# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # package ModPerl::FunctionMap; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use ModPerl::MapUtil qw(); use ModPerl::ParseSource (); our @ISA = qw(ModPerl::MapBase); sub new { my $class = shift; bless {}, $class; } #for adding to function.map sub generate { my $self = shift; my $missing = $self->check; return unless $missing; print " $_\n" for @$missing; } sub disabled { shift->{disabled} } #look for functions that do not exist in *.map sub check { my $self = shift; my $map = $self->get; my @missing; my $mp_func = ModPerl::ParseSource->wanted_functions; for my $name (map $_->{name}, @{ $self->function_table() }) { next if exists $map->{$name}; push @missing, $name unless $name =~ /^($mp_func)/o; } return @missing ? \@missing : undef; } #look for functions in *.map that do not exist my $special_name = qr{(^DEFINE_|DESTROY$)}; sub check_exists { my $self = shift; my %functions = map { $_->{name}, 1 } @{ $self->function_table() }; my @missing = (); for my $name (keys %{ $self->{map} }) { next if $functions{$name}; push @missing, $name unless $name =~ $special_name; } return @missing ? \@missing : undef; } my $keywords = join '|', qw(MODULE PACKAGE PREFIX BOOT); sub guess_prefix { my $entry = shift; my ($name, $class) = ($entry->{name}, $entry->{class}); my $prefix = ""; $name =~ s/^DEFINE_//; $name =~ s/^mpxs_//i; (my $modprefix = ($entry->{class} || $entry->{module}) . '_') =~ s/::/__/g; (my $guess = lc $modprefix) =~ s/_+/_/g; $guess =~ s/(apache2)_/($1|ap)_{1,2}/; if ($name =~ s/^($guess|$modprefix).*/$1/i) { $prefix = $1; } else { if ($name =~ /^(apr?_)/) { $prefix = $1; } } #print "GUESS prefix=$guess, name=$entry->{name} -> $prefix\n"; return $prefix; } sub parse { my ($self, $fh, $map) = @_; my %cur; my $disabled = 0; while ($fh->readline) { if (/($keywords)=/o) { $disabled = s/^\W//; #module is disabled my %words = $self->parse_keywords($_); if ($words{MODULE}) { %cur = (); } if ($words{PACKAGE}) { delete $cur{CLASS}; } for (keys %words) { $cur{$_} = $words{$_}; } next; } my ($name, $dispatch, $argspec, $alias) = split /\s*\|\s*/; my $return_type; if ($name =~ s/^([^:]+)://) { $return_type = $1; $return_type =~ s/\s+$//; # allow: char * :.... } if ($name =~ s/^(\W)// or not $cur{MODULE} or $disabled) { #notimplemented or cooked by hand die qq[function '$name' appears more than once in xs/maps files] if $map->{$name}; $map->{$name} = undef; push @{ $self->{disabled}->{ $1 || '!' } }, $name; next; } if (my $package = $cur{PACKAGE}) { unless ($package eq 'guess') { $cur{CLASS} = $package; } if ($cur{ISA}) { $self->{isa}->{ $cur{MODULE} }->{$package} = delete $cur{ISA}; } if ($cur{BOOT}) { $self->{boot}->{ $cur{MODULE} } = delete $cur{BOOT}; } } else { $cur{CLASS} = $cur{MODULE}; } #XXX: make_prefix() stuff should be here, not ModPerl::WrapXS if ($name =~ /^DEFINE_/ and $cur{CLASS}) { $name =~ s{^(DEFINE_)(.*)} {$1 . ModPerl::WrapXS::make_prefix($2, $cur{CLASS})}e; } die qq[function '$name' appears more than once in xs/maps files] if $map->{$name}; my $entry = $map->{$name} = { name => $alias || $name, dispatch => $dispatch, argspec => $argspec ? [split /\s*,\s*/, $argspec] : "", return_type => $return_type, alias => $alias, }; for (keys %cur) { $entry->{lc $_} = $cur{$_}; } #avoid 'use of uninitialized value' warnings $entry->{$_} ||= "" for keys %{ $entry }; if ($entry->{dispatch} =~ /_$/) { $entry->{dispatch} .= $name; } } } sub get { my $self = shift; $self->{map} ||= $self->parse_map_files; } sub prefixes { my $self = shift; $self = ModPerl::FunctionMap->new unless ref $self; my $map = $self->get; my %prefix; while (my ($name, $ent) = each %$map) { next unless $ent->{prefix}; $prefix{ $ent->{prefix} }++; } $prefix{$_} = 1 for qw(ap_ apr_); #make sure we get these [keys %prefix] } 1; __END__