 || idx < 0){ char *rv; TCMEMDUP(rv, "", 0); return rv; } if(idx >= size) idx = 0; char *result; TCMALLOC(result, size + 1); memcpy(result, ptr, size); if(size >= TCBWTCNTMIN){ tcbwtsortchrcount((unsigned char *)result, size); } else { tcbwtsortchrinsert((unsigned char *)result, size); } int fnums[0x100], tnums[0x100]; memset(fnums, 0, sizeof(fnums)); memset(tnums, 0, sizeof(tnums)); TCBWTREC abuf[TCBWTBUFNUM]; TCBWTREC *array = abuf; if(size > TCBWTBUFNUM) TCMALLOC(array, sizeof(*array) * size); TCBWTREC *rp = array; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ int fc = *(unsigned char *)(result + i); rp->fchr = (fc << 23) + fnums[fc]++; int tc = *(unsigned char *)(ptr + i); rp->tchr = (tc << 23) + tnums[tc]++; rp++; } unsigned int fchr = array[idx].fchr; if(size >= TCBWTCNTMIN){ tcbwtsortreccount(array, size); } else if(size > 1){ tcbwtsortrecinsert(array, size); } for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ if(array[i].fchr == fchr){ idx = i; break; } } char *wp = result; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ *(wp++) = array[idx].fchr >> 23; idx = tcbwtsearchrec(array, size, array[idx].fchr); } *wp = '\0'; if(array != abuf) TCFREE(array); return result; } /* Get the binary logarithm of an integer. */ long tclog2l(long num){ if(num <= 1) return 0; num >>= 1; long rv = 0; while(num > 0){ rv++; num >>= 1; } return rv; } /* Get the binary logarithm of a real number. */ double tclog2d(double num){ return log(num) / log(2); } /* Get the aligned offset of a file offset. */ uint64_t tcpagealign(uint64_t off){ int ps = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); int diff = off & (ps - 1); return (diff > 0) ? off + ps - diff : off; } /* Initialize the global mutex object */ static void tcglobalinit(void){ if(!TCUSEPTHREAD){ memset(&tcglobalmutex, 0, sizeof(tcglobalmutex)); memset(&tcpathmutex, 0, sizeof(tcpathmutex)); } if(pthread_rwlock_init(&tcglobalmutex, NULL) != 0) tcmyfatal("rwlock error"); if(pthread_mutex_init(&tcpathmutex, NULL) != 0) tcmyfatal("mutex error"); tcpathmap = tcmapnew2(TCMAPTINYBNUM); atexit(tcglobaldestroy); } /* Destroy the global mutex object */ static void tcglobaldestroy(void){ tcmapdel(tcpathmap); pthread_mutex_destroy(&tcpathmutex); pthread_rwlock_destroy(&tcglobalmutex); } /* Sort BWT string arrays by dicrionary order by counting sort. `array' specifies an array of string arrays. `anum' specifies the number of the array. `len' specifies the size of each string. `level' specifies the level of recursion. */ static void tcbwtsortstrcount(const char **arrays, int anum, int len, int level){ assert(arrays && anum >= 0 && len >= 0); const char *nbuf[TCBWTBUFNUM]; const char **narrays = nbuf; if(anum > TCBWTBUFNUM) TCMALLOC(narrays, sizeof(*narrays) * anum); int count[0x100], accum[0x100]; memset(count, 0, sizeof(count)); int skip = level < 0 ? 0 : level; for(int i = 0; i < anum; i++){ count[((unsigned char *)arrays[i])[skip]]++; } memcpy(accum, count, sizeof(count)); for(int i = 1; i < 0x100; i++){ accum[i] = accum[i-1] + accum[i]; } for(int i = 0; i < anum; i++){ narrays[--accum[((unsigned char *)arrays[i])[skip]]] = arrays[i]; } int off = 0; if(level >= 0 && level < TCBWTCNTLV){ for(int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++){ int c = count[i]; if(c > 1){ if(c >= TCBWTCNTMIN){ tcbwtsortstrcount(narrays + off, c, len, level + 1); } else { tcbwtsortstrinsert(narrays + off, c, len, skip + 1); } } off += c; } } else { for(int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++){ int c = count[i]; if(c > 1){ if(c >= TCBWTCNTMIN){ tcbwtsortstrheap(narrays + off, c, len, skip + 1); } else { tcbwtsortstrinsert(narrays + off, c, len, skip + 1); } } off += c; } } memcpy(arrays, narrays, anum * sizeof(*narrays)); if(narrays != nbuf) TCFREE(narrays); } /* Sort BWT string arrays by dicrionary order by insertion sort. `array' specifies an array of string arrays. `anum' specifies the number of the array. `len' specifies the size of each string. `skip' specifies the number of skipped bytes. */ static void tcbwtsortstrinsert(const char **arrays, int anum, int len, int skip){ assert(arrays && anum >= 0 && len >= 0); for(int i = 1; i < anum; i++){ int cmp = 0; const unsigned char *ap = (unsigned char *)arrays[i-1]; const unsigned char *bp = (unsigned char *)arrays[i]; for(int j = skip; j < len; j++){ if(ap[j] != bp[j]){ cmp = ap[j] - bp[j]; break; } } if(cmp > 0){ const char *swap = arrays[i]; int j; for(j = i; j > 0; j--){ int cmp = 0; const unsigned char *ap = (unsigned char *)arrays[j-1]; const unsigned char *bp = (unsigned char *)swap; for(int k = skip; k < len; k++){ if(ap[k] != bp[k]){ cmp = ap[k] - bp[k]; break; } } if(cmp < 0) break; arrays[j] = arrays[j-1]; } arrays[j] = swap; } } } /* Sort BWT string arrays by dicrionary order by heap sort. `array' specifies an array of string arrays. `anum' specifies the number of the array. `len' specifies the size of each string. `skip' specifies the number of skipped bytes. */ static void tcbwtsortstrheap(const char **arrays, int anum, int len, int skip){ assert(arrays && anum >= 0 && len >= 0); anum--; int bottom = (anum >> 1) + 1; int top = anum; while(bottom > 0){ bottom--; int mybot = bottom; int i = mybot * 2; while(i <= top){ if(i < top){ int cmp = 0; const unsigned char *ap = (unsigned char *)arrays[i+1]; const unsigned char *bp = (unsigned char *)arrays[i]; for(int j = skip; j < len; j++){ if(ap[j] != bp[j]){ cmp = ap[j] - bp[j]; break; } } if(cmp > 0) i++; } int cmp = 0; const unsigned char *ap = (unsigned char *)arrays[mybot]; const unsigned char *bp = (unsigned char *)arrays[i]; for(int j = skip; j < len; j++){ if(ap[j] != bp[j]){ cmp = ap[j] - bp[j]; break; } } if(cmp >= 0) break; const char *swap = arrays[mybot]; arrays[mybot] = arrays[i]; arrays[i] = swap; mybot = i; i = mybot * 2; } } while(top > 0){ const char *swap = arrays[0]; arrays[0] = arrays[top]; arrays[top] = swap; top--; int mybot = bottom; int i = mybot * 2; while(i <= top){ if(i < top){ int cmp = 0; const unsigned char *ap = (unsigned char *)arrays[i+1]; const unsigned char *bp = (unsigned char *)arrays[i]; for(int j = 0; j < len; j++){ if(ap[j] != bp[j]){ cmp = ap[j] - bp[j]; break; } } if(cmp > 0) i++; } int cmp = 0; const unsigned char *ap = (unsigned char *)arrays[mybot]; const unsigned char *bp = (unsigned char *)arrays[i]; for(int j = 0; j < len; j++){ if(ap[j] != bp[j]){ cmp = ap[j] - bp[j]; break; } } if(cmp >= 0) break; swap = arrays[mybot]; arrays[mybot] = arrays[i]; arrays[i] = swap; mybot = i; i = mybot * 2; } } } /* Sort BWT characters by code number by counting sort. `str' specifies a string. `len' specifies the length of the string. */ static void tcbwtsortchrcount(unsigned char *str, int len){ assert(str && len >= 0); int cnt[0x100]; memset(cnt, 0, sizeof(cnt)); for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){ cnt[str[i]]++; } int pos = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++){ memset(str + pos, i, cnt[i]); pos += cnt[i]; } } /* Sort BWT characters by code number by insertion sort. `str' specifies a string. `len' specifies the length of the string. */ static void tcbwtsortchrinsert(unsigned char *str, int len){ assert(str && len >= 0); for(int i = 1; i < len; i++){ if(str[i-1] - str[i] > 0){ unsigned char swap = str[i]; int j; for(j = i; j > 0; j--){ if(str[j-1] - swap < 0) break; str[j] = str[j-1]; } str[j] = swap; } } } /* Sort BWT records by code number by counting sort. `array' specifies an array of records. `anum' specifies the number of the array. */ static void tcbwtsortreccount(TCBWTREC *array, int anum){ assert(array && anum >= 0); TCBWTREC nbuf[TCBWTBUFNUM]; TCBWTREC *narray = nbuf; if(anum > TCBWTBUFNUM) TCMALLOC(narray, sizeof(*narray) * anum); int count[0x100], accum[0x100]; memset(count, 0, sizeof(count)); for(int i = 0; i < anum; i++){ count[array[i].tchr>>23]++; } memcpy(accum, count, sizeof(count)); for(int i = 1; i < 0x100; i++){ accum[i] = accum[i-1] + accum[i]; } for(int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++){ accum[i] -= count[i]; } for(int i = 0; i < anum; i++){ narray[accum[array[i].tchr>>23]++] = array[i]; } memcpy(array, narray, anum * sizeof(*narray)); if(narray != nbuf) TCFREE(narray); } /* Sort BWT records by code number by insertion sort. `array' specifies an array of records.. `anum' specifies the number of the array. */ static void tcbwtsortrecinsert(TCBWTREC *array, int anum){ assert(array && anum >= 0); for(int i = 1; i < anum; i++){ if(array[i-1].tchr - array[i].tchr > 0){ TCBWTREC swap = array[i]; int j; for(j = i; j > 0; j--){ if(array[j-1].tchr - swap.tchr < 0) break; array[j] = array[j-1]; } array[j] = swap; } } } /* Search the element of BWT records. `array' specifies an array of records. `anum' specifies the number of the array. `tchr' specifies the last code number. */ static int tcbwtsearchrec(TCBWTREC *array, int anum, int tchr){ assert(array && anum >= 0); int bottom = 0; int top = anum; int mid; do { mid = (bottom + top) >> 1; if(array[mid].tchr == tchr){ return mid; } else if(array[mid].tchr < tchr){ bottom = mid + 1; if(bottom >= anum) break; } else { top = mid - 1; } } while(bottom <= top); return -1; } /* Initialization table for MTF encoder. */ const unsigned char tcmtftable[] = { 0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0a,0x0b,0x0c,0x0d,0x0e,0x0f, 0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,0x14,0x15,0x16,0x17,0x18,0x19,0x1a,0x1b,0x1c,0x1d,0x1e,0x1f, 0x20,0x21,0x22,0x23,0x24,0x25,0x26,0x27,0x28,0x29,0x2a,0x2b,0x2c,0x2d,0x2e,0x2f, 0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38,0x39,0x3a,0x3b,0x3c,0x3d,0x3e,0x3f, 0x40,0x41,0x42,0x43,0x44,0x45,0x46,0x47,0x48,0x49,0x4a,0x4b,0x4c,0x4d,0x4e,0x4f, 0x50,0x51,0x52,0x53,0x54,0x55,0x56,0x57,0x58,0x59,0x5a,0x5b,0x5c,0x5d,0x5e,0x5f, 0x60,0x61,0x62,0x63,0x64,0x65,0x66,0x67,0x68,0x69,0x6a,0x6b,0x6c,0x6d,0x6e,0x6f, 0x70,0x71,0x72,0x73,0x74,0x75,0x76,0x77,0x78,0x79,0x7a,0x7b,0x7c,0x7d,0x7e,0x7f, 0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89,0x8a,0x8b,0x8c,0x8d,0x8e,0x8f, 0x90,0x91,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97,0x98,0x99,0x9a,0x9b,0x9c,0x9d,0x9e,0x9f, 0xa0,0xa1,0xa2,0xa3,0xa4,0xa5,0xa6,0xa7,0xa8,0xa9,0xaa,0xab,0xac,0xad,0xae,0xaf, 0xb0,0xb1,0xb2,0xb3,0xb4,0xb5,0xb6,0xb7,0xb8,0xb9,0xba,0xbb,0xbc,0xbd,0xbe,0xbf, 0xc0,0xc1,0xc2,0xc3,0xc4,0xc5,0xc6,0xc7,0xc8,0xc9,0xca,0xcb,0xcc,0xcd,0xce,0xcf, 0xd0,0xd1,0xd2,0xd3,0xd4,0xd5,0xd6,0xd7,0xd8,0xd9,0xda,0xdb,0xdc,0xdd,0xde,0xdf, 0xe0,0xe1,0xe2,0xe3,0xe4,0xe5,0xe6,0xe7,0xe8,0xe9,0xea,0xeb,0xec,0xed,0xee,0xef, 0xf0,0xf1,0xf2,0xf3,0xf4,0xf5,0xf6,0xf7,0xf8,0xf9,0xfa,0xfb,0xfc,0xfd,0xfe,0xff }; /* Encode a region with MTF encoding. `ptr' specifies the pointer to the region. `size' specifies the size of the region. */ static void tcmtfencode(char *ptr, int size){ unsigned char table1[0x100], table2[0x100], *table, *another; assert(ptr && size >= 0); memcpy(table1, tcmtftable, sizeof(tcmtftable)); table = table1; another = table2; const char *end = ptr + size; char *wp = ptr; while(ptr < end){ unsigned char c = *ptr; unsigned char *tp = table; unsigned char *tend = table + 0x100; while(tp < tend && *tp != c){ tp++; } int idx = tp - table; *(wp++) = idx; if(idx > 0){ memcpy(another, &c, 1); memcpy(another + 1, table, idx); memcpy(another + 1 + idx, table + idx + 1, 255 - idx); unsigned char *swap = table; table = another; another = swap; } ptr++; } } /* Decode a region compressed with MTF encoding. `ptr' specifies the pointer to the region. `size' specifies the size of the region. */ static void tcmtfdecode(char *ptr, int size){ assert(ptr && size >= 0); unsigned char table1[0x100], table2[0x100], *table, *another; assert(ptr && size >= 0); memcpy(table1, tcmtftable, sizeof(tcmtftable)); table = table1; another = table2; const char *end = ptr + size; char *wp = ptr; while(ptr < end){ int idx = *(unsigned char *)ptr; unsigned char c = table[idx]; *(wp++) = c; if(idx > 0){ memcpy(another, &c, 1); memcpy(another + 1, table, idx); memcpy(another + 1 + idx, table + idx + 1, 255 - idx); unsigned char *swap = table; table = another; another = swap; } ptr++; } } /* Encode a region with Elias gamma encoding. `ptr' specifies the pointer to the region. `size' specifies the size of the region. `obuf' specifies the pointer to the output buffer. The return value is the size of the output buffer. */ static int tcgammaencode(const char *ptr, int size, char *obuf){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && obuf); TCBITSTRM strm; TCBITSTRMINITW(strm, obuf); const char *end = ptr + size; while(ptr < end){ unsigned int c = *(unsigned char *)ptr; if(!c){ TCBITSTRMCAT(strm, 1); } else { c++; int plen = 8; while(plen > 0 && !(c & (1 << plen))){ plen--; } int jlen = plen; while(jlen-- > 0){ TCBITSTRMCAT(strm, 0); } while(plen >= 0){ int sign = (c & (1 << plen)) > 0; TCBITSTRMCAT(strm, sign); plen--; } } ptr++; } TCBITSTRMSETEND(strm); return TCBITSTRMSIZE(strm); } /* Decode a region compressed with Elias gamma encoding. `ptr' specifies the pointer to the region. `size' specifies the size of the region. `obuf' specifies the pointer to the output buffer. The return value is the size of the output buffer. */ static int tcgammadecode(const char *ptr, int size, char *obuf){ assert(ptr && size >= 0 && obuf); char *wp = obuf; TCBITSTRM strm; TCBITSTRMINITR(strm, ptr, size); int bnum = TCBITSTRMNUM(strm); while(bnum > 0){ int sign; TCBITSTRMREAD(strm, sign); bnum--; if(sign){ *(wp++) = 0; } else { int plen = 1; while(bnum > 0){ TCBITSTRMREAD(strm, sign); bnum--; if(sign) break; plen++; } unsigned int c = 1; while(bnum > 0 && plen-- > 0){ TCBITSTRMREAD(strm, sign); bnum--; c = (c << 1) + (sign > 0); } *(wp++) = c - 1; } } return wp - obuf; } // END OF FILE