# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # package ModPerl::TypeMap; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use ModPerl::FunctionMap (); use ModPerl::StructureMap (); use ModPerl::MapUtil qw(list_first); our @ISA = qw(ModPerl::MapBase); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless { INCLUDE => [], struct => [], typedef => [], }, $class; $self->{function_map} = ModPerl::FunctionMap->new, $self->{structure_map} = ModPerl::StructureMap->new, $self->get; $self; } my %special = map { $_, 1 } qw(UNDEFINED NOTIMPL CALLBACK); sub special { my ($self, $class) = @_; return $special{$class}; } sub function_map { shift->{function_map}->get } sub structure_map { shift->{structure_map}->get } sub parse { my ($self, $fh, $map) = @_; while ($fh->readline) { if (/E=/) { my %args = $self->parse_keywords($_); while (my ($key,$val) = each %args) { push @{ $self->{$key} }, $val; } next; } my @aliases; my ($type, $class) = (split /\s*\|\s*/, $_)[0,1]; $class ||= 'UNDEFINED'; if ($type =~ s/^(struct|typedef)\s+(.*)/$2/) { my $typemap = $1; push @aliases, $type; if ($typemap eq 'struct') { push @aliases, "const $type", "$type *", "const $type *", "struct $type *", "const struct $type *", "$type **"; } my $cname = $class; if ($cname =~ s/::/__/g) { push @{ $self->{$typemap} }, [$type, $cname]; } } elsif ($type =~ /_t$/) { push @aliases, $type, "$type *", "const $type *"; } else { push @aliases, $type; } for (@aliases) { $map->{$_} = $class; } } } sub get { my $self = shift; $self->{map} ||= $self->parse_map_files; } my $ignore = join '|', qw{ ap_LINK ap_HOOK _ UINT union._ union.block_hdr cleanup process_chain iovec struct.rlimit Sigfunc in_addr_t }; sub should_ignore { my ($self, $type) = @_; return 1 if $type =~ /^($ignore)/o; } sub is_callback { my ($self, $type) = @_; return 1 if $type =~ /\(/ and $type =~ /\)/; #XXX: callback } sub exists { my ($self, $type) = @_; return 1 if $self->is_callback($type) || $self->should_ignore($type); $type =~ s/\[\d+\]$//; #char foo[64] return exists $self->get->{$type}; } sub map_type { my ($self, $type) = @_; my $class = $self->get->{$type}; return unless $class and ! $self->special($class); # return if $type =~ /\*\*$/; #XXX if ($class =~ /::/) { return $class; } else { return $type; } } sub null_type { my ($self, $type) = @_; my $class = $self->get->{$type}; if ($class =~ /^[INU]V/) { return '0'; } else { return 'NULL'; } } sub can_map { my $self = shift; my $map = shift; return 1 if $map->{argspec}; for (@_) { return (0, $_) unless $self->map_type($_); } return 1; } sub map_arg { my ($self, $arg) = @_; my $map_type = $self->map_type($arg->{type}); die "unknown typemap: '$arg->{type}'" unless defined $map_type; return { name => $arg->{name}, default => $arg->{default}, type => $map_type, rtype => $arg->{type}, } } sub map_args { my ($self, $func) = @_; my $entry = $self->function_map->{ $func->{name} }; my $argspec = $entry->{argspec}; my $args = []; if ($argspec) { $entry->{orig_args} = [ map $_->{name}, @{ $func->{args} } ]; for my $arg (@$argspec) { my $default; ($arg, $default) = split /=/, $arg, 2; my ($type, $name) = split ':', $arg, 2; if ($type and $name) { push @$args, { name => $name, type => $type, default => $default, }; } else { my $e = list_first { $_->{name} eq $arg } @{ $func->{args} }; if ($e) { push @$args, { %$e, default => $default }; } elsif ($arg eq '...') { push @$args, { name => '...', type => 'SV *' }; } else { warn "bad argspec: $func->{name} ($arg)\n"; } } } } else { $args = $func->{args}; } return [ map $self->map_arg($_), @$args ] } #this is needed for modperl-only functions #unlike apache/apr functions which are remapped to a mpxs_ function sub thx_fixup { my ($self, $func) = @_; my $first = $func->{args}->[0]; return unless $first; if ($first->{type} =~ /PerlInterpreter/) { shift @{ $func->{args} }; $func->{thx} = 1; } } sub map_function { my ($self, $func) = @_; my $map = $self->function_map->{ $func->{name} }; return unless $map; $self->thx_fixup($func); my ($status, $failed_type) = $self->can_map($map, $func->{return_type}, map $_->{type}, @{ $func->{args} }); unless ($status) { warn "unknown typemap: '$failed_type' (skipping $func->{name})\n"; return; } my $type = $map->{return_type} || $func->{return_type} || 'void'; my $map_type = $self->map_type($type); die "unknown typemap: '$type'" unless defined $map_type; my $mf = { name => $func->{name}, return_type => $map_type, args => $self->map_args($func), perl_name => $map->{name}, thx => $func->{thx}, }; for (qw(dispatch argspec orig_args prefix)) { $mf->{$_} = $map->{$_}; } unless ($mf->{class}) { $mf->{class} = $map->{class} || $self->first_class($mf); #print "GUESS class=$mf->{class} for $mf->{name}\n"; } $mf->{prefix} ||= ModPerl::FunctionMap::guess_prefix($mf); $mf->{module} = $map->{module} || $mf->{class}; $mf; } sub map_structure { my ($self, $struct) = @_; my ($class, @elts); my $stype = $struct->{type}; return unless $class = $self->map_type($stype); for my $e (@{ $struct->{elts} }) { my ($name, $type) = ($e->{name}, $e->{type}); my $rtype; # ro/rw/r+w_startup/undef(disabled) my $access_mode = $self->structure_map->{$stype}->{$name}; next unless $access_mode; next unless $rtype = $self->map_type($type); push @elts, { name => $name, type => $rtype, default => $self->null_type($type), pool => $self->class_pool($class), class => $self->{map}->{$type} || "", access_mode => $access_mode, }; } return { module => $self->{structure_map}->{MODULES}->{$stype} || $class, class => $class, type => $stype, elts => \@elts, }; } sub destructor { my ($self, $prefix) = @_; $self->function_map->{$prefix . 'DESTROY'}; } sub first_class { my ($self, $func) = @_; for my $e (@{ $func->{args} }) { next unless $e->{type} =~ /::/; #there are alot of util functions that take an APR::Pool #that do not belong in the APR::Pool class next if $e->{type} eq 'APR::Pool' and $func->{name} !~ /^apr_pool/; return $e->{type}; } return $func->{name} =~ /^apr_/ ? 'APR' : 'Apache2'; } sub check { my $self = shift; my (@types, @missing, %seen); require Apache2::StructureTable; for my $entry (@$Apache2::StructureTable) { push @types, map $_->{type}, @{ $entry->{elts} }; } for my $entry (@$Apache2::FunctionTable) { push @types, grep { not $seen{$_}++ } ($entry->{return_type}, map $_->{type}, @{ $entry->{args} }) } #printf "%d types\n", scalar @types; for my $type (@types) { push @missing, $type unless $self->exists($type); } return @missing ? \@missing : undef; } #look for Apache/APR structures that do not exist in structure.map my %ignore_check = map { $_,1 } qw{ module_struct cmd_how kill_conditions regex_t regmatch_t pthread_mutex_t unsigned void va_list ... iovec char int long const gid_t uid_t time_t pid_t size_t sockaddr hostent SV }; sub check_exists { my $self = shift; my %structures = map { $_->{type}, 1 } @{ $self->structure_table() }; my @missing = (); my %seen; for my $name (keys %{ $self->{map} }) { 1 while $name =~ s/^\w+\s+(\w+)/$1/; $name =~ s/\s+\**.*$//; next if $seen{$name}++ or $structures{$name} or $ignore_check{$name}; push @missing, $name; } return @missing ? \@missing : undef; } #XXX: generate this my %class_pools = map { (my $f = "mpxs_${_}_pool") =~ s/:/_/g; $_, $f; } qw{ Apache2::RequestRec Apache2::Connection Apache2::URI APR::URI }; sub class_pool : lvalue { my ($self, $class) = @_; $class_pools{$class}; } #anything needed that mod_perl.h does not already include #XXX: .maps should INCLUDE= these my @includes = qw{ apr_uuid.h apr_sha1.h apr_md5.h apr_base64.h apr_getopt.h apr_hash.h apr_lib.h apr_general.h apr_signal.h apr_thread_rwlock.h util_script.h }; sub h_wrap { my ($self, $file, $code) = @_; $file = 'modperl_xs_' . $file; my $h_def = uc "${file}_h"; my $preamble = "\#ifndef $h_def\n\#define $h_def\n\n"; my $postamble = "\n\#endif /* $h_def */\n"; return ("$file.h", $preamble . $code . $postamble); } sub typedefs_code { my $self = shift; my $map = $self->get; my %seen; my $file = 'modperl_xs_typedefs'; my $h_def = uc "${file}_h"; my $code = ""; for (@includes, @{ $self->{INCLUDE} }) { $code .= qq{\#include "$_"\n} } for my $t (@{ $self->{struct} }) { next if $seen{ $t->[1] }++; $code .= "typedef $t->[0] * $t->[1];\n"; } for my $t (@{ $self->{typedef} }) { next if $seen{ $t->[1] }++; $code .= "typedef $t->[0] $t->[1];\n"; } $self->h_wrap('typedefs', $code); } my %convert_alias = ( Apache2__RequestRec => 'r', Apache2__Server => 'server', Apache2__Connection => 'connection', APR__Table => 'table', APR__UUID => 'uuid', apr_status_t => 'status', ); sub sv_convert_code { my $self = shift; my $map = $self->get; my %seen; my $code = ""; while (my ($ctype, $ptype) = each %$map) { next if $self->special($ptype); next if $ctype =~ /\s/; my $class = $ptype; if ($ptype =~ s/:/_/g) { next if $seen{$ptype}++; my $alias; my $expect = "expecting an $class derived object"; my $croak = "argument is not a blessed reference"; #Perl -> C my $define = "mp_xs_sv2_$ptype"; $code .= < Perl $define = "mp_xs_${ptype}_2obj"; $code .= <h_wrap('sv_convert', $code); } 1; __END__